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Year: 2014-15
CORE Science Grade 8
Course: Science Grade 8
Month: All Months
Atmosphere, Understanding Weather
Assessments Skills
3.3.6.A.4-Describe how water on earth cycles in different forms and
How are
Meteorology and the
in different locations, including underground and in the atmosphere.
Atmosphere 9/22/2015
3.3.6.A.5-Describe the composition and layers of the atmosphere.
Explain the effects of oceans on climate. Describe how global
among Earth's
patterns such as the jet stream and water currents influence local
weather in measurable terms such as temperature, wind direction
and speed, and precipitation.
What is the
3.3.12.A.4-Classify Earth's internal and external sources of energy
composition of
such as radioactive decay, gravity, and solar energy. Relate the
transfer of energy through radiation, conduction, and convection to Earth's
global atmospheric processes.
3.3.12.A.6-Explain how the unequal heating of the Earth's surface and how does
leads to atmospheric global circulation changes, climate, local short it affect
term changes, and weather. Relate the transfer of energy through human life?
radiation, conduction, and convection to global atmospheric
3.3.10.A.3-Explain how the evolution of Earth has been driven by
interactions between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere,
and biosphere.
3.3.10.A.6-Interpret meteorological data to describe and/or predict
weather. Explain the phenomena that cause global atmospheric
processes such as storms, currents, and wind patterns.
3.4.10.A.1-Illustrate how the development of technologies is often
driven by profit and an economic market.
3.4.10.B.1-Compare and contrast how the use of technology
involves weighing the trade-offs between the positive and negative
3.4.10.D.3-Synthesize data, analyze trends, and draw conclusions
regarding the effect of technology on the individual, society, and the
RST.6-8.2-Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text;
provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior
knowledge or opinions.
RST.6-8.3-Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying
out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical
RST.6-8.4-Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other
domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific
scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts and
RST.6-8.7-Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed
in words in a text with a version of that information expressed
visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).
Discuss the composition
Composition of the
of the Earth's atmosphere. Atmosphere
Explain why pressure
changes with altitude.
Atmospheric Pressure
and Temperature
Explain how temperature
Layers of the
changes with altitude.
Describe the layers of
the atmosphere.
Describe what happens
to radiation that reaches the
Energy in the
The Greenhouse Effect
Types of Winds
Types of Air Pollution
Summarize the
Sources of Humanprocesses of radiation,
conduction, and convection. Caused Air Pollution
The Air Pollution
Explain how the
greenhouse effect could
contribute to global warming.
Cleaning Up Our Act
Explain the relationship
Terms to Know:
between air pressure and
atmosphere, air pressure,
wind direction.
altitude, troposphere,
stratosphere, ozone,
Describes the global
pattern of winds.
thermosphere, radiation,
Explain the causes of
conduction, convection,
local wind patterns.
greenhouse effect, global
Describe the major types warming, wind, Coriolis
of air pollution.
effect, trade wind,
westerlies, polar easterlies,
Name the major causes
jet streams, primary
of air pollution.
pollutants, secondary
Explain how air pollution pollutants, acid
can affect human health.
Explain how air pollution
can be reduced.
Lessons Resources
of the
and the
Science and
Technology text
and online
3.3.12.A.4-Classify Earth's internal and external sources of energy
Understanding weather
such as radioactive decay, gravity, and solar energy. Relate the
transfer of energy through radiation, conduction, and convection to
global atmospheric processes.
3.3.12.A.6-Explain how the unequal heating of the Earth's surface
leads to atmospheric global circulation changes, climate, local short weather
term changes, and weather. Relate the transfer of energy through conditions,
radiation, conduction, and convection to global atmospheric
and methods
do modern
3.4.12.B.2-Illustrate how, with the aid of technology, various
aspects of the environment can be monitored to provide information meteorologists
use to predict
for decision making.
3.2.P.B.3-Analyze the factors that influence convection, conduction, weather?
and radiation between objects or regions that are at different
3.3.10.A.4-Relate geochemical cycles to conservation of matter.
Explain how the Earth's systems and its various cycles are driven
by energy.
3.3.8.A.5-Explain how the curvature of the earth contributes to
climate. Compare and contrast water vapor, clouds, and humidity.
3.3.7.A.5-Describe basic elements of meteorology. Explain the
relationship between the energy provided by the sun and the
temperature differences among water, land and atmosphere.
