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Infections Now More Widespread
Animals Passing Them to Humans
By Rob Stein
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, June 15, 2003; Page A01
It happens again and again.
Strange and frightening new infections seem to appear out of nowhere, such as Lyme
disease, Ebola and, of course, AIDS. With monkeypox coming on the heels of SARS,
which emerged not long after West Nile, it's a phenomenon that seems to be happening at
an accelerating rate.
Scientists agree that the trend is alarming and does appear to be gathering speed. In the
coming years, they say, dangerous new pathogens could arise more frequently,
multiplying the misery at a minimum and, in the most dire scenarios, increasing the
chances of a cataclysmic plague.
"There are probably hundreds, if not thousands -- maybe even millions -- of viruses out
there," said Robert G. Webster, a leading virologist at the St. Jude Children's Research
Hospital in Memphis. "We don't even know they're there until we disturb them. SARS is
probably just a gentle breeze of what one of these big ones is going to do someday."
All the new diseases have one thing in common: Animals passed them to people. Fears of
new pathogens and bioterrorism have prompted more intense efforts to detect new
infections, uncovering some that may have been there unrecognized all along. But many
leading experts agree that animals are transmitting viruses, bacteria and parasites to
humans more rapidly than ever before, spawning ailments known as zoonotic diseases.
"Influenza is a zoonotic disease. HIV is a zoonotic disease. Monkeypox. SARS," said
Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
"You can go on and on."
The increasing pace is being caused by a confluence of factors that bring people into
contact with a greater diversity of creatures than ever before, experts say.
As Earth becomes more populated, people are increasingly living, farming and hunting in
previously undisturbed parts of the world, such as rainforests and jungles in Asia and
Africa that teem with creatures humans barely know. Similarly, suburban sprawl is
pushing into undeveloped areas, where populations of deer, other animals and insects are
exploding because of conservation measures. At the same time, climate change is driving
birds, mosquitoes and other living things into new zones, carrying microbes with them.
Meanwhile, people are bringing a widening array of rodents, amphibians and other exotic
animals out of the wild as pets, and as food. People and animals can fly to new places
while they are still infectious. And modern industrialized agriculture distributes
contaminated food more widely than ever before, exposing people to dangers such as
mad cow disease and E. coli.
"There are a multitude of factors that allow people to come in contact with what may
once have been infections that were buried deeply into the ecology," said Stephen S.
Morse of Columbia University in an interview. "With the global traffic of people and
goods . . . there are many more pathways, or highways, for what I called some years ago,
'viral traffic.' "
This phenomenon, coupled with the threat of bioterrorism, has triggered a surge of
initiatives to try to protect against these new threats. The United States and the World
Health Organization are trying to improve early-warning systems for infectious diseases.
Many states, and Congress, are considering new laws to restrict importation of exotic
"The exotic animal trade is enormous, and it continues to spiral out of control. Some say
the exotic animal trade is second only to the drug trade. And at the moment, it's virtually
unregulated," said Wayne Pacelle, vice president for communications and government
affairs of the Humane Society of the United States.
There are laws to protect farm animals and crops from disease, wild plants and animals
from invasive exotic species and endangered species. But there are no federal laws or
agencies, and just a patchwork of state laws and regulations, specifically targeted at
protecting people from animal-borne diseases.
"What's the next plague or scourge that is going to be introduced as a derivative of the
exotic animal trade?" Pacelle asked.
Animals have spread diseases to people throughout history. Smallpox may have jumped
to humans from camels. All the roads that led to Rome may have carried new diseases
there, contributing to its downfall. Rats spread the Black Death. The deadly Spanish flu,
like all influenza viruses, originated in waterfowl.
"You could argue hypothetically that many infections we recognize as familiar to humans
could have originated as zoonoses," Morse said. "Many of the infections that we
recognize today as being important human infections have relatives in other species,
which suggests that they may well have gotten to them from those other species. That's
plausible, as we continue to see that happen today."
Diseases move from animals to people in many ways. Flu viruses originate in wild
waterfowl, such as ducks. Every once in a while, they mutate and gain the capacity to
infect people. This occurs most frequently in southern China, probably because of the
large number of people living close to large numbers of chickens and pigs. Pigs can be
infected by bird and human flu viruses, providing a natural mixing bowl for the
Of all the known pathogens, influenza viruses elicit the most concern because of their
proclivity to mutate and spread easily. Many say it is just a matter of time before the next
Spanish flu, which killed approximately 50 million people in 1918 and 1919.
Other times viruses jump from animals to people because of what humans eat. The
leading theory for the origin of AIDS is that the virus probably arose about 75 years ago
in central Africa when a hunter cut himself while butchering a chimp for food. The
animal was infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), which mutated into the
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Something similar probably happened to produce the hemorrhage-causing Ebola virus in
1976. It can infect primates, though its main hiding place remains a mystery.
Lyme disease got its name in 1977 after a cluster of children in Lyme, Conn., developed
arthritis. Scientists eventually determined their illness was caused by a bacterium
transmitted to humans by black-legged ticks that had proliferated along with the deer on
which they feed.
In 1993, otherwise healthy, relatively young people started dying in the American
Southwest. It turned out they were being killed by the hantavirus, spread in the feces and
urine of field mice. The virus probably had been around for decades, but heavy rains led
to a huge increase in the field mouse population that year.
Until 1999, West Nile virus was only found in Africa and the Middle East. But it was
discovered in New York when birds started dying. No one knows for sure how it arrived,
but it could have been when an infected bird got blown off course during migration, or an
infected bird was brought into the country as a pet. The virus is spread by infected
mosquitoes, which are now found nationwide.
This year, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) spread globally, triggering an
unprecedented international health emergency. The infection is believed to have jumped
to humans after restaurants in southern China started serving small nocturnal mammals
called civets as a delicacy. The theory is that food preparers became infected while
handling or butchering the animals.
Before last month, the monkeypox virus, which is related to the dreaded smallpox virus,
was only found in central and western Africa. Investigators traced the current outbreak,
the first in the Western Hemisphere, to prairie dogs, which have become popular pets.
The prairie dogs may have become infected by Gambian giant pouched rats imported
from Africa by a Texas exotic pet dealer.
But monkeypox is just one of countless viral diseases carried by animals around the
world, and among the least dangerous. Lassa fever, for example, sparks periodic
epidemics in West Africa that kill as many as half of all its victims. It spreads very easily
and is carried by a small rat.
"Someone could decide to make cute pocket pets out of those critters," said Peter B.
Jahrling, a senior scientific adviser to the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases. "Then we'd have an outbreak of Lassa fever here to worry about."