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San Diego Mesa College
Fall 2012
Physics 196 Electricity and Magnetism
CRN 51850, 51873
Course Website:
Dr. S.K.Wong
Office: K112A
Phone: 619-388-2252
Office Hours:
M 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Th 9:00 am-11:00 pm
Other times by appointment.
Lecture Hours:
T and Th. 11:30 am-1:35 pm (K104)
Laboratory Hours:
T or Th: 2:00 pm-5:05 pm (K110A)
Email: [email protected]
Textbook : (Optional) Fundamentals of Physics, Vol.2, Haliday, Resnick, and Walker, 9th
Edition, Wiley
Course description: This is the second of a three-semester calculus-based general physics
sequence, intended to satisfy the transfer requirements of students planning to major in the
physical sciences and in engineering. The topics of study include the basic principles and
applications of electrostatics, magnetostatics, time-varying electric and magnetic phenomena,
direct and alternating current circuits, elementary electronics and electromagnetic waves.
Emphasis is placed on the mathematical analysis of physical problems.
Prerequisites: PHYS 195 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent.
Course Objectives: Introduces students to fundamental physics concepts and principles and
develops their problem solving skills in electromagnetism.
Course Content: Coulomb’s law, electric field, Gauss law, electric potential, capacitance,
Ohm’s law, DC circuits, Kirchhoff rules, magnetic force on moving charges and current wires,
Biot-Savart’s law, Ampere’s law, magnetic properties of materials, Faraday’s law, Lenz law,
inductance, AC circuits, Maxwell’ equation, electromagnetic waves.
Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Communication: Students will be able to utilize critical thinking skills and the scientific
method to solve problems, analyze and interpret data
2. Technological Awareness: Students will be able to use modern technology to investigate
3. Personal Responsibility: Students will come prepared for class and complete assigned
work thoughtfully
4. Environmental Responsibility: Students will be able to explain or describe the impact of
the physical sciences on the environment.
This is the second of a three-semester calculus-based general physics sequence, intended to satisfy
the transfer requirements of students planning to major in the physical sciences and in engineering.
The topics of study include the basic principles and applications of electrostatics, magnetostatics,
time-varying electric and magnetic phenomena, direct and alternating current circuits, elementary
electronics and electromagnetic waves. Emphasis is placed on the mathematical analysis of physical
problems. Laboratory work on various aspects of electric and magnetic phenomena emphasizing
direct current and alternating current circuits is included.
Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:
1. Examine the nature of electrostatic phenomena and calculate the forces between electric charges.
2. Calculate the electric field and electric potential at field points due to various distributions of
3. Describe the phenomenon of capacitance and the effects of dielectrics.
4. Explain the relationship between current and resistance and apply these concepts in the analysis
direct current circuits.
5. Explain the nature and sources of magnetic fields and how to calculate them from simple current
6. Describe the phenomenon of magnetic induction and employ its mathematical expression in the
solution of problems involving inductance.
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7. Analyze alternating current circuits with combinations of resistive and reactive components, and
express the phase relationships between the voltages and currents in these circuits.
8. Describe the nature of electromagnetic radiation; explain its generation and propagation.
9. Demonstrate essential laboratory skills, such as the ability to construct circuits from circuit
schematics and the ability to use basic electrical instruments and computers.
10. Compose laboratory reports that are the result of the collection, organization and analysis of
laboratory data for the purpose of evaluating the validity of physical theories.
11. Apply appropriate quantitative techniques from algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus
necessary in the understanding of physical principles and solution of physical problems.
12. Analyze the results of problems solved and assess the real-world applications.
Outline Of Topics:
The following topics are included in the framework of the course but are not intended as limits on
content. The order of presentation and relative emphasis will vary with each instructor.
I. Electrostatic Phenomena
A. Examination of properties of electric charges
B. Calculation of electric forces through the use of Coulomb's law
C. Charging by induction
II. The Electric Field and Electric Potential
A. Analysis of electric lines of force
B. Calculation of electric fields
1. Due to discrete distributions of charge
2. Due to continuous distributions of charge
C. Examination and calculation of electric field flux
D. Motion of charged particles in a uniform field
E. Use of Gauss's law
F. Experimental verification of Gauss's law
G. Calculation of electric potential
1. Due to discrete distributions of charge
2. Due to continuous distributions of charge
H. Calculation of electric potential energy
I. Calculation of the electric field from the potential
J. Millikan's oil drop experiment
K. Applications of electrostatics
III. Capacitors and Dielectrics
A. Calculation of capacitance for various geometries of charge
B. Calculation of energy storage in electric fields
C. Analysis of effects of dielectrics in capacitors
D. Combinations of capacitors
E. An atomic description of dielectrics
IV. Current, Resistance and Direct Current (D.C.) Circuit Analysis
A. Examination of current, current density, resistivity and resistance
B. A model of conduction
C. Variation of resistance with temperature
D. Electromotive Force (EMF)
E. Interpretation and application of Ohm's law
F. Analysis of electrical networks via Kirchhoff's rules
G. Analysis of transient and steady-state behavior of Resistance and Capacitance (RC) circuits
H. The Magnetic Field and its Sources
I. Examination of the magnetic forces and torques on current carrying conductors
J. Analysis of charged particle trajectories in magnetic fields
K. Use of Biot-Savart law and Ampere¿s law in the calculation of magnetic fields
L. Calculation of the magnetic properties of solenoids and toroids
M. Calculation of magnetic flux
N. Ampere's law
O. Applications of motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields
P. Magnetism in matter
V. Induction and Inductance
A. Use of Faraday's Law & Lenz's law in calculating induced elctromotive forces (emfs) and
B. Calculation of induced electric fields
C. Use of self and mutual inductance in the analysis of inductors
D. Calculation of energy storage in magnetic fields
E. Analysis of transient and steady-state behavior of Resistance and Inductance (RL) circuits
F. Generators and motors
G. Eddy currents
H. Maxwell's equations
VI. Alternating Currents
A. Analysis of the RLC circuit, voltage, impedance and current characteristics
B. Examination of undamped and damped oscillatory LC circuits
C. Analysis of circuits through the use of impedance and phasors
D. Calculation of instantaneous power, average power and phase in AC circuits
E. Inspection of transformer properties and applications
VII. Electromagnetic Radiation
A. Interpretation of Maxwell's equations with analysis of plane wave solutions
B. Calculation of the Poynting vector, energy and momentum transport by electromagnetic
C. Analysis of radiation from an oscillating electric dipole
D. Electromagnetic Spectrum
VIII. Laboratory topics may include but are not limited to:
A. Electrostatic Phenomena (Electrostatic Induction)
B. Electric Fields & Equipotentials (Mapping of Electric Field Lines)
C. Magnetic Fields due to Constant Currents (Magnetic Field due to a Straight Wire)
D. Resistance and Capacitor (RC) and Inductance (RL) Circuits (Time Constant,
Determination of L)
E. Electromotive Force (EMF) & Sources of EMF (Bridge Circuits)
F. Ohm's Law and Direct Current (D.C.) Circuits (Verification of Ohm's Law)
G. RLC Circuits and Resonance (Determination of Inductance)
H. Magnetic Induction (Determination of Magnetic Flux)
I. Impedance, Resonance and Phase in AC Circuits (Determination of Phase Difference)
J. Charged Particle Trajectories in Magnetic Fields (Charge/mass of the electron
Attendance: Students are to sign in for each period. It is the student’s responsibility to drop all
classes in which he/she is no longer attending. It is the instructor’s discretion to withdraw a
student after the add/drop deadline (March 30) due to excessive absences. Students who remain
enrolled in a class beyond the published withdrawal deadline, as stated in the class schedule, will
receive an evaluative letter grade in this class. The final grade in this class will be affected by
active participation, including attendance, as described under the paragraph on Class Work.
Classroom behavior and student code of conduct: Students are expected to respect and obey
standards of student conduct while in class and on the campus. Refer to Policy 3100, Procedures
3100.1 and 3100.2, current college catalog and student handbook for guidance. In particular,
cheating, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty are not acceptable and will not be
Accommodation of disability: Students with disabilities who may need academic
accommodations should discuss options with the professor during the first two week of class.
There will be four quizzes lasting two hours each covering recent course
materials throughout the semester. The best three scores will count toward the final grade. There
will also be a mandatory final comprehensive two-hour examination. The exams are all closed
book, but a note card is allowed for the quizzes and a note sheet will be provided for the final
Class Work: To encourage interactive learning, students will be presented with class problems
to solve in each lecture period. Turning in the solution or signing in for each lecture period
provides evidence of participation, for which credits are earned. In cases of absence or late show,
credits can be restored only if valid excuse is given.
Homework: Fifteen sets of homework are assigned. Each set is due at the first class period of
the week. Full score is based on successfully solving 70% of each assigned set. They will be
selectively graded and they all count toward the final grade. A 20% reduction applies to late
submission within the week. No credit will be given for later submission. The work should be
neat and legible. Reasoning should be clear. Answers will be posted on the course website after
the due dates.
Laboratory: Students work in a team of about 6, and compose a group report to be turned in at
the end of the lab period. Lab manual for each experiment can be downloaded from the course
website. There will be no make-up for absences. Scores are based on correctness, clarity,
accuracy, and active participation. The best 9 scores of 10 experiments are counted toward the
final grade.
Reading: Since the number of topics covered is very large, it will be impossible to go over all of
them in class. The lectures will be devoted to discussions of critical concepts and methods.
Students are expected to learn many of the topics by reading the lecture notes available freely
online, or the recommended textbook, and to come to the class having already read the relevant
sections. They should consult the schedule for the sections to be covered in each class period.
The weights for the course components for evaluation are as follows:
Lab Reports
Final Exam
Class Work
Letter grades are assigned according to the following schedule, assuming a full
score of 100:
A (90-100)
Important Dates:
B (80-89)
C (70-79) D (60-69)
F (less than 60)
August 31 Last day to enroll, last day to drop with no “W” recorded
September 4 Last day to drop with refund
October 26 Last day to withdraw. (Students are encouraged to discuss
with the instructor prior to withdrawal)
Schedule (Subject to change)
Lecture (Tuesday)
Lecture (Thursday)
Lesson 1: Atoms and
Lesson 2: Coulomb’s law
Lesson 3: Electric field of
point charges
Lesson 4: Motion of point
charge in electric field
Lesson 5: Electric field of
continuous charge
Lesson 6: Gauss law, Electric
field of conductors
Practice exam
Lesson 7: Electric potential
of point charges
Lesson 8: Conservation of
energy, electric potential of
continuous charge distribution
Lesson 9: Electric potential
energy, Electric potential
and electric field
Lesson 11: Connection of
capacitors, dielectrics
Lesson 10: Capacitance
Lesson 13: Combination of
resistances, emf and internal
Lesson 15: RC circuit
Lesson 14: Ammeter and
voltmeter, Kirchhoff rules
Lab (Tuesday or Thursday)
1. Scotch tape electricity
Exam 1 (Lessons 1-6)
3. Equipotential surfaces
Lesson 12 Currents, Ohm’s law
4. Capacitance
Lesson 16: Magnetic force on
point charges and currents
Exam 2 (Lessons 7-11)
5. Simple circuits
Lesson 17: Motion of point
charge in magnetic field
Lesson 18: Torque on current
loop, magnetic moment, DC
6. Measurement of e/m
Lesson 19: Biot –Savart’s
law, magnetic field of
current loops and solenid
Lesson 20: Magnetic field of
currents in straight wires, force
between currents
Exam 3 (Lessons 12-17)
Lesson 21: Ampere’s law
Lesson 22: Magnetic materials
Lesson 23: Motional emf,
AC generator
Lesson 24: Faraday’s law, Lenz
8. Force between currents
Lesson 25: Inductance, RL
Lesson 26: Undriven LC and
RLC circuits, phasors
Exam 4 (18-24)
Lesson 27:
AC circuit elements,
reactance and impedance
Lesson 29: Maxwell
Lesson 28: Driven RLC circuits,
9. RC time constant
Final Exam (Lessons 1-28)
7. Earth’s magnetic field
Lesson 30: EM waves
10. Decay of electric