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Download Science 1st semester Study Guide 2016
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Science 1st semester Study Guide 2016-2017 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Producers can make their own food. All plants are producers. Herbivores eat only plants. Animals are classified as consumers because they are unable to make their own food. A food chain shows the flow of energy between organisms in an ecosystem. A mushroom and a fungus are decomposers. Producers are always the first organism in a food chain because they receive energy directly from the sun. Omnivores eat both plants and animals. The initial energy source for most food chains is sunlight. If the number of decomposers in an ecosystem suddenly drops, producers would be affected directly. Scientists discovered that the mountains on the east coast of South America closely match the mountains on the west coast of Africa. Landforms that are so far apart can be similar because of Plate Tectonics. Tsunami is the term used for a giant wave caused by an earthquake under the ocean. Acid rain causes chemical weathering. The Richter scale measures energy released by an earthquake. Both earthquakes and volcanoes often occur near the edges of tectonic plates. Earthquakes are the result of a sudden movement of Earth’s crust. A new type of insect is introduced in a forest. The insect eats leaves on trees and has no predators, because of this the trees in the forest will die. Jamal placed a piece of limestone in a beaker filled with vinegar. Jamal was MOST LIKELY studying the effect of chemical weathering. Erosion can make mountains shorter over many years. Amanda is creating a model of the layers of Earth. She should label the section of Earth that contains the top part of the upper mantle and the crust the Lithosphere. Lava flows out of Earth’s surface when a volcano erupts. To protect beaches from erosion, people can plant grasses. Faults are cracks that form in Earth’s crust. An example of a constructive process would be a volcano forming islands in the Pacific Ocean. Water is a significant factor in the physical weathering of rocks. Beach erosion occurs when waves pick up sand particles and move them along the shore. Example of processes of rapid changes to Earth’s surface are forest fires, earthquakes, and volcanic activity. Cliffs are formations that can appear seconds after the ground shifts. Focus is the point at which rock begins to slip along a fault. Fossils is used to show that continents are not in the same positions today as they were millions of years ago. Folded Mountains is a landform that is formed by compression. 31. Cinder-cone volcanoes are built by thick lava that is thrown high into the air and falls as chunks or cinders. These mountains form as a cone shape with a narrow base and steep sides. 32. Shield Volcanoes are built by thinner, fluid lava that spreads over a large area. These mountains have broad base and gently sloping sides. 33. Composite volcanoes are built by layers of ash and cinders sandwiched between layers of hardened lava. The shape on side of a cone formed by this volcano usually looks the same as the opposite side.