Explain how water
moves through the water
Define relative humidity.
Explain what the dew
point is and its relation to
Describe the three major
cloud forms.
Describe the four major
types of precipitation.
Explain how air masses
are characterized.
The Water Cycle
The Process of
Science and
isotherms Technology text
and online
Air Masses
Weather Forecasting
Describe the four major Technology
types of air masses that
Weather Maps
influence weather in the
Terms to Know:
United States.
weather, water cycle,
Describe the four major humidity, relative humidity,
types of fronts.
condensation, dew point,
Relate fronts to weather cloud, precipitation, air
mass, front, thunderstorm,
tornado, hurricane,
Explain what lightning is.
lightning, thunder,
Describe the formation of thermometer, wind vane,
thunderstorms, tornadoes, barometer, windsock,
isobars, anemometer
and hurricanes.
Describe the different
types of instruments used to
take weather
Explain how to interpret a
weather map.
Explain why weather
maps are useful.
Climate and Observing the Sky
3.3.12.A.1-Explain how parts are related to other parts in weather
What are
systems, solar systems, and earth systems, including how the output
the factors
from one part can become an input to another part. Analyze the
processes that cause the movement of material in the Earth's
systems. Classify Earth's internal and external sources of energy
such as radioactive decay, gravity, and solar energy.
In what
3.3.12.A.4-Classify Earth's internal and external sources of energy
ways do
such as radioactive decay, gravity, and solar energy. Relate the
transfer of energy through radiation, conduction, and convection to latitude,
global atmospheric processes.
Assessments Skills
Climates 10/27/2015
Explain the difference
between weather and
Identify the factors that
determine climates.
Locate and describe the
three major climate zones.
Describe the different
Prevailing Winds
Ocean Currents
The Tropical
Lessons Resources
Science and
Technology text
and online
3.3.12.A.6-Explain how the unequal heating of the Earth's surface winds,
leads to atmospheric global circulation changes, climate, local short geography,
term changes, and weather. Relate the transfer of energy through
and ocean
radiation, conduction, and convection to global atmospheric
affect an
3.3.12.A.7-MODELS Interpret and analyze a combination of ground- area's
based observations, satellite data, and computer models to
demonstrate Earth systems and their interconnections.
CONSTANCY/CHANGE Infer how human activities may impact the
natural course of Earth's cycles. PATTERNS Summarize the use of
data in understanding seismic events, meteorology, and geologic
3.2.P.B.3-Analyze the factors that influence convection, conduction,
and radiation between objects or regions that are at different
3.3.10.A.5-Explain how there is only one ocean. Explain the
processes of the hydrologic cycle. Explain the dynamics of oceanic
currents and their relationship to global circulation within the marine
3.4.10.D.3-Synthesize data, analyze trends, and draw conclusions
regarding the effect of technology on the individual, society, and the
3.3.8.A.5-Explain how the curvature of the earth contributes to
climate. Compare and contrast water vapor, clouds, and humidity.
3.2.7.B.6-ENERGY Demonstrate that heat is often produced as
energy is transformed through a system. ENERGY Demonstrate how
the transfer of heat energy causes temperature changes.
3.4.7.B.1-Explain how the use of technology can have
consequences that affect humans in many ways.
3.3.6.B.1-Compare and contrast the size, composition, and surface
features of the planets that comprise the solar system as well as the
objects orbiting them. Recognize the role of gravity as a force that
pulls all things on or near the earth toward the center of the earth
and in the formation of the solar system and the motions of objects in
the solar system. Explain why the planets orbit the sun in nearly
circular paths. Describe how the planets change their position
relative to the background of the stars Explain how the tilt of the
earth and its revolution around the sun cause an uneven heating of
the earth which in turn causes the seasons and weather patterns.
RST.6-8.1-Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of
science and technical texts.
RST.6-8.2-Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text;
provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior
knowledge or opinions.
RST.6-8.4-Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other
domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific
scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts and topics.
RST.6-8.9-Compare and contrast the information gained from
experiments, simulations, video, or multimedia sources with that
gained from reading a text on the same topic.
3.4.12.A.3-Demonstrate how technological progress promotes the
advancement of science, technology, engineering and mathematics
3.2.P.B.5-Explain how waves transfer energy without transferring
was originally
matter. Explain how waves carry information from remote sources
that can be detected and interpreted. Describe the causes of wave
How has
frequency, speed, and wave length.
biomes found in each
climate zone.
