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Shier, Butler, and Lewis: Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology, 13th ed.
Chapter 7: Skeletal System
Chapter 7: Skeletal System
I. Introduction
1. Bones include active, living tissues: _____________________
2. Bones: support and protect _________________, provide points of _____________________,
house _________________, and store _____________________.
3. The four classes of bone according to shape are _______________________________
_______________________________________________________________________ .
4. Examples of long bones are _______________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________ .
5. Short bones are shaped like ______________________________________________ .
6. Examples of short bones are _____________________________________________ .
7. Flat bones are ________________________________________________ structures.
8. Examples of flat bones are ______________________________________________ .
9. Irregular bones have a variety of __________________________________________ .
10. Examples of irregular bones are _________________________________________ .
11. Round bones are also called ____________________________________________ .
12. Sesamoid bones are __________ and __________ and embedded
within __________________________________________________________________.
13. An example of a sesamoid bone is the ____________________________________ .
II. Bone Structure
A. Parts of a Long Bone
1. An expanded end of a long bone is called an __________________________ .
2. An epiphysis articulates with_______________________________________ .
3. Articular cartilage is located _______________________________________ .
4. The shaft of a long bone is called a __________________________________ .
5. The _________________________ is the widening part of the bone between the diaphysis
and the epiphysis.
6. Periosteum is ___________________________________________________ .
7. Periosteum functions to ___________________________________________ .
8. Processes provide sites for_________________________________________ .
9. The wall of the diaphysis is composed of _________________________ bone.
10. Compact bone has ______________________________________________ .
11. The epiphyses are largely composed of __________________________ bone.
12. Spongy bone consists of bony plates called __________________________ .
13. A bone usually has _____________________________________________ .
14. A semi-rigid tube with a hollow chamber called____________________runs through the
15. Endosteum lines________________________________________________ .
16. Endosteum contains __________________________________________cells.
17. The tissue that fills the spaces of bone is called _______________________ .
18. The two forms of marrow are _____________________________________ .
B. Microscopic Structure
1. Introduction
a. Bone cells are called _______________________________________ .
b. Lacunae are ______________________________________________ .
c. Lacunae form ______________________________________________
around _____________________________________________________ .
d. Osteoctyes transport _______________________________________ .
e. Cellular processes of osteocytes pass through ____________________ .
f. The extracellular matrix of bone is composed of ___________________
__________________________________________________________ .
2. Compact Bones
a. An osteon is ______________________________________________ .
b. The substance of compact bone is formed from ___________________
__________________________________________________________ .
c. Each central canal contains __________________________________ .
d. Perforating canals connect ___________________________________ .
e. Perforating canals contain ___________________________________ .
3. Spongy Bone
a. Spongy bone is also composed of ______________________________
and _______________________________________________________ .
b. Unlike compact bone, the bone cells do not ______________________
__________________________________________________________ .
c. Instead the cells lie within ___________________________________ .
d. Osteocytes get nutrients from _________________________________
__________________________________________________________ .
III. Bone Development and Growth
A. Introduction
1. Parts of the skeleton begin to form __________________________________ .
2. Bony structures continue to grow until _______________________________ .
3. Bones form by replacing __________________________________________ .
4. Intramembranous bones originate within _____________________________ .
5. Endochondral bones originate ______________________________________ .
B. Intramembranous Bones
1. Examples of intramembranous bones are _____________________________ .
2. Osteogenesis is _________________________________________________ .
3. During their development, __________________________________________
appear at the sites of their future bones.
4. __________________________________ supply the connective tissue layers.
5. Osteoblasts are __________________________________________________ .
6. Osteoblasts deposit ______________________________________________ .
7. Spongy bone can become _________________________________________ .
8. As development continues, osteoblasts may become surrounded
by ______________________________________________________________ .
