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“Project Green Planet”
An Investigation of Plants
Grade Four Science
Prince William County Public Schools
Supported through a partnership project between
The PWCS E.A.G.L.E.S. Center
(Eastern Area Grounds for Learning Environmental Science)
PWCS Science Curriculum Resource Guide
Grade 4
Reporting Caegory: Life Processes and Living Systems
The student will investigate and understand basic plant anatomy and life processes. Key
concepts include
a) the structures of typical plants and the function of each structure;
b) processes and structures involved with plant reproduction;
c) photosynthesis; and
d) adaptations allow plants to satisfy life needs and respond to the environment.
Teacher Preparation and Background Material
pp. 2-5
Instructions for assembling Root-A-View
p. 6
Plant Collage-Pre-Assessment
p. 7
Schoolyard Detectives- Problem Based Learning
p. 8
Vocabulary- Science Literacy
pp. 9-25
Germination Race-Experimental Design
pp. 26-30
Seed Dissection- Hands-on
p. 31
Root-A-View- Investigation
p. 32
Parts of a Plant- Analogies
pp. 33-36
Parts of a Flower- Scientific Modeling
p. 37
Who’s the Boss?- Group Graphing
pp. 38-39
Pollination Game- Interactive Game
pp. 40-42
Seed and Spore Safari- Thinking Maps
pp. 43-44
Graphing Stories- Data Analysis
pp. 45-47
Grow Your Own Garden- Experimental Design
pp. 48-50
The Great Lima Bean Race- Math Investigations
pp. 51-55
Head Towards the Light- Investigation
p. 56
Human Impact- Inquiry
p. 57
Soil Protectors- Data Collection
pp. 58-61
Back to the Schoolyard- Environmental Stewardship
p. 62
Teacher Preparation
Two-to-three weeks before beginning this unit, spread about 80 lima beans on a layer of damp
paper towels inside plastic bags, and place the bags near a window that admits sunlight. You will
be germinating more seeds than you will need in case some do not make it. Keep the paper towel
moist, but do not over saturate. When the seedlings have developed leaves and roots, they can be
transplanted using peat pellets or soil in the Styrofoam cups to use for the great lima bean race,
head towards the light, human impact, and soil protector’s lessons.
Teacher Background
(adapted from Virginia Department of Education Enhanced Scope and Sequence)
Vascular plants have three major parts — roots, stems, and leaves. Many plants have an
additional important part — flowers.
Roots not only anchor plants in the soil and store food but are also responsible for absorbing
water and essential minerals through their millions of root hairs. Stems connect the flowers and
the leaves to the roots and contain the vascular tubes, which transport water and food throughout
the plant. The leaves of a plant are the primary food factories, where the majority of
photosynthesis takes place. Ultimately all green parts of a plant photosynthesize.
The word photosynthesis is taken from Latin words meaning “putting together with light.”
During photosynthesis plants convert solar energy to food energy. Starches and sugars, the
products of photosynthesis, are essential for the survival of Earth’s other organisms. These
starches and sugars are stored by plants and then passed on to the herbivores that eat them. From
the herbivores, the food energy is transferred up the food chain; each organism uses some of the
energy and passes the remainder to the next organism in the food chain.
Photosynthesis takes place within a plant’s green cells are oblong structures called
“chloroplasts,” which are filled with chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs light, and the reaction
produces sugar (glucose) and oxygen. The chemical formula for this process is as follows:
6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2
This chemical equation is read: “6 molecules of carbon dioxide added to 6 molecules of water
combine to produce 1 molecule of glucose (sugar) and 6 molecules of oxygen.
In this process, the plant uses the sugar (glucose) that is produced as food, while the oxygen is
for the most part a waste product and is released into the atmosphere.
Ultimately, all life on Earth depends on plants to provide food, shelter, and oxygen. Because of
this, plant reproduction is very important to all living things. The first step of plant reproduction
is pollination. Animals assist in the pollination of more than 90 percent of the flowers on Earth.
Wind and rain assist the rest. In order to attract pollinators, plants have adapted in many ways:
they produce sweet nectar, colorful petals, and attractive aromas. The process of pollination
begins when pollen grains (male reproductive cells) reach the stigma (the female reproductive
part) of the same species of plant. The stigma is the upper portion of the pistil. Once the pollen
reaches the stigma, it travels down the style through a pollen tube, the pollen then fertilizes the
ovules which are located in the ovary located at the base of the pistil. Once the ovules are
fertilized, the ovary develops into a fruit and the ovules become the seeds.
Some plant species have one
flower with just male parts and
another with just female parts,
these are called imperfect flowers.
Other plants have both male and
female parts within the same
flower, these are called perfect
flowers. Other flowers like
sunflowers, daisies, and clovers
are really made up of multiple
flowers. These are called
composite flowers.
There are two main kinds of seed plants, conifers and
flowering plants. The seeds of plants come in a variety of
shapes and sizes. The three main parts of the seed are the seed
coat, the cotyledon, or food storage, and the embryo, or baby
plant. Plants that produce seeds, give their offspring a huge
evolutionary advantage because the embryo has a built in food
supply and protective coating.
But not all plants reproduce using seeds. More primitive plants like mosses and ferns reproduce
by using spores. Spores leave a great deal to chance. Each spore consists of a single cell that
contains little or no food reserve - just a genetic "blueprint" for a new plant. It can germinate and
survive only if it happens to land in a place where conditions are just right for growth. As a
result, mosses and ferns must produce spores by the millions to overcome the great odds against
their survival.
