Download Circle of Life March 21st 2017, FH Fitness Center

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Healthy Soil
Cover Crops, Composting
& Microbe Propagation
Circle of
Healthy Soil
Healthy Human
Gut Microbes!
History of the Connections between Healthy
Soil, Food grown in it, and Human Health…
Why Magnesium is Important, why we have
become Deficient, and how you can improve it
The Boron Story which is similar to Mg.
Why Vitamin D is Important, & Help you
Understand How to Deal with it Successfully
Finally, Gut Microbes, the New Frontier of
Human Health, influenced (Controlled?) by
our Diets
- Many in the Audience cannot hear the question being
- Many questions will be answered later in the talk
- It causes me to run way over my time limit!
“Healthy Soil, Healthy Food, Healthy
People” has been attributed to J. I. Rodale,
viewed by many as the father of the
organic farming movement.
, PhD
4. J. I. Rodale
Father of Organic Movement
1898 – 1971
– 1947, The Rodale Institute
“Healthy Soil, Healthy Food, Healthy People” “Prevention”1950
5. Charles Walters, Jr.
1926 – 2009
Sustainable Farming, Acres USA, “The Albrecht Papers”
The Farm
Unfortunately there has been
Resistance, both in Agriculture and
Medicine, to Acceptance of these
Important Concepts.
In the 1800’s, the availability of pristine
farmland in the West provided the opportunity
for early settlers to move there after depleting
the east coast soil so it no longer produced
crops, because of poor unsustainable
farming practices.
Modern farming practices, especially since World
War II, emphasize the use of chemical fertilizers,
pesticides and herbicides to maximize yield,
ignoring the impact on the quality of the soil and
the Nutrient Density of the food produced.
Iron in hemoglobin carries Oxygen throughout
the body, keeping tissues alive and healthy.
Chlorophyll uses sunlight to make sugars, critical
for plant growth and health. A portion is excreted
through the roots to feed soil biota in exchange
for important soil nutrients.
Twilight Zone…
Sign of corn magnesium
Grass Tetany –
Impact on Cow
Grazing magnesium
deficient grass.
The Circle of Life:
Healthy Soil, Healthy
Food, Healthy People ! “
Multiple Local Beef Farmers
Cooperative Direct Selling Local Grass Fed Beef
Please visit our website to learn more!
Magnesium is needed for
approximately 300 biochemical
reactions in the body.
serves a similar # of functions in plants.
Helps maintain normal muscle and nerve
Keeps heart rhythm steady
Supports a healthy immune system
Heart health, high BP & vascular disease
Diabetes, asthma, cancer
Dementia, depression and mental illnesses
Fibromyalgia, PMS
Migraine headaches, strokes
US Dietary Intake of Magnesium:
Below RDA
At or Above RDA
Significantly Below RDA
Soft drinks, medications, and other factors can often cause
inadequate absorption of the Magnesium by their digestive
systems resulting progressive total body Magnesium
Our agricultural soils have systematically
become depleted because of a failure to replace
Mg lost from crop harvesting.
Today’s diets, eaten by most, contain insufficient
Some medications result in either problems
absorbing Mg (Acid lowering meds, Soft Drinks),
or increase its kidney excretion. (Diuretics)
Major Illnesses, Trauma and Surgery all cause
sudden super depletions of Mg.
Unfortunately, it is not routinely possible to
do testing for it since it is ~ 98% inside the
cells of our body.
After Oxygen, water & basic food, Mg may be the
most important element needed by our bodies.
More important than Calcium, Potassium or
Sodium, & it Regulates all 3 of them! (but so does
Livestock farmers have been told for many years
that Hi-Mg supplements must be supplied to their
animals if they want them to be healthy and thrive!
Too bad someone forgot to tell most Doctors…
In animals, magnesium is essential for muscular and nervous systems. Deficiency causes a wide array
of life threatening challenges that are illustrated above.
Individuals with Diabetes almost all have low Mg.
People with low Mg are much more likely to
develop Diabetes.
People who routinely consume low Mg containing
diets are much more likely to develop Diabetes.