9. Extracellular matrix enclosing the processes of osteoblasts gives rise to _____ .
10. Once isolated, osteoblasts become _________________________________ .
11. Periosteum comes from __________________________________________ .
12. Compact bone is formed by _______________________________________ .
13. Intramembranous ossification is ___________________________________ .
C. Endochondral Bones
1. Most of the bones of the skeleton are ________________________________ .
2. Endochondral bones develop as ____________________________________ .
3. Eventually the cartilage ___________________________________________ .
4. As the cartilage decomposes, ____________________ forms
from ____________________________________________________________ .
5. _____________________________________ invade the disintegrating tissue.
6. Some of the cells differentiate into __________________________________ .
7. Osteoblasts form ________________________________________________ .
8. Endochondral ossification is _______________________________________ .
9. The primary ossification center is ___________________________________ .
10. Secondary ossification centers appear _______________________________ .
11. The epiphyseal plate is __________________________________________ .
D. Growth at the Epiphyseal Plate
1. In a long bone, the diaphysis is separated from the epiphysis by ____________
________________________________________________________________ .
2. The cartilaginous cells form __________________________________ layers.
3. The first layer is composed of ______________________________________ .
4. The first layer anchors ____________________________________________ .
5. The second layer includes _________________________________________ .
6. As new cells appear, the cartilaginous plate ___________________________ .
7. The third layer is formed by _______________________________________ .
8. The cells of the third layer _________________________ the epiphyseal plate.
9. The fourth layer is composed of ____________________________________ .
10. Osteoclasts break down __________________________________________ .
11. Osteoclasts originate from ________________________________________ .
12. Osteoclasts secrete ______________________________________________ .
13. Osteoclasts phagocytize__________________________________________ .
14. After osteoclasts remove the extracellular matrix,
_______________________________________________ invade the region and
________________________________________________________________ .
15. A long bone continues to lengthen while ____________________________ .
16. Lengthening of the bone is no longer possible once _____________________
________________________________________________________________ .
17. The medullary cavity forms when __________________________________ .
18. The bone in the ____________________________________ remains spongy.
19. Hyaline cartilage on the ends persists as _____________________________ .
E. Homeostasis of Bone Tissue
1. Throughout life, osteoclasts_________________________________________
and osteoblasts ____________________________________________________ .
2. About _________________________ of bone calcium is exchanged each year.
F. Factors Affecting Bone Development, Growth, and Repair
1. Factors that affect bone development, growth, and repair include ___________
________________________________________________________________ .
2. Vitamin D is necessary for ________________________________________ .
3. Lack of vitamin D can lead to the diseases ____________________________ .
4. Vitamin A is necessary for ________________________________________ .
5. Vitamin C is required for __________________________________________ .
6. Growth hormone stimulates _______________________________________ .
7. In children, the absence of growth hormone leads to ____________________ .
8. An excess of growth hormone before the epiphyseal plates ossify leads to ____
________________________________________________________________ .
9. In adults, an excess of growth hormone leads to ________________________ .
10. Thyroxine can halt _______________ by causing ______________________
________________________________________________________________ .
11. Parathyroid hormone stimulates ___________________________________ .
12. Sex hormones promote __________________________________________ .
13. Sex hormones also stimulate ______________________________________ .
14. Females typically reach their maximum heights earlier
than males because __________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
15. Physical stress stimulates ________________________________________ .
IV. Bone Function
A. Support and Protection
1. Bones give shape to ______________________________________________ .
2. The bones of ______________________________ support the body’s weight.
3. The bones of the skull protect ______________________________________ .
4. The bones of the ___________________________ protect the heart and lungs.
5. Bones of the pelvic girdle protect ___________________________________ .
B. Blood Cell Formation
1. Hematopoiesis is ________________________________________________ .
2. Blood cell formation begins _______________________________________ .
3. Later in development, blood cells are made ____________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
4. Marrow is ___________________________ within _____________________
________________________________________________________________ .
5. Red marrow functions in __________________________________________ .
6. Red marrow occupies ____________________________________________ .
7. With increasing age, ____________________________ replaces red marrow.
8. Yellow marrow stores ____________________________________________ .
9. In an adult, red marrow is primarily found _____________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
C. Inorganic Salt Storage
1. Extracellular matrix of bone tissue includes ____________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
2. The salts account for _____________________________________ by weight.
3. Hydroxyapatites are ______________________________________________ .
4. The body requires calcium for _______________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
5. When blood calcium is _________, parathyroid hormone stimulates ________
________________________________________________________________ .
6. Very high blood calcium levels inhibit _______________________________ .
7. Calcitonin stimulates _____________________________________________ .
8. Bone tissue contains lesser amounts of ________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
V. Skeletal Organization
A. Number of Bones
1. The number of bones in a human skeleton is around ____________________ .
2. Flat bones of the skull are tightly joined by ___________________________ .
B. Divisions of the Skeleton
1. Two major portions of the skeleton are _______________________________ .
2. The axial skeleton contains ________________________________________ .
3. The skull is composed of __________________________________________ .
4. The hyoid bone supports __________________________________________ .
5. The hyoid bone is located _________________________________________ .
6. The vertebral column consists of ____________________________________ .
7. The distal end of the column is formed by the __________________________
and the __________________________________________________________ .
8. The coccyx is also called the _______________________________________ .
9. The thoracic cage is composed of ____________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
10. The appendicular skeleton consists of ________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
11. The pectoral girdle is formed by ___________________________________ .
12. The pectoral girdle connects ______________________________________ .
13. The pectoral girdle aids in ________________________________________ .
14. Each upper limb consists of ________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
15. The humerus, radius, and ulna articulate _____________________________ .
16. The wrist bones are called ________________________________________ .
17. The bones of the palm are called ___________________________________ .
18. Bones in the fingers are called_____________________________________ .
19. The pelvic girdle is formed by_____________________________________ .
20. The pelvic girdle connects ________________________________________ .
21. The pelvic girdle, sacrum, and coccyx form the _______________________ .
22. Each lower limb consists of _______________________________________ .
23. The femur and tibia articulate with each other at ______________________ .
24. The kneecap is called the _________________________________________ .
25. The ankle bones are _____________________________________________ .
26. The bones of the instep of the foot are called _________________________ .
27. Bones of the toes are called _______________________________________ .
VI. Skull – XII. Lower Limb
A. Introduction
1. A human skull usually consists of ___________________________________ .
2. The moveable bone in the skull is the ________________________________ .
3. Some cranial and skull bones together form the ________________ of the eye.
B. Cranium
1. The cranium encloses and protects __________________________________ .
2. The surface of the cranium provides attachments for _____________________
________________________________________________________________ .
3. Sinuses are _____________________________________________________ .
4. Sinuses reduce ___________________________________________________
and increase ______________________________________________________ .
5. The eight bones of the cranium are ___________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
6. The frontal bone forms ____________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
7. The supraorbital foramen is ________________________________ and allows
_________________________________________ to pass to tissues of the head.
8. The sinuses of the frontal bone are called _____________________________ .
9. The two halves of the frontal bone fuse together by ______________________
________________________________________________________________ .
10. One parietal bone is located ______________________________________ .
11. Together the parietal bones form ___________________________________ .
12. The sagittal suture fuses _________________________________________ .
13. The coronal suture fuses _________________________________________ .
14. The occipital bone joins the parietal bones along the ___________________ .
15. The occipital bone forms the ______________________________________ .
16. The foramen magnum is _________________________________________ .
17. Occipital condyles are located _____________________________________ .
18. Occipital condyles articulate with __________________________________ .
19. A temporal bone on each side of the skull joins the parietal bone along a ____
________________________________________________________________ .
20. The temporal bones form_________________________________________ .
21. The opening leading inward to parts of the ear is called __________________
________________________________________________________________ .
22. Mandibular fossae articulate with __________________________________ .
23. The mastoid process is a site of attachment for ________________________ .
24. The styloid process is a site of attachment for _________________________ .
25. The carotid canal is near the _______________________________________
and transmits ______________________________________________________ .
26. The jugular foramen is_________________________ and accommodates the
________________________________________________________________ .
27. The zygomatic process projects_____________________________________
and joins the ______________________________________________________ .
