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Chapter 2: Europe Looks Outward
Name ______________________________
Learning Goal: What were the causes and effects of European exploration of the Americas?
Section 1: Key terms and People
Christopher Columbus
Ferdinand Magellan
Section 1: Reading Questions
1. Who were the Vikings?
2. What was the Columbian Exchange?
3. Did the Columbian Exchange bring more changes to the Americas or to Europe? Explain
4. The few survivors of Magellan’s crew were the first to __________________________Earth.
Section 1: Notes
What European Discovered North America First?
 Several centuries before Columbus, ___________________ had sailed west and more than likely reached North
 Many scientists believe that it was Viking sailor __________________________________ who was the first
European to step foot in North America.
So why don’t the Vikings get credit?
 1. Other Europeans did not follow them.
 2. They didn’t stay.
Columbus Crosses the Atlantic
 Although Columbus was born in Italy he became a sailor for ____________________________.
 Columbus believed there was a faster way to get to Asia by sailing west.
 In 1492 King _____________________and Queen ______________________of Spain backed Columbus
(financially) for his expedition to find a shortcut to Asia.
 Queen Isabella promised Columbus a share of riches gained from the lands he discovered.
Columbus Crosses the Atlantic
 On August 3, 1492 Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain. He had 90 men and three ships: ______________,
______________ and the ____________________________.
Chapter 2: Europe Looks Outward
Name ______________________________
Columbus crosses the Atlantic
 After a month at sea sailors begin to worry. They talk of a mutiny and Columbus is worried they will throw him
in the sea.
 On October 12, 1492 Columbus spots land. He thinks he has reached the ______________________. He names
the land San Salvador. The reality is he had reached the _________________________ (Caribbean Islands).
Columbus Crosses the Atlantic
 Columbus landing in the Bahamas. He thought he had reached the “Indies”.
Columbus Crosses the Atlantic
 Columbus made _________________more voyages from Spain in 1493, 1498, and 1502. He explored the
Caribbean (Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica and he sailed along the coasts of
Central and South America.
 Columbus truly believed that the lands he found were Asia. The truth is he discovered what would later be
called the ____________________________.
Amerigo Vespucci
 An Italian _______________________________ questioned Columbus’ belief.
 In 1499, Amerigo Vespucci sailed across the Atlantic to prove to the world that Columbus had found a
completely “__________________________________”
Amerigo Vespucci
 In 1507, Vespucci releases his new map that shows the Americas.
Ferdinand Magellan
 The Spanish wanted to find a sea route through or around South America to Asia. This would later be referred
to as a “_____________________________________”. To do this they hired a Portuguese mariner named
Sailing Around the World
 Magellan headed west across the Atlantic Ocean then south along the eastern coast of South America. He
managed to find a narrow twisting sea passage to the Pacific. He named it the Magellan Strait. Magellan also
named the Pacific which means “peaceful”.
Sailing Around the World
 Magellan expected to reach _______________in just a few weeks after rounding South America.
 Voyage across the Pacific lasted 4 months.
 The crew ran out of food and was forced to eat sawdust and leather to stay alive.
 Magellan actually died in the Philippines but his crew finished the voyage. Only one of the five original ships and
18 of the 200 crew completed the journey.
 They were the first to _____________________________________, or sail around the world.
Section 2 Key Terms and People:
Hernando Cortes
Chapter 2: Europe Looks Outward
Name ______________________________
Section 2: Reading Questions
1. Why were a few Spanish conquistadors able to defeat the larger armies of the Aztecs and Incas?
2. How would you describe the lives of Native Americans in New Spain?
Section 2 Notes:
Spanish Conquistadors
 After __________________________discovery, there was rush of new explorers heading to the “New World”
 Conquistadors were __________________________ explorers of the 1500’s.
 Spanish rulers (kings) gave conquistadors the right to explore and establish settlements in the Americas.
Spanish rulers would also fund these expeditions.
QUESTION: In what ways did Spanish rulers help fund the expeditions of conquistadors?
ANSWER: Spanish rulers would help fund expeditions in several different ways.
1. Rulers provided conquistadors with ____________________.
2. Rulers would provide conquistadors with needed _________________________such as food, weapons, gun
powder and men (crew).
QUESTION: Why would Spanish rulers (kings) want to help fund these expeditions to the Americas? How would rulers
benefit from the expeditions?
ANSWER: Rulers were able to benefit several different ways.
1. Kings made conquistadors sign a contract (agreement). The contract stated that conquistadors had to give the
king 1/5 of any _______________ or treasure discovered.
2. New settlements would allow Spain’s empire to ______________. Growth would also increase trade.
QUESTION: How would conquistadors benefit from their expeditions?
Chapter 2: Europe Looks Outward
Name ______________________________
1. Most conquistadors were given the right to govern (control) the areas they settled.
2. Conquistadors could gain _________________. They were allowed to keep 4/5 of any gold and treasure they
happened to find.
3. ________________: They became the celebrities of the time. (Columbus is the most famous man in the world)
Hernan Cortes
 A Spanish conquistador named ___________________________ landed on the east coast of present day Mexico
in 1519. Cortes, like most conquistadors, was in search of gold and glory.
Hernan Cortes
 Cortes arrived with a fair size army. He had 11 ships, 500 soldiers, 20 horses, 10 dogs and several cannons.
 Cortes soon learned about the great ___________________ empire and the capital Tenochtitlan.
Hernan Cortes
Review Question: How would you describe Tenochtitlan? How would you describe the Aztec civilization?
Hernan Cortes
 Prior to Cortes reaching Tenochtitlan, Aztec scouts reported to ___________________________ (Aztec ruler)
that strange light skinned men were approaching the Aztec capital. The scouts told Montezuma that these light
colored men rode on the backs of large deer. They also told Montezuma that they had strange beasts.
Hernan Cortes
 On his march towards Tenochtitlan, Cortes formed alliances with local native tribes.
Question: Why would local tribes want to become allies with Cortes on his march to Tenochtitlan?
Hernan Cortes
 When Cortes reaches Tenochtitlan he does not meet Aztec resistance!
 Montezuma and the Aztecs believed that Cortes was a “white god” named Quetzalcoatl (Aztec god of
 Montezuma welcomed Cortes and his soldiers with food and showed them Tenochtitlan’s many palaces.
Hernan Cortes
 Peace between Cortes and the Aztecs did not last for long.
 In June of 1520 Cortes takes Montezuma ________________________ within the city of Tenochtitlan.
 The Aztec population becomes restless and violent. They trap Cortes and his men in the main palace.
Hernan Cortes
 Cortés forced Montezuma to try and pacify the people from the rooftop of the palace, but the emperor was
forced to retreat under a hail of stones and arrows. Montezuma, thus was accidentally
____________________by his own people when he was struck by a stone.
Hernan Cortes
 One night, the Spaniards tried to flee unnoticed, but they were discovered. A call went out and canoes began to
close in on all sides. The Spanish soldiers tried to press forward, and in the confusion, many of the Spanish
soldiers fell into the canal. Roughly 100 Spanish soldiers died. Many of them die from drowning in
canals……They were weighted down with gold!
Hernan Cortes
 Hernan Cortes manages to ___________________ Tenochtitlan. He promises to return and conquer the Aztec
Chapter 2: Europe Looks Outward
Name ______________________________
Hernan Cortes
 In 1521 Hernan Cortes returns to Tenochtitlan and ____________________________ the Aztec empire.
QUESTION: How was Cortes able to come back almost six months later and conquer the Aztec empire?
Answer: Despite his initial defeat Cortes was able to return and take Tenochtitlan by:
1. Waiting for Spanish reinforcements.
2. Using his Native American allies.
3. The Aztecs became infected with disease (____________________________)!
Hernan Cortes
 When Cortes returns to Tenochtitlan and completely loots the city. Many Aztecs were captured and held as
 The Aztec Empire disintegrated and Spain seized control of the region.
Francisco Pizarro
 The conquistador _________________________________________ sailed up the Pacific coast of South America
with about 180 Spanish soldiers.
 Pizarro had heard stories of the wealthy _______________________ empire.
 Pizarro lands in modern day Peru in 1532.
Francisco Pizarro
 After making a successful landing, Pizarro and his crew began to march inland in order to meet with the Inca
emperor, Atahualpa.
 As luck would have it, just before Pizarro arrives, the Inca society had been locked in a very bloody
_______________________________________ between Atahualpa, and his half brother, Huascar.
Francisco Pizarro
 This civil war left the Inca society almost in chaos and Pizarro would soon be able to take advantage of this fact.
 Pizarro tricks the Incan leader.
Francisco Pizarro
 Pizarro invited the emperor to join the Spaniards at their camp and Atahualpa decided to visit these strange
men. As a sign of good faith, Atahualpa instructed the soldiers who were to come with him to be unarmed.
 Pizarro took advantage of this and slaughtered all of Atahualpa’s troops. Pizarro then kidnapped the emperor
and ______________________________ him for millions of dollars worth of gold and silver.
Francisco Pizarro
 When the ransom was paid, Atahualpa was executed and Pizarro and his men began to march towards the Inca
capital ______________________. Now that the Inca people were without a ruler, they never really stood a
chance against Pizarro.
 The Incan empire fell in 1533.
How Did Spain Succeed
 Conquistadors were successful in Mexico and Peru for several reasons:
1. The Spanish had powerful ___________________________(guns and cannons). Native Americans thought
these conquistadors were gods!
2. They rode horses and had ferocious dogs.
3. Many natives helped conquistadors.
4. ____________________________
Chapter 2: Europe Looks Outward
Name ______________________________
Spain in North America
 Mexico and Peru were rich in gold and silver. Hoping to find similar wealth, conquistadors began exploring parts
of North America.
 Governor of Puerto Rico
 Natives spoke of a sacred place called “Bimini”
 Bimini held a fountain that restored youthfulness and produced immortality.
Ponce de Leon
 In search of this mysterious fountain, de Leon unintentionally lands in North America
 Juan Ponce de Leon becomes the first European to step foot in ‘modern day’ __________________________.
Ponce de Leon
 In late March of 1513, his ships landed on Florida's east coast near present-day
_________________________________. He claimed this beautiful land for Spain. Since he had discovered this
country of lavish landscape and beautiful beaches, he was entitled to name it. He named it La Florida (LAH flow
REE dah) or "______________________________________________."
Ponce de Leon
 Ponce de León continued down the east coast of Florida and along the keys until he arrived at an island that had
many turtles. He named the island _______________________________________________ because there was
no fresh water on the island and “tortugas” means “turtle” in Spanish.
Section 3: Key Terms and People
Northwest passage
Henry Hudson
Section 3: Reading Questions
1. How did the Reformation lead to religious conflict in Europe?
2. How did the defeat of the Spanish Armada change the political balance of power among European
3. Why did explorers continue to look for routes to Asia?
Chapter 2: Europe Looks Outward
Name ______________________________
Section 3 Notes:
Spanish Rule
► The Spanish set up ____________________ kinds of establishments in the Americas:
► Pueblos: Spanish towns that were established as centers of __________________________.
► _____________________________: Were religious Spanish communities that usually included a small town,
farmland and a church. Their original purpose was to convert the natives to Christianity.
► Presidios: Were military _________________ usually built near missions.
Spanish Rule
► Why did the Spanish establish missions?
 The king of Spain hoped that someday they would be powerful cities in the Americas filled with loyal
peaceful ___________________________.
Spanish Rule
► The missions would be led by Fathers (priests) who would pursue the Catholic calling of
_____________________________ non-believers into Christians. Their converts, the Native Americans, would
also ___________________on the missions.
Spanish Missions
► The actual ___________________ of the missions fell to the Native Americans.
► Because they practiced a polytheistic religion, did not speak Spanish, had dark skin and a very different way of
life, the natives were viewed as _____________________________
 Their way of life was considered inferior by the Spaniards.
► The Spanish made it clear that refusing to work on the missions was not an option.
Spanish Plantations
► Some Spanish settlers made large profits by exporting crops and raw materials back to Spain.
► To raise the crops, Spanish settlers built large estates known as _______________________________________.
 The Spanish used both Native Americans and Africans for labor.
 Plantations were an important part of the economy in the Spanish colonies.
Social Classes
► High class: __________________________________(Spanish born people). They were allowed to own land in
the Americas, serve the Catholic Church and ran local government.
► Middle Class: Creoles (People born in the Americas to Spanish parents)
► Lower Middle Class: _________________________ (People with Spanish and Native American parents.)
► Lower Class: Native Americans (lived in ____________________________)
► In the 1500’s the Spanish government granted conquistadors who settled in the Americas an
► An encomienda is the right to demand taxes or labor from Native Americans living on the land.
 Basically, this system turned Native Americans into ______________________________.
Spanish Settlement
► The Spanish referred to their settlements in North and South America as “____________________________”.
Chapter 2: Europe Looks Outward
Name ______________________________
Religion Leads the Way
► In the 1500’s people had divided ideas about religion.
► European nations became divided into Catholics and Protestants.
 Spanish and French _____________________________ worked to spread their faith to Native
 Dutch and English _______________________________ establish colonies along the Atlantic coast in an
effort to practice their beliefs in peace.
Economic Rivalry
► Religion was only one factor that led European nations and people to come to the Americas.
► The promise of great _______________________was equally as strong……
 Especially as other European countries watched Spain get rich from its conquests and colonies.
Economic Rivalry
► During this time, European nations believed in ___________________________________, a theory that
acquiring new lands would bring them more money and power.
 This theory promoted not only _____________________________ but colonization as well.
 European nations considered their colonies as sources of raw materials, which were used to
manufacture goods.
The Columbian Exchange
► The voyages of Columbus and other explorers brought together two parts of the globe that previously had no
contact: Europe, Asia and Africa in one hemisphere and the Americas in the other.
► This contact is referred to as the ___________________________________________.
 It led to an exchange of plants, animals and diseases that altered life on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
Section 4: Key Terms and People
Samuel de Champlain
Section 4: Reading Questions
1. How did the economic activities of New France compare with those of New Spain?
2. How did the geographic location of these settlements contribute to their success?
3. How did the French and the Dutch settlement affect Native Americans?
Chapter 2: Europe Looks Outward
Name ______________________________
Section 4: Notes
A Northwest Passage
► Europe had a huge desire for Asian goods.
► Powerful European countries began sending explorers to chart the coast of North America.
► Explorers from England, France and even the Netherlands were hoping to discover a
____________________________________________- A more direct water route through the Americas to Asia.
The French
► The French had shown little interest in building an empire in the Americas. The French viewed North America as
an opportunity for profits from fishing and _______________________________________. The French set up
trading posts in Quebec and other parts of Canada.
Samuel de Champlain
► French explorer
► Founder of “______________________________” located in modern Quebec
New France
► The French referred to their North American colonies as “New France”
► Unlike Spain, France did not try to colonize their new territories. Instead they focused on trade
► French had __________________________ relationships with Native Americans than did the Spanish.
The Dutch
► The Dutch made settlements in the northern regions of the New World as well.
Henry Hudson
► In 1624, Henry Hudson established “New Netherland”, for the Dutch.
► Eventually the British would seize this colony and rename it “_______________________________”.