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kate birch
Submitting for Immunization Docket 8-0900-30570
Friday, June 28, 2013 11:25:16 PM
Immunization Docket 8-0900-30570.pdf
Hello please accept attached doc from public hearing June 27th 2013. Thank you
Kate Birch, RSHom(NA), CCH, CMT
Certified CEASE Practitioner
212 Third Ave N Suite 425
Minneapolis MN 55401
[email protected]
June 27, 2013
Ladies and gentlemen, Honorable Judge Lipman
RE Immunization Docket 8-0900-30570
Thank you for the opportunity to speak here in front of you and our fellow citizens
My name is Kate Birch. I am a homeopathic practitioner and specialize in infectious disease. I
am the North American Representative to the international council of Homeopathy, and am a
certified CEASE Practitioner (Complete Elimination of Autism Symptom Expresion). I am here
today to express my concerns about adding more vaccine doses to the already excessive
vaccine schedule. I have a 27 year old son who developed Asthma and hyperactivity shortly
after his 3rd DTP vaccine and a 20 year old daughter who was not vaccinated who has remained
healthy her entire life.
I would like to offer that I hold a unique perspective on this subject as an alternative healthcare
practitioner practicing under statue 146A. I teach locally and internationally on the subject of
infectious disease, the developing immune system, vaccine damage and homeopathic disease
prevention. I have been practicing for over 18 years.
There is mounting evidence supporting the use of Homeopathy for infectious disease
prevention without the risks of vaccination (Article One, as below).
In the 18 years of practice the number of families coming to me with vaccine injured children
has increased exponentially. This exponential increase has occurred alongside the increase in
mandated vaccines. As more vaccines have been introduced into the schedule the more
complicated these cases have become to return the children back to health.
Families of vaccine injured children come to me when conventional medical doctors offer no
solution to the effects of vaccine damage. I can say without a doubt the children who have
received more vaccines have the most immune system damage.
I believe it is the role of government to protect people from harm. I also believe that the
intention behind introducing more vaccines into the schedule is to prevent infectious disease.
However, from my point of view, more vaccines have done nothing to help immune systems
learn how to handle infectious disease. Moreover with these attempts to reduce infectious
disease incidence what we are seeing is a profound increase in chronic health conditions in our
Those individuals which are most at risk for being harmed by the actual disease are also
susceptible to being harmed by the vaccines as it is an innate problem with the individual that
determines their ability to handle the disease process, either naturally or from the
immunological stimulation a vaccine delivers.
In the US 1 in 50 children has Autism. One in 6 has a neurological deficit. 1 in 10 has asthma.
These are the kinds of children I see in my practice.
When you and I were school aged we were injected with a few vaccines. At that time our
immune systems were mature and able to respond appropriately with a complete
immunological response to those few vaccines. Today over 36 doses of vaccines are injected
into infant’s immune systems, which are only beginning to develop. Moreover, these vaccines
are given with the intention to stimulate antibody production through the addition of
adjuvants. The problem is that infants are not able to produce antibodies till 1-2 years of age.
The antigens settle into their organ of affinity and weaken its function. ie the neurotoxins of
DTaP settle to the brain. Hep A and B rest in the liver.
If the State mandates more vaccines I can only conclude we will be seeing more immunological
damage in our children. For me this is unacceptable.
Please take the time to listen today to the voices of the families here whose lives and children
have been adversely affected by vaccines. Some of what you will hear are the collective voice of
a scientific method gone wrong.
There are other, more economical ways to prevent infectious disease. Even the World Health
Organization admits that education and sanitation go a lot further in preventing infectious
disease than vaccines do. Conversely, if the perception is that we need more vaccines because
the vaccines are infective and don’t last very long and that we need more boosters to increase
their efficacy, then perhaps we need to look at the science of vaccination and determine if it is
the most effective model of disease prevention.
I will now share the story of one girl who received a TDaP booster shot at the age of 11 after
receiving all of the required childhood vaccines. I saw her two years after that vaccine.