Describe how the
Earth's climate has
changed over time.
The Temperate
The Polar Zone
Ice Ages
Global Warming
Summarize the different
theories that attempt to
Terms to Know:
explain why the Earth's
weather, climate,
climate has changed.
latitude, prevailing
Explain the greenhouse winds, elevation,
effect and its role in global surface currents,
biome, tropical
zone, temperate
zone, polar zone,
microclimate, ice
age, global
greenhouse effect
Early astronomy 11/3/2015
Identify the units of a
The Stars and
Keeping Time
Evaluate calendars from
Early Observers
different ancient civilization. - The Beginnings of
Explain how our modern
calendar developed.
Early Astronomy
Science and
Technology text
and online
3.2.10.B.5-Understand that waves transfer energy without
the calendar
transferring matter. Compare and contrast the wave nature of light developed
and sound. Describe the components of the electromagnetic
over the
spectrum. Describe the difference between sound and light waves. years?
3.3.10.B.2-SCALE AND MEASUREMENT Explain how scientists
Who were
obtain information about the universe by using technology to detect
some early
electromagnetic radiation that is emitted, reflected, or absorbed by
stars and other objects. CONSTANCY AND CHANGE Describe
and what
changes in the universe over billions of years. SCALE AND
were their
MEASUREMENT Explain the scale used to measure the sizes of
stars and galaxies and the distances between them.
3.3.8.B.2-SCALE AND MEASUREMENT Explain measurements and
evidence indicating the age of the universe.
3.2.7.B.5-Demonstrate that visible light is a mixture of many different were
colors. Explain the construct of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Describe how sound and light energy are transmitted by waves.
RST.6-8.3-Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out
experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.
RST.6-8.4-Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other
domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific
scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts and topics.
RST.6-8.7-Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed
in words in a text with a version of that information expressed
visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).
RST.6-8.9-Compare and contrast the information gained from
experiments, simulations, video, or multimedia sources with that
gained from reading a text on the same topic.
Summarize how
astronomy began in ancient Astronomy
cultures and developed into
a modern science.
Locating Stars
Describe constellations
The Size and
and explain how
Scale of the
astronomers use them.
Explain how to measure
Explain right ascension
and declination.
Evaluate the scale of
Terms to Know:
the universe.
Compare and contrast
calendar, year,
refracting telescopes with
month, day, leap
reflecting telescopes.
year, constellation,
Explain why the
altitude, right
atmosphere is an obstacle ascension,
to astronomers and how
declination, celestial
they overcome the
equator, ecliptic,
telescope, refracting
List the types of
telescope, reflecting
electromagnetic radiation,
other than visible light, that
astronomers use to study
Formation of the Solar System and The Planets
3.2.12. A.3-Explain how matter is transformed into energy in
nuclear reactions according to the equation E=mc2.
3.3.12. A.1-Explain how parts are related to other parts in
weather systems, solar systems, and earth systems, including
how the output from one part can become an input to another
part. Analyze the processes that cause the movement of
material in the Earth's systems. Classify Earth's internal and
external sources of energy such as radioactive decay, gravity,
and solar energy.
3.2. P.B.1-Differentiate among translational motion, simple
harmonic motion, and rotational motion in terms of position,
velocity, and acceleration. Use force and mass to explain
translational motion or simple harmonic motion of objects.
Relate torque and rotational inertia to explain rotational motion.
3.2.10. B.1-Analyze the relationships among the net forces
acting on a body, the mass of the body, and the resulting
acceleration using Newton's Second Law of Motion. Apply
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation to the forces between
two objects. Use Newton's Third Law to explain forces as
interactions between bodies. Describe how interactions
between objects conserve momentum.
Assessments Skills
What is meant
A solar system is
Explain the basic process of planet
by the expression born 11/21/2015
"we are all made
Compare the inner planets with the
of star dust"?
outer planets.
What series of
Describe the difference between
events take place
rotation and revolution.
during the
Describe the shape of the orbits of the
formation of a
planets, and explain what keeps them in
solar system?
their orbits.
How does the
Describe the basic structure and
formation of a
composition of the sun.
solar system
Explain how the sun produces energy.
differences in
Describe the surface activity of the sun,
and name some of its effects on Earth.
