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Celebrating Darwin's Errors1
Douglas Allchin2
I am here today to help celebrate the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin, the great hero of
biology— and of our culture— born the very same day as Abraham Lincoln: February 12,
1809. Here he is as usually envisioned, an icon in his venerable old age, once he had
achieved fame. — And here he is at age 31, closer to the time when he made his great
discoveries. Does he look like someone who would revolutionize biology? —But he did
just that. His understanding of descent with modification by means of natural selection,
introduced in 1859 in the Origin of Species, helped unify biology: linking taxonomy and
heredity, for example, or biogeography and comparative anatomy, or paleontology and
ecology, or human psychology and natural history. Darwin explained organic "design," and
also how structures revealed an unplanned historical process — the whale's blowhole or
the feathers and vestigial wings of flightless birds. He also helped situate humans
more fully in their natural history, transforming a view of ourselves, our distant cousins, and
the origin of our moral sentiments.
Yet Darwin's achievements do not end there. Indeed, his contributions are wider
and more theoretically unified than usually known (Ghiselin, 1969). For example, he
produced four volumes on the taxonomy of barnacles, demonstrating his skills in
detailed observation and evolutionary classification. In his first work after the Origin, he
presented at New York University, October 3, 2008. adapted from Allchin (2009, in press).
Program in History of Science & Technology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN 55455.
e-mail: [email protected].
showed how orchid structure helps promote outcrossing through pollination, thereby
highlighting of the role of sex and genetic recombination in evolution. Later, he showed
that heterostyly — the occurrence of flowers with different length styles — illustrated the
same general principle. Add to this his work on how emotions are expressed, anchoring
the study of mental phenomena and social communication in observable anatomy and
physiology. In his last work, Darwin correctly interpreted the role of worms in forming
topsoil, what he called "vegetable mould".
Darwin was also a skilled experimentalist (Dennison, 2006). He was among the
first British scientists to explicitly use the concept of control. In Chapter 11 of the Origin, he
summarized his experiments on the germination of seeds soaked in sea water — a
"test" of his ideas about how plants could travel across oceans. With his son Francis he
investigated "the power of movement in plants" — documenting, measuring and
isolating the locus of phototropisms. These studies followed earlier experiments on the
positive effects of plant hybridization. Darwin would surely be remembered for all these
works even if he had never written the Origin or Descent of Man.
But in celebrating Darwin's bicentennial, highlighting his many achievements can
easily foster misconceptions about the nature of science, and of Darwin, too. We tend to
imagine that science advances only by individual genius and that the process of scientific
discovery proceeds smoothly, without error. But if science is fundamentally about
discovery, then its uncertainties, blind pathways and "failures" along the way may be just as
important as the ultimate triumphs (Allchin, 2004, 2008). I wish to celebrate Darwin's
errors as an expression of authentic, not romanticized science. I want to acknowledge
Darwin's mistakes and show how understanding them gives us a deeper appreciation of
Darwin and of science more generally. By foregoing the legendary myth, we can
appreciate so remarkable a scientist as Darwin in familiar human terms.
Was Darwin Ever Wrong?
Well, was Darwin ever wrong? Yes. First, and perhaps most notoriously, Darwin
"retreated" to Lamarckian-like processes (Eiseley, 1961, pp. 216-221; Ghiselin, 1969, pp.
162-164). Variation was essential to the process of natural selection. However, Darwin
could not explain how it arose. Sharp criticism worsened the problem. Darwin, rather than
leave his theory incomplete perhaps, eventually appealed to external forces — the
environment, or use or disuse, or habit, say — in generating favorable variants. That
seemed to echo Lamarck's earlier idea (now discredited) of the inheritance of acquired
characters. Darwin also claimed that merely by domesticating animals, we increased the
rate of new variants.