Plants are beneficial to people in many ways. Besides providing food and giving off oxygen in
photosynthesis, plants also help protect our soil. Soil is a valuable natural resource. Soil erosion
can be slowed down by plant growth covering bare soil. This is accomplished in two ways: 1) the
roots hold the soil in place, and 2) the vegetation absorbs the impact of the water hitting the
ground, lowering the velocity with which the water enters the soil
Information About Seeds that are Easy to Grow in Classrooms
1. Lima Beans: Germination rate 85%
75 Days to full maturity
Sun: Full sun
Water: water well after sowing, do not over water, but water regularly, avoiding soggy
soil conditions
Soil: cover 1 inch with well-drained soil, rich in organic material, fertilizing regularly
Temperature: 18 to 29 degrees Celsius (66 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit)
Spacing: space seeds 3 to 6 inches apart in rows about 2 to 3 feet apart
Germination Time: 6 to 18 days
2. Sunflower: Germination rate 92%
120 Days to bloom
Sun: Full sun
Soil: cover with ¼ inch well drained soil
Temperature: 21-24 C (70-75 F)
Spacing: 9-24” apart
Germination Time: 7-14 days
3. Radish: Germination rate 98%
20-35 days to maturity
Sun: Part sun
Germination temp.: 45-90 degrees F.
Soil: cover 1/2 inch
Spacing between plants: 1/2-1 inch , Spacing between rows: 8-18 inches
Germination Time: 3-12 days
4. Zinnias: Germination Rate 93%
50-65 days to bloom
Sun: Full sun
Water: Keep soil moist
Temperature: 21-29 C (70-85 F)
Soil: ¼ inch deep, cover lightly but firmly
Spacing: 9-12” apart
Germination Time: 3-5 days (longer if it is cooler)
Plant in peat containers if you plan to transplant outside. They do not like to have their
roots disturbed when transplanting. Zinnias are known as a cut-and-come-again flower.
The more you cut the more they bloom. Use them as a cut flower throughout the summer
and you will have a nice supply until fall frost.
Instructions for
Root A Views
Assembly Instructions:
1. Take two pieces of Plexiglas.
2. Insert rubber tubing along two sides and the bottom between the two pieces of Plexiglas.
3. Hold the rubber tubing in place using eight of the large black clips.
4. Insert a pencil in the middle of the Plexiglas to keep separated.
5. Your “Root A View” is now ready to fill with soil.
Rubber tubing
Plant Collage
This activity will help assess the level of prior knowledge your students have with respect to
Large sheet of poster paper for each group of students
Markers or crayons
A few fresh flowers in vases around the room
1. Divide your class into cooperative groups of 4-6 students.
2. Give each group a sheet of large paper
3. Have each group of students draw a picture of a plant or plants and have them label as
many parts as possible
4. Have the students draw pictures of ways that plants help people
5. After the students have finished their drawings have them present their poster to the class.
The other student groups can add to their posters if the student group presents something
they did not include in their version.
6. Hang the sheets of paper around your classroom and as the students learn more about
plants during the unit, they can continue to add to their posters.
Problem Based
Schoolyard Detectives
Students will conduct a schoolyard survey using digital cameras.
Digital camera (several if possible)
Clip boards with pencil and paper
Suggested Procedure:
1. Explain to the class that they are going to be detectives and try to discover areas where
there schoolyard looks nice and areas that might need improvement. (e.g. areas of
erosion, litter, bare spots on soil)
2. They are going gather photographic evidence to document the different areas in the
3. Have students work in cooperative groups and give each group a digital camera if
possible. If there are not enough cameras, then the teacher can carry the camera and hand
it to the students when they find areas that they want to take pictures of.
4. When the students take a picture, have them record on their piece of paper where the
picture was taken.
5. When you get back into the classroom load the pictures onto the computer.
6. Display the pictures and have the students tell why they took a picture of that particular
spot. Compare the nice areas to the areas that the students think need improvement.
7. Ask if there is anything that could be done to help that area?
8. Tell students that they are going to be learning about plants and how they help people and
the environment.
9. Save the photos, these will serve a “before” photos for a schoolyard improvement project.
1. Have students create a power point or movie out of their photos.
Science Literacy
Plant Vocabulary Sort
In this activity, students will use prepared vocabulary cards to develop an understanding of key
scientific vocabulary.
Prepared vocabulary cards for every pair of students
Suggested Procedure:
1. Hand each pair of students a set of vocabulary cards and pictures.
2. Have each group work first with the words to sort them into three groups: words I don’t
know, words I recognize, words I know and understand.
3. Ask each group to begin with the words in the know and understand pile and match them
with the correct definition.
4. Move on to the words that the students recognize and then instruct on the words that are
When the students have learned the definitions to the words, use the prepared vocabulary cards
as a guide to put these words into their science notebooks to use throughout the year. These cards
can be used to play vocabulary games and create vocabulary competitions.
Word Wall Cards for
SOL 4.4
4.4 The student will investigate and understand basic plant anatomy and life
processes. Key concepts include
a) the structures of typical plants and the function of each structure;
b) processes and structures involved with plant reproduction;
c) photosynthesis; and
d) adaptations allow plants to satisfy life needs and respond to the
Word Walls
A word wall is a group of words that are displayed on a wall, bulletin board, chalkboard, or whiteboard in a classroom. The words are printed
in a large font so that they are easily visible from all student seating areas. These words are referred to continually throughout a unit or term
by the teacher and students during a variety of activities. A word wall works both as an active learning tool (the student and teacher
continually refer to and use the word wall in activities) and a passive learning tool (the student refers to the wall during other learning
To help a variety of learners consider making your word wall visual – include graphics with your key terms to help support a broad array of
learners! This set of word wall cards is designed to have a definition and then three supporting graphics for each physiographic region of
Add words to the Word Wall as you introduce the target vocabulary. Review the words daily. Change the words as you begin a new lesson.
Word Walls lend themselves to a variety of activities.