28. The sphenoid bone helps form the___________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
29. The sella turcica is _______________________________________________
and holds the ______________________________________________________ .
30. The sinuses of the sphenoid bone are called __________________________ .
31. The ethmoid bone is located ______________________________________ .
32. It consists of two masses joined by _________________________________ .
33. The cribriform plates form _______________________________________ .
34. ____________________________________ pass through olfactory foramina.
35. Portions of the ethmoid bone also form ______________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
36. A _____________________________________ projects downward from the
______________________________________ to form most of the nasal septum.
37. Scroll-shaped plates called _____________________ project inward from the
lateral portions of the ethmoid bone.
38. The lateral portions of the ethmoid bone contain many small air spaces called .
39. The crista galli is _______________________________________________ .
40. The crista galli is attached to membranes that __________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
C. Facial Skeleton
1. The facial skeleton consists of ____________ immovable bones and a movable
________________________________________________________________ .
2. The facial bones provide sites of attachment for _________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
3. The ___________________________________________ forms the upper jaw.
4. Portions of the maxillary bones also comprise __________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
5. The maxillary bones also contain ____________________ for the upper teeth.
6. Inside the maxillae, lateral to the nasal cavity are _______________________ .
7. The maxillary sinuses extend from ___________________________________
to _______________________________________________________________ .
8. During development, portions of the maxillary bones called _______________
_____________________ grow together and form ________________________ .
9. The alveolar arch is ______________________________________________ .
10. _______________________________________ occupy cavities in this arch.
11. The palatine bones are ______________________________________ shaped.
12. The palatine bones are located ____________________________________ .
13. The horizontal portions of the palatine bones form______________________
________________________________________________________________ .
14. The perpendicular portions of the palatine bones help form the ____________
________________________________________________________________ .
15. Zygomatic bones are responsible for ________________________________ .
16. Each zygomatic bone has a ______________________ process which extends
posteriorly to join __________________________________________________ .
17. Lacrimal bones are located _______________________________________ .
18. The nasal bones form the bridge of _________________________________ .
19. The nasal bones are attachments for ________________________________ .
20. The vomer is located ____________________________________________ .
21. Posteriorly the vomer joins _______________________________________ .
22. The nasal septum is formed from ___________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
23. The inferior nasal conchae are attached to ____________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
24. Like the ethmoidal conchae, the inferior conchae support ________________
________________________________________________________________ .
25. The mandible is shaped like ______________________________________ .
26. The flat projections at the ends of a mandible are ______________________ .
27. The rami are divided into _________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
28. The mandibular condyles articulate with ____________________________ .
29. The coronoid processes provide ___________________________________ .
30. The alveolar border is ____________________________________________
and it contains _____________________________________________________ .
31. Mandibular foramens are located __________________________________ .
32. __________________________________ run through mandibular foramens.
The mental foramen is ______________________________________________ .
D. Infantile Skull
1. At birth, the skull is _____________________ developed with _____________
_________________________________________ connecting the cranial bones.
2. Fontanels are ___________________________________________________ .
3. Fontanels permit ________________________________________________ .
4. Eventually fontanels _______________ and cranial bones
________________________________________________________________ .
E. Vertebral Column
1. The vertebral column extends from _________________________________ to
___________________________ and forms ____________________________ .
2. The vertebral column is composed of ________________ that are separated by
________________________________________________________________ .
3. The vertebral column supports the __________________________________ .
4. The vertebral column protects ______________________________________ .
5. The spinal cord passes through _____________________________________ .
6. An infant has ____________________ separate bones in the vertebral column.
7. The sacrum is formed by __________________________________________ .
8. The coccyx is formed by __________________________________________ .
9. An adult vertebral column has __________________________________bones.
10. The four curvatures of the vertebral column are ________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
11. The cervical curvature develops when ______________________________ .
12. The lumbar curvature develops when _______________________________ .
F. A Typical Vertebra
1. The body of a vertebra forms ______________________________________ .
2. The intervertebral discs are fastened to ________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
3. The discs cushion and soften ________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
4. Anterior longitudinal ligaments join _________________________________ .
5. Posterior longitudinal ligaments join_________________________________ .
6. Pedicles are ____________________________________________________ .
7. Laminae are ____________________________________________________ .
8. A vertebral arch formed by ________________________________________ .
9. Spinous processes are ____________________________________________ .
10. A transverse process projects _____________________________________ .
11. Superior and inferior articulating processes project _____________________
and _____________________________________________________________ .
