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Контрольная работа для 2 курса заочного отделения
(физич. фак-т) № 3 (третий семестр)
Exercise 1.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужной форме страдательного
There is an old castle in Norwich which 1) believed......(believe) to 2) ..............
(haunt). It 3) .....................(call) North Castle and it 4) .................. (say) that ghosts
can 5) ......................... (see) there at night. The castle 6) ................ (build) 400
years ago and 7) ...............(own) by two old ladies who 8) ................. (believe) to
be witches. One day, long ago, they both disappeared and they 9) ............................
(never/see) again. In 1985 the castle 10) ........................ (buy) by a businessman
and 11) ....................... (convert) into a luxurious hotel. The castle 12) ....................
(visit) by quite a few guests every year and special groups 13)
............................................ (organise) to watch for ghosts. It has been a long time
since any ghosts 14) ................................. (see), but one night a trick
15)................................... (play) on some visitors by a local couple, who dressed up
as the two "witches". They 16) ...............................(see) by a guest, who said
she17) ........................ (frighten) almost to death. The couple apologised the next
day, and 18) .............. (tell) never to visit the place again.
to the hotel where the reception 12) ...................... (hold), and when he 13)
.................... (ask) what he had done with the professor, everyone realised that a
mistake 14) .......................... (make).
The professor says that if he 15) .................. (ever/send) another invitation to a
conference, he hopes it 16) ..................................... (organise) more efficiently.
Exercise 2.
Перепишите предложения, употребляя глаголы в страдательном залоге:
1. An expert is restoring the antique car. ... The antique car is being restored by an
expert… .
2. Steven Spielberg has directed a lot of successful films. .................................
3.The judge has fined him &300. ........................................................................
4. A number of reporters will meet the professor at the airport. ...............................
5. A famous designer is going to redecorate the President's house. ..........................
6. The Romans founded Bath in the first century A.D……………………………
7. A nightmare woke Mary up. ………………………………………………….
8. Muslims celebrate Ramadan. ........................................................................
9. Van Gogh painted "Sunflowers". ...................................................................
10. Astronauts are exploring space. ......................................................................
Exercise 3.
Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функцию
To learn the principles of lift was… – Изучение принципов подъемной
силы было…
To learn the principles of lift the scientists had to… – Для того, чтобы
изучить принципы действия подъемной силы, ученые должны были…
1. To speak about the radio is to speak about his inventor.
2. To develop high-temperature alloys was of paramount importance.
3. To examine the accuracy of this approximation was almost impossible.
4. To determine the motion of a few particles, one can use the numerical
5. To find the charge per particle it is necessary to know the number of
particles emitted per second.
6. To clarify description of these experiments, Faraday introduced the term
“electrode”, “anode”, “cathode”, “ion” etc.
7. To determine the motion of a few particles, one can use the numerical
8. To find the charge per particle it is necessary to know the number of
particles emitted per second.
9. To obtain paper of high quality the pulp should be carefully washed.
10. In order to protect certain types of rubbers from the influence of ozone
destroying some of their properties wax is added to them.
11.To move from one astronomical body to another means to overcome the
gravitational forces.
12.To land a high speed aircraft is a delicate operation even when visibility is
13.To write Newton’s laws in vector form, we have to define the acceleration.
14.To understand this phenomenon is to understand the work of masers and
15.To get the total energy we must integrate this density over all space.
The devices to be used… – Приборы, которые будут/должны быть
1. There are certain principles to be followed in the design of propellers.
2. The next kind of waves to be discussed…
3. The system f units to be employed…
4. The instruments to be described later…
5. The factors to be considered…
6. The first rocket to be used as a vehicle for scientific research was rocketpowered missile.
7. The device to be tested has been brought to our laboratory.
8. Now we’ll discuss the system of units to be employed later in our research.
9. The methods and the materials to be used in these experiments are essentially
those used originally.
10.Other problems give rules to be followed for the division of land.
11.The first subject to be considered is that of guidance.
12.The picture to be transmitted is analyzed by the process known as scanning.
13.The methods to be used are quite different.
14.The primary form of energy to be used in submarine detection is acoustic.
15.The preparation course included theoretical subjects dealing with the tasks to
be accomplished in flight and training in the skills necessary for the space pilot
to operate the cabin equipment and scientific instruments.
Jupiter is believed to consist predominantly of solid hydrogen. – Юпитер, как
предполагают, состоит в основном из твердого водорода.
Heat was thought to be a material substance. – Считали, что теплота является
одним из видов материи.
1. Radium is known to be very radioactive.
2. Light and matter seem to interact passively in some cases.
3. Beryllium is found to have four electrons.
4. Luminescence is known to depend upon the presence of metallic impurity.
5. This relation turned out to define the centre of mass of the two particles.
6. The following method has been found to be more convenient because of its
greater flexibility.
