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Indirect object pronouns:
me, te, nous, vous
Notes # 4
Lui and Leur
 You
have already learned the indirect
object pronouns “lui” and “leur”
 “Lui” is the third person singular
indirect object pronoun and means
“to him or to her.”
 “Leur” is the third person plural
indirect object pronouns and means
“to them”.
 Remember,
indirect object pronouns
answer “to whom” or “for whom” the
action of the verb is being done.
 The other indirect object pronouns in
the 1st and 2nd person are:
 Me
 Te
Indirect object pronouns
 This
means that our indirect object
chart is:
 Me
 Te
 Lui
 Ex: Luc me parle= Luc talks to me
 Ex: Nous lui ressemblons= we
ressemble him.
Direct object pronouns
 Remember
that our direct object
pronouns directly receive the action
of the verb. They are:
 Me
 Te
 Le/la
How do we tell the difference
between the two types of
Look at the function of the pronoun in the
sentence. IF the pronoun answers “to
whom” or “for whom” the action is being
done, it is a indirect object pronoun.
 Ex: Il me parle.= He speaks to me.
 If the pronoun receives the action of the
verb, it is a direct object pronoun.
 Ex: Il me voit=He sees me
 Some
verbs always take an indirect
object in French even though they
take a direct object in English.
 Look out for téléphoner à and
ressembler à