Download The Composition of the Earth The Earth is divided into three layers

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The Composition of the Earth
The Earth is divided into
three layers based on the
compounds that makeup each
layer. They are:
1. Crust
2. Mantle
3. Core
The Crust
The Crust is the :
1. outer most layer of the
2. It is the thinnest layer.
3. There are 2 types of
a. Continental
b. Oceanic
The Crust
* Both Continental and
Oceanic crust are made
mainly of oxygen, silicon,
and aluminum.
* Oceanic crust is denser
and has almost twice as much
iron, calcium, and
The Mantle
1. Is the layer of the Earth
between Crust and the Core.
2. Is much thicker than the
Crust and contains most of
the Earth’s mass.
3.Scientist get clues about
the Mantle from the ocean
floor and from observations
made on the Earth’s surface
The Core
1. Is the layer of the Earth
that extends from below the
Mantle to the center of the
2. Is made mostly of iron
and small amounts of nickel.
3.Has no oxygen, silicon,
aluminum or magnesium.
The physical structure of
the Earth.
The Earth is divided into 5
physical layers:
Outer core
Inner core
1. Is the outermost ,rigid
layer of the Earth.
2. Is made up of 2 parts:
a. crust
b. the rigid upper part
of the mantle.
3.The Lithosphere is divided
into pieces called tectonic
1. Is the plastic like layer
of the mantle on which piece
of the lithosphere move.
2. The Aethenosphere is made
of solid rock that flows
very slowly
Is beneath the
Is strong lower part of
the mantle.
It extends from the
bottom of the asthenosphere
to the Earth’s core.
Outer Core
1. The outer core is the
liquid layer of the Earth’s
core that lies beneath the
mantle and surrounds the
inner core.
The inner core
1. The inner core is solid.
2. It is the dense center of
our planet that extends from
the bottom of the outer core
to the center of the Earth.