7. The positively charged particles called ions proved to have masses of atomic
8. The atom is then said to have been ionized or to have become an ion.
9. These differences appear to depend upon the impact parameters defining the
different collisions.
10.Light and matter seem to interact passively in some cases.
11.The wave theory could of account for the fact that light seemed to travel in
perfectly straight lines.
12.Our galaxy proved to be a spiral system.
13.Jupiter is believed to consist predominantly of solid hydrogen.
14.The meteoroids of mass greater than about 10-2 grams are believed to have
velocities about 30 kilometres per second.
15.Althoug such types of semiconductors are expected to be less sensitive to
radiation that…
16.The success of the experiment seems to show…
Инфинитив как часть сложного дополнения:
If we want two manned vehicles to meet in space… - Если мы хотим, чтобы в
космосе встретились два пилотируемых корабля…
Переведите на русский язык:
1. We know an alternating current to be continually changing.
2. We know them to get the experimental information on masses and decay
properties of these particles.
3. They expected magnetic moments, electromagnetic mass differences and
relative rates of various weak decay processes to tell them something about
the structure of the strongly interacted particles.
4. These experiments enable us to test elementary particles.
5. We consider these experimental investigations to be very complicated.
6. The effect on the single particle is, as we have mentioned before, to cause
them to localize in one of the partial regions.
7. We’ll consider the core to be inert, and we will allow the particles to
populate all states of the open shell.
8. One expects most of the parameters to be constant and the others to vaty
smoothly with energy.
9. Newton considered light to consist of very tiny particles – corpuscles.
10.We know cosmic rays to travel in space outside the earth’s atmosphere at
speeds nearly equal to that of light.
11.Science was shown the electron to be a peculiar combination of mass and
electrical charge.
12.We believe Pythagoros to have been the founder of a school to train students
in mathematical thinking.
13.This condition enables us to investigate electric and magnetic fields
14.This would cause them to travel faster in the denser medium than in free
15.They consider all the bodies to consist of atoms.
16.We know hydrogen to have a single electron.
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Wave–particle duality
In physics and chemistry, wave–particle duality is the concept that all matter and
energy exhibits both wave-like and particle-like properties. A central concept of
quantum mechanics, duality addresses the inadequacy of classical concepts like
"particle" and "wave" in fully describing the behaviour of small-scale objects.
Various interpretations of quantum mechanics attempt to explain this ostensible
paradox. Wave-particle duality should be distinguished from wave-particle
complementarity, the latter implying that matter can demonstrate both particle and
wave characteristics, but not both at the same time (that is, not within one and the
same experimental arrangement).
The idea of duality is rooted in a debate over the nature of light and matter dating
back to the 1600s, when competing theories of light were proposed by Christiaan
Huygens and Isaac Newton: light was thought either to consist of waves (Huygens)
or of particle (Newton). Through the work of Albert Einstein, Louis de Broglie,
and many others, current scientific theory holds that all particles also have a wave
nature (and vice versa).[1] This phenomenon has been verified not only for
elementary particles, but also for compound particles like atoms and even
molecules. In fact, according to traditional formulations of non-relativistic
quantum mechanics, wave–particle duality applies to all objects, even macroscopic
ones; we can't detect wave properties of macroscopic objects due to their small
1. What is meant by wave and particle duality?
2. Can matter and energy exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties?
3. What’s special in behavior of small-scale objects?
4. What’s the idea of duality?
Brief history
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Thomas Young's sketch of two-slit diffraction of waves, 1803.
At the close of the 19th century, the case for atomic theory, that matter was made
of particulate objects or atoms, was well established. Electricity, first thought to be
a fluid, was now understood to consist of particles called electrons, as
demonstrated by J. J. Thomson who, led by his research into the work of Ernest
Rutherford, had discovered using cathode rays that an electrical charge would
actually travel across a vacuum from cathode to anode. In brief, it was understood
that much of nature was made of particles. At the same time, waves were well
understood, together with wave phenomena such as diffraction and interference.
Light was believed to be a wave, as Thomas Young's double-slit experiment and
effects such as Fraunhofer diffraction had clearly demonstrated the wave-like
nature of light.
But as the 20th century turned, problems had emerged. Albert Einstein's analysis of
the photoelectric effect in 1905 demonstrated that light also possessed particle-like
properties, and this was further confirmed with the discovery of the Compton
scattering in 1923. Later on, the diffraction of electrons would be predicted and
experimentally confirmed, thus showing that electrons must have wave-like
properties in addition to particle properties.