Why does
nuclear fusion
work inside the
sun and not
The Solar Nebula
Planetesimals to
Planetary Motion
Newton's Law of
Universal Gravitation
The Structure of
the Sun
Energy Production
in the Sun
The Solid Earth
Takes Form
The Atmosphere
Describe the shape and structure of the Evolves
Oceans and
Explain how the Earth got its layered
Lessons Resources
Science and
Technology text
and online
3.3.10. B.1-Explain how gravity is responsible for planetary
Jupiter when they
orbits. Explain what caused the sun, Earth, and most of the
are both primarily
other planets to form between 4 and 5 billion years ago.
composed of
Provide evidence to suggest the Big Bang Theory. Describe the hydrogen?
basic nuclear processes involved in energy production in a star.
measurements and evidence indicating the age of the universe.
3.3.7.B.1-Explain how gravity is the major force in the formation
of the planets, stars, and the solar system. Describe gravity as
a major force in determining the motions of planets, stars, and
the solar system. Compare and contrast properties and
conditions of objects in the solar system to those on Earth.
3.3.6.B.1-Compare and contrast the size, composition, and
surface features of the planets that comprise the solar system
as well as the objects orbiting them. Recognize the role of
gravity as a force that pulls all things on or near the earth
toward the center of the earth and in the formation of the solar
system and the motions of objects in the solar system. Explain
why the planets orbit the sun in nearly circular paths. Describe
how the planets change their position relative to the
background of the stars Explain how the tilt of the earth and its
revolution around the sun cause an uneven heating of the earth
which in turn causes the seasons and weather patterns.
RST.6-8.5-Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a
text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole
and to an understanding of the topic.
RST.6-8.7-Integrate quantitative or technical information
expressed in words in a text with a version of that information
expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph,
or table).
RST.6-8.9-Compare and contrast the information gained from
experiments, simulations, video, or multimedia sources with
that gained from reading a text on the same topic.
RST.6-8.2-Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text;
provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior
knowledge or opinions.
RST.6-8.4-Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and
other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a
specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6–8
texts and topics.
3.3.12.B.1-Describe the life cycle of stars based on their mass.
How does the
A family of
Analyze the influence of gravity on the formation and life cycles
location of a
planets 12/1/2015
of galaxies, including our own Milky Way galaxy; stars;
planet in a solar
planetary systems; and residual material left from the creation
system dictate
of the solar system. Relate the nuclear processes involved in
the type of
energy production in stars and supernovas to their life cycles.
3.3.10.B.1-Explain how gravity is responsible for planetary
associated with
orbits. Explain what caused the sun, Earth, and most of the
that planet?
other planets to form between 4 and 5 billion years ago.
Why does
Provide evidence to suggest the Big Bang Theory. Describe the
basic nuclear processes involved in energy production in a star. composition
between the gas
measurements and evidence indicating the age of the universe. giants and the
terrestrial planets
3.2.7.B.5-Demonstrate that visible light is a mixture of many
different colors. Explain the construct of the electromagnetic
spectrum. Describe how sound and light energy are transmitted
Why is the
by waves.
same side of the
structure and how this process affects the
appearance of the Earth's surface.
Explain the development of the Earth's
atmosphere and the influence of early life
on the atmosphere.
Describe how the Earth's oceans and
continents were formed.
List the names of the planets in the
order they orbit the sun.
Describe three ways in which the inner
and outer planets are different from each
Describe the current theory for the
origin of the Earth's moon.
Describe what causes the phases of the
Earth's moon.
Explain the difference between a solar
eclipse and a lunar eclipse.
Explain why comets, asteroids, and
meteoroids are important to the study of
the formation of the solar system.
The Inner Planets
The Outer Planets
Luna: The Moon of
The Moons of
Other Planets
much do
you weigh
Science and
Technology text
and online
3.3.7.B.1-Explain how gravity is the major force in the formation moon always
of the planets, stars, and the solar system. Describe gravity as seen from Earth?
a major force in determining the motions of planets, stars, and
the solar system. Compare and contrast properties and
conditions of objects in the solar system to those on Earth.
