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General Information
Name_____________________________________________ Age______ Today’s
Date of Birth_________________________
Address___________________________________ City___________________ State______
Phone (Home) _____________________ (Cell)______________________
Genetic Background:
African American
Native American
When, where and from who did you last receive medical or health care?
Emergency Contact:_ __________________________________________________________
Phone (Home)___________________ (Cell)_____________________
How did you hear about our practice?
Clinic website
Referral from doctor
Referral from friend/family member
Social media
Current Health Concerns
Please rank current and ongoing health concerns in order of priority
Description of
Example: eczema
Prior Treatment
approach and
Steroid cream
Health Goals
When was the last time you felt well?
What makes you feel better?
What makes you feel worse?
How does your condition affect you?
Did something trigger your change in health?
What do you feel needs to happen for you to get better?
Are there things that stop you from making the necessary changes to feel better?
What do you hope to achieve in your visit with us?
Current occupation:
Previous occupations:
Readiness Assessment and Health Goals
Rate on a scale of 5 (very willing) to 1 (not willing):
In order to improve your health, how willing are you to:
Significantly modify your diet
Take several nutritional supplements each day
Keep a record of everything you eat each day
Modify your lifestyle (e.g. sleep habits)
Practice a relaxation technique
Engage in regular exercise
5 4 3 2 1 
5 4 3 2 1 
5 4 3 2 1 
5 4 3 2 1 
5 4 3 2 1 
5 4 3 2 1 
Rate on a scale of 5 (very supportive) to 1 (very unsupportive):
At the present time, how supportive do you think the people in your household will be to
your implementing the above changes?
5 4 3 2 1 
Lifestyle Review
How many hours of sleep do you get each night on average?
Do you have daytime sleepiness?
Yes No 
Do you have problems falling asleep?
Yes No 
Do you have problems staying asleep?
Yes No 
Do you have problems with insomnia?
Yes No 
Do you snore?
Yes No 
Do you feel rested upon awakening?
Yes No 
Do you use sleeping aids?
Yes No 
If yes, explain:_________________________________________________________________
Do you have sleep apnea?
Yes No 
If yes, do you use CPAP routinely?
Yes No 
Do you currently exercise:
Yes  A little  No 
Current Exercise Program:
Do you feel motivated to exercise?
Yes  A little  No 
Are there any problems that limit exercise? Yes No 
If yes, explain:_________________________________________________________________
Do you feel unusually fatigued or sore after exercise? Yes No 
If yes, explain:_________________________________________________________________
Do you currently follow any of the following special diets or nutritional programs? (Check all that
Low Fat
Low Carb
High Protein
Blood Type
Gluten Free
No Dairy
No Wheat
Low sodium
Do you have sensitivities to certain foods? Yes No 
If yes, list food and symptoms:
Do you have any food allergies?
Yes No 
If yes, list foods:
Are there any foods that you crave or binge on? Yes No 
If yes, what foods?
Do you eat 3 meals a day?
Yes No 
If no, how many meals per day do you eat?
Any lifestyle or other barriers to healthy eating?
Yes No 
If yes, please explain:
Cans of soda (regular or diet) ______
Number of glasses of water per day: 1-2
Do you feel you have an excessive amount of stress in your life?
Yes No 
Do you feel you can easily handle the stress in your life?
Yes No 
How much stress does each of the following cause on a daily basis (Rank on scale of 1-10, 10
being highest)
Work_____ Family_____ Social_____ Finances_____ Health_____ Other_____
Do you use relaxation techniques? Yes No 
If yes, how
Which techniques do you use? (Check all that apply)
___Meditation ___Breathing ___Tai Chi ___Yoga ___Prayer
Have you ever sought counseling? Yes No 
Have you ever been abused, a victim of crime, or experienced a significant trauma?
Yes No 
What are your hobbies or leisure activities?__________________________________________
Do you have resources for emotional support? Yes No 
(Check all that apply)
___Spouse/Partner ___Family ___Friends ___Religious/Spiritual ___Pets
Do you have a religious or spiritual practice? Yes No 
If yes, what kind? ______________________________________________________________
Marital status: ___Single
___Long-Term Partner
___Married ___Divorced ___Gay/Lesbian
With whom do you live? (Include children, parents, relatives, friends, and pets)
Patient’s Birth/Childhood History:
You were born: ___Term ___Premature ___Don’t know
Were there any pregnancy or birth complications? Yes No 
If yes, explain:_________________________________________________________________
You were: ___Breast-fed
___Don’t know
As a child, were there foods you avoided because they gave you symptoms? Yes No 
If yes, what foods and what symptoms? (Example: milk—gas and diarrhea)
Dental History:
Check if you have any of the following:
___Silver mercury fillings
___Gold fillings
___Tooth pain
___Root canals
___Bleeding gums
Have you had any mercury fillings removed? Yes No 
If yes, when: _____________________________
Environmental/Detoxification History
Do any of these significantly affect you?