Despite her earlier vaccines she was a bright happy girl. She was an A student, had lots of
friends, she could eat anything and lived a normal life. Immediately after the vaccine, while still
in the doctor’s office, she fainted and her pulse rate dropped to 80/40. Over the following
months she had continued to have episodes of fainting and circulatory irregularities with hot
and cold, swellings here and there. Her legs turned blue. She began experiencing random
numbness here and there in her body. She developed heart pains and lung pains where she
couldn’t breathe, as if her lungs would collapse. She progressively got worse with chronic ear
infections and then developed severe postulating acne all over her body. The acne was filled
with green foul smelling corrosive itching discharge. The skin had gotten so bad she started not
wanting to go outside. She stopped going to school, she stopped seeing her friends. Her brain
became inflamed so she was unable to study or concentrate. She started sleeping all day and
not able to sleep all night. She developed intolerances to all food and was unable to digest; all
food repulsed her, even water. She had started becoming suicidal from the intense headaches
and photophobia. Doctors where at a loss of how to treat her. They said that this reaction had
nothing to do with the vaccine.
Over the course of the next two months I treated her for the prolonged allergic reaction to the
latex in the vaccine with various remedies and a homeopathic preparation of TDaP vaccine.
Slowly her appetite came back. Her skin discharged even more foul pus but then started to
clear. Her headaches went away, her concentration came back. She no longer was fainting, or
reacting to food. The heart pains stopped, and the lungs could breathe freely. She continued
treatment for one more month during which time she developed a fever and for 2 days
sweated out a foul smelling rotten meat like discharge. After the fever cleared she said she felt
like her normal self again.
For me it is clear that this vaccine severely disrupted this child’s immune system. This is just one
of the many cases I see in my practice.
Vaccines have encrypted within them an information packet instructing the immune system to
behave in a way foreign to its design. Not only are the specific antigens of the disease present
in a vaccine but there is the host incubation medium, which can range from eggs to aborted
human fetal tissue cells. Antibiotics, preservatives and emulsifiers are added.
I do not believe it is in the natural design of the human system to ever experience eggs or yeast
injected directly into the blood stream.
The added adjuvants (aluminum hydroxide or phosphate) are intended to boost allergic and
inflammatory response and antibody development so that less antigen can be used. The
problem is that not only an inflammatory response to the specific antigen develops but also to
every other ingredient in the vaccine. The result is children’s immune systems that become
excessively allergic resulting in food allergies, asthma, atopic disease, ADD, ADHD and more. i
While it is true The CDC released a report that there are fewer antigens in the vaccines to day
so there is no way vaccines produce Autism or any of the PDDNOS they forgot to mention in
their report that the amount of adjuvants in the vaccines has increased 10 fold so as to use
produce more immunological response. It is the adjuvants which are causing the immune
system abnormalities, and even death, not the antigens.ii
This is what I am seeing in my practice. I see the children conventional doctors don’t know what
to do with, nor do they believe or understand how vaccines could cause this kind of damage.
Study into how the immune system actually works forces us to conclude that injecting multiple
immunological agents with adjuvants in quick succession into developing immune systems has
an effect. What we have to determine is if the effect we are getting is the desired effect.
It is for the sake of the health of all children that I am here today to ask this State to take a
stand; a different stand in the face of more vaccines coming down the pipeline. This is an
opportunity to break with the tide of more vaccines and to demand greater accountability for
the mal effects of this disease prevention model. Rather than just accepting blind faith that the
pharmaceutically backed research is reliable with regards to their vaccine recommendations,
we need:
the doctors to actually report what they are seeing in the clinical setting with the
children they are vaccinating.
A State run publicly accessed reporting system to fully disclose the findings
We need to demand more research and understanding into what actually happens in
children’s immune systems before adding more vaccines to an already excessive list
If we were to add more vaccines, what does that say about a government that is
recommending a public healthcare model that damages children’s immune systems?
Thank you,
Kate Birch
Recommendations to the State regarding recommendations to increase the required number of
doses of vaccines already in the recommended schedule:
1. Investigate the cost of educational programs to reduce disease incidence
2. Investigate and make available other disease prevention methods as an alternative to
more vaccines: ie: Homeopathic disease prevention See article one attached.
3. Doctors must be educated in the possible short term and long term immunological
effects of all vaccines
4. Doctors must be required to report every immunological abnormality arising after
vaccination, not just in the 24 hours after vaccination but in in the following weeks,
months and years
5. Establish up a State run obligatory reporting system for all vaccine reactions
6. Parents must have a mechanism of responsiveness from the state when their child is
adversely affected by a vaccine; including but not limited to: believing the parents when
they say this happened from the vaccine, acknowledging that vaccines are capable of
producing a variety of unexpected immunological responses. The state must then assist
the parent in accessing the mechanism for compensation for this vaccine damage.