Here are a few ideas:
From Robyn Cole, Woodbridge MS
Five Clues: Have each student number their paper from one to five. Give a clue about one of the words on the Word Wall. Students
should write down the word they think you are thinking of. Keep giving clues (up to five) until everyone has guessed the word you
were thinking of.
Lights On!: You’ll need a flashlight for this activity. Turn off the classroom lights. Then point the flashlight at one word on the Word
Wall. Call on a student to read the word and either use it in a sentence or provide the definition. When the student is successful, it is
his or her turn to point the flashlight at a word and choose another student to read the word.
Word-O: Provide each student with a bingo-type grid with six blank spaces. Tell students to fill in the blanks with words from the
Word Wall. Put the corresponding definition cards into a jar. Pull the definition cards from the jar one by one. Read the definition and
have students cover the corresponding word on their grid with a marker. When the entire card is covered, Wordo!
Card Games: The word cards can be used in many different card games, some of which are variations of games played with regular
playing cards. Here are a few ideas for games using the word cards.
Word Cards:
These cards can be also be used as word cards in teacher-led activities, small
group activities, to introduce new vocabulary, and to review vocabulary and
concepts. Word cards are helpful to visual, kinesthetic, and aural learners.
Word cards provide students with visual cues and constant reinforcement.
Consider printing these out on card stock and making a set of the word cards
for each student group (cut out, laminate, keep in zippered bags).
Here are a few active learning strategies you can do with the word cards:
Introducing the Key Terms: Assess prior knowledge by having the student teams group the terms into “Stuff I Know” and “Stuff I
Don’t Know”. Discuss student choices and prior knowledge with the class.
Connecting the Terms: Have student teams match the term with the associated picture. Have them write on a piece of paper how the
term and the picture are related.
Closed and Open Sorts: Have the student teams sort the terms into categories (how are they related?). You can either provide the
categories or allow student teams to select them. They then create a map of their sort on a piece of paper.
Review the Terms – “Concentration”: Students can try a “concentration” game. Turn over all terms and pictures face down. Each
student then takes a turn flipping up two cards – if the picture and term match, the student collects the card and earns a point. If not,
they flip the cards back over and move to the next person.
Review the Terms – “Mystery Word”: This game is for four students, playing in pairs. Prepare a card for each target vocabulary
word. Put the cards face down in the middle of the table. The first student of the first pair picks a card and gives a one-word clue to
his or her partner that will enable the partner to guess the vocabulary word. If the partner does not guess the word, the word goes to a
member of the other pair who gives a hint to his or her partner. The team that successfully guesses the word keeps the card. The team
with the most cards wins!
Carbon dioxide + water + sunlight =
sugar + oxygen
Pollen + Ovule = Seed
Ferns and
The movement of pollen from a
stamen to the pistil is called
The tiny grains that make seeds
when combined with a
flower's eggs.
The part of a flower that contains
the eggs or ovules is called the
Combines with the pollen grain
to form the seed.
The leaf like parts that protect a
flower bud and are usually green.
The part of a flower attracts
pollinators by their bright colors
and fragrant odors.
The _____ is the tiny part of a
seed that can grow into a new
A tiny cell that can grow into a new
plant is called a ____
The green material in plants that
The name of the gas that is
traps energy from the sunlight and
found in the air that green
gives plants a green color.
plants need to make their own
The pollen-bearing organ of a
flower, consisting of the
filament and the anther.
The resting state of a seed, or
a tree in winter
The part of the plant that grows
downward into the soil, anchoring The main part of the plant that
the plant and absorbing nutrients supports a leaf, flower, or fruit.
and moisture.
The usually green parts of plants
that extend from the stem and
The fertilized, matured ovule of
collect sunlight and carbon dioxide a flowering plant, containing a
gas for the process of
new plant (embryo).
The top of the pistil that is sticky This part contains the stigma,
so it can collect pollen.
the style, and the ovary.
The name of the gas that is
How plants make their own food found that green plants give
from water, sunlight, and carbon off when they make their own
The sugar that plants make
during photosynthesis.
The energy source needed for
When the egg and pollen
combine to make a seed.
Two plants that reproduce
using spores.
Germination Race
During this lesson, students will experiment with different seeds to determine which one geminates the
Paper towels
Small paper plates
Plastic Bags
Three (Or more) of each type of seed (eg. Radish, zinnias, sunflower, lima beans) for each group of
Magnifying glasses
Copies of data sheet
Note: be sure to keep the paper towels moist throughout the experiment.
Suggested Procedure:
1. Explain that the students are going to design an experiment to test which seed will germinate,
or sprout the fastest.
2. Using the experimental design diagram, have your class design an experiment. (the independent
variable is the type of seeds, the dependent variable, is the number of days it takes to sprout,
the number of trials is the number of seeds each student group receives, for this experiment
there is not a control group)
3. To begin, have the students place two moist paper towels on four different plates. Make sure
they add the same amount of water to each towel.
4. Have the students place each type of seeds in between the paper towels. Place paper towel
inside plastic bag and put their bag in a warm area.
5. Each day the students should check their seeds to see of they have sprouted. They will need to
use their magnifying glasses for the smaller seeds.
6. Once the seeds sprout, have them record their data on the data sheet.
7. All the seeds should have germinated after about 18 days. There will probably be some seeds
that do not germinate. If so, have the students record it in the “No Germination” column.
8. After all the seeds have germinated, have the class record their data on the board.
9. Have the students calculate the median for each type of seeds.
10. The students should then create a graph that displays their results. A sample graph is included
below. Have your students see if there data corresponds to the data on the sample graph.
Transplant the germinated seeds out into the schoolyard, or plant in cups and have the students take
them home.