Cigarette smoke
Perfume/colognes Auto exhaust fumes
Current or historical exposure to: (Check all that apply)
___Water leaks
___Damp environments
___Carpets or rugs ___Paints
___Cleaning chemicals
___Heavy metals (lead, mercury, etc.)
___Harsh chemicals (solvents, glues, gas, acids, paint thinner, etc.)
Have you had a significant exposure to any harmful chemicals?
Yes No 
If yes: Chemical name, length of exposure, date:_____________________________________
Any significant exposure to mold? Yes No 
Do you have any pets or farm animals?
Yes No 
If yes, do they live: ___Inside
___Outside  ___Both
What kind of pet:___________
Did you grow up on a farm or city? ________________________________________________
Tobacco and Alcohol History
Currently use tobacco products?
Yes No 
If yes, what kind? ______________________________________________________________
If you have quit, what was your quit date? __________________________________________
Current alcohol use?
Yes No 
If yes, number of servings per week?1-2 3-4
History of tick bites or tick exposure?
If yes, did you have any rash?
Were you ever treated with antibiotics?
What state did tick bite occur? ____________
Yes No 
Yes No 
Yes No 
Antibiotic history:
>5 times as a child: Yes No 
> 5 times as a teen: Yes No 
>5 times as an adult:Yes No 
Steroid history:
>5 times as a child: Yes No 
> 5 times as a teen: Yes No 
>5 times as an adult: Yes No 
Routine non-steroidal anti-inflammatory use like motrin, advil or alieve:
Routine acid blocker use like zantac, Prilosec, protonix, omeprazole:
Immunosuppression therapy: Yes No 
Yes No 
Yes No 
Women’s History
Obstetric History: (Provide number if applicable)
 Pregnancies____ 
Living children_____
 Vaginal deliveries____
Term births____
 Premature birth____
Birth weight of largest baby_______________ Birth weight of smallest baby_______________
Menstrual History:
Age at first period_______ Date of last menstrual period______________________
Irregular periods:
Yes No 
Painful menses:
Yes No 
Heavy bleeding:
Yes No 
Post-menopausal bleeding: Yes No 
Painful intercourse:
Yes No 
Low libido:
Yes No 
Urinary leakage:
Yes No 
Breast tenderness:
Yes No 
PMS symptoms:
Yes No 
Hot flashes:
Yes No 
Night sweats:
Yes No 
Mood swings:
Yes No 
Vaginal dryness:
Yes No 
Ovarian cysts:
Yes No 
Sexually transmitted disease: Yes No  If yes, what type?__________________
Hysterectomy: Yes No 
Ovaries retained: Yes No 
Cervix present: Yes No 
Miscarriages: Yes No 
Past oral contraceptive use:
Yes No 
Date of last Digital
rectal exam: _____
Past hormone replacement: Yes No 
History of abnormal pap: Yes No 
History of abnormal mammogram:
Yes No 
History of gestational diabetes or baby > 8lbs:
Yes No 
History of infertility: Yes No 
Personal history of
Yes No 
Self-Breast Exam:
Yes No 
Gynecological Screening/Procedures: (If applicable, provide date)
Last Pap test: ______________________ Results:
Normal Abnormal 
Last mammogram: __________________ Results:
Normal Abnormal 
Last bone density: ___________________ Results:
Normal Abnormal 
Last colonoscopy: ___________________ Results:
Normal Abnormal 
Performed by whom: __________________________
Other tests/procedures (list type and dates)
Men’s History
(Check box if applicable)
Testicular mass  
Testicular pain 
Prostate enlargement  
Prostate infection 
Change in sex drive  Loss of control of urine 
Vasectomy 
Difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection  
Urinary urgency/hesitancy/change in stream  
Nocturia (urination at night) # of times per night________________
Sexually transmitted disease: Yes No  If yes, what type?_______________________
Do you perform Self-Testicular exams?
Yes No 
Screening/Procedures: (If applicable, provide date)
Last PSA test: ______________________ PSA Level: 0-2 2-4 4-10 >10 
Last colonoscopy: ___________________ Results: Normal Abnormal 
Performed by whom: __________________________
Other tests/procedures (list type and dates, i.e. Bone density)
Reason for taking
Reason for taking
Allergies: Foods, meds, supplements