Someone must be held accountable to possible reactions to required state health
mandates that have known risks and side effects.
. McDonald, Kara, Huq, Shamina, Lix, Lisa, Becker, et al. “Delay in diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus
vaccination is associated with a reduced risk of childhood asthma.” Journal of Allergy and Clinical
Immunology. 121 (Mar. 2008): 626-631.
Rubin, Steven. "Dead Babies and Stillbirths Reported to FDA after Vaccination - Mothering Magazine." 2 Nov. 2011. The Refusers. < reported-to-the-fda-after-vaccination-mothering-magazine/>.
Comments on some of the other presentations:
-If there is 98% compliance to vaccines then why is there an epidemic of Whooping cough. If teenagers are
the population acting as a reservoir for whooping cough, have they not already been vaccinated for whooping
cough as the DTP vaccine has been in use for over 30 years? If they are the ones getting the whooping cough
perhaps the vaccine only lasts a few years so that is why we need boosters. Perhaps this says something more
about the inefficacy of vaccines. More than that I heard the whooping cough epidemic is parapertusis B an
off strain that the vaccines don’t cover and that in fact the majority of cases are in previously vaccinated
1) Liese JG, Renner C, Stojanov S, Belohradsky BH; Munich Vaccine Study Group. Clinical and
epidemiological picture of B pertussis and B parapertussis infections after introduction of acellular
pertussis vaccines.
Article One
Evidence and History of Homeo-Prophylaxis
The historical evidence for the use of HP in safely and effectively preventing disease with
homeopathic medicines is long and unequivocal in its support. From 1801 until the present day
trials have been carried out by professional homeopaths, who until very recently were without
exception also registered medical doctors. The following list in reverse chronological order
catalogues many of the most significant trials and the results obtained, all of which demonstrate
an ability to offer real protection against disease in above 90% of participants. In order to grasp
the truly impressive nature of such figures it is important to compare it not with the antibody
responses (immunogenicity) of modern vaccines which is equally high, but rather with the
vaccine field trials on actual protection offered which is usually drastically lower[i] (Whooping
Cough 16%, Gardasil – 14%[ii]). The overall efficacy figures where available are highlighted at
the end of each abstract for ease of reference. Some may be surprised by the size, scope,
length and quality of many of the trials which were often overseen by major government
agencies or prominent universities.
1) Dr Isaac Golden and The World’s Longest HP Trials – 2004
A total of 2342 children participated for 20 years between 1985 – 2004, culminating in a PhD
overseen by Epidemiologists from Melbourne’s Swinburne University. The study Concluded:
HP remedies are non-toxic and safe – free of the side-effects or resulting damage that can
occur with vaccines. Mild impermanent healing reactions took place in less than 2% of
In relation to asthma, immunizing a child with HP alone was 15 times safer than immunization
by vaccines, and 6 times safer than doing nothing for immunization.
In relation to eczema, immunization only with HP was 7.4 times safer than immunization with
vaccines and 2.8 times safer than doing nothing about immunization.
In relation to allergies, immunization only with HP was 5 times safer than by vaccines and 2
times safer than no method of immunization.
The incidence of asthma (3%) in children who were immunized only by HP was well below the
national average of 19%.
The incidence of behavioral problems in children immunized by HP was extremely low
compared to the other methods of immunization.
Golden’s comprehensive HP program had a 90.4% efficacy against epidemic childhood
(Whooping cough, tetanus, polio, meningococcal, pneumococcal and HIB)
2) The Finlay Institutes Leptospirosis campaign in Cuba - 2007
On October November 2007, three provinces of the eastern region of Cuba were affected by
strong rainfalls causing floods of big areas and several damages to sanitary and health
systems. The risk of leptospirosis infection raised extremely dangerous levels with about 2
million of peoples exposed to potentially contaminated water. The Finlay Institute prepared a
leptospira nosode 200 CH using 4 circulating strains and following international quality
standards. A multidisciplinary team travelled to the affected regions to conduct the massive
administration of the nosode. Coordinated action with public health system infrastructures
allowed the administration of a preventive treatment consisting in two doses (7 9 days apart) of
the nosode to about 2,4 million of people (4,8 million of doses). The coverage of the intervention
rose up to 95% percent of total population of the three provinces at risk.