Many admirers today wonder: How could The Great Darwin have succumbed to
such nonsense? Indeed, modern portrayals of Darwin often treat this as a blemish or mild
embarassment. They tend to "excuse" it as a product of the times. But what idea is not a
product of its time? Too often we judge history based on later outcomes. We tend to
manipulate the past to fit our own ideals. We render the science as more perfect than it
really was — or is now.
Here, Darwin was mistaken here. Other options were available at the time. For
example, Alfred Russel Wallace, the co-discoverer of natural selection, saw no need to
explain variation. He chided Darwin in a letter in 1866:
Such expressions have given your opponents the advantage of assuming that
favorable variations are rare accidents, or may even for long periods never occur at
all and thus [the] argument would appear to many to have great force. I think it
would be better to do away with all such qualifying expressions, and constantly
maintain (what I certainly believe to be the fact) that variations of every kind are
always occurring in every part of every species, and therefore that favorable
variations are always ready when wanted. . . . I would put the burden of proof on my
opponents to show that any one organ, structure or faculty, does not vary, even
during one generation, among the individuals of a speices and also to show any
mode or way, in which any such organ, etc. does not vary. (quoted in Eiseley, 1961,
p 191)
Wallace is a convenient touchstone for assessing Darwin's error on this occasion.
Darwin made other mistakes, as well — some trivial, some less so. First, Darwin
failed to properly label his finch specimens from the Galápagos Islands — those that
would later, ironically, bear his name. Ornithologist John Gould noticed the error while
working on them, and helped remedy it by consulting other specimens collected by others
onboard the Beagle voyage (Sulloway, 1982; Browne, 1995, pp. 359-360).
Later, having once established descent with modification as a general doctrine,
Darwin strove to fill in some of the details. His proposals had mixed success. Darwin said
that modern chickens are descended from red-footed junglefowl. Recently,
geneticists have identified the foot-color gene, indicating that they get their yellow feet
instead from having hybridized with grey-footed junglefowl (Eriksson et al, 2008).
Critics of Darwinism have been having a field day with this little blooper!
Darwin erred, too, in thinking of the fossil Eozoon as primitive biota, helping to fill
the apparent gaps in the early history of life. Further analysis revealed it to be an inorganic
mineral formation. Darwin himself acknowledged as much (Gould, 1980). These errors
are all relatively minor. Yet they remind us that small mistakes occur commonly in science.
When findings become relevant, further studies tend to either confirm earlier results or
reveal how perceived patterns were based on incomplete information.
Biases in Discovery
Darwin's errors, like those of other great scientists, can often be paired to one of
his notable discoveries. Insight and error are sometimes coupled, drawing on the
same underlying concept or exhibiting the same style of thinking. Three cases highlight
Darwin's distinctive perspective, or "bias" perhaps.
Consider two of Darwin's early theories in geology. Both applied Charles Lyell's
principle of uniformitarianism — viewing the past as a cumulative product of gradual forces
still present today. In the first case, Darwin addressed the natural history of coral atolls.
He reasoned that reefs formed around islands, which then gradually eroded, leaving hollow
rings. Darwin displayed sweeping historical imagination based on observational
fragments about coral growth and location. The idea helped launch his career — and it
proved correct (Ghiselin, 1969, pp.21-30; Browne, 1995, pp. 316-319).
Darwin applied the same kind of large-scale gradualist thinking to the "parallel
roads of Glen Roy," a series of stony ledges lining a valley in Scotland. He imagined
they were the debris of successively lower shorelines, left by a receding ocean. Here,
Darwin was wrong. The ledges were glacial morraines, left by a retreating glacier, not an
ocean. Darwin, to his credit, acknowledged his "great blunder" when Louis Agassiz
introduced the theory of glaciers and former ice ages (Rudwick, 1974; Browne, 1995,
pp.376-378, 431-433). Darwin was right and wrong (on different occasions) by relying on
the same Lyellian reasoning in both cases.
A second major discovery intimately combined with error concerns Darwin's
reasoning about human descent. Darwin's gradualism fostered much productive thinking
about transitional forms. Yet the concept had especially powerful implications in the
context of his social status. Darwin was upper class: note his estate [Down House].
Darwin was also a white European at a time when Europeans, notably the British,
dominated the globe. The context made it easy to perceive races in a hierarchy. While
voyaging on the Beagle, for example, Darwin was appalled by the habits of the natives of
Tierra del Fuego:
It was without exception the most curious and interesting spectacle I ever beheld: I
could not have believed how wide was the difference between savage and civilized
man: it is greater than between a wild and domesticated animal, inasmuch as in
man there is a greater power of improvement. (Darwin, 1845, p. 218)
Improvement there was. One of the Fuegians, Jeremy Button, had been taken to
London, educated, and entered into elite society. When he returned, however, he seemed
content to revert (as Darwin saw it) to his "primitive" habits. Darwin could all too easily
rank racial differences on a scale from "savage" to "civilized." That conception proved
both fruitful and dramatically misleading.
When Darwin began considering human ancestry, he saw immediately that the
problem was not anatomical. Humans had been classified as primates for at least a
century. The challenge was accounting for the origin of mental faculties and moral
sensibilities. Darwin's early musings turned to the Fuegian episode. He wrote to himself
in the fall of 1838:
Nearly all will exclaim, your arguments are good but look at the immense difference.
between man, —forget the use of language, & judge only by what you see.
compare, the Fuegian & Ourang & outang, & dare to say difference so great . . . "Ay
Sir there is much in analogy, we never find out." (M
Notebook, p. 153)
Darwin essentially cast the Fuegians as intermediates between orangutans and
"fully developed" humans, such as himself and his peers. Darwin's ability to stratify
races facilitated his linking apes and humans through a series of gradual changes.
"Savages" became convenient transitional forms in moral and mental development
(Herbert, 1974/1977; Browne, 1995, pp. 234-253, 382-383).
The relevance of Darwin's social status and experience sharpens by comparing
him, once again, with Alfred Wallace. Wallace came from the working class. While
collecting in the Malay archipelago, he learned to respect the natives' local knowledge and
benefitted from their assistance. He arranged for this remarkable early photograph of his
house servant, Ali, in Malaya. In 1855 Wallace wrote to a friend:
The more I see of uncivilized people, the better I think of human nature and the
essential differences between civilized and savage men seem to disappear.
If even such "brutes" could show kindness, he reasoned, then all humans apparently
shared an undiluted moral sense. He echoed those sentiments in 1873:
We find many broad statements as to the low state of morality and of intellect in all
prehistoric men, which facts hardly warrant.
Wallace, in contrast to Darwin, saw moral and mental discontinuity between man and
beast. Wallace certainly acknowledged that humans had primate ancestry — anatomically.
Still, he maintained that the human mind was unique and emerged by some guided
process other than natural selection. Wallace never considered, as Darwin did, the
evolution of morality. Wallace erred in that. At the same time, however, he did not
succumb to Darwin's error — viewing races hierarchically (Eiseley, 1961, pp.303-314,
quotes on p.303).
A third major discovery-mistake pair stemmed from Darwin's views on competition
(Ghiselin, 1969, pp. 48-49, 59-61; Young, 1975; Browne, 1995, pp.542-543). Those views
also had cultural roots. Victorian England exhibited great disparities in wealth. Think
Dickens' London. The social inequity was considered (by the wealthy, at least) as a
"natural" outcome of competition for resources. Thomas Malthus in his 1801 "Essay on
Population" portrayed food as inevitably limited and competition unavoidable. Reading
that essay in 1838 prompted Darwin's insight on natural selection. Wallace, too. They
transformed the cultural notion of a "struggle for existence" into a creative organic force.
For Darwin, competition fueled the "logic" of selection.
