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Page 1 of 6
Belief Systems The leaders following
Muhammad continued to spread the
Prophet’s message.
Culture The caliphs who expanded the
Muslim Empire showed tolerance to those
they conquered.
Government The issue of how to choose
leaders divided the Muslim community.
Reading Skill:
Explaining Chronological Order and Sequence
Placing events in sequence means putting them
in order based on the time they happened. As
you read about Islam under the early rulers,
record major events on a time line, like the one
shown below.
A .D.
A .D.
▲ Mosque Lamp Glass oil
lamps were used to light
mosques. They hung from the
ceiling and were elaborately
decorated with enamel.
Skillbuilder Handbook, page R15
7.2.2 Trace the origins of Islam
and the life and teachings of
Muhammad, including Islamic
teachings on the connection with
Judaism and Christianity.
98 • Chapter 3
7.2.4 Discuss the expansion of
Muslim rule through military
conquests and treaties, emphasizing
the cultural blending within Muslim
civilization and the spread and
acceptance of Islam and the Arabic
HI 2 Students understand and
distinguish cause, effect, sequence,
and correlation in historical events,
including the long- and short-term
causal relations.
Page 2 of 6
Islam After
Build on What You Know Muhammad’s death in 632
brought a crisis. How would Islam survive without the leadership
of the Prophet?
New Muslim Leaders Emerge
ESSENTIAL QUESTION Who were the leaders who spread Islam after
Muhammad’s death?
For more than 20 years, Muhammad had spread the word of
Allah across the Arabian peninsula. He had begun to establish a
Muslim Empire. In particular, Arab nomads had responded to his
message. Islam brought order, justice, and hope of heaven into
their lives. Then, in June 632, Muhammad died. Muslims were
suddenly without a leader.
After Muhammad’s Death
Muhammad had not named a
successor or instructed his followers
how to choose one upon his death.
Panic swept through the Muslim
community. Muhammad’s fatherin-law and trusted friend, Abu Bakr
(AH•boo BAH•kuhr), spoke to
reassure Muslims. He said, “If there
are any among you who worshiped
Muhammad, he is dead. But if it is
God you worship, he lives forever.”
Abu Bakr was a man respected
for his devotion to Muhammad and
to Islam. The Muslim community
elected him as Muhammad’s successor.
Muhammad’s Successors Muslims declared their
allegiance to one of Muhammad’s successors.
Page 3 of 6
Abu Bakr (c. 573–634)
Abu Bakr was Muhammad’s closest companion and adviser. Like
Muhammad, Abu Bakr was from a Mecca clan that was important
in the caravan trade. He was one of the first Meccans to convert to
Islam. His daughter ‘A’ishah became Muhammad’s wife. Abu Bakr’s
loyalty to the Prophet was an important factor to the Muslims
who elected him as Muhammad’s successor.
Abu Bakr’s name written in Arabic
Abu Bakr Succeeds Muhammed In 632, Abu Bakr became the
first caliph (KAY•lihf), a title that means “successor.” He promised
Muslims that he would closely follow Muhammad’s example. Shortly
after the Prophet’s death, some clans on the Arabian peninsula
abandoned Islam. Others refused to pay taxes, and a few individuals
even declared themselves prophets. During his two-year reign,
Abu Bakr used military force to reunite the Muslim community.
He brought central Arabia under Muslim control and started the
conquests of lands to the north that are now Iraq and Syria.
What difficulties did Muslims face after Muhammad’s death?
“Rightly Guided” Caliphs
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How did the caliphs who expanded the Muslim
Empire treat those they conquered?
Abu Bakr and the next three elected caliphs—Umar, Uthman, and
Ali—had known Muhammad and supported his mission to spread
Islam. They used the Qur’an and Muhammad’s actions to guide them.
For this, they are known as “rightly guided” caliphs. Their rule was
called a caliphate.
Caliphs Expand the Muslim Empire Muslims controlled most
of Arabia when Abu Bakr died in 634. The second elected caliph,
Umar, ruled until 644. His swift and highly disciplined armies
conquered Syria and lower Egypt, which were part of the Byzantine
Empire. Muslim armies also took territory from the Persian Empire.
The next two caliphs continued to expand Muslim territory and
completed the conquest of Persia. By 661, Muhammad’s successors
had increased the size of the Muslim Empire nearly four times,
100 • Chapter 3
Page 4 of 6
either through conquest or by treaty. The empire then included all of
Southwest Asia and stretched into North Africa.
Reasons for Success Muslims saw the military victories as
signs of Allah’s support. They were energized by their faith and were
willing to fight to spread Islam. In battle, Muslim armies proved to be
disciplined, and their leaders were highly skilled.
The Muslims’ success also resulted from weaknesses in the two
empires north of Arabia. The Byzantine and Persian empires had been
fighting each other for a long time. Their armies were exhausted.
Another reason for the success was the Byzantine and Persian
policy of persecuting people who did not support their conquerors’
religions. For this reason, persecuted people often welcomed Muslim
invaders as liberators. Muslims let conquered peoples keep their own
religions if they wished to do so. The Qur’an did not allow Muslims to
force conversions.
Muslims Rule There was much blending of cultures under Muslim
rule. Over time, many peoples in Muslim-ruled territories converted
to Islam. They were attracted by Islam’s message of equality and hope
for salvation. There was also an economic benefit—Muslims did not
have to pay certain taxes.
Jews and Christians, as “people of the book,” received special
treatment. They paid a poll tax each year in exchange for not having
to perform military duties. Jews and Christians also held important
roles in the Muslim state as officials and scholars. However, they were
not allowed to convert others.
Why were the caliphs tolerant of the people they conquered?
Muslim Army
Highly skilled
Muslim troops
on camels
conquered much
territory in the
name of Allah.
Page 5 of 6
from the Qur’an
Background: The Qur’an (seventh
century) is the holy book of Islam.
Muslims believe that the Qur’an is
the word of God as revealed to the
Prophet Muhammad. The Qur’an is
written in Arabic, as shown below.
Volume I, 2:62
Translated by A. J. Arberry
Surely they that believe, and those of Jewry,
and the Christians, . . . whoso [whoever]
believes in God and the Last Day, and works
righteousness1—their wage2 awaits them with
their Lord, and no fear shall be on them,
neither shall they sorrow.
1. works righteousness: behaves according to divine law.
2. wage: reward.
What does this verse from the Qur’an
tell us about the beliefs Muslims had
about Jews and Christians at this time?
A Split in Islam
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How did the issue of choosing leaders divide the Muslims?
Muslims found it difficult to keep a unified rule even though they
were successful on the battlefield.
Umayyads Seize Power In 656, a group of rebels opposed the
leadership of Uthman (uth•MAHN) and murdered him. His murder
started a civil war. Various groups struggled for power. Muhammad’s
cousin and son-in-law, Ali, was a logical choice as the next caliph. But
his leadership, too, was challenged. In 661, Ali was assassinated. The
system of electing a caliph died with him.
A family known as the Umayyads (oo•MY•adz) took power and
set up a hereditary dynasty. This meant that rulers would come from
one family and inherit the right to rule. The Umayyads also moved
the Muslim capital from Medina to Damascus, a distant city in newly
conquered Syria. Arab Muslims felt Damascus was too far away. Some
also were upset because the Umayyads abandoned the simple life of
earlier caliphs and surrounded themselves with luxury. These actions
divided Muslims and raised questions about how to choose leaders.
Muslim Community Splits Because they wanted peace, most
Muslims accepted the Umayyads’ rule. But a minority resisted. They
believed that the caliph should always be a relative of the Prophet.
102 • Chapter 3
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This group was called Shi’a, meaning the “party”
of Ali. Its members were known as Shiites. Those
who did not resist the Umayyads and accepted the
rule of the elected caliphs were called Sunnis. The
word meant followers of the Sunnah, or followers
of Muhammad’s example. This split in Islam
would become permanent, and opposition to the
Umayyads would cause the caliphate to collapse.
How did leadership issues divide the
Muslim community?
Basic Differences Between Muslims
Sunni Beliefs
Shi’a Beliefs
The first four
caliphs were
rightful rulers.
Only Ali,
son-in-law, was
Muslim ruler Any Muslim
who follows
example may
be ruler.
Only a
descendant of
and Ali may be
imam, or ruler.
of Islam
Qur´an, Sunnah,
and teachings
of imams
Early caliphs
Lesson Summary
Qur´an and
Sunnah of
• The Muslim community faced a difficult job
in choosing a successor after Muhammad died.
• The Muslim Empire rapidly expanded under the
“rightly guided” caliphs.
• Conflict over the caliphate caused a split in the
Muslim community in the mid-seventh century.
Why It Matters Now. . .
The division between Sunnis and Shiites continues to cause conflict
in the Muslim world today.
Homework Helper
Terms & Names
1. Explain the importance of
Using Your Notes
Explaining Chronological Order and Sequence
Use your completed time line to answer the
following question:
2. When did the Umayyad dynasty begin? (7.2.4)
A .D.
A .D.
Main Ideas
3. Why was Abu Bakr elected the first caliph? (HI 2)
4. How did the Muslim Empire spread? (7.2.4)
5. Why were Jews and Christians given special
treatment by conquering Muslim armies? (7.2.2)
Critical Thinking
6. Drawing Conclusions What do you think was
the most important factor in the spread of Islam?
Why? (7.2.4)
7. Comparing How did the Muslim policy of ruling
conquered peoples compare with that of the
Byzantines and the Persians? (7.2.4)
Creating a Brochure Choose one of the religious groups in Lesson 3. Then create a short
brochure that discusses the history and beliefs of that group. Include the writing skills you have
practiced in this unit. (7.2.2)
The Beginnings of Islam • 103