12. Intervertebral foramina provide passageways for _______________________
________________________________________________________________ .
G. Cervical Vertebra
1. There are ________________________________________ cervical vertebrae.
2. The transverse processes of cervical vertebrae are distinctive because _______
________________________________________________________________ .
3. The spinous processes of the second through the sixth cervical vertebrae are __
________________________________________________________________ .
4. The vertebra prominens is _________________________________________ .
5. The atlas is _____________________________________________________ .
6. The atlas supports _______________________________________________ .
7. The facets of the atlas articulate with ________________________________ .
8. The axis is _____________________________________________________ .
9. The dens is a process that projects __________________ and lies in the ring of
________________________________________________________________ .
10. As the head is turned from side to side,___________________ pivots around
________________________________________________________________ .
H. Thoracic Vertebra
1. There are ________________________________________ thoracic vertebrae.
2. The facets of thoracic vertebrae articulate with ________________________ .
3. The bodies of thoracic vertebrae are adapted to ________________________ .
I. Lumbar Vertebra
(Outcome 7.6.9) 1. There are _______ lumbar vertebrae and they are located ___
________________________________________________________________ .
2. The bodies of lumbar vertebrae are _______ _____ than the superior vertebrae.
3. The transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae project _____________________
and the spinous processes are _________________________________________ .
J. Sacrum
1. The sacrum is _____________________________________________ in shape.
2. The median sacral crest is _________________________________________ .
3. Posterior sacral foramina are _______________________________________ .
4. The sacrum is wedged between ______________________________________
and is united to them at its ___________________________________________ .
5. The sacrum forms the ______________________________ wall of the pelvis.
6. The sacral promontory is __________________________________________ .
7. Anterior sacral foramina provide passageways for ______________________ .
K. Coccyx
1. The coccyx is the lowest part of ____________________________________ .
2. Sitting presses on the coccyx, and it moves ___________________________ ,
acting like a_______________________________________________________ .
L. . Thoracic Cage
1. The thoracic cage includes _________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
2. The thoracic cage supports _________________________________________
and protects _______________________________________________________ .
M. Ribs
1. The usual number of ribs is ________________________________________ .
2. The true ribs are _________________________________________________ .
3. The false ribs are ________________________________________________ .
4. Floating ribs are _________________________________________________ .
5. A typical rib has a long, slender ____________________________________ .
6. The head of a rib is ______________________________________________ .
7. The head of a rib articulates with ____________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
8. A tubercle of a rib articulates with __________________________________ .
9. Costal cartilages are composed of ___________________________________ .
10. Costal cartilages are attached to the ______________________ ends of a rib.
N. Sternum
1. The sternum is located ____________________________________________ .
2. The three parts of the sternum are ___________________________________ .
3. The _____________________________________ process projects downward.
4. The manubrium articulates with ____________________________________ .
5. The manubrium and body articulate with _____________________________ .
O. Pectoral Girdle
1. The four parts of the pectoral girdle are ______________________________ .
2. The pectoral girdle supports ____________________ and is an attachment for
________________________________________________________________ .
P. Clavicles
1. A clavicle has an ____________________________________________ shape.
2. Clavicles run between ____________________________________________ .
3. The sternal ends of the clavicles articulate with ________________________ .
4. The acromial ends of the clavicles articulate with ______________________ .
5. The clavicles brace _______________________________________________
and are attachment sites for __________________________________________ .
