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A PPLIED B EHAVIOR A NALYSIS AND S PEECH L ANGUAGE P ATHOLOGY : W ORKING TOGETHER TO CHANGE LIVES A MY M P RINCE , MA-CCC, SLP, BCBA Disclosure Statement No relevant financial relationship(s), no relevant nonfinancial relationship(s) • I have no relevant financial relationship(s) in the products or services described, reviewed, evaluated or compared in this presentation. • I have no relevant nonfinancial relationship(s) to disclose. ◎ Participants will be able to: ◎ (Attempt to) Identify scope of practice of Speech Language Pathologists and Behavior Analysts. ◎ (Attempt to) Identify similarities and differences between Speech Language Pathologists and Behavior Analysts. A GENDA ◎ 1:30-2:20 Background and information ◎ 2:30-3:20 BCBA presentation ◎ 3:30 - 4:30 Panel discussion, brainstorming, questions and answers T HE GOAL … ◎ The goal of this presentation is collaborative…at the outcome, we want you to leave with a positive, excited attitude about finding ways to collaborate with ABA professionals! ASHA’S POSITION ON PROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION ◎ “SLPs share responsibility with other professionals for creating a collaborative culture. Collaboration requires joint communication and shared decision making among all members of the team, including the individual and family, to accomplish improved service delivery and functional outcomes for the individuals served. When discussing specific roles of team members, professionals are ethically and legally obligated to determine whether they have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform such services. Collaboration occurs across all speech-language pathology practice domains.” W HAT IS ABA? ◎ Applied Behavior Analysis is the science of human behavior. The best definition available is still the one written about in 1968 by Baer, Wolf, & Risley: ◎ “Applied Behavior Analysis is the process of systematically applying interventions based upon the principles of learning theory to improve socially significant behaviors to a meaningful degree, and to demonstrate that the interventions employed are responsible for the improvement in behavior“ W HAT IS ABA, CON ’ T ◎ There are many different teaching strategies that are used under the umbrella of Applied Behavior Analysis. These include shaping and chaining behaviors. In addition, it includes specific teaching strategies such as discrete trial instruction, pivotal response training (PRT), incidental teaching, functional communication training and many more. Each of these instructional techniques has a rich empirical support base. WHO IS A BEHAVIOR ANALYST? ◎ A behavior analyst is concerned with improving and understanding human behavior (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007). A behavior analyst uses direct observation and experimentation to find causes for desired and undesired behaviors. Behavior analysts design strategies to alter socially significant behavior by changing existing behaviors, teaching new behaviors, teaching what behaviors are appropriate to use in different situations, and consistently evaluating the effectiveness of their behavioral interventions WHO BOARD CERTIFIED BEHAVIOR ANALYST? IS A ◎ A behavior analyst is Board Certified by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BACB®) after passing the BCBA® certification exam. To sit for the exam, a candidate must apply to the BACB® providing evidence of having a minimum of a master's degree, completion of a specified number of classroom hours of graduate level instruction in the specified content areas established by the BACB®, and accumulated supervised (750-1500) experience hours that meet the BACB® standards. ◎ Is communication a behavior? ◎ OR ◎ Is behavior communication? ◎ From Merriam Webster: ◎ Behavior is: anything that an organism does involving action and response to stimulation ◎ Communication is: Information transmitted or conveyed A TALE OF TWO MISSION STATEMENTS ◎ California Speech Language Hearing Association: ◎ To foster excellence in the professions of speech-language pathology and audiology through education, advocacy and collaboration in partnership with the increasingly diverse population we serve. A TALE OF TWO MISSION STATEMENTS ◎ California Association for Behavior Analysis: ◎ The mission of the California Association for Behavior Analysis is to promote the science and theory of behavior analysis through the support of research, education and practice. D ID YOU KNOW ? ◎ ABAI - the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis International - has a Speech Pathology special interest group (SIG)! ◎ Mission/Objectives: The Speech Pathology SIG's mission is to promote (1) dissemination of behaviorally oriented speech and language research and (2) application of evidence-based practices relevant to the full range of services provided by speech and language professionals. This collaboration between speech pathologists and behavior analysts has strong benefits for consumers of our services to treat speech, language, and swallowing disorders. In addition, it enhances communication between our related professions through conference presentations, collaborative research, workshops, publication of treatment protocols and materials, social media, and many other venues. SLP C ODE OF E THICS ◎ Principle of Ethics I - Rule B: Individuals shall use every resource, including referral and/or interprofessional collaboration when appropriate, to ensure that quality service is provided ◎ Principle of ethics II - Rule A: Individuals who hold the Certificate of Clinical Competence shall engage only in those aspects of the profession that are within the scope of their professional practice and competence, considering their certification status, education, training, and experience. BEHAVIOR ANALYST CODE OF ETHICS ◎ 2.04 (a): Behavior analysts