How Mg connects with the Insulin Resistance and
Diabetes check the link: (from 2009)
Resistance leads to Diabetes
causes elevated BP and also
blood clotting which is a problem
with MI’s and Strokes
>65 years old: 26% are Diabetic
(elevated A1C ) Adults > 20 y.o.: 37%
Diabetes in Adults >65: 51%
vast majority people > 65 are in trouble…
Million Americans are now Diabetic
86 Million are Pre-Diabetic
Reduced risk of Diabetes
Weight loss
Cardiovascular health is observed
BP & Decreased Stroke Risk
The Foods in a Mediterranean Diet
are rich in Magnesium!
Eating a magnesium-rich diet is important in
fighting against the Metabolic Syndrome
according to a new study funded by the
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (1).
Spanish researchers did a prospective study
Following the subjects for five years,
They found those with the highest average
intakes of magnesium (442 mg/day) were at...
• 59% reduced risk of Cardiovascular Mortality, a
• 37% reduction in Cancer Mortality, and a
• 34% reduction in all-cause mortality,
• The study authors conclude that:
“Dietary magnesium intake was Inversely Associated
with Mortality Risk in Mediterranean individuals at High
Risk of Heart Disease.”
An article published online on April 7, 2008 in the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
reported human cells grown in Mg deficient
culture undergo accelerated senescence (aging).
“The long-term consequence of low Mg in human
fibroblast cultures was accelerated cellular aging
which may be a mechanism by which chronic low
Mg diet could cause or speed up age-related
This same cellular DNA division defect
mechanism could also account for the increase of
observed malignancies! (Higher risk of Mutations)
Giving IV Mg Sulphate within 2 hours of a
Stroke resulted in dramatic early recovery in
42% of patients and a good 90 day outcome in
75% of treated patients.
 High BP is a primary cause of Stroke, but a
High Mg diet results in lower BP
Mg also causes decreased clumping of Platelets
(clots), another cause of Strokes
Heart rhythm disturbance (Atrial Fib) increases
the risk of Strokes, but Mg significantly reduces
the risk of Heart arrhythmias!
(& Boron!) is intimately connected to
Neurological Disorders due to the critical roles in
Neurotransmitter Production, energy production and
the integrity of the blood brain barrier.
shortage can cause a Serotonin Deficiency with
associated Depression, Suicide and Irrational Violence.
2002, The National Institute of Health officially
listed Depression as a sign of Mg Deficiency.
Magnesium in your diet (i.e.,
Mediterranean type Diet)
•Mg is actually better absorbed thru skin than from
gut. Mg “oil” to skin, &/or Epsom Salt soaks
•Mg Gluconate is One of the Best Oral sources (550
mg. available from Walgreens on line, take 2-3 X a
•Best to do all 3 in my opinion.
Magnesium, many soils have become deficient,
adversely affecting plants and food that we eat.
•Boron is related to activation of Vit. D, so it may be
part of the reason so many are deficient!
•Boron appears to be directly related to Bone health,
osteoporosis, joint cartilage health and arthritis.
•Regulates sex hormones so appears tied to higher
observed rates of low Testosterone and decreased
Since 1923 Boron was recognized as an Essential
Nutrient for plants.
•Boron is the most common deficiency of any trace element in plants.
•Boron concentration of food varies widely based on the
availability of Boron in the soil.
•Foods grown on soils with Low Boron levels will then contain
Low Boron levels.
•Humans who consume these foods then develop Sub-Optimum
Boron Levels also.
How does it work for humans?
•Boron seems to help regulate the way our body handles other
minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorus.
•It also seems to increase Estrogen, Androgen, & Vit. D
levels in older (post-menopausal) women and healthy men.
Documenting Study reported in 2003, but it has not seen much
•Androgens/Testosterone help maintain Muscle Mass and are
involved with Libido. (Has become new common deficiency)
•Boron has been shown to be helpful in maintaining healthy
Bones and Mental Function. Decreased risk of dementia.
Boric acid, a common form of boron, is effectively used to kill
yeast that cause vaginal infections. Perhaps toenail fungus too?
Common Boron deficiency Health Issues:
Arthritis & Degenerative cartilage
Osteoporosis - Brittle Bones
Memory loss
Muscle pain
Carpal Tunnel syndrome
Receding gums/ Periodontal disease
Sex Hormonal deficiency - Loss of libido
(Active) Vitamin D deficiency
Link between boron deficiency and osteoarthritis.
• Epidemiological studies indicate that in Mauritius and
Jamaica, where boron intake is low, the incidence of
osteoarthritis is around 50 to 70 percent.