The epidemiology surveillance after the intervention showed a dramatic decrease of morbidity
two weeks after and a reduction to cero of mortality of hospitalized patient. The number of
confirmed leptospirosis cases remains at low levels and bellow the expected levels according
with the trends and rain regimens.
Homeoprphylaxis: Cuban Experiences on Leptospirosis, Presentation to the International
Meeting on Homeoprophylxais, Dec 2008, Cuba Dr. Concepción Campa, Dr. Luis E. Varela, Dr.
Esperanza Gilling, MCs. Rolando Fernández, Tec. Bárbara Ordaz, Dr. Gustavo Bracho, Dr. Luis
García, Dr. Jorge Menéndez, Lic. Natalia Marzoa, Dr. Rubén Martínez.
3) The Brazilian Government and the World’s Largest HP Trials -1998
The study was a repeat of Eizayaga’s 1974 trial (sited below) and conducted by two professors
of medicine from the University Foundation in Blumenau, Brazil, Blumenau specialist physician,
and the Health City Secretary. The field trial lasted one year.
65, 826 given homeo-prophylaxis – 4 infections
23, 532 used as a control group – 20 infections
(58 cases would have been expected in the HP group)
Efficacy – 95% effective in the first six months
- 91% effective over a full year.
(Meningococcin, its Protective Effect against Meningococcal Disease, Homoeopathic LINKS
Winter, 2001 Vol 14 (4) 230-4 Mroninski C, Adriano E, Mattos G.)
4) The Indian Government and Japanese Encephalitis – 2002
“Since the government turned to Belladonna, Calcarea and Tuberculinum in 2000, incidence of
Japanese encephalitis and deaths due to it have drastically come down. As per the handbook
on JE of the department of Indian medicine and homeopathy:
1999 – 1,036 JE cases and 203 deaths
2000 – 343 JE cases and 72 deaths
2001 – 33 JE cases and 4 deaths.
2002 – ZERO JE cases
The Times of India 27 Jul 2003, 0212 hrs IST,TNN
5) Kenyan Malarial Trial – 2003
A Malarial Trial conducted by Assie Pittendrigh in Kenya between 2003-2005 used a
homeopathic Malaria Nosode in a group of 33 volunteers. Twenty-one of the participants had
experienced 1 – 3 malaria episodes in the 18 months prior to the trial. During the trial, one
person thought he may have developed malaria but this was not verified by blood test. After a
full recovery in a matter of hours, malaria was considered unlikely. All other participants in the
trial remained malaria free.
Partington, T. Silent and Deadly: Prophylaxis and Treatment of Malaria. Homeopathy in
Practice, 2006, pp.14-19.
6) Indian Dengue Fever Trials - 1996
The Dengue Fever Nosode 30C was administered to people in the Delhi area during an
epidemic of Dengue haemorrhagic fever.
39 200 people administered Nosode
23 520 successfully followed up
5 people developed symptoms
Infection rate = 0.125%
Normal infection rate 50%
Total Efficacy – 99.875%
Central Council of Research in Homoeopathy. CCRH News 1996-1997.
7) Krishnmurty’s Report on Influenzinum 1968-70
A survey conducted in Indian factories and offices compared the results of the effectiveness of
Influenzinum as a homeopathic prophylactic against seasonal flu with standard allopathic
Almost 20 percent of the patients treated by conventional medical physicians contracted the flu.
Among the homeopathically treated patients, only 6.5 percent came down with the disease. The
homeopathic patients who did become ill, recovered more rapidly than their allopathically
treated patients. The number of working days lost by the allopathically treated patients was
nearly eight and a half times greater than those lost by homeopathic patients.
Krishnamurty, Report on the use of Influenzinum during the outbreak of epidemic in India in
1968. Hahnemannian Gleanings 1970;37:225-6.
8) Dr Francisco Eizayaga’s Original Brazilian Meningococcal Trials- 1974
Used Meningococcinum 10 C in liquid form.
- 18,640 children treated
- 4 meningococcal cases followed
- 6,340 children control group
- 32 meningococcal cases followed
Total Efficacy – 95%
Castro, D and Nogueira GG. “Use Of The Nosode Meningococcinum As A Preventive Against
Meningitis.” JAIH 1975; 68: 211-219.
