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Grade 6 - 8 Outreach
Outreach Planetarium Shows
by Dudley Observatory in partnership with miSci
STARLAB® Portable Planetarium Program
Andromeda to Zeus
Greek mythology and seasonal constellations are show-cased, while students predict the regular motion of celestial objects.
45 minutes 30 students maximum
Reasons for the Seasons
Students observe and record changes in the sun’s apparent path through the sky through the year and understand why
the tilt of the earth’s axis causes the seasons.
45 minutes 30 students maximum
It’s Only a Phase
Students will observe and model the cyclic pattern of moon phases, and use moon maps to identify and discuss different
types of features on the moon.
45 minutes 30 students maximum
Star Clock
Our system of measuring time is based on the motion of the Earth in relation to the sun, moon, and stars. Students use
observations of the Big Dipper and the North Star to tell the both the time and season.
45 minutes 30 students maximum
Calendar Constellations
Why do the constellations visible in the night sky change during the year? The zodiac, or “circle of animals” was used as
a calendar. Changes due to the earth’s daily rotation and its annual orbit around the sun will be examined and compared.
45 minutes 30 students maximum
Earth and Sky
The concepts of latitude and longitude are reinforced as students plot coordinates and observe the changing view of the
sky from different places on earth.
45 minutes 30 students maximum
Custom Program
We will work with you to design unique programs to meet your curriculum needs.
45 minutes 30 students maximum
Outreach Science Explorations
Engineering Mission
Tackle engineering obstacles in teams. Discover how NASA engineers problem solve by designing your own shockabsorb-ing system that can protect “astronauts” when they land on the Moon. Test and fine tune your lander for a
successful mission.
45 minutes 25 students maximum MST 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 SS 1
Fun with Physics
Delve into the Laws of Physics! Examine science and history through hands-on demonstrations and activities. Your students will examine primary source documents relating to the physics of baseball followed by interactive discussions of
Bernoulli’s Principle, the Center of Gravity, and Linear and Angular Momentum.
45 minutes 25 students maximum MST 1, 4, 7; SS 1; ELA 1, 3, 4
Outreach Science Explorations (continued)
The Magic of Electricity
Discover how electrical circuits work through a hands-on demonstration and experimentation. Learn about different ways
electricity is generated around the world and explore static electricity with our hair-raising Van de Graaf generator.
45 minutes 25 students maximum MST 1, 4
Just A Phase
Discover answers to the questions of the Moon. Learn why our Moon is so bright, why it controls our tides here on Earth
and what is happening to the Moon in it’s 28 day cycle. Each student will walk their Moon through the phases as they
discover what creates new, full, and waxing Moons.
45 minutes 25 students maximum MST 1, 4, 6
Crime Lab Science
Using science and not just instinct, students solve the mystery of the missing microscope. We’ll conduct a fingerprint
analysis and extract DNA from a banana to solve this mystery, all the while learning about the very popular topic of forensics.
45 minutes 25 students maximum MST 1 & 4
It’s a Small, Small Nanoworld
The nano world is all around us, but we can’t see it with our eyes. These interactive demonstrations explore the everyday
applications of nanotechnology. Students learn just how small nano is and what it takes to work with nano-sized objects.
45 minutes 25 students maximum MST 1, 3, 4, 5, 7
Spectacular Spectroscopy
Explore the travel of light and the use of spectroscopy as we manipulate waves through prisms and color mixing. Understand the frequency and amplitudes of waves and discover how we can learn about the gases of space by experimenting
with a spectrograph and diffraction gratings.
45 minutes 25 students maximum MST 1, 4; A 1
Optical Illusions and Brian Games
Trick your eyes with a number of Optical Illusions and then discover scientifically what is happening with your eye and
brain for this to occur. Learn about the parts of your eye and how it produces images for you brain to see. See how artists have used techniques to trick us for hundreds of years.
45 minutes 25 students maximum MST 1, 4; A 1, 2; SS 1, 2
Good Vibrations: Exploring Sounds
Examine the inner ear and discover how sound waves travel from the air to our brain. Distinguish the differences between the travel of sound and light waves. Investigate how animals use echolocation and how this natural adaptation has
inspired scientists, through biomimicry, to create useful technology that we use today.
45 minutes 25 students maximum MST 1, 4; A 2, 3
Outreach Science Demos
Explore the everyday applications of nanotechnology and find out just how small nano really is.
30 minutes 30 students maximum MST 1,3,4,5,7
What is it? And how do we make more?
30 minutes 30 students maximum MST 1,4
Hidden Power
Explore familiar and emerging ways to generate electricity.
30 minutes 30 students maximum MST 1,4,6,7
Find out about the motion and the “why” behind its behavior.
30 minutes 30 students maximum MST 1,4,6,7 ELA 1,3,4, SS 1