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Study Guide : Life Science
Bacteria's Role in the World  single celled, prokaryote
anti/biotic : medicine used to treat many bacterial diseases
bio/remedi/ation :  use of organisms to treat hazardous
genetic engineering :  changes in genes of bacteria or other
living things
lactose :  sugar found in milk
nitrogen fixation : nitrogen in the air  to form for plants
patho/genic bacteria :harmful bacteria
*** breaking down of dead plant and animal matter *** 
*** bacteria that harms grain - fruit - vegetables ***
Viruses nonliving particle of genetic material
antiviral : ”against viruses”, stop reproduction
antibiotics : won’t work against virus
host :  organism that a parasite lives in or is supported by
lytic cycle : virus invades a cell and copies itself (active)
lysogenic cycle : virus is carried and reproduced by the
cell. (inactive)
oxygen :  gas that viruses don’t need
protein coat :  shell or covering that protects the virus
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shape :  group by shape: spacecraft, sphere, cylinder,
virus :  nonliving particle of genetic material
vaccinations : protection from a virus
Protists single celled eukaryotic organism
*** cells that make up a protist ***eukaryotic, single
*** function of chloroplasts ***make energy from sunlight
*** how do protists make their own food ***photosynthesis
*** protists reproduction / single celled ***asexual
*** protists asexually divide by what process ***binary
decomposer : organism that breaks down dead matter
host : provider of location or food for another organism
heterotroph : (“other”) organism that gets food from
another organism
parasite : organism that feeds or lives off another
producer :  organism that makes its own food
Kinds of Protists
*** how are protists grouped *** based on shared traits such
as how they move or eat (flagella, cilia, pseudopod)
*** algae color pigment *** green (chlorophyll)
*** what provides the world's oxygen *** phytoplankton
*** what are mobile protists called *** protozoans
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algae : plant-like protist
cilia : tiny-hairlike structures for movement
diatoms :  2-part glass-like shells
formaminiferans :  “amoeba-like” in shells
flagella : whip-like strands to help move
macronucleus :larger nucleus- cell duties (micronucleus –
*** beneficial relationship / plant / fungus *** mycorrhiza
*** lichen make up *** algae and fungi
*** fungus that is shapeless and fuzzy ***  mold
*** largest group of fungi *** sac mushrooms
budding : asexual reproduction (yeast)
club fungi :  shaped like club= mushrooms
fungus :multicellular heterotroph that can not move
hypha : hairlike tubes making up the body of fungus
mycelium : the tangled mass of hyphae that make up the
body of the fungus
spore : reproductive structure of fungi
What is a Plant? multicellular autotroph/producer
angiosperms :  vascular flowering plant with fruit
fern : vascular, non flowering plant
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gymnosperms :  “naked seed”, non flowering, no fruit
liverwort:  nonvascular plant
*** what stage do plants make spores ***  sporophyte
Seed Plants
*** label a seed *** baby plant (cotyledon), food source,
seed coat
*** how are gymnosperms and angiosperms alike *** 
vascular, seed producing plants
*** difference between monocots / dicots *** 
Monocots=One cotyledon, Dicots=Two cotyledons
Structures of Seed Plants
ovary :  female organ that contains the eggs
petal :  decorative leaf like part
phloem :  tubing of vascular system responsible for
distributing food through plant
pistil :  female part of flower
sepal : specialized leaf to protect bud and support flower
xylem :  vascular tubing in center of stem responsible for
bringing up water to rest of plant
*** roots ***  part of plant responsible for taking in water
*** prevent water loss in a leaf ***  cuticle
*** a soft stem is ***  herbaceous
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chlorophyll : green pigment used for photosynthesis
cellular respiration :  process of releasing ATP energy from
photosynthesis :  process of making food from sunlight
stoma :  small breathing openings on underside of leaf
transpiration :  release of water through stoma of leaves
*** gas that plants release ***  Oxygen
*** what do plants use to produce energy from food *** 
Photosynthesis  Water + Carbon Dioxide + Sun (-ATP) =
Glucose + Oxygen:  Respiration
*** gas enters and exits from a leaf ***  stomata (pl. stoma)
*** why is photosynthesis important ***  makes food for
Reproduction of Flowering Plants
dormant : resting state
plantlets :  young plants
pollination :  (sexual reproduction) moving of pollen from
male stamen to female pistil
runners :  specialized stem that runs along ground to
support new plant =strawberry, spider plant
tubers :  specialized stems that reproduce plants =potato
*** fertilization ***  union of egg and sperm
*** ovule develops into a ***  seed
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*** ovary develops into a ***  fruit
*** seed needs what to germinate *** water, temperature, air
Plant Response to the Environment
deciduous plants :  plants that loose their leaves
evergreen plants :  plants with needle-like leaves, green all
year, conifers
gravitropism : growth toward the gravity
long-day plants : (short nights) “summer” plants = daisy,
rose, tomato, etc.
