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2.3 Read
2.3 Read
How Do Scientists Study Traits?
Gregor Mendel
and his Garden Peas
In the previous section, you observed
the parts of a flower. Flowers are the
reproductive organs of many plants,
including rice. You also read about how
flowering plants reproduce through
pollination and fertilization. Gregor
Mendel, an Austrian monk (a member
of a religious order), was also aware
of these processes when, back in the
nineteenth century (1800s), he started
asking questions about how plants
inherit their traits.
Mendel had studied science and
mathematics at a university before
he began working in the monastery
and teaching high school. As part of
his duties in the monastery, he was
in charge of looking after the garden.
That is when Mendel began asking
questions about inheritance. He then
did experiments with ordinary garden
peas to answer his questions. Like rice,
garden peas are flowering plants.
Mendel studied
inheritance in
pea plants.
inherit: receive
traits from previous
inheritance: the
passing down of
traits from one
generation to the
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Learning Set 2 • How Are Traits Passed Down From Generation to Generation?
Characteristics of Pea Plants
Seed shape
Seed color
Pod shape
Pod color
Flower color
Stem length
Some of the characteristics Mendel studied in his experiments.
expressed (to
express): shown
(to show).
theory: a broad
explanation that is
strongly supported
by a body of
blending: an equal
mixing of traits.
cross: to breed
two different
varieties of
plants to produce
offspring with a
mixture of traits
from the two
Mendel chose to study garden peas because of the way they reproduce. He
noticed that garden peas have several different characteristics. Each of these
characteristics was expressed two different ways. Some pods from the pea
plants had green seeds and some had yellow seeds. Some had round seeds
and some had wrinkled seeds. None of the pods were greenish yellow, and
none of the seeds were both round and wrinkled.
In Mendel’s time, most people believed in the theory of inheritance by
blending, an equal mixing of traits. Many of the scientists of that time
believed that when you cross, or breed, a plant with a red flower with a
plant with a white flower, the flowers of the offspring (resulting plant) would
always be pink. But blending did not explain the traits Mendel observed in
garden peas. Mendel did not observe any greenish-yellow pods or any seeds
that were both round and wrinkled.
The other reason Mendel chose to study garden peas had to do with the
way they reproduce. Rice is self-pollinating, but garden peas are both selfpollinating and cross-pollinating. Mendel could fertilize the peas by artificially
cross-pollinating them. He did that by removing the anthers from one plant.
He then transferred the pollen of another plant to the stamen of the plant
that had the anthers removed. In this way, he could control which plants he
was crossing.
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2.3 Read
Artificial Cross-pollination
Transfer pollen from
pollen parent to seed parent
Remove anthers
from seed parent
The process of artificial cross-pollination.
Mendel’s Experiments
Mendel began with the question: How are traits inherited? Because he was a
scientist, he designed scientific experiments to answer his questions and made
predictions as to what he thought the results would be. Then he compared
his predictions to his actual results. To make his work easier, he broke his
original question into smaller questions. How is plant height inherited? How is
plant seed color inherited? How is plant seed shape inherited? He had many
questions he wanted to answer, and he designed experiments for each of
them. For each experiment, he made a prediction.
Mendel had a supply of plants that were true-breeding. He had observed
that these plants always passed their traits on to the next generation. For
example, true-breeding tall pea plants would always produce tall pea plants.
In Mendel’s first experiment, he asked the question: What would happen if
I bred a true-breeding tall pea plant with a true-breeding short pea plant
to produce a hybrid of the two different plants? His prediction was that all
the hybrids would be medium height. That was what should have happened
according to the theory of blending. But they were not. The plants were all
tall. Mendel wondered what had happened to the trait for short pea plants.
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organisms that
always pass their
traits on to the
next generation.
hybrid: the
offspring of the
cross between
parents with
different traits.
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Learning Set 2 • How Are Traits Passed Down From Generation to Generation?
He thought about his results and came up with another question: What would
happen if I bred the tall hybrids with each other? Mendel predicted that
they would all be tall. But much to his surprise, some of the hybrids from this
crossing were tall and some were short. The trait for shortness had reappeared.