arrange for appropriate consultations and referrals based principally on the best interest of their clients, with appropriate consent, and subject to other relevant considerations, including applicable law and contractual obligations. ◎ 1.02 Competence: Behavior analysts provide service, teach, and conduct research only within the boundaries of their competence, based on their education, training, supervised experience, or appropriate professional experience. SLP S COPE OF P RACTICE ◎ The speech-language pathologist (SLP) is defined as the professional who engages in professional practice in the areas of communication and swallowing across the life span. Communication and swallowing are broad terms encompassing many facets of function. Communication includes speech production and fluency, language, cognition, voice, resonance, and hearing. Swallowing includes all aspects of swallowing, including related feeding behaviors. BCBA SCOPE OF PRACTICE Practitioners of behavior analysis provide services consistent with the dimensions of ABA. Common services may include, but are not limited to, conducting behavioral assessments, analyzing data, writing and revising behavior-analytic treatment plans, training others to implement components of treatment plans, and overseeing the implementation of treatment plans. Behavior analysts are qualified to provide services to clients with a variety of needs, including improvements in organizational functioning (e.g., staff performance, management and pay structure interventions), skill deficits (e.g., communication, adaptive behavior), and problem behavior (e.g., aggression, self-injurious behavior), among others. ◎ OVERLAPPING SCOPE OF PRACTICE ◎ Address communication impairments including the reduction of problem behaviors that stem from inadequate communication skills. (Joanne Gerenser, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Eden II Programs) B ASIC TERMINOLOGY ◎ SLP ◎ Imitation (verbal) ◎ Requests/Demands ◎ Labels/Commenting ◎ Conversations/exchanges Verbal ◎ Vocal/speech/oral speech Carry Over ◎ Speaking ◎ Generalization ◎ BCBA ◎ “Verbal Behavior” (Skinner) ◎ Echoic ◎ Mands ◎ Tacts ◎ Intraverbal ◎ Vocal ◎ ◎ MORE IN COMMON THAN WE THINK ◎ Their points of commonality include (Alan Harchik, Ph.D., BCBA): ◎ 1. ABA and SLP are the treatment components most frequently requested by parents. ◎ 2. ABA and SLP therapists are highly focused on the individual, his or her unique learning style, and the outcomes of treatment. ◎ 3. Both ABA and SLP address skill deficits directly by teaching specific language behaviors rather than treating the problem indirectly using specialized diets or sensory stimulation programs. ◎ 4. Both fields rely on procedures that are supported by evidence; objective research that shows their effectiveness. Most therapists measure the child's performance by collecting data to make decisions about progress and potential changes in instruction. ◎ Laura Mize shares the following on her Teach Me To Talk blog: ◎ “I’ve viewed ABA as a much more formal, abrasive approach. Truthfully, my perception of ABA therapy was more like this: ◎ ◎ A child and a person are locked in a little room with nothing but a table, two chairs, and a bunch of black and white picture cards. No fun is allowed. Ever. Do the pictures. Occasionally give the child a goldfish for compliance. End the session. Repeat.” She goes on to share what SLPs can learn from ABA about: ◎ Pacing ◎ Frequency ◎ Structure ◎ Motivation, pairing, and reinforcement ◎ Balancing mastered skills with new skills WHO DOES A BEHAVIOR ANALYST WORK WITH ? ◎ Kids ◎ Adults ◎ Teens ◎ Rats…Pigeons…Dogs… WHAT DO THEY WORK ON… ◎ Learner will clip and clean under fingernails. ◎ Learner will apply deodorant ◎ Learner will allow hair to be cut ◎ Taken from the Assessment for Functional Living Skills (The AFLS) A ND … ◎ Learner will follow at least 20 different instructions that involve walking to a location and performing actions such as: a)placing items in a specific location b)getting and returning with a specific item c)going to a specified person and deliver an item ◎ Does that sound like a speech and language goal? ◎ There are 22 items assessing Basic Communication skills on The AFLS including asking and answering wh- questions, labeling skills, prepositions… W HAT DOES THIS MEAN ? ◎ What all of this information leads us to is that collaboration is not only necessary, it is our professional and ethical responsibility! R OLE R ELEASE ◎ Enrichment - what you wish you knew more about and what you could teach others. ◎ Expansion - observe and make judgments and recommendations outside their own disciplines ◎ Exchange - Work side by side with people from other disciplines in the classroom or program, demonstrating interventions to families and staff. ◎ Release - put newly acquired techniques into practice under the supervision of team members from the discipline that has accountability for those practices ◎ Support - Team member from one discipline provides direct services because needed intervention is too complicated or an intervention is required by law by a specific discipline Q UESTIONS ? ◎ Contact information: [email protected] S OURCES http://www.asha.org/PRPSpecificTopic.aspx?folderid=8589935303§ion=Treatment http://www.csha.org/About-Us/Mission https://calaba.org/codeofethics.shtm http://www.asha.org/Code-of-Ethics/ http://eden2.org/what-is-applied-behavior-analysis/ http://www.newsforparents.org/expert_autism_speech_language.html http://www.asha.org/policy/SP2016-00343/#Domains http://bacb.com/about-behavior-analysis/ McGonigel, M., Woodruff, G., & Roszmann-Millican, M. (1994). The transdisciplinary team: A model for family-centered early intervention. In L. Johnson et al. (Eds.), Meeting early intervention challenges: Issues from birth to three. (pp. 95-131). Maryland: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.