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Ancient Rome Review Scramble
1. Italy is in the __________________ of the Mediterranean Sea west of Greece, and Rome is
located just inland on the Tiber River in west-central Italy.
2. The Romans copied many things from the _________________, such as their gods and
architectural styles.
3. Most Roman officials were elected to one-year terms and served in office with at least one other
person who had the same ______________________ as themselves.
4. The most important reason for the spread of _____________________________ was that the
Romans made it legal within the Roman Empire and later adopted it as their state religion.
5. The Romans gained control of the southern part of the island of ______________________ from
43 to 409 C.E.
6. The great Roman temple famous for its huge ____________________ dome is the Pantheon.
7. the Roman Empire in the east and the Roman Empire in the west “fell” in 476 C.E. when the last
Roman _____________________ in the west was overthrown and not replaced.
8. The great mountain chain to the north of Italy is the _______________.
9. The three major periods of ancient Roman history are the Regal Period (rule by Etruscan kings),
Roman __________________ and Roman Empire.
10. In the early part of the Roman Republic (509 to 31 B.C.E.), __________________ (wealthy
people with important family names) lost political power to the plebeians (rich and poor people
who didn't have important family names).
11. The ______________ Period (753 to 509 B.C.E.) was the period in Roman history when Rome
was ruled by Etruscan kings from north of Rome.
12. ___________________ won the war among the members of the First Triumvirate but was killed
by senators after he tried to make himself dictator for life.
13. The word republic comes from the Latin term res publica. This term means "a public thing" and
refers to the Romans' belief that a ___________________ should be under the control of the
14. In a _______________ democracy, all citizens are allowed to vote on all issues.
15. In a republican, or representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to vote for them,
such as when Americans elect Congressmen during a national _______________________.
16. The center of Roman political and religious life was the _________________.
17. The most important common people’s assembly in ancient Rome was the ________________ of
the Plebeians.
18. The U.S. Senate is based on the ancient Roman Senate. The Roman Senate, however, DID NOT
have the power to pass _______________. Instead, they gave advice to the Council of the
Plebeians, and people there usually voted the way the senators wanted them to vote.
19. The Roman Senate had control over Rome's _______________ policy and had control over the
empire's finances ("power of the purse").
20. The top government official in the Roman Republic was called a consul and is similar to the
office of the __________________ of the United States.
21. There were two Roman consuls, and they served as commanders-in-chief. This means that they
led armies in the Roman _____________________. Each consul could also veto each other's
22. The Latin term veto comes from a Latin word meaning "I _____________."
23. Romans came to dominate the _________________ Mediterranean region as a result of the
Punic Ears.
24. The period of civil wars that began in Roman history in around 133 B.C.E. started as a result of
the Gracchus brothers' attempt to pass reforms outside of the traditional ______________
governing Rome's republican political system.
25. The individual who won the wars among the members of the First Triumvirate and was
assassinated after having himself declared "_______________for life" was Julius Cesar.
26. Octavian Caesar won the wars among the members of the Second Triumvirate in 31 B.C.E. when
he defeated Marc Antony and ____________________, the queen of Egypt.
27. The Roman Senate gave Octavian Caesar the title Augustus ("revered one"). This event marks
the begging of the Roman ____________________.
28. Augustus ruled effectively for 45 years setting precedents (examples for future emperors) that
allowed the empire to thrive for about 200 years (27 B.C.E. to 180 C.E.). This 200-year period of
relative _________________ and prosperity in the Roman Empire is called the Pax Romana.
29. Augustus became so ___________________ that he could rule by suggestion.
30. In the first century C.E., Roman emperors began to provide everyday Romans with
_______________ and circuses. This refers to giving poor people food and public
entertainments, such as gladiator fights and chariot races, to distract them from the problems of
their everyday lives so they wouldn't rebel.
31. During the Third Century ________________ (300s C.E.) of ancient Roman history, 20 to 25
emperors ruled during a fifty year period.
32. The two Roman emperors who brought some stability back to Rome in the late 3rd and early 4th
centuries C.E. were Diocletian and ___________________.
33. The Roman Emperor Diocletian divided the Roman Empire in _________________ to make it
easier to rule. Each part was ruled by a major emperor and a minor emperor. This system was
created to deal with local problems more effectively and to provide a system for training future
emperors. Though Diocletian's successor didn't keep this system, the practice of having an
emperor in the east and an emperor in the west returned later in Roman history.
34. Diocletian reorganized the empire into new ___________________ called dioceses. The Roman
Catholic Church used (and still uses) this term to refer to the area of jurisdiction of Roman
Catholic bishops and archbishops.
35. Diocletian was the last Roman emperor to undertake an empire-wide persecution of
36. The Romans were master engineers that focused on engineering things to solve practical
problems. The Romans didn't invent ________________ but made bigger ones and used them in
innovative ways, such as in aqueducts and bridges, as well as sewer and plumbing systems. They
developed waterproof concrete to build these structures. They also built domes (such as in the
concrete dome in the Pantheon) and amphitheaters, such as the Colosseum (essentially two
Greek theaters facing each other).
37. The emperor Constantine moved his ____________________ to Byzantium and renamed it
Constantinople in 324 C.E. He did this so he could be near the eastern (richer) half of the Roman
38. The apostle (original follower) of Jesus whose tomb is located in St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican
City (Rome) is St. Peter. St. Peter was the first ________________ of Rome (the official title of
the pope). Later bishops of Rome would say they should lead the Roman Catholic Church
because they were successors to St. Peter.
39. St. ____________ (another important apostle of Jesus) was extremely important to the spread
of Christianity because he convinced Christians to allow gentiles (non-Jews) to convert to
40. After a religious experience before a battle, the emperor Constantine made the practice of
Christianity _______________ within the Roman Empire (Edict of Milan, 313 C.E.).
41. Constantine also ordered the construction of great Christian __________________, such as the
Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem (where Jesus was crucified and entombed) and St.
Peter's Basilica (where St. Peter's Tomb is located).
42. Constantine also presided over the Council of Nicaea (325 C.E.), an extremely important meeting
of bishops led by Constantine, that decided the basic principles of Christianity. For example, this
council decided the Nicene Creed, the basic statement of __________________ of Roman
Catholic Christians. This statement has stayed almost the same up; to the present.
The Roman emperor who made Christianity the ________________, or state religion, of the
Roman Empire was Theodosius in the 390s C.E.
The Roman Empire in the west gradually evolved into a series of Germanic kingdoms that
blended the legacy of the ________________, Germanic culture and Roman Catholic beliefs.
The hierarchy ("holy government") of the Roman Catholic Church was modeled after the
government of the Roman ________________.
The Roman Empire began to weaken in the 300s and 400s C.E. for several major reasons. First, it
lost income it had acquired in the past by conquering new provinces. The Romans also sent gold
and silver to China to buy goods, while the ___________________ bought little from the
Romans. Inflation (the prices of goods) also increased. Finally, Germanic barbarians were
gradually pushed into the Roman Empire by barbarian groups further east, like the Huns.
The Roman Empire in the west fell in 476 C.E., while the Roman Empire in the east lasted
another 1,000 years until 1453 C.E. when their capital, Constantinople, was conquered by the
Ottoman Turks. Historians call this eastern Roman Empire the Byzantine Empire because it
developed a unique Greek-influenced civilization. The Byzantines called themselves