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Lesson Plans for Allen Smith, 010 - Birdville High School
Week of Monday, October 15, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Day 33
World History
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Day 34
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Day 35
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Day 36
Friday, October 19, 2012
Day 37
World History
World History
World History
World History
The student is expected to...
» identify major causes and describe the
major effects of the following important
turning points in world history from 600 to
1450: the development of Islamic
caliphates and their impact on Asia,
Africa, and Europe.[WHS.1C]
» describe the interactions among Muslim,
Christian, and Jewish societies in Europe,
Asia, and North Africa.[WHS.4E]
» describe the historical origins, central
ideas, and spread of major religious and
philosophical traditions, including Islam.
» identify examples of religious influence
on various events referenced in the major
eras of world history.[WHS.23B]
» describe the changing roles of women,
children, and families during major eras of
world history.[WHS.24A]
» explain how Islam influences law and
government in the Muslim world.
» identify the origin and diffusion of major
ideas in mathematics, science, and
technology that occurred in classical India,
and the Islamic caliphates between 700
and 1200.[WHS.27A]
The student is expected to...
» identify major causes and describe the
major effects of the following important
turning points in world history from 600 to
1450: the development of Islamic
caliphates and their impact on Asia,
Africa, and Europe.[WHS.1C]
» identify significant examples of art and
architecture that demonstrate an artistic
ideal or visual principle from selected
» explain how Islam influences law and
government in the Muslim world.
» describe the changing roles of women,
children, and families during major eras of
world history.[WHS.24A]
» identify examples of religious influence
on various events referenced in the major
eras of world history.[WHS.23B]
» identify examples of art, music, and
literature that transcend the cultures in
which they were created and convey
universal themes.[WHS.26C]
» identify the origin and diffusion of major
ideas in mathematics, science, and
technology that occurred in classical India,
and the Islamic caliphates between 700
and 1200.[WHS.27A]
» describe the interactions between
Islam Storyboard - Students will design an Muslim and Hindu societies in South Asia.
8 panel storyboard that details the
creation and spread of Islam throughout » explain the political, economic, and
the world. The storyboard will contain
social impact of Islam on Europe, Asia,
pictures and key information about Islam. and Africa.[WHS.4D]
Procedures:Islam Guided Questions and
Accommodations/Modifications/Extension Answer Activity - students will ask a
partner specific questions regarding the
Reduce the story board to 6 panels
origins and spread of Islam
instead of 8
Islam Quiz
The student is expected to...
» Vocabulary
» describe the major political,
Accommodations/Modifications/Extension religious/philosophical, and cultural
influences of [Byzantium] including the
development of Christianity.[WHS.3A]
» identify the impact of political and legal
ideas contained in the following
documents: Justinian's Code of Laws.
» identify examples of key persons who
were successful in shifting political
» summarize the development of the rule
of law from ancient to modern times.
» identify the characteristics of the
following political systems: theocracy,
absolute monarchy, democracy, republic,
oligarchy, limited monarchy, and
» identify the impact of political and legal
ideas contained in the following
documents: Hammurabi's Code, the
Jewish Ten Commandments, Justinian's
Code of Laws, Magna Carta, the English
Bill of Rights, the Declaration of
Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and
the Declaration of the Rights of Man and
of the Citizen.[WHS.20B]
» identify examples of key persons who
were successful in shifting political
thought, including William Wilberforce.
» identify examples of religious influence
on various events referenced in the major
eras of world history.[WHS.23B]
Procedures:Byzantine Empire and
Medieval Vocabulary
Reduce the number of questions and
answer choices on the quiz and guided
The student is expected to...
» identify major causes and describe the
major effects of the following important
turning points in world history from 600 to
1450: the spread of Christianity, the
decline of Rome and the formation of
medieval Europe.[WHS.1C]
» describe the major political,
religious/philosophical, and cultural
influences of [Byzantium] including the
development of Christianity.[WHS.3A]
» explain the development of Christianity
as a unifying social and political factor in
medieval Europe and the Byzantine
» explain the characteristics of Roman
Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.
Byzantine Empire Graphic Organizer students will understand the Greek
Influence, Great Schism, Emperors, Trade
and the Fall of the Byzantine Empire