This diagram
shows the results
of Mendel’s
experiments. When
Mendel crossed
true-breeding tall
plants with truebreeding short
plants, all the
offspring were
tall. When the tall
plants from that
cross were crossed
again, most of the
offspring were tall
but a few were also
Mendel did not know what scientists know today about inheritance.
Therefore, he repeated his experiments and made his observations many
times. He came to the conclusion that there must be two factors for each
trait, and he realized that, in some plants, both the factors were for tall
plants. This would be the case for true-breeding tall plants. True-breeding
short plants, he thought, would then have factors for shortness. Other plants
might have one factor for tallness and one for shortness.
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2.3 Read
Mendel’s experimental results showed that when one of his pea plants had
two different factors for a trait, one of the factors would mask the other.
For example, for plant height, he found that tallness would always mask
shortness. A tall plant that had one factor for tallness and one for shortness
would always be tall.
Mendel, the Father of Modern Genetics
In 1865, Mendel reported
his discoveries to a scientific
society, challenging the theory
of blending. Unfortunately,
his paper was read by very
few people. People of his
generation did not understand
his work and were not
interested in the questions he
was answering. Years later, the
results of his experiments in
the monastery garden became
the starting point of modern
genetics. He is known as the
“Father of modern genetics.”
Answer the following questions in your group and prepare to discuss the
answers in your class. Use evidence from your reading and your Reeze-otbuilding activity to support your answers.
1. Mendel was a scientist who lived a long time ago. But Mendel used
the same processes scientists use today. What scientific processes did
Mendel use to make his discoveries?
2. Why do you think Mendel saw more variation as he crossed more plants
and produced more generations of plants?
3. How would you carry out crosses to find out if a certain trait in a plant
masked another trait?
4. How would you carry out crosses to find out if a certain trait in a plant
was masked by another trait?
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Learning Set 2 • How Are Traits Passed Down From Generation to Generation?
How Do Scientists Today Explain Mendel’s Discoveries?
It may surprise you, but you probably know more about genetics than
Mendel did. That is because scientists have built on Mendel’s ideas and have
discovered much more about how traits are inherited than Mendel knew.
strands of genetic
material inside the
cell that contain
information that
codes for the traits
of an organism.
Today, scientists know that every cell in a plant or animal has chromosomes,
strands of genetic material that determine what traits the organism has.
Each chromosome contains genes for particular traits. People, for example,
have genes for eye color, hair color, whether they can roll their tongues, and
so on. Pea plants have genes for traits like height and shape of seeds. Each
gene is located at a particular place on a chromosome.
genetic material:
genetic information
in an organism that
is passed down
from generation to
Position of gene for trait Height
One pair of
chromosomes can
carry different
alleles for the
same trait.
gene: the
location on the
that contains the
instructions for a
particular trait.
Allele for tallness
alleles: different
forms of a gene.
dominant: the
allele that masks
the expression of
the recessive allele.
the allele whose
expression is
masked by the
dominant allele.
Allele for shortness
Scientists know that chromosomes come in pairs. Chromosomes can
have more than one form of a gene. These forms are called alleles. The
combination of alleles determines how a trait will express, or show, itself.
For example, Mendel observed that pea plants can be short or tall. The
alleles for pea-plant height are T for tallness and t for shortness. Because
chromosomes come in pairs, a pea plant can have two alleles for tallness
(TT), two alleles for shortness (tt), or one for each (Tt). One allele is on
each chromosome.
When a pea plant has two different alleles for the same trait (Tt), the allele
for tallness is dominant over the allele for shortness. Scientists call the
allele for shortness recessive. When a recessive allele is paired with a
dominant allele (Tt), the dominant allele is always expressed. When Mendel
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2.3 Read
crossed true-breeding tall plants (TT) with true-breeding short plants (tt),
all the offspring were tall (Tt), because the allele for tallness is dominant,
and the allele for shortness is recessive.
