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*There will be no lab session next week
*Two weeks from today, there will be AIDS debate
-three groups
-work together to come up with strong argument
that validate your point of view
-20 points
-quiz ( instead of today)
*the home work for today lab. will be posted late
The Immune system
* System responsible to defend our body
* Very similar in structure and function across
* A “Pathogen” is basically another organism that
parasites on a mammal host. Usually; virus,
bacteria, protozoa or helminthes.
* When your body is able to defend against certain
pathogen, it is said you are immune to that pathogen
The Immune system
* The immune system is made up of tissues and
organs (thymus, Bone marrow, Lymph nodes, etc..)
and each type of these tissues is composed of
different cells that have different roles in immunity
(neutrophils, basophils, Macrophages,
T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes etc.)
* There are two wings of immune response,
cellular and humoral.
* Cellular immune response is the major actor in
viral infections, tumor immunology and
intracellular infection in general.
The Immune system
* Two types of immunity,
1-innate or non specific
-intact skin and low pH of the skin
-acidity of stomach
-tears from the eye
-sneezing and coughing
-complement components
-NK (certain types of Lymphocytes)
The Immune system
2-adaptive or specific
-antibody producing cells (differentiated B-cells)
-Cytotoxic T cells
* necessitate previous exposure(infection or vaccine)
to develop
* Some times long lasting or need boosting
The Immune system
* Any defect (genetic or infectious) that cause the
immune system to mal-function will be expressed
either as immunodeficiency or autoimmunity
Topics for debate
1) HIV medications for poor countries?!
2) How this epidemic started,
-naturally existing virus
-genetically engineered virus
3) Needle exchange program