But Darwin overstated the role of competition. He also saw it causing the origin of
species. Competition within a species, he imagined, would promote specialization. With
continued competition, specialized forms from the same population would ultimately
diverge. Darwin seemed deeply impressed by the power of competition:
One may say there is a force like a hundred thousand wedges trying [to] force every
kind of adapted structure into the gaps in the economy of nature, or rather forming
gaps by thrusting out weaker ones. (D Notebook, pp. 134e-135e; echoed in
Darwin, 1859, p. 67)
Yet modern evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr (1994) has faulted Darwin for advocating
what he calls an undemonstrated form of sympatric speciation. Similarly, geochemist
Kenneth Hsü (1986) claims Darwin inaccurately portrayed interspecific competition as the
chief cause of extinction, thereby obscuring geophysical events, especially relevant in
mass extinctions.
Competition surely leads to selection. But not all selection need be based on
competition. Sexual selection, for example, is just differential reproduction. Yet Darwin
framed it as competition: competition for mates. The theme of differential proliferation,
rather than differential elimination, is echoed in other contexts. For example, radiation into
new niches — so nicely exemplified by the Galápagos finches. Diversification results
from opportunity, not competitive superiority. Organisms escape competition, rather than
win against it. So, too, for species that rapidly colonize disrupted habitats and disperse
again before competition emerges. Other times, species like these colorful bacteria in
Yellowstone's hot springs, adapt merely by surviving in extreme environments — they
tolerate high temperatures, high acidity, etc. — opportunities of another kind. There are
many life history strategies and forms of adaptation: not all are based on competition.
The cultural bias of competition was visible in Darwin's own time, at least given
certain perspectives. Socialist Frederich Engels wrote to a friend in 1875:
The whole Darwinist teaching of the struggle for existence is simply a transference
from society to living nature of Hobbes's doctrine of bellum omnium contra omnes
[war of each against all] and of the bourgeois-economic doctrine of competition
together with Malthus's theory of population. (quoted in Lewontin, Rose & Kamin
1979, p. 309)
He saw what Darwin perhaps could not. Ultimately, viewing life competitively both enabled
Darwin to discover natural selection—and blinkered him from seeing its limits clearly.
So: Darwin was wrong, even about some important things: sources of variation,
the role of gradualism, the relevance of racial hierarchies, and the extent of competition.
Of course, none of this need tarnish our image of Darwin. Rather, I think, it gives him a
fine, human patina. They reveal how Darwin's thinking was rooted in life experiences and
culture — guiding both his insights and his mistakes. Darwin was remarkable, but also
very human.
Learning from Error
Understood together, Darwin's errors also offer valuable lessons about the nature of
science. Not least because of his many achievements. We cannot dismiss them as due
simply to ineptitude or lack of scientific ability. We are led to envision error as a part of
science. Science is a human endeavor, after all. And no human is perfect. "To err is
science," we might say.
But surely we also want to understand how science works effectively. Can we learn
from these errors? First, what leads to error in science? —As illustrated in Darwin's work,
sometimes the very same thing that leads to discovery! Mistaken ideas and successful
ideas can have a common origin. Darwin's unique viewpoint was critical in both cases. It
could foster discovery in one context, while blinding him to alternatives in others. Novel
perspectives always have potential. Yet success is never guaranteed. We might thus be
wary of some mystical property called "genius" that purports always to yield reliable insight.
Darwin's discoveries and errors can be traced to particular life experiences. The
prospects for discovery thus increase with a diversity of backgrounds among scientists.
Still, generating new ideas, while essential, is only half of science. The ideas — some
right, some wrong — must also fit with the growing body of relevant information.
How, then, is error in science remedied? Deeper evidence, of course. But that
truism doesn't tell us, more importantly, how the new evidence is found. Here, alternative
perspectives were needed to cross-check Darwin. Agassiz's experience in the Swiss
Alps helped those not familiar with glaciers. Wallace's background in the lower classes
could help counterbalance assumptions about social hierarchy. Frederich Engels, from
his new communist perspective, was well situated to see economic ideology shaping
Darwin's theory. To function effectively, science needs alternative critical perspectives —
from various cultures, social classes, genders, disciplines, biographical backgrounds, etc.