Name: ________________________
Student Page
Experimental Design Diagram
Question: How does _____________________ affect _____________________?
Hypothesis: If _______________________ then __________________________
because ___________________________________________________________.
Independent Variable. What “I” change.
Group or
Level of the
Number of
Dependent Variable: ___________________________________________
How will the dependent variable be measured? Describe in detail including units.
Constants: The parts of the experiment that remain the same to keep it fair.
Trials and Data Collection:
Number of Seeds Germinated
Median # of
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Days for
Lima Bean
Graph or Display Data
Conclusion: The R-E-R-U-N Strategy for Writing Conclusions to Experiments:
R = Recall: Briefly describe what you did.
E = Explain: Explain the purpose, or question, of the experiment.
R = Results: State the results. What happened? ____________________________
Was the hypothesis supported by the data? ___________________________
U = Uncertainty: Describe the uncertainties and errors that exist.
N = New: Write two new things you learned.
Write two new questions you could further investigate.
Germination and Flowering Rate of Class Plants
Number of Days
Days to Germination
Days to Flower
lima bean
Kinds of Seeds
Seed Dissection
Students will dissect lima bean seeds and identify and determine parts of a seed.
Lima beans that have soaked in water for a couple of nights
Magnifying lenses
Suggested Procedure:
1. Ask the students if the know how the seed turns into a plant. Allow for discussion
2. Tell them that they are going to dissect a seed to discover the answer to the question,
“Where do plants come from?”
3. Hand out a lima bean to each pair of students.
4. Have the students remove the seed’s outer protective covering, or seed coat.
5. Using their toothpick, have the students carefully pull apart the two halves of the bean.
Let them examine the inside using their magnifying glass.
7. The students should sketch the inside of the seed into their science journal.
8. Have them remove the tiny white sprout. Explain that it is the baby plant or embryo.
9. Have the students label their seed diagram in their science journal.
Journal Activity
Root- A-View
Using a Root A View Growing Chamber, students will plant radish seeds and get to observe
germination and root formation.
Root-A-View Growing Chamber (see assembly instructions at the beginning of this packet)
Radish seeds
Science Journal
Suggested Procedure:
1. Write the following on the board. “Plants need P.L.A.N.T.S.” Tell the students that each
letter stands for something that the plants need to grow (hint: one is a little tricky to
solve). Give the students a few moments to figure out what each letter stands for, and
then review.
Place to Grow
Thirsty (water)
Soil or other media to grow in
2. Ask the students how the plants get their nutrients? (from the roots) Can we usually see
the roots of plants?
3. Explain that the students are going to be growing radishes using a special chamber that
allows them to see the roots as they grow.
4. Fill the Root-A-View chamber with potting soil. Place radish seeds in and cover with
about ½” of soil. Seeds should be spaced ½” to 1” apart.
5. Moisten the soil and place by a window.
6. Have the students check the Root-A-View daily and record their observations in their
science journal. (Radish seeds are usually quick germinating seeds, if the conditions are
warmer, they will germinate faster)
7. How are the roots helping the plant? (get nutrients and water from the soil) Are all roots
the same? (review tap roots and fibrous roots) What kind of roots do the radishes have?
8. Have students draw a picture of their radish plants and label the roots, stems and leaves.
Parts of a Plant
Students will begin this study of plant anatomy by analyzing a common plant and identifying its
roots, stem, leaves, and flowers. They will then discuss the function of each structure and relate
the structure to the function. A foldable explaining the parts of a plant and their functions will be
used to assess understanding.
A common plant for class observation
Foldable paper for each student
Small plastic Easter egg, straw, sugar packet, and straw for each student
Suggested Procedures and Leading Questions:
1. To set the stage and engage students for learning, bring in a common plant and ask the
students to make some observations about the plant. Explain that every living thing,
including your plant, has some very important parts to help it do its job and survive.
2. Write “structure” on the board.
Q: What do we mean by “structures?”
Structures are the organized parts of the plant.
3. Explain that when scientists look at living things, they study each structure together with
the function it serves.
Q: Can anyone identify a structure and its corresponding function?
Answers might include that the leaf is a structure that collects sunlight and water to make
food for the plant.
Q: Do you think that the shapes of plant structures matter?
It is interesting to note that the makeup of each structure is very important to the job it
performs for the plant.
4. Give each student a plant foldable sheet with the names of the structures printed on one
side and the plant drawing printed on the opposite side.
5. Show students how to fold both the right and left structure flaps in toward the plant
drawing without covering the drawing.
6. Have students cut beneath each individual structure name and write its function under the
flap. Students might want to work with a partner and use their text or interactive
notebooks as a reference. When they have finished writing about each function they may
color their plant drawing.
7. Pass an egg, straw, sponge, and sugar packet to each student.
Q: What is an analogy?
A similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based.
8. Ask pairs to discuss how each of the items they were given might be an analogy for the
function of one of the plant parts. Once students have had a chance to come to a
conclusion that the egg corresponds to the function of the flower that is the reproductive
structure that creates a seed, the straw is the structure that distributes water and nutrients
up from the roots and food from the leaves to the rest of the plant, sugar is the food
created in the leaves, and the sponge is that part of the plant that absorbs water and
nutrients, allow them to begin gluing each analogy to the appropriate plant structure.
NOTE: You will need to set up a hot glue station and bring up students in pairs to glue their
egg to the foldable.
Technology Connections:
Visit for information and interactive games about
Scientific Modeling
Parts of a Flower
Students will create a flower model with construction paper.
Materials for each model:
Toilet paper tube
2 pieces of 9 x 12 construction paper, one green and one red
2 small pieces of clay, each in a different color
1 3 inch piece of drinking straw
2 yellow pipe cleaners
Suggested Procedures and Leading Questions:
1. Cut a 4 ½” x 6” piece from the green paper. Tape this piece in place around the tube.
2. Fold the remaining green paper in half hot dog style. Cut a figure that looks like rabbit
ears that will create 4 sepal structures when you open the folded paper.