Q. Scapulae
1. The scapulae are shaped like _______________________________________ .
2. The spine of a scapula divides ______________________________________ .
3. The acromion process forms _______________________________________ .
4. The acromion process articulates with _______________________________ .
5. The coracoid process curves _______________________________________ .
6. The glenoid cavity is _____________________________________________ .
7. The glenoid cavity articulates with __________________________________ .
8. The three borders of the scapulae are _________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
R. Upper Limb
1. The bones of the upper limb form ____________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
2. The bones of the upper limb are ____________________________________ .
S. Humerus
1. The humerus extends from ________________________________________ .
2. The head of the humerus fits into ___________________________________ .
3. Two processes just below the head are ________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
4. The intertubercular groove is_______________________________________ .
5. The anatomical neck is ___________________________________________ .
6. The surgical neck is ______________________________________________ .
7. The deltoid tuberosity is __________________________________________ .
8. Two condyles at the lower end of the humerus are _______________________
________________________________________________________________ .
9. The capitulum is on the ________________________ side and articulates with
________________________________________________________________ .
10. The trochlea is on the ________________________ side and articulates with
________________________________________________________________ .
11. Epicondyles are located _________________________________ and provide
attachments for ____________________________________________________ .
12. The coronoid fossa is ___________________________________ that receives
______________________________________ when the arm bends at the elbow.
13. The olecranon fossa is ___________________ that receives
when the arm bends at the elbow.
T. Radius
1. The radius is located on the _________________________ side of the forearm.
2. The radius extends from _____________________ to ____________________
and crosses over _____________________ when _________________________ .
3. The head of the radius articulates with _______________________________ .
4. The radial tuberosity is an attachment site for__________________________ .
5. The styloid process is located ______________________________________ .
U. Ulna
1. The trochlear notch of the ulna is ___________________________________ .
2. The trochlear notch articulates with _________________________________ .
3. The olecranon process is located ____________________________________ .
4. The head of the humerus articulates laterally with _______________________
________________________________________________________________ .
5. The styloid process of the ulna is located _____________________________ .
V. Hand
1. The hand is made of _____________________________________________ .
2. The bones of the wrist are called ____________________________________ .
3. The individual names of the 8 carpals are ______________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
4. The anterior surface of the wrist is concave to allow for __________________
________________________________________________________________ .
5. The metacarpals form the framework of ______________________________ .
6. The distal ends of metacarpals form _________________________________ .
7. Proximally, the metacarpals articulate with ___________________________ .
8. Distally, the metacarpals articulate with ______________________________ .
9. The metacarpal of the thumb is numbered ____________________________ .
10. The finger bones are ____________________________________________ .
11. Each finger has __________ phalanges and the thumb has ______ phalanges.
W. Pelvic Girdle
1. The pelvic girdle consists of ________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
2. The pelvis is formed by ___________________________________________ .
3. The pelvic girdle supports _________________________________________ .
4. The pelvic girdle provides attachments for _____________________________
and protects _______________________________________________________ .
5. The body’s weight is transmitted through the pelvic girdle to
and then onto _____________________________________________________ .
X. Hip Bones
1. Each coxa develops from the following three parts ______________________
________________________________________________________________ .
2. The acetabulum is _______________________________________________ .
3. The acetabulum receives __________________________________________ .
4. The ___________________ is the largest and most superior portion of the coxa.
5. The ilium forms the prominence of __________________________________ .
6. The iliac crest is _________________________________________________ .
7. The iliac fossa is ________________________________________________ .
8. Posteriorly the ilium joins the sacrum at ______________________________ .
9. The anterior superior iliac spine can be felt ____________________________
and is an important __________________________________________ landmark.
10. On the posterior border of the ilium is a _____________________________ .
11. Below the posterior superior iliac spine is a deep indentation called _______ .
__________________________, through which ___________________________
_____________________________________________________________ pass.
12. The lowest portion of the coxa is __________________________________ .
13. The ischium is ____________________________________________ shaped.
14. The ischial tuberosity points ______________________________________ .
15. The ischial tuberosity supports the body during _______________________ .
16. The ischial spine is _____________________________________________ .
17. The distance between the ischial spines is ____________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
18. The pubis constitutes ____________________________________________ .
19. The symphisis pubis is___________________________________________ .
20. The pubic arch is _______________________________________________ .
21. The obturator foramen is _________________________________________ .
Y. True and False Pelves
1. The pelvic brim would be marked if __________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
2. The pelvic brim separates __________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
3. The false pelvis is bounded posteriorly by ____________________________ ,
laterally by _______________________________________________________ ,
and anteriorly by ___________________________________________________ .
