* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
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Benefits of Retailer/Supplier Collaboration Operations & Logistics Reduces purchasing and order management time; less administrative time needed to create and receive product orders, expedite shipments, and respond to problems Improves demand management thus reducing overtime production labor costs. Reduces out-of-stocks for both manufacturer and retailer, thereby increasing sales and add to gross margin. An added benefit: improved customer service. Reduces buffer stocks; possible reduction in warehouse facilities. Improves transportation efficiencies (truckload capacity) More accurate matching of supply to demand Benefits of Retailer/Supplier Collaboration Marketing and Sales Equips marketing managers with marketing management tools Reduces the complexity of marketing by providing new insights Allows you to develop programs that truly serve the needs and wants of your customers Improves ROI on Trade and Consumer promotions Facilitates a shift from “function control” to “enterprise management” of your marketing strategy (focus on MROI”) Aids in coordination of advertising, consumer promotion, and trade promotion activities Creates a more unified message that can touch both the head and heart (appeal to both logic and emotion) Promotion compliance tracking