3. Fold the red paper in fourths. Cut a heart shape with a very deep center so that when you
open the folded paper you have 4 petals for the flower that will alternate with the sepal
below them.
4. Tape the sepals below the petals so that they show between the petals. Fold the petals
upward slightly so that they appear to stand up.
5. Shape the clay into the ovule and ovary. Poke the straw piece into its center to form the
pistil. Stick the clay to the center of the flower.
6. Fold the pipe cleaners in half and poke them through the sepal/flower structure near the
pistil so that they stand up to form the stamen.
7. Tape the sepals and petals in place atop the cardboard stem.
8. Cut two leaves from the scraps of green paper. Draw veins on the leaves. Then tape the
leaves to the cardboard stem.
9. Fold the ends of each stamen down and put glue on the ends. Add some cornmeal to
represent the pollen. It’s OK if some of the pollen gets on the petals. That happens to real
flowers, too.
Have students draw and label a diagram of their model. Include the function of each plant part.
Who’s the Boss?
Group Graphing
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet set up in the computer lab or on the Smart Board.
Suggested Procedures:
1. Lead students in a discussion of suitable subjects for conducting a plant poll of their
classmates; the choice for this lesson is "Most Important Flower Part."
2. Poll students, count the votes at each computer in the lab or on the Smart Board, and
create a spreadsheet in Excel listing the names of each plant part and the votes received.
3. By highlighting columns A and B then clicking
on "TOOLS," "CREATE A CHART" or the
graph icon and the bar graphic, a bar graph, as
shown at right, is made.
Class Votes on the Boss of a Plant
Student Choices
4. Now that each student in the lab is looking at
the same graph either in the lab, or on the Smart
Board, we develop such queries as, Which part
do we feel is most important? Least important?
Are there equal favorites? Alternatively, take
the "JEOPARDY" approach such as asking "For
what question is "pistil and stamen" the correct answer?"
Plant Parts
5. This activity so far, using one series of results, is interesting but rather limited.
Frequently the graph is superfluous; answers could just as easily be found from the table
of numbers without using the graph. Increase the complexity by getting more data from
other classes.
6. Record the new results in columns C and
Student Choices for Most Important Plant Part
D of the spreadsheet and create the new
bar graph showing all three classes - it's
much more interesting!
Student Choices
7. The teacher can now ask more
Ms. As Class
Mr. Bs Class
Mrs. Cs Class
complicated questions, e.g.:
Whose class thinks the leaf is the most
important structure?
Whose class thinks the stem is the least
What is the total number of votes for the
Plant Parts
sepal? The stem? The pistil? The stamen?
8. So far the teacher has been the one creating the questions. Now for a true group activity,
have the students create questions about their graphs for each other to answer. Teachers
create friendly, "do-able" questions; the students are much tougher on each other when
it's their turn to ask! Here are some examples:
"Which class likes the leaf best and the sepal and spore the least?"
"Which classes like three structures equally?"
(Consider a rule that the student questioner must know the answer before asking a
9. Easy creation of graphs from spreadsheets permits rapid comparisons of graphing style
choices or "number pictures" which look so different yet all derive from the same
numbers. Discuss the suitability of different graphs to different situations. A bar chart is
best for comparison graphs like the one created in this lesson but we can suggest
situations where a pie chart or a line graph would be more useful. Ask students to
brainstorm some other stories that they can tell with graphs and ask what graph would be
appropriate for each application.
Interactive Game
Pollination Game
During this interactive game, students will understand the process of pollination and fertilization.
Sidewalk chalk
Diagram of Parts of a Flower for each student group
Joining Seeds Handout
Straw for bee
Suggested Procedure:
1. Visit the following forest service site the shows what happens during pollination.
2. As the students are watching the animation, explain that the pollen from the stamen
(anther is the top) gets transferred to the stigma (the top part of the pistil). The pollen then
travels down the style in a pollen tube and joins with an ovule located in the ovary. This
step is called fertilization.
3. Explain to the students that working in groups; they are going to draw their own flower
on the blacktop. They should try to make their flower attractive to a pollinator, the bee.
Remind them that flowers aren’t attractive so we will pick them, but they are attractive so
pollinators will visit them and then they can form seeds.
4. Hand out a “Parts of a Flower Sheet” to each group of students. Go outside to an area
where the students can draw flowers on the blacktop using the sidewalk chalk.
5. Give the students time to draw their flowers. As they are drawing check to be sure that
they have included all of the following parts listed on the plant diagram: Stamen, pistil,
ovary, ovules, and petals.
6. After the students have drawn their flowers, have one student from each group stand on
the top of the stamen. Ask them what they represent (the pollen). Hand each grain of
pollen one half of the seed card.
7. Have two students from the group stand inside the ovary. Ask them what they represent
(the ovules)
8. Explain that for the flower to reproduce; at least one pollen grain has to make it to the
ovules to complete the seed. In order to do this their flower has to attract the pollinator,
the bee.
9. Assign one student to serve in the role of the bee. If the bee visits your plant, the pollen
grain can travel down the pistil and join with the ovary. When the pollen matches with
the ovule, fertilization has occurred and a seed is produced.
10. Ask students which part of the plant attracts the pollinators? (the petals) Give student
groups a couple minutes to make their petals as attractive as possible.
11. While the teams are doing this, quietly tell the student playing the bee that bees are
attracted to certain colors-blue, purple, and yellow. So the bee will only visit flowers that
have those colors.
