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Spiral Stabilization Course
Pelvic and Lower Limb Disorders
DATE: 26th November 2016 – 29th November 2016, 9am – 5pm, 28 CPD hours
LOCATION: Queen Mary Hospital, Roehampton Lane, London, SW15 5PN
TUTOR: Dr Richard Smisek
ORGANISER: Jana Mitackova
PRICE: New Course Attendees £569, Previous Course Attendees: £469
Aims and objectives:
Clarify the optimal function of the pelvis and lower limb
Clarify the optimal coordination and stabilization of gait with an emphasis on the
pelvis and lower limb function
Demonstrate the main pelvis and lower limb disorders
Treatment of pelvis and lower limb disorders
Doctors, therapists and practitioners will be informed about effective treatment of the
above disorders and taught therapeutic exercise program and manual therapy techniques
using spiral muscle chains. They will be then able to begin using Spiral Stabilization method
in their respective practises.
The course exercise and manual therapy techniques can also be applied to different
conditions apart from the above. Please visit and click on What does it treat? for a list of other conditions.
DAY 1 – Pelvis & Lumbar spine – Urogenital tract
Urogenital system
 Myofascial pain - lumbar region, abdomen, pelvis
 Chronic inflammation of the urogenital area, infection
 Impotence, functional sterility, incontinence
Thoracic, lumbar spine and pelvis – Arthrosis in facet joints, SI, hip joints - structural
Internal organs – Nutrition, innervation and mobility failure of internal organs
Failure of the immune system – Psychosomatic illness
Regeneration, prevention and treatment
 Elimination of muscle imbalances within the pelvic girdle
 Spiral Stabilization (SPS) manual therapy and exercise techniques - relaxation,
stretching, strengthening, reciprocal inhibition, coordination, stabilization
 Correction of muscle chains function, Latissimus Dorsi-E muscle chain (activates and
stretches pelvic floor muscles), Latissimus Dorsi-A, B, C, E muscle chains (spirally
stabilized gait)
Pelvic muscles and myofascial pain
 Exercises to eliminate the main muscle imbalances in the pelvic girdle, shoulder
girdle and torso
 Exercises for individual muscle groups
 60 minutes Spiral Stabilization group exercise session
DAY 2 – Pelvis & Lumbar spine – Urogenital tract
Muscle groups
Lumbar area and pelvic girdle - erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, multifidus
Posterior pelvis - biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, adductor magnus
Anterior pelvis – pectineus, adductor brevis, adductor longus, iliacus, psoas major
Hip joint - gluteus maximus, medius and minimus, obturator externus, gemellus superior,
gemellus inferior, obturaror internus, piriformis, quadratus femoris
Pelvic floor - levator ani, transversus perinei, coccygeus
Muscle groups (above)
 Trigger point and referred pain
 Effects on CNS blood circulation
 Manual techniques in lying position
 Active manual techniques in sitting position
 Targeted anatomical relaxing massage with muscle stretching
 Manual traction of the spine
 Palpation
 Reciprocal relations to other muscles
 SPS exercises (relaxation, stretching, strengthening)
 Muscle activation within the muscle chains
Muscle chains and pelvis, lumbar spine, pelvic girdle disorders
 Dynamic muscle chains (body stabilization during movement) - latissimus dorsi (LD),
trapezius (TR), serratus anterior (SA), pectoralis major (PM)
 Static muscle chains (body stabilization at rest) - erector spine (ES), iliopsoas (IP),
quadratus lumborum (QL), rectus abdominis (RA)
60 minutes group exercise for the treatment of urogenital disorders (muscle chain
DAY 3 – Lower limbs
Optimally coordinated and stabilized gait
Lower limb
Foot arch
 Anatomy and function
 Creating foot arch using muscle chain activation (LD, TR, SA, PM)
 SPS manual therapy techniques - leg flexors and extensors stretching, foot joints
 SPS exercises for foot arch
Knee joint
 Anatomy and function
 Stabilization
 SPS manual therapy techniques in relation to the knee joint, knee joint mobilization
60 minutes group exercise session – emphasis on lower limbs, gait coordination, foot and
knee stabilization
DAY 4 – Lower limbs
Foot disorders
 Pedes Plani (flat feet), Hallux valgus (bunion), Digiti mallei, Calcar calcanei (heel spur)
 SPS manual therapy techniques – stretching, mobilization
 SPS exercises – strengthening, stretching, stabilization
Knee disorders
 Meniscus and ligaments disorders/injuries, gonarthrosis
 Preparation for a total endoprosthesis (TEP) and aftercare
 SPS manual therapy techniques – stretching, mobilization
 SPS exercises – strengthening, stretching, stabilization
Hip disorders
 Functional unit - pelvis, hip joint, symphysis, SI joint, lumbar spine, lower limbs
 Hip joint disorders - etiology, treatment plan, correction of a movement pattern
 Coxarthrosis, Developmental dysplasia, Hip impingement syndrome, Leg length
 Preparation for a hip joint TEP and aftercare
60 minutes group exercise session – muscle chain activation, exercises for upper and lower
limbs, gait coordination and stabilization, pelvis stabilization, pelvic floor exercises
Additional Information:
To ensure that you fully grasp and perform Spiral Stabilization exercises correctly, there will
be continual assessment throughout the course, Dr Smisek and Jana Mitackova will
examine, correct and provide feedback for the duration of the course, particularly during
the exercise and manual therapy section.
All course participants (except general public) will receive a certificate for attendance and
completion of the Spiral Stabilization course, allowing them to introduce and begin using the
Method in their respective practises.
The course will start at 9am and finish at 5pm every day with tea breaks and lunch break
incorporated. Refreshments will be provided.
We will be going through exercises every day, so please ensure that you bring suitable
clothing to enable you to perform the practical part of the course comfortably. Female
course participants are advised to wear a sports bra or bikini top for manual therapy
techniques. We recommend not wearing jewellery for these parts of the course.
We advise all course attendees to have professional liability insurance to cover them for the
practical part of the course.
Should you wish to take notes during the course, we recommend that you bring your own
note pad or tablet.
Exercise equipment and Spiral Stabilization equipment will be available for use only during
the course. But exercise merchandise will be available to purchase. Both cash and card
payments are acceptable on the day.
Please visit and click Booking to complete
your registration form and purchase the course.
Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Medical doctors, Massage therapists, Health &
Fitness professionals, General Public
Jana Mitackova, Spiral Stabilization LTD
07824 663 802
[email protected]