There are also other terms scientists use to describe heredity. Phenotype
refers to the traits you can see. It is a description of what the organism
looks like. When Mendel looked at the pea plants, he saw plants of
different heights and peas with different shapes. You looked at traits
of people and saw detached ear lobes and tongue-rolling. These are all
examples of phenotypes.
Genotype refers to the actual genes and alleles an organism has. You can
see a phenotype, but you cannot see the genetic makeup (the genotype)
of an organism. For example, a tall pea plant could have two different
genotypes. It could have two alleles for a tall stem (TT), or it could have
one allele for a tall stem and one allele for a short stem (Tt). The allele for
tallness is dominant, and the allele for shortness is recessive. Therefore,
the plant’s phenotype is tall and the genotype is either TT or Tt. A short
plant can have only one genotype. Both alleles must be for a short stem
(tt), because the tall allele (T) is dominant over the short allele (t). Though
phenotypes can be seen, genotypes can be determined only through
breeding experiments.
Scientists use symbols, usually letters, to represent the genotype of an
organism. The symbols help them keep track of the genes and alleles
of an organism. When letters are used, each gene is given a different
letter. For height in pea plants, scientists use the letter T. Uppercase
letters (T) represent dominant alleles, and lowercase letters (t) represent
recessive alleles. Every gene is represented by two letters, because each
chromosome of a pair has one allele for the trait. The letters can be the
same, for example, TT for tallness or tt for shortness, or different letters,
Tt, which is a tall plant. When organisms have two of the same alleles (TT
or tt) for a trait, scientists say they are homozygous. When they have two
different alleles for a trait (Tt), they are called heterozygous.
the physical
characteristics of
an organism.
genotype: the
genetic makeup of
an organism.
when an organism
has two identical
alleles for a
particular gene.
when an organism
has two different
alleles for the same
When Mendel looked at the seeds of pea plants (the peas), he noticed
that many plants had round peas and fewer plants had wrinkled peas.
By crossing the plants with different pea seeds, he found that round pea
seeds were dominant over wrinkled pea seeds. If scientists today used “R”
for pea-seed shape, the round pea seeds (dominant) would be either RR
or Rr, and the wrinkled pea seeds (recessive) would be rr.
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Learning Set 2 • How Are Traits Passed Down From Generation to Generation?
The diagram shows the cross between two heterozygous pea plants (Rr).
Because the trait for round seeds is dominant, both plants have round
seeds. Most of the offspring of the cross are round. The genotype for
a round seed is either RR (homozygous) or Rr (heterozygous). Some of
the offspring have wrinkled seeds. The genotype for wrinkled seeds can
only be rr (homozygous).
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2.3 Read
Stop and Think
Answer the following questions. Be prepared to discuss your answers with
the class.
1. How do a chromosome, a gene, and an allele differ? How are they
2. Short stems are recessive in pea plants. If a pea plant is short, is it
homozygous or heterozygous? Justify your answer.
3. Green pod color, G, is dominant over yellow pod color, g. What
genotypes are possible for the phenotype with green pods?
Update the Project Board
In this section, you read about Gregor Mendel and his experiments about
the inheritance of traits in pea plants. You also read about what scientists
today know about Mendel’s discoveries. Record this new science knowledge
in the What are we learning? column of your Project Board. Add evidence
for this new knowledge in the What is our evidence? column. You may
think you now know more about how traits are inherited. Record what you
think you know in the What do we think we know? column. What you read
may have made you think of other questions you might have. Record these
questions and ideas for further investigations in the What do we need to
investigate? column.
What’s the Point?
Gregor Mendel, in the nineteenth century, challenged the belief that traits just
blended together in offspring. In his study of pea plants, he found two factors
for each trait—one strong and one weak. True-breeding plants had two of the
same factor—true-breeding tall plants would always produce tall plants. Plants
that were not true-breeding had one of each of the factors, and they would
produce some tall plants and a few short plants.
Now scientists know that genes, which are locations on chromosomes,
contain all the traits of an organism. The strong and weak traits are called
alleles, and each gene has at least two alleles. The strong allele is called
dominant. The weak allele is called recessive.
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