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World History Honors
Renaissance and Reformation
Chapter 21 and 24
Due Date:
Directions: All answers must be in complete sentences and typed! You will use your book,
notes from class and outside resources to complete this assignment. This will be collected
on the day of the test, February 5th. However, we will be going over most of this in class so
it would be wise to do part of the assignment each day.
Why did the Renaissance first begin in Italy?
Why was Florence at the heart of the Italian Renaissance?
What role did the Medici family play in Renaissance Florence?
What is humanism?
What are the characteristics of humanism?
How did the Italian Renaissance differ from the Renaissance of the 12c?
List the qualities of a "Renaissance Man", the l'uomo universale.
What were the distinctive characteristics of Renaissance art and architecture?
How were they different from medieval art and Gothic architecture?
9. Who were the major artists of the Quattrocento and High Renaissance periods?
10. How were Renaissance artists trained? What was their status in Renaissance
society? Who was their audience?
11. In what ways did Renaissance art and philosophy reinforce each other?
12. How did Renaissance art reflect the political and social events of the period?
13. How do you account for the fact that people in northern Europe seemed to be more
concerned about daily devotion and the state of their relationship with God than
those in the south?
14. What were the characteristics of the art of the Northern Renaissance? How did it
reflect the societies of Northern Europe?
15. How was the Northern Renaissance different from that in Renaissance Italy?
16. How do Shakespeare's works reflect Renaissance ideals?
17. How did the development of the printing press contribute to the Renaissance?
18. How did the Renaissance alter the status of women?
19. What was the role that Witchcraft played in the Renaissance period?
20. Describe the typical Family life during the Renaissance?
Terms and People:
“Utopia” (include
basic message)
Renaissance State
High Renaissance
Leonardo da Vinci
King John of
England & The
Magna Carta
The Renaissance
1. What is an indulgence? How did it become a major reform issue by the late 15c?
2. Who was Martin Luther? What aspects of Luther's personality and experience
contributed to his reforming zeal?
3. What was Luther's core theological premise? Make a list of his major
4. How did the church initially react to the printing and dissemination of Luther's 95
Theses in Wittenberg? Why did they have such a strong appeal in Germany?
5. Although there had been heretics and reformers in the Catholic Church before
Martin Luther, none had threatened the unity of the church. What were the social,
economic, and political conditions in Germany that contributed to the enormous
success of Lutheranism?
6. What were the religious and political implications of Luther's reforms?
7. Describe the counter-reformation that took place during this time.
8. What were the causes of the Peasants' Revolt of 1525-1526? What was Luther's
position in this upheaval? Why did he take that position?
9. Where was Lutheranism most successful in the 16c?
10. What were the provisions of the Peace of Augsburg of 1555? How was it a religious
compromise? What issues were left unresolved?
11. What were the basic beliefs of the Anabaptists? Why do you think that they were
labeled the "radicals" of the Protestant Reformation movement?
12. Who was John Calvin? List the major beliefs of John Calvin. How were they similar
to Luther's beliefs? How were they different?
13. What was life like in Calvin's Geneva under his Ecclesiastical Ordinances?
14. To where did Calvinism spread throughout the 16c?
15. How did Henry VIII's marital difficulties lead to a break with Rome and the
creation of an independent Church of England?
16. What did Henry VIII do to the property of the Catholic Church once he was
excommunicated by the Pope?
17. When and how did the Church of England become more Protestant?
18. Why did Henry VIII's break with Rome have so much support from the English
19. How did the power of the British monarchy increase during the reign of the
20. What new political institutions/government structures were created during this
21. What were the differences in interpretation of the two terms--Catholic
Reformation and Counter-Reformation?
22. What were the primary goals of the Council of Trent?
23. List the major positions taken by the Council of Trent on dogma and church reform.
24. How did Ignatius Loyola organize the Jesuit order? What was its purpose? How
were they different from previous Catholic religious orders?
25. What were the political, economic, and social/cultural legacies of the "Two
Terms and People:
95 Theses
Edict of Worms
Charles V
Peasants’ War (1524-1525)
Peace of Augsburg
St. Ignatius Loyola
Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
Institutes of the Christian Religion
Henry VIII
Elizabeth I of England
Catherine of Aragon
Anne Boleyn
Catholic [Counter] Reformation
Pope Paul III
Council of Trent
St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
Pope Paul III
Pope Paul IV