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Chapter 4
Atomic Structure
Chemistry 2
Defining the Atom 4.1
Early Models of the Atom
• The smallest particle of an element that
retains its identity in a chemical reaction
• All matter composed of
• Atomos = indivisible
• Democritus’s Atomic Philosophy
Greek philosopher (460 B.C. – 370 B.C)
1st to suggest atom
Indivisible and indestructible
Did not explain chemical behavior
Did not use scientific method
Early Models of the Atom
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
2000 yrs. Later
John Dalton (1766 -1844) English chemist & schoolteacher
Used experimental methods to develop a theory
All elements composed of tiny indivisible particles = atoms
Atoms in the same element are identical; atoms from 1 element
are different form atoms of another element
Atoms of different elements can physically mix or chemically
combine in whole-number ratios
Chemical reactions = atoms joined, separated, or rearranged.
Atoms of 1 element NEVER change into atoms of another element
Sizing up the Atom 4.1
• Pure copper coin about a penny size =
2.4 x 1022 atoms
– …earth’s population = 6 x 109…
– There are about 4 x 1012 times as many atoms in a
penny as there are people on earth
• Radii of most atoms = 5 x 10-11 – 2 x 10-10m
Structure of the Nuclear
Atom 4.2
Subatomic Particles 4.2
• Change in Dalton’s atomic theory = atoms are
divisible = electrons, protons, and neutrons
• Electrons – negatively charged particle
– J.J. Thomson 1856-1940 – English physicist
– Experiment involved passing electric current thru
gases at low pressure sealed glass tube with
electrodes (metal disks)  anode, + electrode, and
cathode, - electrode = glowing beam, cathode ray
(beam traveled from cathode to anode)
• Beam attract positive charge = ray is a stream of tiny
negatively charged particle moving at a high speed (Figure
– Robert A. Millikan 1868-1953
• Calculated mass of electron 1/1840 of a H atom
Subatomic Particle 4.2
• Eugene Goldstein (1850 – 1930)
– Found positively charged particle in 1886
– Observed cathode-ray tube  found rays
traveling in opposite direction = PROTON
• Mass = 1840 xs electron
• James Chadwick (1891 - 1974) English
– Found the neutron = no charge, mass nearly equal
to proton
The Atomic Nucleus 4.2
• Many theories of structure of atom
– JJ Thomson = plum pudding model
• Electrons stuck into a lump of + charge (similar to
raisins stuck in dough!)
• Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) - Student of Thomson
• Rutherford’s Gold-Foil Experiment
– Used He atoms that lost 2 electrons  double +
charge (massive alpha particles)
– Directed narrow beam of alpha a particles at a
thin sheet of gold foil
Rutherford’s Atomic Model 4.2
• According to theory: particles should pass
thru w/ slight deflection
• HOWEVER, majority passed thru w/o deflection
and some bounced back at large angle
• Rutherford Concluded: 1)atoms mostly empty
space (lack of deflection 2)Most mass
concentrated in small region (deflection)
– Called region the NUCLEUS, composed of p & n
– p & n located in nucleus, small
– E distributed around nucleus = occupy most of volume
– Ex of atom: football stadium, nucleus = marble
Technology and Society
• Ernest Ruska & Max Knoll (1931) built 1st
e microscope
– Uses e beam and lenses of magnetic or
electric field
– Can magnify up to 100,000 times
• Light microscope can magnify 1000 times
• Biochemistry = uses to look at DNA
• Microelectronics = use to measure and
analyze characteristics of microcircuits
Distinguishing Among Atoms
Atomic Number 4.3
• Number of p in the nucleus
– Ex: H – 1 p = atomic number of 1
– # of p = # of e when neutral
Mass Number 4.3
• Total # of p + n
– Hint: most of the mass of an atom is where?
– Nucleus
– What's in the nucleus?
– p + n = most of the mass of an atom = MASS #
• # of n = mass # - atomic #
• # of n = (p +n) – p
Isotopes 4.3
• Same # of p and e, different # of n
• Different mass # (mass # = p + n)
• Chemically alike (for the most part) b/c
p & e are responsible for chemical
Atomic Mass 4.3
• Weighted average mass of the atoms in a
naturally occurring sample of the element
• Use a mass spectrometer to find mass of atom
– Mass of p or n = 1.67x 10-24 g
– Mass of e = 9.11 x 10-28 g
• Compare relative masses of atoms w/ reference
isotope, carbon-12 (6p + 6n)
– Atomic Mass Unit (amu) – 1/12 of the mass of carbon 12atom
• Mass of proton or neutron is 1/12 of 12 amu, or about 1 amu
– Atomic Mass is normally not a whole number b/c different # of
Calculating Atomic mass 4.3
Must know 3 values to determine
atomic mass based on amount
# of stable isotopes
Mass of isotopes
Natural % abundance of each isotope
Multiply mass of each isotope by natural
abundance  add products
The Periodic Table –
A Preview 4.3
• An arrangement of elements separated
into groups based on properties
• Elements listed in order of increasing
atomic number
• 7 Periods = horizontal line
– Properties of elements vary
• Group (family) = vertical line
– Similar chemical and physical properties
• Detectives of the past –sift for clues of past
• Excavate ancient cities, artifacts, tools
• Sometimes draw conclusions from indirect
• Use radiometric dating (sample dated by
measuring concentration of certain isotopes
• Chemical tests to determine artifacts
• Need background in history and science