Contrasting views help highlight how evidence is weak or incomplete. They help expose
conceptual blinkers. Science thus has a vital communal dimension —and benefits from
diversity among scientists.
Rescuing Darwin from Others' Errors
Acknowledging the inevitability of error in science does not mean, of course, that
we do not try to find and remedy any error. —And in celebrating Darwin's errors, it is
appropriate perhaps to address one persisting error, often attributed (mistakenly) to
Darwin. The error is the belief that "survival of the fittest" describes society or human
nature — that is, that Darwinism implies so called "Social Darwinism." This is based
primarily on two beliefs, each mistaken: first, that nature is fundamentally competitive and
selfish; and second, that humans are nothing but a simple extension of nature.
Accordingly, many people — whether supporters of Darwin or not — tend to believe that
evolution eclipses any moral foundation. But the concepts are wrong scientifically, and
implicating Darwin in them is wrong historically. Darwin's bicentennial seems an
appropriate occasion to remedy these widespread misconceptions.
I have already indicated how this error originated. As Engels observed, Darwin's
view of competition reflected the social ideologies of Victorian culture. The chief
problem was that other scientists — mostly wealthy themselves — shared the cultural
perspective and hardly questioned how Darwin framed the concept. Herbert Spencer, a
self-made philosopher, claimed further that society was no more than an extension of
nature. Human progress, he claimed, relied on "natural" competition. No social welfare or
"poor laws" for Spencer. Many American capitalists agreed. They used Spencer's
claims — and Darwin's reputation — to try to justify their exercise of economic power.
Engels, at least, saw the conceptual sleight of hand clearly. After noting how Darwin's
ideas reflected the culture's economic doctrines of competition, his letter continued:
When this conjurer's trick had been performed . . . the same theories are transferred
back again from organic nature into history and it is now claimed that their validity
as eternal laws of human society has been proved. The puerility of this procedure is
so obvious that not a word need be said about it. (quoted in Lewontin, Rose &
Kamin 1979, p. 309)
With Spencer, the cultural politics of social inequity had become naturalized — that is,
improperly inscribed in nature, apparently beyond human reach, and endorsed by the
authority of science.
In our own competitive culture — dominated by rhetoric about jobs, international
economics and Olympic medals, and steeped in television shows like "Survivor" and
"American Idol" — few think critically about the assumptions of competition. The
examples I noted earlier — of mutualism, extreme environments, or exploiting
opportunity — are all peripheralized or discounted as exceptions or as irrelevant. And
so Spencer's error persists today, largely unnoticed.
Darwin himself was no "Social Darwinist." He was a doting father. He winced at
the mistreatment of animals. He may have ranked races, but he was not racist. He and his
whole family advocated abolition of slavery (Browne 1995).
Moreover, as a scientist, Darwin wanted to explain human morality, not dismiss its
role. He wanted especially to understand how the emotional feelings or moral sentiments
arose historically. Indeed, Darwin began reflecting on this almost as soon as he started
thinking about species changing. In 1838 he wrote in a private notebook:
May not moral sense arise from our enlarged capacity or strong instinctive sexual,
parental & social instincts, giving rise "do unto others as yourself", "love thy
neighbor as thyself". Analyse this out.— bearing in mind many new relations from
language.— the social instinct more than mere love.— fear for others acting in
unison.— active assistance. &c &c. (M150-151).
Darwin finally presented his ideas on the origin of morality three decades later in Descent
of Man. His theory was based on four elements: social organization as a basis for mutual
aid, memory as a basis for conscience, communication as a basis for sympathetic
responses, and learned habits as a basis for spontaneous motivations. Darwin even
claimed rather dramatically that:
any animal whatever, endowed with well-marked social instincts, would inevitably
acquire a moral sense or conscience, as soon as its intellectual powers had
become as well-developed, or nearly as well developed, as in man. (1871, pp. 7172, emphasis added).
Since Darwin, observations of fellow primates and other animals have revealed
many relevant behaviors in other species. For example, consider vampire bats. They
roost in colonies, a modest form of society. The bats must feed every few nights to survive.
Sometimes, they fail. The bat then “begs” its neighbor by nuzzling its throat. The second
bat often regurgitates a small amount of blood, nourishing the first bat. That seems to
contradict the selfishness we typically associate with natural selection. How can this
happen? Well, if you continue to watch the bats on successive nights, you find that
eventually the second bat faces the same dilemma. The circumstance is reversed, and the
first bat generally reciprocates. Each individual survives through social cooperation.
—But suppose one bat cheats. She begs for meals, but never “repays the favor.”
That bat would reap the benefit, while bearing no cost. The trait of cheating could spread
throught the population and the system of sharing would collapse. The bats, however,
seem “wise” to cheaters. They can recognize individuals and remember past events. A
bat that has not reciprocated does not get another free handout. Tit for tat. Bats who
cheat ultimately do not benefit. The system of fair exchange is kept in check. Is this
morality? We obviously don't know about the intent or motivations of vampire bats. Yet the
social system clearly enforces justice. —And that illustrates importantly how social
organization can modify individual behavior.
Darwin, too, recognized how a group and its values would influence individuals.
Organisms thrive socially, he noted in Descent of Man, through "obedience to the wishes
and judgement of the community" (1871, p. 73). Darwin acknowledged various motives,
noting that some individuals might ultimately act just from "the fear of punishment, and the
conviction that in the long run it would be best for his own selfish interests to regard the
good of others rather than his own" (p. 92). Human behaviors would be shaped by "the
wishes, approbation, and blame of his fellow-men" (p. 86).
In recent years anthropologist Christopher Boehm has documented such rewards
and sanctions in a wide variety of primitive human societies. Natural selection in a
social environment takes quite a different turn. Biological fitness is defined partly by the
values of the group members. Societies generate their own "rules" — moral principles
among them. It is not surprising, perhaps, that the Golden Rule, a principle of mutual
respect, is found in nearly every culture. It re-expresses our individual desires in a social
context. Morality has indeed evolved as part of human society, as first proposed by
So: human society is not "just" an extension of nature. Social organization matters.
New dynamics and principles of behavior emerge at the level of the group. In particular,
social interaction can check individual competition. This is what Spencer, the American
industrialists and others failed to see. So called "Social Darwinism" is not an inherent
property of nature. Society is competitive only if we say so. Equally important on this
occasion, it was not Darwin's conception. "Social Darwinism" is properly called
Spencerism. If we wish to honor Darwin's achievement in introducing study of the natural
history of morality, therefore, we might rescue him from the dark shadow of this misleading
So: let us reflect on where all this discussion of error leaves us. First, we might
respect Darwin for acknowledging his own errors when he was shown to be wrong.
Accordingly, we might reflect on our own possible errors — especially the bias of familiar
cultural concepts and values. We might learn to recognize that Spencer's ideas are a far
cry from Darwin's, that competition is not universally inherent in nature, that society does
not reduce to mere biology, and that "surivival of the fittest" is not a natural principle that
governs human society. Indeed, Darwin initiated an understanding of how human morality
More deeply, we can acknowledge that error is a part of science, even for so
remarkable a scientist as Darwin. In Darwin's case, we can see that the sources that
inspired him led to discovery in some cases and error in others. With appropriate
perspectives and further evidence, however, errors can be remedied. Historically, science
itself seems structured like Darwin's concept of natural selection. Conceptual variation is
balanced by selection based on testing and other cross-checks. No formulaic "scientific
method" seems able to escape the basic strategy of trial and error — not if we value new
discoveries. The cost of innovation seems to be the risk of failure. Celebrating great
discoveries, like Darwin's, thus also means celebrating the errors, too.
4300- = 35- mins.
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