9) BILDET’s Hepatitis Research (1975)
Bildet investigated the protective function of Phosphorus in different potencies in the hepatic
metabolism of rats submitted to induced toxic hepatitis with the administration of carbon
tetrachloride and observed a positive effect.
In 1977, the same author repeated the experiment and added to it the
histopathological study of the liver, confirming his previous results.
BILDET, J. Etude de l’action de differentes dilutions homeopathiques de
Phosphorus sur l’hépatite toxique du rat. Extracto de la tesis doctoral, Bourdeaux
II, p. 2872.1975
GOMEZ (1992) repeated BILDET´s experiment confirming the protective action also observed
that the high potencies as well as the ''potency chords'' (several potencies simultaneously)
presented greater effect than the lower potencies.
After 72 hours, the results of the transaminases were significant in all the groups
studied, in relation to the control group, with the exception of the group treated with
D10 (the potency used in the brazillian trials).
GOMEZ, J.M. Aportación al estudio de la eficacia de la diluciones homeopáticas de
Phosphorus. Medicina Biológica, 1,mar: p.4141992
Renown Brazilian homeopath Eizayaga has also confirmed the hepato-protective action of
phosphorous against various forms of hepatitis.
Treatise on Homeopathic Medicine by Francisco Eizayaga, MD, published by Ediciones
Maracel, Buenos Aires, Brazil, 1991
10) British Government Mustard Gas Trials – 1941-1942
During World War II the British government financed a research which was conducted
separately in two different centres (London and Glasgow) using the double–blind control trial
The study concerned volunteers who had burns from neurotoxic chemical weapons (‘mustard
gases’) and who received homeopathic treatment. The treatment scheme included Mustard Gas
30CH as a prophylactic substance, and Rhus Toxicodendron 30CH and Kali Bichromicum 30CH
was given as treatment. The individuals that received the homeopathic treatment presented
significant improvement.
It must be mentioned that researchers also tested the effectiveness of Opium 30CH, Cantharis
30CH and Variolinum 30CH, none of which proved to be effective.
(R.M.M. Owen and G. Ives, "The Mustard Gas Experiments of the British Homeopathic Society:
1941-1942, Proceedings of the 35th International Homeopathic Congress, 1982, 258-59).
11) Polio Myelitis Trials – 1949-1975
In 1950 Dr Grimmer of Chicago prophylactically treated 5,000 young children with Lathyrus
sativus. None developed polio.
Currim, A.M. Ed. 1996. The Collected Works of Arthur Grimmer, M.D. Norwalk and Greifenberg:
Hahnemann International Institute for Homeopathic Documentation.
In 1950 during an epidemic of poliomyelitis, Dr Taylor Smith of Johannesburg, South Africa
protected 82 people with homoeopathic Lathyrus sativus. Of the 82 so immunised, 12 came into
direct contact with disease. None were infected.
Br Homeopath J. 1950 Apr;40(2):65-77. Poliomyelitis and prophylaxis. TAYLOR-SMITH A.
PMID: 15420319 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
In 1956 a study by Dr Heisfelder immunized over 6,000 children with this Lathyrus sativus.
There were no side effects and no cases of polio reported in the group.
Eisfelder, HW, "Poliomyelitis Immunization: A Final Report." Journal of the American Institute of
Homeopathy. V. 54, Nov-Dec 1961, pp. 166-167
In 1957 a severe poliomyelitis epidemic occurred in Buenos Aires. The majority of
homoeopathic doctors prescribed Lathyrus sativus as a preventative. Drug stores distributed
thousands of doses to the public. None of those who used the prophylactic registered a case of
Treatise on Homeopathic Medicine by Francisco Eizayaga, MD, published by Ediciones
Maracel, Buenos Aires, Brazil, 1991
1975: During another poliomyelitis epidemic in Buenos Aires, 40,000 were given the
homeopathic prophylactic Lathyrus sativus. None developed poliomyelitis.
Treatise on Homeopathic Medicine by Francisco Eizayaga, MD, published by Ediciones
Maracel, Buenos Aires, Brazil, 1991
12) Dr Chavanon’s Historic Diptheria Trials – 1938
Chavanon administered Diphtherinum 4M and 8M and after one to two months the antitoxins
were measured in the blood. He noted that a total of 45 children changed from Schick test +ve
(no antibodies against diphtheria) to shick test –ve (antibodies present)
Chavanon, P. La Dipterie, 4th edition. St. Denis, Niort: Imprimerie 1932.