12. Have all of the students return to their places and let the bee visit the flowers. Ask why
the bee is carrying a straw (to drink the nectar)
13. After the bee has visited the flowers that have blue, purple, and yellow, conclude the
14. Tally how many seeds were fertilized.
15. Back in the classroom, review the findings of the game. Did all of the plants get
pollinated? If any plants weren’t pollinated by the bee, are there other ways those
flowers could be pollinated? (other animals like butterflies and birds, and the wind)
Student Page
“Parts of a Flower Sheet”
Seed Card:
Cut out card and
cut in half.
Give one half to a
pollen grain and the
other half to an
Thinking Maps
Seed and Spore Safari
Using a double bubble thinking map, students will compare and contrast seeds vs. spores.
Student handout
Suggested Procedure:
1. Ask the students whether all plants have seeds?
2. Visit the Great Plant Escape web site at and read the facts comparing spores
and seeds.
3. Hand out the Double Bubble thinking map page and have students write in “seeds” in one
large blue circle and “spores” in the other large blue circle.
4. Have the students complete the Double Bubble Map to compare and contrast spores
verses seeds.
5. Explain that the outer bubbles, in red, will be items that share qualities with only one
object - the contrasting qualities. The center bubbles, in green, show similarities between
the two items being compared.
Contrasting Qualities:
Grow into plants
Made by the plant
Small Specks
Found under leaves
No fertilization
Flowering Plants
Cone bearing plant
Variety of shapes and sizes
Made in flowers or cones
Go on a seed and spore safari in your schoolyard. Have students collect different kinds of seeds
and see if they can find any mosses or ferns to look for spores.
Student Page
Comparing and Contrasting Spores vs. Seeds
Data Analysis & Graphing
Graph Stories
Students will read two current event articles covering pollinators and Virginia forests. They will
then discuss and interpret graphs presented in the articles.
Handouts of articles
3 x5 cards
Suggested Procedure:
1. After reading the articles, have the students write a short summary about the content of
the articles.
2. Ask the students to write a sentence summarizing the contents of the graphs. What do
they show?
3. Play a “graph interpretation” game. Have the students work in groups.
4. Have the students decide on a name for their group. The name has to have something to
do with plants.
5. Give each team 8 3 x 5 cards to write their answers on. Ask the following questions about
the graphs and have the students write their answers on the 3 x 5 cards. At the end of the
game, go over the groups answers and place the scores on the board.
a. Is the number of bees increasing or decreasing over time?
b. What was the population of bees in 1940?
c. In what year was the population of bees 2.1 million?
d. How many times did they sample the population of bees?
e. Who owns the majority of Virginias Forests?
f. Who owns the smallest amount of Virginia’s Forests?
g. How many different owners are shown on the graph?
h. What kind of graph is displaying who owns Virginia’s Forests?
Student Page
Pollinators Help Plants!
Imagine living in a world without bees or other pollinators! It would be a world
without flowers, fruit, even a cup of coffee. A world, even, without chocolate!
Thanks to the wonderful work of bees, butterflies, birds, and other animal
pollinators, the world's flowering plants are able to reproduce and bear fruit,
providing many of the foods we eat, the plant materials we and other organisms
use, and the beauty we see around us. Yet today, there is evidence indicating
alarming pollinator population declines worldwide due to habitat loss, pesticides,
disease and pests.
Domesticated honey bees are not the only pollinators in trouble these days. Many
species of butterflies, moths, birds, bats and other pollinators are declining,
threatening not only the production of commercial crops but also a wide range of
flowering plants, including rare and endangered species.
Honey Bee Population
Commercial Bee Colonies
Student Page
Virginia’s Forest Ownership
The value of Virginia's forests is many things to many people. To some, the value
lies in the beauty of the forests. Landowners and the forest products industry
consider the utilization of the resource as the most valuable asset. Whatever the
"value," we must recognize that Virginia's forests provide a renewable natural
resource that extends from harvesting timber to natural beauty. Whether it's a walk
in the urban forest or a hunter in a rural woodland, all Virginians can enjoy this
resource as it continues to provide a necessary framework for our daily lives. The
importance of forests in cleansing the air, purifying our water, providing products,
and encouraging recreation opportunities must be embraced as we advance into the
21st century. Our Virginia standard of living depends on our forest resources.
Virginia's forests are our "common wealth," providing both environmental and
economic benefits.
Who Owns Virginia's Timberland?
Private Owners
Business Owners
Forest Industry
Public Land
Grow Your Own Garden
Students will design an experiment to determine the ideal conditions for growing zinnias.
Peat strips (zinnias do not like to be transplanted once their roots disturbed)
Zinnia seeds
Experimental design diagram for students
Suggested Procedure:
1. Review with the students what plants need to grow: P.L.A.N.T.S.
Place to Grow
Thirsty (water)
Soil or other media to grow in
2. Tell the students that they are going to design an experiment to determine the best
conditions for growing zinnias.
3. You can choose to do this as a class experiment and have the class decide on the
independent variable (e.g. amount of light, amount of water, amount of soil, amount of
fertilizer, how deep the seeds are planted, the temperature of the soil etc…) or you can
have each student group design their own experiment.
4. Complete the experimental design diagram with your students and run the experiment(s).
5. Have the students keep data in their science journal to record which plants are growing
the best.
6. After a few weeks, have the students make a conclusion about which conditions were
best for growing the zinnias.
7. The class can transplant the flowers to a sunny place in the schoolyard by planting the
entire peat strip.
Name: ________________________
Student Page
Experimental Design Diagram
Question: How does _____________________ affect _____________________?
Hypothesis: If _______________________ then __________________________
because ___________________________________________________________.
Independent Variable. What “I” change.
tal Group
or Level of
the I.V.