3.3.6.B.1-Compare and contrast the size, composition, and
surface features of the planets that comprise the solar system
as well as the objects orbiting them. Recognize the role of
gravity as a force that pulls all things on or near the earth
toward the center of the earth and in the formation of the solar
system and the motions of objects in the solar system. Explain
why the planets orbit the sun in nearly circular paths. Describe
how the planets change their position relative to the
background of the stars Explain how the tilt of the earth and its
revolution around the sun cause an uneven heating of the earth
which in turn causes the seasons and weather patterns.
Compare the different types of
asteroids with the different types of
Impacts in the
Solar System
Describe the risks to life on Earth from
cosmic impacts.
The Universe
3.3.12.B.1-Describe the life cycle of stars based on their
mass. Analyze the influence of gravity on the formation and
life cycles of galaxies, including our own Milky Way galaxy;
stars; planetary systems; and residual material left from the
creation of the solar system. Relate the nuclear processes
involved in energy production in stars and supernovas to their
life cycles.
3.3.12.B.2-MODELS AND SCALE Apply mathematical
models and computer simulations to study evidence collected
relating to the extent and composition of the universe.
evidence supporting theories of the origin of the universe to
predict its future.
3.3.8.B.1-Explain how light, measured remotely, can be used
to classify objects in the universe.
measurements and evidence indicating the age of the
Assessments Skills
Where did all of
the material on
beyond the universe
Earth come from? 12/22/2015
How does our
galaxy, solar
system and star
compare to others
in the universe?
What does the
big bang theory
imply about the
end of the
Describe how color indicates
Compare absolute
magnitude with apparent
magnitude, and discuss how
each measures brightness.
Color of Stars
Composition of
Classifying Stars
Measuring the
Brightness of Stars
Describe the difference
between the apparent motion
Distance to the
of stars and the real motion of
The H-R Diagram
Describe the quantities that
When Stars Get
are plotted in the H-R Diagram.
Explain how stars at
different stages in their life
cycle appear on different parts
Contents of
of the H-R diagram.
Identify the various types of
Origin of Galaxies
galaxies from pictures.
The Big Bang
Describe the contents of
Explain why looking at
distant galaxies reveals what
Structure of the
early galaxies looked like.
Describe the big bang
Explain evidence used to
show support for the big bang
Explain how the expansion
Lessons Resources
Holt Science
and Technology
text and online
of the universe is explained by
the big bang theory.
Minerals of the Earth's Crust
Assessments Skills
3.2.10.A.4-Describe chemical reactions in terms of atomic rearrangement
How are rocks
and/or electron transfer. Predict the amounts of products and reactants in a
and minerals
chemical reaction using mole relationships. Explain the difference between
endothermic and exothermic reactions. Identify the factors that affect the
How are
rates of reactions.
minerals formed
3.4.10.B.1-Compare and contrast how the use of technology involves
and what role do
weighing the trade-offs between the positive and negative effects.
they play in today's
3.4.10.B.2-Demonstrate how humans devise technologies to reduce the
negative consequences of other technologies.
3.2.8.A.2-Identify characteristics of elements derived from the periodic table.
3.4.8.B.1-Evaluate the societal implications of the management of waste
produced by technology.
3.4.8.B.2-Compare and contrast decisions to develop and use technologies
as related to environmental and economic concerns.
3.4.8.B.3-Explain how throughout history, new technologies have resulted
from the demands, values, and interests of individuals, businesses,
industries, and societies.
3.4.8.B.4-Explain how societal and cultural priorities and values are
reflected in technological devices.
3.4.8.C.3-Analyze how a multidisciplinary (STEM) approach to problem
solving will yield greater results.
3.2.6.A.1-Distinguish the differences in properties of solids, liquids, and
gases. Differentiate between volume and mass. Investigate that equal
volumes of different substances usually have different masses.
3.2.6.A.2-Compare and contrast pure substances with mixtures.
3.2.6.A.5-CONSTANCY AND CHANGE Identify characteristic properties of
matter that can be used to separate one substance from the other.
3.4.6.A.1-Identify how creative thinking and economic and cultural
influences shape technological development.
3.4.6.A.3-Explain how knowledge from other fields of study (STEM)
integrate to create new technologies.
3.4.6.B.1-Describe how economic, political, and cultural issues are
influenced by the development and use of technology.
3.2.7.A.1-Differentiate between elements, compounds, and mixtures.
Identify groups of elements that have similar properties. Explain how
materials are characterized by having a specific amount of mass in each
unit of volume (density).