13) Patterson and Boyd’s Diptheria Trials – 1941
Repeated the Chavanon experiment and 20 out of 33 children were quickly observed to produce
antibodies to diphtheria by Schick test. All the cases done in this way gave a Schick negative
result within nine weeks, and some as early as three weeks afterwards.
Patterson, J and Boyd WE. “Potency Action: A Preliminary Study of the Alteration of the Schick
Test by a Homeopathic Potency.” British Homeopathic Journal 1941; 31: 301-309.
14) Dr Roux’s Diptheria Trials
Also repeated the Chavanon experiment. The nosode provided laboratory confirmation of
lasting immunity. The blood antitoxins seemed to last up to 5 years with one dose.
Eizayaga, F. “Tratamiento Homeopatico de las Enfermedades Agudas y Su Prevension.”
Homeopatia 1985; 51(342): 352-362..
15) Dr Eaton’s Smallpox Trials 1907
1. Persons given Variolinum 30c was 2806
2. Definite exposures to small-pox was 547
3. Smallpox cases following Variolinum was 14
4. Efficacy 97%
1907, Dr Eaton , Presentation to the American Institute of Homoeopathy.
Between 1840 and 1900 clinical evidence was amassed by the following classical
¨ Hering
¨ Boenninghausen
¨ Compton-Burnett
¨ Boericke
¨ Kent
¨ Boger
¨ Allen
See classical support page for further details.
16) Boenninghausen’s Cholera Experience - 1849
Dr Clemens von Boenninghausen treated and prevented untold numbers of cholera infections
during the 1849 European epidemic with the below remedies recommended by Hahnemann.
While a death rate of 54-90% occurred with conventional treatment, Boenninghausen’s patients
had a mortality rate of only 5-16%
17) Prussian Government’s Scarlet Fever Research - 1838
Hufeland, the ‘Surgeon-General’ of Prussia at the time, reviewed all the results of the
prophylactic use of Belladonna for scarlet fever. Hufeland’s support of Belladonna as a
prophylactic carried so much weight that the Prussian government made its use during scarlet
fever epidemics compulsary in 1838.
Hufeland, "Prophylactic Power of Belladonna in Scarlet Fever," Hufeland's Journal, 1826.
18) Hahnemann’s Cholera Experience - 1831
"The above preparation of copper, is the most certain preventive and protective remedy; those
in health should take, once every week, a small globule of it (Cuprum 30C) in the morning
Samuel Hahnemann, MD. 1831. Cause and Prevention of the Asiatic Cholera. Archiv.
f. hom. Helik., vol. xi.
19) Hahnemann’s Original Scarlet Fever Experience - 1801
“Who can deny that the perfect prevention of the infection …would offer infinite advantages over
any other mode of treatment?”
1646 children exposed to scarlet fever
123 contracted the disease
Infection rate under 1%
Normal infection rate 90%.
Total Efficacy 99%
Dudgeon, Lectures on Theory & Practice of Homoeopathy
“The remedy capable of maintaining the healthy uninfectable by the miasm of scarlatina, I was
so fortunate as to discover.”
Hahnemann, Lesser Writings, 1801 p. 377
The above sample provides a significant body of evidence spanning more than 2 centuries,
overseen by at least three major world governments and one internationally renowned
university. This evidence of efficacy and safety establishes HP as a viable alternative to
standard vaccination wherever it is deemed undesirable, unnecessary or impossible. With such
clear international scientific and historical records claims of a lack of evidence can only be
attributed ignorance, bias, or both.
[i] "The findings of efficacy studies have not demonstrated a direct correlation between antibody
response and protection against pertussis disease.”
MMWR March 28, 1997/Vol.46/No. RR-7, pg. 4
[ii]Lancet, Taranger J, Mild Clinical Course of Swedish Infants today, 1982, 12 June 1360
New England Journal of Medicine 356;19 www.nejm. org may 10, 2007
“Results from our community-based study provide strong evidence that there is little, if any,
therapeutic benefit from the vaccine.” (JAMA, August 15, 2007—Vol 298, No. 7)