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What is a Bird?
 Birds:
 Endothermic vertebrates
 Feathers
 4 Chambered heart
 Lays eggs
What is a Bird?
 Birds have scales on their feet and legs
 Where could these scales have originated?
 All birds also descend from ancestors that could fly
What is a Bird?
 Bodies are adapted for flight
 Forelimbs = Wings
 Many hollow bones
 Large chest muscles
 Feathers
 Feathers = BIRD
 Probably evolved from reptile scales
 Same stuff that makes fingernails
 Types of feathers:
 Contour
 Down
 Contour feather
 Gives shape to the body
 Longer feathers on wing and tail are flight feathers
 Help balance and steer
 Down feather
 Short, fluffy
 Trap heat to keep the bird warm
Similar to what in mammals?
Soft and flexible
Food and Body Temp
 No Teeth
 Bills/beaks are used for capturing food
Food and Body Temp
 Crop stores food
 Stomach breaks down food
 Gizzard squeezes and grinds food
Food and Body Temp
 Energy from food is used for body temp regulation
 Eat almost ¼ of its weight per day
Oxygen to Cells
 4 Chamber hearts
 2 Loop circulatory system
Nervous System and Senses
 Finely tuned senses of sight and hearing
 Allow for quick reactions
Reproducing and Caring for Young
 After fertilization, birds lay eggs in a nest
 Nests are often made by both parents
 Eggs are close to normal body temp
 Parents also incubate them to keep them warm
Reproducing and Caring for Young
 Development can take anywhere from 12 to 80 days
 Depends on the bird’s size
 About 10,000 species
 Grouped based on adaptations
 Legs
 Claws
 Bills
1) Name 4 characteristics all birds have in common.
2) Name 3 ways birds and mammals are similar.
3) Name 3 ways birds and mammals are different.
4) How are birds adapted to fly?
5) What are the 2 types of feathers on birds?
6) How much food do birds eat in a day?
7) How many species of birds are there?
8) How are birds grouped?
9) Who builds the nest?
10) What senses are highly developed?
11) What do the different feathers do for the birds?