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PYP001-121 Major-I Solution.
In all the questions, choice “A” is the correct answer
Q1. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) Smoke is a compound.
B) A pure substance can be either an element or compound.
C) A fruit salad is a heterogeneous mixture.
D) Every type of atom has a different number of protons.
E) The change of state from a gas to a liquid is called condensation.
Q2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A) Carbon dioxide, water, and table salt are examples of compounds.
B) Two or more atoms combine to form an isotope.
C) The properties of compounds are the same as the properties of the elements
from which they are made.
D) The rocky soil in a garden is a compound.
E) Matter is anything that has length and takes up space.
Q3. Which of the following is not an element?
A) Air.
B) Helium.
C) Neon.
D) Gold.
E) Carbon.
Q4. What shows the elements in a compound and the ratio of their atoms?
A) A chemical formula.
B) A scientific equation.
C) The atomic emission spectra.
D) The periodic table.
E) None of these.
Q5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A) The melting point is the same temperature as the freezing point for a substance.
B) When evaporating a liquid, you add heat until the liquid reaches a temperature
at which it changes to bubbles of gas below the liquid’s surface.
C) Increasing temperature decreases a fluid’s viscosity.
D) Rubber, glass, and wax are crystalline solids.
E) Salt and sugar are examples of amorphous solids.
Q6. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) Plasma is more abundant on Earth than liquids, solids, or gases.
B) The state of matter is determined by how fast the particles in a substance move
and how strongly they are attracted to one another.
C) A change in state is the conversion of a substance from one physical form to
D) A gas is matter that does not have a definite shape or a definite volume.
E) Thermal energy that is transferred from one substance to another is called heat.
Q7. In which type of matter are atoms tightly held in place?
A) Solid.
B) Liquid.
C) Plasma.
D) Gas.
E) All of these.
Q8. Which of the following processes changes a material from a liquid to a gas?
A) Vaporization.
B) Condensation.
C) Fusion.
D) Sublimation.
E) Melting.
Q9. Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons are called
A) Isotopes.
B) Metals.
C) Metalloids.
D) Radioactive Elements.
E) Halogens.
Q10. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) The second principal energy level can hold a maximum of four electrons.
B) The dense region in the center of an atom is called the nucleus.
C) The region around an atom’s nucleus occupied by electrons is called the
electron cloud.
D) The sum of the number of protons and neutrons in an atom’s nucleus is the
mass number.
E) Bohr speculated that electrons revolve around the nucleus in circular orbits and
that these orbits are at fixed distances from the nucleus.
Q11. The family of elements that are generally not reactive are the
A) Noble Gases.
B) Alkali Metals.
C) Halogens.
D) Alkaline earth metals.
E) Transition Metals.
Q12. What is the number of protons and neutrons in
A) 92 and 143
B) 92 and 235
C) 143 and 92
D) 235 and 92
E) None of these
Q13. The isotope lithium-7 has a mass of 7.060 atomic mass units, and the isotope
lithium-6 has a mass of 6.015 atomic mass units. Given the information that
92.58% of all lithium atoms found in nature are lithium-7 and 7.42% are lithium-6,
the atomic mass of lithium in atomic mass units is
A) 6.982
B) 7.031
C) 5.121
D) 6.001
E) 7.096
Q14. The chemical properties of atoms are determined by
A) the number of valence electrons.
B) the number of protons.
C) the number of neutrons.
D) the number of protons and neutrons.
E) the ratio of protons to neutrons.
Q15. An element has the following properties: dull (not shiny), brittle, and poor
conductor of heat and electricity. This element is
A) a nonmetal.
B) a transition metal.
C) a metalloid.
D) an alkali metal.
E) none of these.
Q16. In 12.4 hours, a 100-gram sample of an element decays so that its mass is
reduced to 25 grams. What is the half-life of this radioactive substance?
A) 6.2 hours.
B) 1.6 hours.
C) 3.1 hours.
D) 24.8 hours.
E) 49. 6 hours.
Q17. Which of the following types of radiation emitted in a nuclear decay has
(have) no electrical charge?
I. Alpha
II. Beta
III. Gamma
A) III only.
B) II only.
C) I and II only.
D) I and III only.
E) II and III only.
Q18. Arrange the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiations according to their
penetrating power, greatest first.
A) Gamma, Beta, Alpha.
B) Gamma, Alpha, Beta.
C) Beta, Gamma, Alpha.
D) Beta, Alpha, Gamma.
E) Alpha, Beta, Gamma.
Q19. The reaction H-2 + H-2 ----► He-4 + Energy is
A) a fusion reaction.
B) a fission reaction.
C) an alpha decay process.
D) a chemical reaction.
E) none of these.
Q20. Iodine-131 decays by emitting a beta particle. The newly formed element is
A) Xenon (Xe).
B) Tellurium (Te).
C) Krypton (Kr).
D) Selenium (Se)
E) Radon (Rn).