3.2.7.A.2-Identify atoms as the basic building blocks of matter and that
elements are composed of one type of atom.
3.4.7.A.1-Explain how technology is closely linked to creativity, which has
resulted in innovation and invention.
3.4.7.B.1-Explain how the use of technology can have consequences that
affect humans in many ways.
3.4.7.B.2-Explain how decisions to develop and use technologies may be
influenced by environmental and economic concerns.
3.4.7.B.3-Describe how invention and innovation lead to changes in society
and the creation of new needs and wants.
3.3.12.A.2-Analyze the availability, location, and extraction of Earth's
Lessons Resources
Characteristics of a
Explain the four
characteristics of a mineral.
identification Science and
Technology text
and online
Classify minerals
Types of minerals
according to the two major
compositional groups.
Classify minerals using identification
common mineralidentification techniques.
Formation and
mining of minerals
Explain special
properties of minerals.
Describe the
environments in which
minerals are formed.
Compare and contrast
the different types of mining.
Value of minerals
resources. Evaluate the impact of using renewable and nonrenewable
energy resources on the Earth's system.
S8.B.3.3-Explain how renewable and non-renewable resources provide for
human needs or how these needs impact the environment. (Reference:
3.6.7.A, 4.4.7.A, 4.4.7.C, 4.5.7.C, 3.8.7.C)
RST.6-8.2-Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; provide an
accurate summary of the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
RST.6-8.3-Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out
experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.
RST.6-8.4-Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other
domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific
or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts and topics.
RST.6-8.7-Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in
words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in
a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).
RST.6-8.8-Distinguish among facts, reasoned judgment based on research
findings, and speculation in a text.
Rocks: Mineral Mixtures
Assessments Skills
3.3.10.A.1-Relate plate tectonics to both slow and rapid changes
What are the
The rock cycle
in the earth's surface. Describe the rock cycle and the processes
major ways in
that are responsible for the formation of igneous, sedimentary,
which rocks are
and metamorphic rocks. Relate geochemical cycles to the
conservation of matter. Explain how the Earth is composed of a
How do rock
number of dynamic, interacting systems exchanging energy or
types impact the
areas in which
3.2.8.A.1-Differentiate between mass and weight.
they were
3.2.8. A.2-Identify characteristics of elements derived from the
periodic table.
3.2.8. A.4-Compare and contrast physical and chemical changes
How can
in terms of products.
3.3.8. A.1-Distinguish between physical and chemical weathering.
rocks help us to
Compare and contrast the types of energy that drive Earth's
Earth's past?
3.2.6. A.1-Distinguish the differences in properties of solids,
liquids, and gases. Differentiate between volume and mass.
Investigate that equal volumes of different substances usually
have different masses.
3.2.6. A.4-Differentiate between physical changes and chemical
3.2.7. A.1-Differentiate between elements, compounds, and
mixtures. Identify groups of elements that have similar properties.
Explain how materials are characterized by having a specific
amount of mass in each unit of volume (density).
3.2.7. A.2-Identify atoms as the basic building blocks of matter
and that elements are composed of one type of atom.
3.3.7.A.1-Define basic features of the rock cycle. Describe the
layers of the earth. Differentiate among the mechanisms by which
heat is transferred through the Earth's system.
3.3.7.A.2-Explain land use in relation to soil type and topography.
3.3.12.A.2-Analyze the availability, location, and extraction of
Earth's resources. Evaluate the impact of using renewable and
nonrenewable energy resources on the Earth's system.
S8.D.1.1-Describe constructive and destructive natural processes
Describe two ways rocks Rocks as resources
were used by early
humans, and describe two
ways they are used today.
Parts of the rock cycle
Describe how each type of
Identification of rocks based on
rock changes into another
composition and texture
as it moves through the
Origins of igneous rock
rock cycle.
Felsic -vs- mafic igneous rocks
List two characteristics of
rock that are used to help Characteristics of intrusive and
classify it.
extrusive igneous rocks
Explain how the cooling
rate of magma affects the
properties of igneous rock.
Distinguish between
igneous rock that cools
deep within the crust and
igneous rock that cools at
the surface.
Identify common
igneous rock formations.
Intrusive igneous formations
Origins of sedimentary rocks
Clastic, chemical, and organic
sedimentary rock
Origins of metamorphic rock
Contact and regional metamorphism
Describe how the three
types of sedimentary rock Foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic
Explain how
sedimentary rocks record
Earth's history.
Describe two ways a rock
Lessons Resources
identification Science and
text and online
that form different geologic structures and resources. (Reference:
3.5.7.A, 4.4.7.B)
RST.6-8.2-Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text;
provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior
knowledge or opinions.
RST.6-8.3-Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying
out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical
RST.6-8.5-Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a
text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and
to an understanding of the topic.
RST.6-8.6-Analyze the author's purpose in providing an
explanation, describing a procedure, or discussing an experiment
in a text.
RST.6-8.9-Compare and contrast the information gained from
experiments, simulations, video, or multimedia sources with that
gained from reading a text on the same topic.
can undergo
Explain how the mineral
composition of rocks
changes as they undergo
Describe the difference
between foliated and
nonfoliated metamorphic
Plate tectonics
Assessments Skills
3.3.10.A.1-Relate plate tectonics to both slow and rapid
How has the
Plate tectonics
changes in the earth's surface. Describe the rock cycle and
surface of the 4/24/2015
the processes that are responsible for the formation of
Earth changed
igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Relate
over its history?
geochemical cycles to the conservation of matter. Explain
How does
how the Earth is composed of a number of dynamic,
the theory of
interacting systems exchanging energy or matter.
3.3.10.A.3-Explain how the evolution of Earth has been drivenplate tectonics
explain the
by interactions between the lithosphere, hydrosphere,
movement of
atmosphere, and biosphere.
plates on
3.3.10.A.4-Relate geochemical cycles to conservation of
Earth's surface?
matter. Explain how the Earth's systems and its various
cycles are driven by energy.
How can the
3.3.10.A.7-SCALE/MODELS Interpret and create models of
looking at the
the Earth's physical features in various mapping
past explain
representations. CONSTANCY AND CHANGE Relate
what will
constancy and change to the hydrologic and geochemical
happen in the
cycles. SCALE Apply an appropriate scale to illustrate major
events throughout geologic time. CONSTANCY/CHANGE
Describe factors that contribute to global climate change.
3.3.8.A.1-Distinguish between physical and chemical
weathering. Compare and contrast the types of energy that
drive Earth's systems.
3.3.8.A.3-Explain how matter on earth is conserved
throughout the geological processes over time.
S8.D.1.1-Describe constructive and destructive natural
processes that form different geologic structures and
resources. (Reference: 3.5.7.A, 4.4.7.B)
3.3.7.A.1-Define basic features of the rock cycle. Describe the
layers of the earth. Differentiate among the mechanisms by
which heat is transferred through the Earth's system.
3.3.12.A.4-Classify Earth's internal and external sources of
energy such as radioactive decay, gravity, and solar energy.
Lessons Resources
Physical and
Identify and describe the layers of the Earth
Hot Spot
Holt Science
chemical layers of
by what they are made of.
and Technology
the Earth
text and online
Identify and describe the layers of the Earth by
their physical properties.
Define tectonic plate.
Explain how scientists know about the
structure of Earth's interior.
Mapping the
interior of the Earth
Continental drift
sea-floor spreading
super continents
Describe Wegener's theory of continental
drift, and explain why it was not accepted at first.
oceanic and
Explain how sea-floor spreading provides a
continental crust
way for continents to move.
Describe how new oceanic crust forms at
mid-ocean ridges.
Explain how magnetic reversals provide
divergent, and
evidence for sea-floor spreading.
Describe the three forces thought to move boundaries
tectonic plates.
Describe the three types of tectonic plate
faults and
Explain hoe scientists measure that rate at
which tectonic plates move.
types of
Describe major types of folds.
Explain how the three major types of faults
Name and describe the most common types
Relate the transfer of energy through radiation, conduction,
and convection to global atmospheric processes.
of mountains.
Explain how various types of mountains
Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Assessments Skills
3.3.10.A.1-Relate plate tectonics to both slow and rapid changes in
How have
the earth's surface. Describe the rock cycle and the processes that
scientists used 4/17/2015
are responsible for the formation of igneous, sedimentary, and
earthquakes to
metamorphic rocks. Relate geochemical cycles to the conservation
of matter. Explain how the Earth is composed of a number of
Earth's interior
dynamic, interacting systems exchanging energy or matter.