Number of
Dependent Variable: ___________________________________________
How will the dependent variable be measured? Describe in detail including units.
Constants: The parts of the experiment that remain the same to keep it fair.
Trials and Data Collection
Graph or Display Data
Conclusion: The R-E-R-U-N Strategy for Writing Conclusions to Experiments:
R = Recall: Briefly describe what you did.
E = Explain: Explain the purpose, or question, of the experiment.
R = Results: State the results. What happened? _________________________
Was the hypothesis supported by the data? ___________________________
U = Uncertainty: Describe the uncertainties and errors that exist.
N = New: Write two new things you learned.
Write two new questions you could further investigate.
Data Collection
and Analysis
The Great Lima Bean Race
Students will grow lima bean plants and measure and graph the heights of their plants.
Graph Paper
Student plant growth data tables
Students working in pairs with their plants
Teachers’ Guide to Math Investigations, Grade 4, Unit 9, Investigation 3: Collecting and
Analyzing Measurements (Plant Growth)
Math Investigations Student Activity Book page 59
Lima Beans
Peat pellets or soil
Styrofoam cups
Teacher Note: you can also use the lima beans that you started two weeks before the lesson
Suggested Procedures:
1. Read Jack and the Beanstalk to your class. Do plants really get this tall? Explain that
over the next couple of weeks, the students will be growing and measuring their own
bean stalks.
2. After about 50% of the classes’ seeds have sprouted, help students create a data chart in
their science notebooks to record 2 weeks of plant growth.
Day of the Week
Height (cm)
3. In this activity, students will be setting up their own graphs of their plant’s height.
Establish the standards of graphing scientific experiments with the class, being sure that
they know that the part of the experiment the experimenter purposefully changes
(Independent Variable) is placed on the X axis and the part of the experiment that
responds to the change and is measured (Dependent Variable) is placed on the Y axis.
Help them draw and label the axes. Get their ideas on how to mark the y-axis and then
show them how to mark it in regular intervals.
Q: What will “high up” mean on this graph?
Q: What will “low down” mean on this graph?
4. Help students plot their data from their charts. If any students have missing data, ask
them what they can do for days when they have no measurements. Also ask questions
that draw attention to how the graph showed changes in plant growth.
5. When the students have finished plotting points for their first 5 or 6 days of growth, ask
them to take another color pencil and plot how they predict their plants will continue to
grow. Remind them that accuracy in predicting is not important. What is important is that
students are representing their predictions on their graph.
6. For additional practice, have students turn to their Math Investigations Student Activity
Book page 59 and plot the information from the chart on plant growth into the graph. A
sample chart follows.
Lima Bean Plant Growth
Height (cm)
Q: Where does this graph show the fastest growth? How can you tell from the shape of
the graph? How can you tell from the numbers along the graph’s axes?
Q: Some people think that the plant grew fastest on the weekend. Some people think that
the plant grew fastest from Monday to Tuesday. What do you think?
Hint: Breaking the total measurement into individual measurements for each day can
help students compare the rate for growth on the weekend to the rate of growth between
Monday and Tuesday. Also, ask questions about the slowest growth.
7. In another 5 or 6 days, have students continue working on their graphs by adding actual
measurements in the original color and comparing the data with the predictions that they
made earlier. Check to see that students associate periods of fast growth with the steepest
part of the graph and periods of slow growth with the less steep part of the graph. They
can do this by adding a third column to their chart for the amount of change from day to
day. Be sure that students can graph missing information appropriately.
Comparing Growth of Lima Beans
Graph Paper
Student plant growth data tables
Students working in groups of 4, 2 pairs with their plants. Each student from the first pair teams
with one of the students from the second pair.
Class data table
Math Investigations Teachers’ Manual for Unit 9 pages 120-123
1. Set up student groups. Both members of a pair will work on the same sheet of paper so
each pair makes only one set of graphs. As pairs finish, students rejoin their original
partners making a group of four.
2. Ask student pairs to decide together how to set up their graph and what to put along each
axis. After they have decided they need to plot both plants using a different color for each
plant. As they work, ask pairs questions about the numbers they put along the axis for the
height of plants and how they decided. Also ask what is similar and different about the
growth of their two plants.
3. When student pairs have finished graphing, they should each write 4-5 statements about
their graphs, comparing the ways their plants grew.
4. Ask student groups to present their graphs and statements to the class. As they present,
ask questions linking the plant growth to the graph such as: “How do you see that on the
graph? What part of the graph are you looking at?”
5. Use the class Graphing Lima Bean Plants’ Height sheet on the overhead to collect all of
the classes’ data to discuss. Show students how to get the median average by finding the
middle number. If some students can find the mean for comparison, encourage them to do
Q: Overall, have most of the plants grown in a similar way or are some different from
the others?
Q: What growth would be expected if more beans were planted? Is there a pattern of
Math Investigations Integration: Grade 4, Unit 9, Session 3.3
Lesson Focus: Identify point in a graph with corresponding values in a table and interpreting
numerical information in terms of the situation the graph represents.
Activity 1: Matching Numbers, Stories, and Graphs
Activity 2: Discussion
Graphing Lima Bean Plants’ Height
Plant Height (cm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Lima Bean Growth
Growth (cm)
Days of the Week
Guided Inquiry
Head Towards the Light
Students will study photosynthesis, by using interactive website and designing their own plant
Lima bean plants (ones that have already sprouted in cups)
Old tissue boxes or shoe boxes
Suggested Procedure:
1. Ask your students how plants get there food? (make it from the sun, water, and carbon
dioxide) What is this process called? (photosynthesis)
2. Visit the NOVA online website at
3. Have the students click on “Illuminating Photosynthesis.” Then click on “The Cycle.” In
order for the molecules to start moving the students have to click on the three things that
plants need for photosynthesis.