This confusion over particle versus wave properties was eventually resolved with
the advent and establishment of quantum mechanics in the first half of the 20th
century, which ultimately explained wave–particle duality. It provided a single
unified theoretical framework for understanding that all matter may have
characteristics associated with particles and waves, as explained below. By the
very end of the 20th century extremely precise results were obtained quantifying
this duality, in the form of the Englert-Greenberger duality relation.
Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect
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The photoelectric effect. Incoming photons on the left strike a metal plate
(bottom), and eject electrons, depicted as flying off to the right.
In 1905, Albert Einstein provided an explanation of the photoelectric effect, a
hitherto troubling experiment that the wave theory of light seemed incapable of
explaining. He did so by postulating the existence of photons, quanta of light
energy with particulate qualities.
In the photoelectric effect, it was observed that shining a light on certain metals
would lead to an electric current in a circuit. Presumably, the light was knocking
electrons out of the metal, causing current to flow. However, it was also observed
that while a dim blue light was enough to cause a current, even the strongest,
brightest red light caused no current at all. According to wave theory, the strength
or amplitude of a light wave was in proportion to its brightness: a bright light
should have been easily strong enough to create a large current. Yet, oddly, this
was not so.
Einstein explained this conundrum by postulating that the electrons can receive
energy from electromagnetic field only in discrete portions (quanta that were called
photons). Only photons of a high-enough frequency, (above a certain threshold
value) could knock an electron free. For example, photons of blue light had
sufficient energy to free an electron from the metal, but photons of red light did
not. More intense light above the threshold frequency could release more electrons,
but no amount of light below the threshold frequency could release an electron.
Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his theory of the
photoelectric effect.
Optical physics
Передайте содержание текста на английском языке:
Optical physics, or optical science, is a subfield of atomic, molecular, and optical
physics. It is the study of the generation of electromagnetic radiation, the
properties of that radiation, and the interaction of that radiation with matter,
especially its manipulation and control. It differs from general optics and optical
engineering in that it is focused on the discovery and application of new
phenomena. There is no strong distinction, however, between optical physics,
applied optics, and optical engineering, since the devices of optical engineering
and the applications of applied optics are necessary for basic research in optical
physics, and that research leads to the development of new devices and
applications. Often the same people are involved in both the basic research and the
applied technology development.
Researchers in optical physics use and develop light sources that span the
electromagnetic spectrum from microwaves to X-rays. The field includes the
generation and detection of light, linear and nonlinear optical processes, and
spectroscopy. Lasers and laser spectroscopy have transformed optical science.
Major study in optical physics is also devoted to quantum optics and coherence,
and to femtosecond optics. In optical physics, support is also provided in areas
such as the nonlinear response of isolated atoms to intense, ultra-short
electromagnetic fields, the atom-cavity interaction at high fields, and quantum
properties of the electromagnetic field. Other important areas of research include
the development of novel optical techniques for nano-optical measurements,
diffractive optics, low-coherence interferometry, optical coherence tomography,
and near-field microscopy. Research in optical physics places an emphasis on
ultrafast optical science and technology. The applications of optical physics create
advancements in communications, medicine, manufacturing, and even
Передайте содержание текста на русском языке:
Optics is the branch of physics which studies the behavior and properties of light,
including its interactions with matter and the construction of instruments that use
or detect it. Optics usually describes the behavior of visible, ultraviolet, and
infrared light. Because light is an electromagnetic wave, other forms of
electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays, microwaves, and radio waves exhibit
similar properties.
Most optical phenomena can be accounted for using the classical electromagnetic
description of light. Complete electromagnetic descriptions of light are, however,
often difficult to apply in practice. Practical optics is usually done using simplified
models. The most common of these, geometric optics, treats light as a collection of
rays that travel in straight lines and bend when they pass through or reflect from
surfaces. Physical optics is a more comprehensive model of light, which includes
wave effects such as diffraction and interference that cannot be accounted for in
geometric optics. Historically, the ray-based model of light was developed first,
followed by the wave model of light. Progress in electromagnetic theory in the
19th century led to the discovery that light waves were in fact electromagnetic
Some phenomena depend on the fact that light has both wave-like and particle-like
properties. Explanation of these effects requires quantum mechanics. When
considering light's particle-like properties, the light is modeled as a collection of
particles called "photons". Quantum optics deals with the application of quantum
mechanics to optical systems.
Optical science is relevant to and studied in many related disciplines including
astronomy, various engineering fields, photography, and medicine (particularly
ophthalmology and optometry). Practical applications of optics are found in a
variety of technologies and everyday objects, including mirrors, lenses, telescopes,
microscopes, lasers, and fiber optics.