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Earth Science Grade Span
PreK-12 EU: Students will understand that all objects in the universe have discreet properties
PreK-12 EQ: What are some observable properties of the objects in the universe and how do they affect each other?
None at this level.
None at this level.
The properties of light are used to
determine the structure and
processes of the universe. **
(magnitude, distance, reflected)
The matter of our Universe is a
remnant from the Big Bang, which
produced plasma of protons, neutrons
and electrons.
SWUT there is a connection between
properties and process that occur on
earth and in the universe.
(connection between earth and
physical sciences)
SWUT where matter in the universe
comes from and how matter is
Version 1.b
Earth Science Grade Span
PreK-12 EU: Students will understand that patterns, cycles and movement govern the universe.
PreK-12 EQ:
What are some observable patterns and cycles in the solar system and how does it affect life on earth?
What evidence can be used to show the universe has changed over time?
PreK -2
SWUT The sun can only be
seen in the day but the moon
can be seen sometimes in the
day and in the night.
SWUT The relationship of the
planets and the sun in the
solar system- (the sun is the
central and largest body in the
solar system, the Earth is the
third planet from the sun)
SWUT Gravity is the force that
keeps most objects in the solar
system in regular and predictable
motion. ( Mass and distance.)
The mathematical model helps to
explain motion of the objects in the
There are more stars than
anyone can count!
Objects in the sky (sun, moon) SWUT what causes the
have patterns of movement
patterns of day and night.**
and observable changes from
day to day in time.
Version 1.b
Relative magnitude and position of
the planets in the solar system
SWUT Motion objects in the
universe explain phenomena of the
day, seasons, year, phases of the
moon, and eclipses.
SWUT mathematical models can be
use to explain the motion of the
objects in the universe.
Earth Science Grade Span
PreK-12 EU: Students will understand that the relationship between the earth and sun creates changes over time encompassing
the water cycle, climate and weather and seasonal patterns.
PreK-12 EQ:
How does the sun create and affect the water cycle, climate and weather patterns on Earth?
PreK -2
SWUT that the sun warms up SWUT Water moves in a
air, land and water. Said
cycle which is driven by the
as?SWUT The sun helps keep sun.
the Earth's surface warm,
gives us light, and allows
plants to grow.
SWUT The sun’s energy influences
Earth’s systems. as well as the
ocean as it stores large amounts of
solar energy.( weather patterns,
atmosphere, wind, ocean currents
and the water cycle, etc.)
Earth’s climate patterns and weather
are governed by the transfer of heat
energy between the atmosphere, land
and oceans which affects weather
related phenomena.
Water can change from liquid
to solid and go back and
forth.(e.g. Freezing)
Weather changes daily. There
are patterns to temperature,
rain (or snow) at different
times of the year.
Pattern to sun and moon in
Weather changes cyclically
based on the seasons. Daily
weather predictions are based
on verity of data. from day to
day and during the seasons,
across the globe.
The tilt of the earth on its axis in its
relationship with the sun and how it
causes the seasons and the affect it
has on weather. (Is this addressed
Scientists use tools for
observing, recording, and
predicting weather changes.
The earth has an atmosphere made
up of various gases.
Version 1.b
Earth Science Grade Span
PreK-12 EU: Students will understand that there are forces that shape the Earth and the Earth is made up of basic materials.
PreK-12 EQ: What evidence can be used to show the earth has changed over time?
In what ways has Earth changed throughout its history?
How do natural forces shape and change the Earth?
What are the basic materials that make up the Earth and how have they changed over time?
PreK -2
None at this level.
SWUT the forces that shape
the surface of the earth, some
are fast and some are fast.
(weathering, erosion, land
slides, glaciers, etc.)
The surface features of the earth are Internal heat sources which cause
influenced by the movement of
convection currents in the mantle
tectonic plates.
create tectonic movement resulting in
plate collisions, mountain building,
Structure of the Earth, (Outer Core, sea floor spreading, etc plate tectonics
Inner Core Mantle and Crust/
Lithosphere )
SWUT Earth’s materials are
solid rocks and soils. Compare
similarities and differences of
Rocks have unique
characteristics and are
composed of variety of
SWUT the rock cycle provides
evidence of the forces within the
earth and the connection between
different types of rock formations.
Compare life in the present
and life that was extinct
SWUT they can compare life
throughout earth’s history
(similarities and differences of
fossils )
There is evidence to show that the There are technologies used to date
Earth can change slowly or quickly geological materials and events.
over time causing effects to life and
earth’s materials.
SWUT early earth was very different
from the earth today and that those
changes allowed the development of
life and life affected the continued
changes of the earth.
Version 1.b
Earth Science Grade Span
PreK-12 EU: Students will understand that humans depend on the earth for different resources and human activities can affect
the earth’s systems.
PreK-12 EQ: How has life changed the planet over time?
How have humans influenced earth’s changes?
Students will understand that
Students will understand that
Students will understand that
Students will understand that
natural resources are materials
soils, air, water, and rocks are everyday life is made possible
there are many sources of
that we obtain from the living
useful to humans because of
by the available resources of the energy generation that may be
and nonliving environment.
their inherent properties.
exploited for human use.
Students will understand that
Students will understand that
Students will understand that the Students will understand that
reducing, reusing, and recycling human activity can cause
actions that change the earth
human sustainability requires
of resources can extend their
pollution of the land, air and
have benefits and costs which
continued efforts to responsibly
water, and small changes in
can affect the balance in
manage natural resources.
behavior can reduce our
ecosystems throughout the
impact on the environment.
Note: Taken from Orange North’s work.
Version 1.b