4. Explain that the students are going to design a maze to show how important sunlight is
for plants. (you can do a couple of boxes as a class demonstration or have each group
design their own maze)
5. Carefully cut a hole two inches in diameter on the side of the box.
6. Cover the lima bean plants with the box.
7. Place the box by a window so that sunlight only enters through the hole.
8. Place a couple lima bean plants without a box next to it for comparison.
9. Open the box only to water the plants.
10. After two weeks open the boxes and observe the seedlings.
11. Compare the ones in the boxes to the ones the grew in full sun
12. Are there differences in plant size or color? Are there differences in stem length or leaf
13. Ask the students why these differences occurred.
Human Impact
Students will discover the ways that humans can negatively affect the environment. They will
design an experiment to test the affect of humans on plants. Possible topics include acid rain,
overfertilization, or pollution.
Note: Material list will vary based on experiment students choose, but could include
Lima bean plants
Lemon juice (for acid rain)
Salt (for runoff from roads)
Suggested Procedure:
1. Review some of the photos that the students took at the beginning of the unit.
2. What might be some reasons that some areas look worse then others? (erosion, pollution)
3. Have your students come up with a list of ways that humans can have a negative impact
on the environment.
4. From this list, choose one thing that you could test to see if it would have a negative
effect on the growth of plants, specifically lima beans.
5. Possible ideas that could be tested are too little soil, acid soil from acid rain, salt from
road runoff, too much fertilizer.
6. Use the experimental design diagram to design and experiment. Remind the students that
they can only change one variable (the independent variable) all other factors have to
remain the same.
7. Have students make conclusions based on their results.
Data Collection
Soil Protectors
The hands-on activities in this lesson will help students understand how plants and their roots
help slow the erosion process.
Splashdown Target handout (Laminated)
Cups for water
Data Sheet
Lima Bean plants
Suggested Procedure:
1. Divide the students into small learning groups (four to five students) and distribute the
2. Instruct the students to place the soil so that it covers the center of their Splashdown
3. One student in each group should fill a pipette with water. Holding the pipette three
centimeters above the soil, drop ten droplets of water onto the soil.
4. Count the number of droplets that have splashed into outlying zones on the target. Record
this number on a tally sheet.
5. Pass the pipette to another student in the group. The new student will hold the pipette six
centimeters above the soil (or twice the height as before) and drop ten droplets of water
onto the soil.
6. Observe and record the number of splashes on a tally sheet.
7. Pass the pipette to the next student, who drops water from twelve cm. and record the
8. Finally, pass the pipette to the remaining one or two students in the group and hold the
pipette twenty four cm above the target. Drop ten droplets of water on the soil. Observe
and record the results.
9. Wash the Splashdown Targets. Remove three bean plants (oar as many as will fit into the
center circle) from their cups and place the plants in the center of the target.
10. Repeat steps #3 to 9.
Discuss with the class the following information:
None of the water splashed off the dry soil when the first water droplets were dropped. Why?
The soil needed to become saturated before any splashes occurred. When the soil became
saturated and could hold no more water, the droplets started to splash onto the target.
Why were the drops coming off brown? The drops were brown because some of the soil was
being carried away with the water. This is erosion.
As the water was dropped from a higher point, the splashes became more prolific, covering a
larger area. This is because of the increased velocity of the water droplets. Raindrops hit with a
great velocity because of the speed they are able to obtain as they fall through the atmosphere.
How did the results with the lima beans compare to the results with the bare soil? Not as much
erosion with the lima bean plants. Plants helped slow the process of erosion in two ways:
the roots helped hold the soil in place, and the leaves absorbed the force of the falling water
droplet, allowing the water to trickle into the soil instead of blasting it.
Measure and graph the results of the two tests
Have the students visit the following web site. Dirtmeister's Science Reporters: Erosion
They can input data about areas of erosion that they discovered on their schoolyard.
Splashdown Target
Student Page
Data Sheet for
Splashdown Zone
Height of Dropper
3 cm
6 cm
Bare Soil
Soil with Lima
12 cm
24 cm
Back to the Schoolyard
Using the information they have learned about plant needs, processes, human impacts, and
erosion. The students will pick a place on the schoolyard to plant sunflowers to improve the
Sunflower seeds
Paper towels
Suggested Procedure:
1. Review the photos that your students took on the Schoolyard safari.
2. After learning all about plants, could plants help improve any of these areas?
3. If you have a nice sunny area that needs some improvement, sunflowers would certainly
brighten it up.
4. The best way to ensure even growth and the strongest fastest growing plants is to
germinate the sunflower seeds before planting. Typically, the first seeds to germinate will
be your strongest best thriving plants.
5. Ask the students how to germinate the seeds. They should recall that you use damp paper
towels to get the seed to start growing.
6. Wrap your seeds in damp paper towels and check every few days.
7. After the seeds have germinated, they can be planted. Plant your seeds about ½” to an 1”
deep in the soil and cover. Place your seeds 12" to 18" apart. Water well.
8. Remember the needs of the plants and don’t forget to water them.
9. Take some “after” photos and add them to your Schoolyard Safari presentation.
Extensions or other ideas for habitat improvement:
Join Adopt a School. Participate in a litter clean up around your school grounds 6 times
per year. Contact: Keep Prince William County Beautiful
Promote legislation to Save the Bay.
Promote environmentally friendly grounds maintenance.
Educate other students or community about reducing pollutants in schoolyard.
Create a rain garden or rain barrel to promote water conservation.
Plant a butterfly garden or area to attract wildlife to your schoolyard.
Protect or restore wetlands in the school yard.
Start or encourage recycling, reusing, and reducing waste at your school.
Create a composting area at your school.
For more ideas visit Livebinders on