3.3.10.A.3-Explain how the evolution of Earth has been driven by
How have
interactions between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere,
and biosphere.
and volcanoes
3.3.10.A.4-Relate geochemical cycles to conservation of matter.
Explain how the Earth's systems and its various cycles are driven played a role in
the formation of
by energy.
3.3.8.A.3-Explain how matter on earth is conserved throughout the Earth's surface?
geological processes over time.
S8.D.1.1-Describe constructive and destructive natural processes
advances have
that form different geologic structures and resources. (Reference:
scientists made
3.5.7.A, 4.4.7.B)
in the
3.3.7.A.1-Define basic features of the rock cycle. Describe the
layers of the earth. Differentiate among the mechanisms by which
and for casting
heat is transferred through the Earth's system.
of earthquakes
3.3.12.A.4-Classify Earth's internal and external sources of energy
and volcanic
such as radioactive decay, gravity, and solar energy. Relate the
transfer of energy through radiation, conduction, and convection to
global atmospheric processes.
RST.6-8.1-Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of
science and technical texts.
RST.6-8.2-Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text;
provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior
knowledge or opinions.
RST.6-8.3-Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying
out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical
RST.6-8.4-Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and
other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a
specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts
and topics.
RST.6-8.7-Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed
in words in a text with a version of that information expressed
visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).
Determine where earthquakes come
from and what causes them.
Lessons Resources
The science of
Holt Science
and Technology
text and online
Identify different types of earthquakes.
Describe how earthquakes travel
through the Earth.
Explain how earthquakes are detected.
Demonstrate how to locate
Describe how the strength of an
earthquake is measured.
Distinguish between explosive and
nonexplosive volcanic eruptions.
causes of
types of seismic
detection of an
why volcanoes
types of
distribution of
Explain how the composition of magma
determines the type of volcanic eruption
that will occur.
types of volcanic
Classify the main types of magma and
volcanic debris.
types of
Describe the effects that volcanoes
have on Earth.
Compare the different types of
Describe the formation and movement
of magma.
Explain the relationship between
volcanoes and plate tectonics.
Summarize the methods scientists use
to predict volcanic eruptions.
Water on Earth
Assessments Skills
Content Lessons Resources
3.3.10.A.4-Relate geochemical cycles to
How does water change
The flow of
conservation of matter. Explain how the Earth's
through Earth's natural
fresh water
systems and its various cycles are driven by energy.
process to become
3.3.10.A.5-Explain how there is only one ocean.
consumable by humans?
Explain the processes of the hydrologic cycle.
What role does the water
Explain the dynamics of oceanic currents and their
cycle play in the formation
relationship to global circulation within the marine
and erosion of Earth's
3.3.10.A.6-Interpret meteorological data to describe surface?
and/or predict weather. Explain the phenomena that
How does salinity and
cause global atmospheric processes such as storms,
temperature affect ocean
currents, and wind patterns.
3.3.10.A.7-SCALE/MODELS Interpret and create
models of the Earth's physical features in various
mapping representations. CONSTANCY AND
CHANGE Relate constancy and change to the
hydrologic and geochemical cycles. SCALE Apply an
appropriate scale to illustrate major events
throughout geologic time. CONSTANCY/CHANGE
Describe factors that contribute to global climate
3.3.8.A.4-Explain how the oceans form one
interconnected circulation system powered by wind,
tides, the Earth's rotation, and water density
3.3.7.A.4-Differentiate among Earth's water systems.
Describe the motions of tides and identify their
3.3.7.A.5-Describe basic elements of meteorology.
Explain the relationship between the energy provided
by the sun and the temperature differences among
water, land and atmosphere.
Illustrate the water cycle
Describe a drainage basin.
Explain the major factors that affect the rate of
stream erosion.
The Water
water vs.
on land and in
Identify the stages of a river.
Describe the different types of stream deposits. underground
Explain the relationship between rich agricultural
regions and flood plains.
erosion and
Identify and describe the location of the water deposition
Cave and
Explain how caves and sinkholes form as a
result of erosion and deposition.
Name the major divisions of the global ocean.
Describe the history of Earth's oceans.
Summarize the properties of ocean water.
Summarize the interaction between the ocean
and the atmosphere.
Identify major regions of the ocean floor.
describe technologies for studying the ocean
of ocean water
The ocean
Holt Science
and Technology
text and online