phototropism :  growth toward the sunlight
short-day plants : (long nights) “winter” plants=poinsettia
tropism :  response to stimulus
*** know about shoot direction ***  shoots respond to and
follow sunlight
*** seasonal changes ***  evergreen (keep leaves in winter)
and deciduous (loose leaves in winter)
What Is an Animal?  multicellular heterotroph that can move
invertebrates :  animal with NO backbone
multicellular : many cells
sexually :  requiring two parents (male and female) for
vertebrate :  animal WITH backbone
*** what are sperm and egg ***  reproductive sex cells of
male and female
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Animal Behavior
courtship :  behavior for attracting a mate
defense behavior :  behavior to protect territory or offspring
food :  source of energy
innate behavior :  built-in behavior, present at birth
learned behavior :  behavior that is acquired or copied
territory :  space or area occupied by one or group of
*** daily cycles ***  circadian rhythms
*** estivation ***  rest or reduced activity in summer (hot)
Simple Invertebrates  animals with NO backbone
coelom :  body cavity that surrounds the gut
ganglion :  cluster of nerve mass that acts like simple brain
gut : pouch for digesting food
*** sponges use what to get their food ***  pores and collar
*** flatworm has what type of body *** flat with bilateral
*** roundworm ***  body is round, bilateral, and pointed at
the ends, generally a parasite
*** cnidarians all have what ***  stinging cells
Anthropods “jointed feet”, with exoskeleton
*** three main body parts *** head, thorax, abdomen
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*** largest group of anthropods ***  insects
*** what do crustaceans use for eating *** claws
antenna :  a sensory organ or “feeler”
compound eye :  many identical light sensors, can form an
complete metamorphosis : egg-larva-adult; complete
change in body form
incomplete metamorphosis :  egg-nymph-adult; not much
change in body form
simple eye :  detects light and dark
The First Vertebrates Fish – live entire life in water (gills, scales)
ectotherm : (cold-blooded); “outside heat” – surroundings
provide heat/cold
endotherm : (warm-blooded); “inside heat” – own body
provides heat/cold
gill : respiratory organ that gets oxygen from water (liquid)
lateral line : a faint line visible on both sides of a fish’s body
and marks the location of the sense organs that detect vibration
in the water.
swim bladder : gas-filled sac that is used to control buoyancy
Amphibians  “double-life”, animal begins life with gills in
water and matures to lungs on land
lung : respiratory organ that extracts oxygen from the air
metamorphosis : Rapid change in shape from immature to
mature form – (Complete: Larval-Adult) or (Incomplete: NymphAdult)
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tadpole :  aquatic, fish-shaped larva of a frog or toad
vocal sac :  thin-walled sac of skin that surrounds frog’s
vocal cords
Characteristics of Birds  feathers!
altricial :  birds that are bald and helpless after hatching
brooding :  to sit on and cover eggs to keep them warm
until they hatch
contour feathers :  external feathers that help determine a
bird’s shape
down feathers :  soft feathers that cover the body of young
birds and insulate adult birds
lift :  one of the things a bird needs to fly (upward against
molting :  process of shedding feathers which are replaced
with new feathers
precocial :  birds that are active shortly after hatching
preening :  the act of grooming and maintaining feathers
Kinds of Birds  ways that birds are grouped
bird of prey : ; hunts and eats other vertebrates; sharp
claws and beak good eyesight
flightless bird :  no large Keel for flight muscles; runs fast
or swims
perching bird :  special adaptations for resting on branches
songbird :  belongs to the largest of the 28 different order
of birds
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water bird :  webbed feet or long legs
Characteristics of Mammals  have hair or fur, diaphragm for
breathing, and feed young on milk
*** gland that provides milk ***  mammary gland
Placental Mammal  animal with a placenta (organ that provides
food and removes waste for embryo; “lifeline”)
cetaceans :  water-dwelling = porpoise
carnivores :  meat-eater = walrus
flying mammals :  flying = bat
hoofed mammals :  hoofed-feet = cattle
insectivores :  insect-eater = mole
primates :  fingers and toes, forward eyes = spider monkey
related to dugongs :  water mammal = manatee
rodents :  cutting, gnawing teeth = squirrel
related to hares and pikas : rodent-like (gnaws and grinds)
= rabbit
"toothless mammals " : very tiny teeth if any = armadillo,
anteater, sloth
truck-nosed mammals : long noses/trunks = African
*** placenta ***  organ that provides food and carries away
waste from embryo (“lifeline”)
*** uterus ***  embryo of organism develops in this organ
* gestation period ***  length of time embryo spends
developing inside its mother
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Monotremes and Marsupials  mammals hatched from eggs or
in a very immature level of development
marsupials :  mammal gives birth to live young which then
develop in mother’s pouch = opossum, koala, wallaby
monotreme : mammal lays eggs in thick, leathery shells =
platypus, echidna
Interesting notes:
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