4. The false pelvis supports __________________________________________ .
5. The true pelvis is bounded posteriorly by ______________________________
and laterally and anteriorly by ________________________________________ .
Z. Differences Between Male and Female Pelves
1. Usually the female iliac bones are __________________than those of the male.
2. The female hips are usually _______________________than those of the male.
3. The angle of the female pubic arch may be ____________________________ .
4. The female pelvic cavity is usually __________________ than that of the male.
5. The bones of the female pelvis are ___________________________________
and show less evidence of ___________________________________________ .
AA. Lower Limb
1. The bones of the lower limb form the framework of _____________________
________________________________________________________________ .
2. The bones of the lower limb are _____________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
BB. Femur
1. The femur extends from __________________________________________ .
2. The head of the femur projects _____________________________________ .
3. The fovea capitis is _______________________________________________
and marks the attachment of __________________________________________ .
4. The neck of the femur is __________________________________________ .
5. Two large processes below the neck of the femur are _____________________
________________________________________________________________ .
6. The linea aspera is _______________________________________________ .
7. The lateral and medial condyles articulate with _________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
(Outcome 7.6.9) 8. The patella articulates with the femur on its _____________ .
9. The medial and lateral epicondyles provide attachments for _______________
________________________________________________________________ .
CC. Patella
1. The patella is a ____________________ bone located in
________________________________________________________________ .
2. The patella controls ______________________________________________ .
DD. Tibia
1. The shinbone is _________________________________________________ .
2. The tibia is located on _________________________________________ side.
3. The medial and lateral condyles of the tibia articulate with ________________
________________________________________________________________ .
4. The tibial tuberosity is located _____________________________________ .
5. The tibial tuberosity provides an attachment for ________________________ .
6. The anterior crest of the tibia is _____________________________________ .
7. The medial malleolus is ___________________________________________ .
8. On the tibia’s lateral side is a depression that articulates with ______________
________________________________________________________________ .
9. The inferior surface of the tibia’s distal end articulates with _______________
________________________________________________________________ .
EE. Fibula
1. The fibula is on the __________________________________ side of the tibia.
2. The head of the fibula articulates with _______________________________ .
3. The lateral malleolus articulates with ________________________________ .
FF. Foot
1. The foot is made of ______________________________________________ .
2. The ankle or tarsus is composed of __________________________________ .
3. The talus articulates with ___________________________________________
and can move _____________________________________________________ .
4. The seven tarsal bones are __________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
5. The largest tarsal is the ___________________________________________ .
6. The calcaneus helps support _______________________________________ .
7. The metatarsus consists of _________________________________________ .
8. The heads at the distal ends of the metatarsals form _____________________ .
9. The arch of the foot is formed by ___________________________________ .
10. The bones of the toes are called ___________________________________ .
11. Each toe has _______________phalanges except the great toe because it lacks
________________________________________________________________ .
XIII. Life-Span Changes
1. An incremental decrease in height begins at about ______________________ .
2. _______________________ of the vertebrae may contribute to loss of height.
3. As calcium levels fall, bones become _________________________________
and prone to ______________________________________________________ .
4. Gradually, __________________ come to outnumber ___________________ .
5. By age ______________________________ all adults start to lose bone mass.
6. _____________________________________ bone shows signs of aging first.
7. Compact bone loss begins around the age of __________________________ .
8. In the first decade following menopause, ______________________________
of trabecular bone is lost and ______________ of compact bone is lost in women.
9. The most common fractures in the elderly are __________________________
________________________________________________________________ .
10. To preserve skeletal health ________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ .