Download 1. Most of our time awake is spent in a state called _____, in which

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1. Most of our time awake is spent in a state called _____, in which our thoughts, feelings, and
sensations are clear and organized, and we feel alert.
altered state of consciousness
waking consciousness
working consciousness
2. Which of the following is NOT an altered state of consciousness?
you are daydreaming
you have been drinking beer
you are concentrating hard on a math test
you are asleep
3. Which of the following is NOT an example of a circadian rhythm?
menstrual cycle
sleep-wake cycle
blood pressure changes
body temperature changes
4. When light begins to fade at the end of the day, the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the ______
signals the pineal gland to release _______.
hippocampus; melatonin
hippocampus; serotonin
hypothalamus; melatonin
hypothalamus; serotonin
8. What is the first stage of sleep in which, if awakened, you will realize that you were asleep?
Stage One
Stage Two
Stage Three
Stage Four
9. In which stage of sleep do night terrors occur?
Stage One
Stage Two
Stage Three
Stage Four
10. Sleepwalking _______.
is partly hereditary
occurs more frequently in girls than in boys
occurs in about 50 percent of the population
lasts well into late adulthood in most people
11. Night terrors ______.
are the same thing as nightmares
are always vividly remembered afterward
are more common in children
take place in one of the lighter stages of sleep.
12. Which of the following statements about REM sleep is FALSE?
the eyes move rapidly back and forth under the eyelids
most people report that they were dreaming if awakened
the body is aroused and brain waves resemble waking beta waves
lack of REM sleep produces psychological disorders
13. If you suddenly and without warning slip into REM sleep during the day, often falling down
as you do so, you may have a condition called _____.
sleep apnea
14. A sleep disorder that may require the use of a machine to force air gently into the nasal
passages is called ______.
sleep apnea
15. Randall tells his therapist that he had a dream about riding on a train that went through a
tunnel. The therapist tells Randall that his dream was most likely about sexual intercourse, as
the tunnel represents a woman's vagina. Randall's therapist is using the _______ theory of
dreams to explain Randall's dream.
16. Hypnosis has been shown to do all of the following BUT ______.
induce amnesia for what happens during the hypnotic state
provide pain releif without medication
alter sensory perceptions
regress people back to their early childhood experiences
17. Jackie used Esctasy while she was in college, but now that she has a government job she has
avoided using any recreational drugs. Although she had no problem quitting, she still finds
that every now and then she gets a strong craving to use Ecstasy again. Her craving si most
likely the result of ______.
psychological dependence
physical dependence
What learning process did B.F. Skinner describe?
a. Classical Conditioning
b. Operant Conditioning
c. Modeling
d. Observational Learning
The reinforcement of a person’s responses by presentation or removal of rewards or punishment
a. Classical Conditioning
b. Operant Conditioning
c. Discipline
d. Observational Learning
Which type of learning takes place when an originally neutral stimulus comes to elicit a response
that was originally given to another stimulus.
a. Operant conditioning
b. Classical Conditioning
c. Observational Learning
d. Discovery
In classical conditioning, the natural and unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
is known as the:
a. Unconditioned Stimulus
b. Unconditioned Response
c. Conditioned Stimulus
d. Conditioned Response.
Which of the following is true of learning?
a. Learning is relatively permanent.
b. Learning involves a change in behavior.
c. Learning occurs through experience.
d. All of the above
In Pavlov's classic experiment with dogs, the food was the:
a. Unconditioned Stimulus
b. Unconditioned Response
c. Conditioned Stimulus
d. Conditioned Response.
A person who has had a painful experience at the dentist’s office may become fearful at mere
sight of the dentist’s office. Which theory can explain this?
a. Generalization
b. Classical conditioning
c. Operant conditioning
d. Attribution theory
When does punishment facilitate learning?
When punishment ensures emotional reaction to the learner
When punishment follows the error immediately
When punishment is severe and is linked to the deed.
When the punishment has been effective in the past.
When should reinforcement be used by a teacher to be effective
a. When applied to all behavior
b. When applied to good behavior
c. When applied to specific behavior
d. When applied to good or bad behavior
A six year old child who has a mental age of eight years has an IQ of…
a. 120
b. 130
c. 132
d. 133
Which of the following statements concerning long-term memory is false?
a. It has seemingly unlimited capacity
b. Retrieval from it depends on organization
c. Information enters it without any effort of inte3ntion
d. Information can be stored in it for a lifetime.
Who proposed the concept that all possess several intelligences but in varying degrees of
strength and skill?
a. Thorndike
b. Sternberg
c. Goleman
d. Gardner
Which behavior is exhibited by a student who is strong in interpersonal intelligence
a. Works on his own
b. Spends time meditating
c. Keeps interest to himself
d. Seeks out a classmate for help when problems occur
Which learning principles marks the highlight of Multiple Intelligence?
a. Learning is static and permanent
b. Intelligence is not measured in one form
c. Cognitive theory is stressed in learning
d. People have different IQ level
Which of the following basis for learning is related to the individual’s desire and interest to
a. Motivation
b. Values
c. Self-concept
d. Talents
Which exemplifies intrinsic motivation? I want to learn to perform mathematical operations fast..
a. So I will get higher grades in Math
b. So I will win the Quiz Bee Contest
c. So I can solve more difficult mathematical problems
d. So Dad can give me the watch he promised
A stage when a girl sees her mother as a rival to her father’s attention although she still has a
strong attachment to her mother is called.
a. Oedipus Complex b. Self-identity complex c. Superiority complex d. Electra complex
Norman is very attached to his mother and Nina to her father. In what development stage are they
according to Freudian psychoanalytical theory
a. Phallic stage b. Anal stage c. Latent stage d. Genital stage
If you have to develop in the children a correct sense of right and wrong, with which should you
be concerned according to Freud?
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego
d. Superego and Ego
Based on Freud’s theory, which operates when a child strikes a playmate at the height of anger?
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego
d. Superego and Ego
When a young boy experiences rivalry his father for his mother’s attention and affection, he is
a. Electra complex
b. Oedipus complex c. Superiority complex d. Inferiority complex
This part of the personality develops as the young child learns to consider the demands of reality.
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego
d. Superego and Ego
An emerging thrust in determining one’s personality, whether pleasant or unwholesome, is the
wholesomeness of one’s virtues, i.e., values, relationships with others, adjustment to varying
situations, behavior and motivation.
a. Emotional quotient b. Maladjusted personality c. Intelligence quotient d. Anticipated
Daniel Goleman talks about emotional intelligence. Which of the following characterize a
student with a high degree of emotional intelligence?
a. Sensitive to the points of view and feelings of others
b. Obsessed with achieving at any cost
c. Prodded by others
d. Unable to delay gratification
Which is likely true about people with somatoform disorders?
A) They intentionally produce their symptoms
(B) They have symptoms that are caused by a medical condition
(C) They may pay too much attention to bodily symptoms
(D) They do not experience real symptoms
3. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder often do which of the following?
(A) Experience anxiety-producing thoughts, impulses, or images
(B) Have panic attacks
(C) Have false beliefs that they hold despite contradictory evidence
(D) Have sensory or perceptual experiences that occur without an external stimulus
Neil can still hear the sound of the alarm clock after he turned it off.
a. Iconic memory
b. Echoic memory
c. Semantic memory
d. Episodic memory
When Susan was seven, she broke her arm and experienced extreme pain. As an adult, Susan
tried to forget this traumatic incident.
According to Freud, the type of forgetting experienced by Susan is an example of
A. repression.
C.retroactive amnesia.
D.decay of the memory trace over time
All but one is a negative sign of schizophrenia…
a. Apathy
b. Anhedonia
c. Avolition
d. Agression