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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Lesson Plans for Allen Smith, 010 - Birdville High School Week of Monday, October 21, 2013 Monday, October 21, 2013 Day 40 Tuesday, October 22, 2013 Day 41 Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Day 42 Thursday, October 24, 2013 Day 43 Friday, October 25, 2013 Day 44 World History World History World History World History World History The student is expected to... » identify major causes and describe the major effects of the following important turning points in world history from 600 to 1450: the spread of Christianity, the decline of Rome and the formation of medieval Europe.[WHS.1C] » explain the development of Christianity as a unifying social and political factor in medieval Europe and the Byzantine Empire.[WHS.4A] » explain the characteristics of Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. [WHS.4B] » identify the influence of ideas regarding the right to a "trial by a jury of your peers" and the concepts of "innocent until proven guilty" and "equality before the law" that originated from the Judeo-Christian legal tradition.[WHS.22B] » identify examples of religious influence on various events referenced in the major eras of world history.[WHS.23B] » identify the influence of ideas regarding the right to a "trial by a jury of your peers" and the concepts of "innocent until proven guilty" and "equality before the law" that originated from the Judeo-Christian legal tradition and in Greece and Rome. [WHS.22B] » summarize the development of the rule of law from ancient to modern times. [WHS.22A] The student is expected to... » identify examples of religious influence on various events referenced in the major eras of world history.[WHS.23B] » identify the influence of ideas regarding the right to a "trial by a jury of your peers" and the concepts of "innocent until proven guilty" and "equality before the law" that originated from the Judeo-Christian legal tradition.[WHS.22B] » summarize the development of the rule of law from ancient to modern times. [WHS.22A] » identify examples of key persons who were successful in shifting political thought.[WHS.21C] » identify the impact of political and legal ideas contained in the following documents: Justinian's Code of Laws. [WHS.20B] The student is expected to... » describe the major characteristics of and the factors contributing to the development of the political/social system of feudalism and the economic system of manorialism.[WHS.4C] » describe how people have participated in supporting or changing their governments.[WHS.21A] The student is expected to... » describe the major characteristics of and the factors contributing to the development of the political/social system of feudalism and the economic system of manorialism.[WHS.4C] Procedures: Manors and Feudalism Contracts student will work with a partner to come up with a feudal contract between a lord and a serf. Procedures:History Alive: Feudalism The students will first determine what they students will learn the basic elements of think the role and responsibility will be of feudalism through acting out different the lord and serf. At the conclusion of the roles of knights, king, serfs and activity, they will write what they now peasant. Each role in the activity will know about the role and responsibility of detail how life was for each member of the lord and serf. society. Students will write a summary of They will then determine how the contract the activity at the end and describe what would apply to today's society. took place The student is expected to... » identify major causes and describe the major effects of the following important turning points in world history from 600 to 1450:the spread of Christianity, the decline of Rome and the formation of medieval Europe.[WHS.1C] » explain how the Crusades, the Black Death, the Hundred Years' War, and the Great Schism contributed to the end of medieval Europe.[WHS.4G] » describe the major characteristics of and the factors contributing to the development of the political/social system of feudalism and the economic system of manorialism.[WHS.4C] Procedures:Crusades - students will take notes over the impact the Crusades had Accommodations/Modifications/Extension on Europe during the Middle Ages. Procedures:Finish Byzantine Questions Accommodations/Modifications/Extension s: s: Agriculture and the Church - students will Byzantine Empire Quiz - Students will learn about the daily life activities and take a quiz over the rise and fall of the social status during the Middle Ages Byzantine Empire. Notes/Reflections: Notes/Reflections: Following the notes, the students will take Germanic and Franks Power Point a short quiz over the notes to check for students will take notes over the impact of understanding of the information. the invasion of the Germanic tribes on the Byzantine empire Accommodations/Modifications/Extension s: Accommodations/Modifications/Extension Procedures:Byzantine Guided Questions - s: Students will answer key questions about Reduce the number of questions and the rise and fall of the Byzantine answers Notes/Reflections: Empire. After finishing the questions, they will use the answers to fill in a chart detailing the rise and fall of the Byzantine Notes/Reflections: Empire Compare Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Religion - students will chart the differences between the two religions Accommodations/Modifications/Extension s: Notes/Reflections: