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- study
of all physical
objects in space
History of Space –
10 min.
What a Wonderful World
I. History Timeline
50s – Russian Sputnik – 1st satellite in space__
50s ’61
Alan Shepherd – 1st American
in space
50s ’61 ’62
John Glennorbits earth
50s ’61 ’62 ’68
50s ’61 ’62 ’68 ’69
1st to walk
on moon
Armstrong, Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin
50s ’61 ’62 ’68 ’69 80s
space shuttle
1st reusable
50s ’61 ’62 ’68 ’69
80s 1990s –
II. Universe
A. Distance measured
1. light year – distance light travels
through space in one yr.
2. Astronomical Unit (A.U.) – distance
between earth & sun (93 million miles)
B. Galaxy – large group of
stars that travel together
1. star – giant ball of hot glowing
- Constellation – sections
2. Milky Way – spiral shape
III. Our Solar System – sun + 8
A. Planetary Motion
1. revolution – planets orbit
around sun; causes 1 year
2. rotation – spins on axis; causes
B. Sun – closest star
1. core made of H atoms fuse to
formHe atoms - (nuclear fusion)
2. Gravity – keeps planets in orbit
3. Sunspots – dark areas on surface
(cooler gases)
The Sun –
C. Planets – My very educated mother just
served us nachos
1. Inner Planets – small & dense; rocky
a. Mercury – no atmosphere; ½ HOT & ½
b. Venus – CO2 atm. (+H2SO4)
– traps heat; hottest planet;
rotates opposite earth
c. Earth –
1.) H2O (life); N2 & O2 atmos.;
2.) 1 moon (Luna) – natural satellite:
object that orbits a planet
3.) Tilted at 23.5 degree angle in relation to
the sun – gives us our SEASONS
4. North Pole always pointed toward
Polaris – North Star –
d. Mars – “Red Planet” – red
soil; mainly CO2 (cold); 2 tiny
Inner Planets
 Asteroid Belt – separates
inner & outer Planets; most
asteroids found here
2. Outer Planets – gas giants
(rings); no known solid
a. Jupiter – largest; 62 moons;
thin set of rings; “Great Red
Spot” – hurricane-like storm
b. Saturn – 2nd largest; ice &
dust; 61 moons (Titan – 2nd
largest moon); known for large
C. Uranus – axis runs
sideways; 27 moons
d. Neptune – “The Blue World”;
crosses Pluto’s path to switch
positions; winds up to 700
mph; 13 moons
(Pluto – dwarf planet)
Outer Planets
D. Moons
1. all (exc. Mercury/Venus)
have moon (s)
2. reflect light
3. Phases – different appearance
a. New Moon – no sunlight facing
earth; moon between sun & earth;
- after: amt. of light gets larger
b. 1st Quarter – sunlight on the right ½
c. Full Moon – see whole moon;
- after: amt. of light gets smaller
d. 3rd Quarter – sunlight on left side
4. Takes 27 1/3 days
Phases of the Moon – 2:38
5. Eclipse – shadow of one body falls on
a. lunar eclipse – earth comes between
the sun & moon; shadow of earth
covers moon; turns red (bloody MES)
Lunar Eclipse -
b. Solar Eclipse – moon comes between
earth & sun; shadow of moon covers
earth; can blind you; (EMS)
Solar Eclipse
– 1:13
6. Tides – rise & fall of Earth’s water;
gravity causes it
a. high tide – moon’s gravity pulls
water toward point on Earth’s surface
closest to moon
b. spring tide – 2x/mo. (new & full moon)
– earth, moon, & sun line up: very high
& very low tide
c. neap tide – 2x/mo. (1st & 3rd quarter) –
3 form 90o angle; tides w/least
E. Other small bodies
1. Asteroids – small rocky objects
that orbit sun; in Asteroid Belt
(between Mars & Jupiter)
2. Comets – ball of ice & dust – orbits
sun; 10 miles across & tail 100 million
miles (as tail passes near sun, it melts
& evaporates forming glowing tail)
Haley’s Comet
3. Meteoroid – piece of rock or dust in
space from asteroids or comets
a. meteor – “Shooting Star” meteoroid
enter atmosphere – burn  streak of
Shooting Star
b. meteorite – doesn’t burn completely &
falls to ground
c. meteor shower – when Earth passes
through dusty debris left behind the
orbit of a comet
Meteors, Meteoroids, Meteorites