•In countries such as the USA, UK and Australia, where boron
intake is relatively high, the incidence of osteoarthritis is
around 20 percent. (but increasing!)
•Studies indicate that Boron concentrations in cartilage of
osteoarthritic joints appears to be significantly lower than in
normal joints.5
Even though I’ve gotten my vegetable garden, after 21 years, in excellent soil shape
I’m still a bit deficient in magnesium and boron, despite working to
amend and correct these deficiencies.
“Doing the
right thing”
does not
decades of
practices that
caused the
to develop.
March 2017 AARP Bulletin
How My Interest in Vitamin D
came about..
• As a medical student, I developed a
presentation for medical students
and endocrinology residents related
to Bone Metabolism and Calcium,
which involved Vitamin D. D3 had
just become available.
• Work and research with an
endocrinologist led me to see the
impact of low Vitamin D on dialysis
patients which caused Hyper
Parathyroidism, bone loss and pain,
requiring surgery.
Renal Failure Patients can not produce D3, and
the absence of D3 caused their Hyper
Parathyroidism, the solution seemed obvious to
However, the two major Nephrologists in Buffalo
that I took my hypothesis to dismissed it. (What
did a young Surgical Resident know…)
It was another 10-20 years before the Mayo Clinic
started routine D3 medication of dialysis patients
to prevent the dreaded Endocrine Problem
A normal vitamin D level should never be
below 32 ng/ml, and any levels below 20
ng/ml are considered serious deficiency states,
increasing your risk of as many as
16 different cancers and autoimmune
diseases like multiple sclerosis and
rheumatoid arthritis, just to name a few.
Article in MedScape - Scotland , a 12 month summary
of all vitamin D testing
health, absorption of Calcium and Phosphate
to having a healthy strong Immune System
•Linked to HBP, insulin resistance, Diabetes risk, Obesity
•Linked to reduced inflammation, beneficial for keeping your
Heart healthy & reduction of risks for several Cancers.
•Massive body of scientific research links low vitamin D levels,
which causes serotonin (the happy hormone) to plummet in the
brain, leading to Depression. (But also low Mg and Boron!)
found that Vitamin D Deficiency was linked
to All-Cause Mortality. People with the lowest levels
(bottom 25%) of vitamin D had a 26% increase in risk of death
during the study period compared to people with the highest
levels of vitamin D.
we want our Vit. D in the “Optimal” Range!
who have devoted their careers to studying
Vit. D suggest the Optimal Levels you should seek
to maintain are in the 40-80 range.
is listed as 30-100, but many
individuals have levels much lower.
•It is not wise to take Vit. D3 without having your
blood levels checked as too much is bad for you
If your MD finds your Vit. D level is low, get the
actual # & explore taking 2-5,000 units a day of D3
instead of the 50,000 units once a week that
commonly is recommended but often does not
work. (Remember, too high is bad also!)
Always request a repeat blood test in about 4-6
weeks to determine if the dose is working.
Shoot for a test level in the 40-80 range and don’t
settle for one that just makes it to 30.
Request testing twice each year, late summer and
late winter, as requirements are higher in winter
(Sunshine) by usually at least 2,000 units per day.
We have known that Soil Microbes play very
important roles in Plant Health for some time…
In early 1900’s evidence of the relationship of
Human Gut Microbes tied to our Immune System
Even Colon Cancer (study done in 1960’s)
Now we are opening an amazing and informative
window about how Gut Microbes are tied to
Many (All?) Human Diseases & Illnesses!
Immunology & Infectious Diseases
Neurology and Mental Illness
We may have as many as 400 Trillion Microbes!
The number of Microbes is about equal to the
number of Our Body Cells!
While they are mostly Bacteria, there are also
Fungi, Viruses, and Protozoa…
Modern Hygienic practices and overuse of
Antibiotics may have Weakened our Immune
System Balances (Reduced Good Bacteria…)
Studies show Tribes in remote areas of the
World have more Diverse Microbiome's than
those of Industrialized Populations.
They live longer and have less DM, HD,
Our “Modern Hygiene” habits (& Diets) may
be weakening aspects of our Health.
This also opens the possibility that there may
be simple ways to intervene to correct our
Health Problems?
Élie Metchnikoff - Russian scientist
1845 – 1916, Worked in Louis Pasteur's Lab
This Present Day Topic actually has been around
for over 100 Years!
This Gentleman was way ahead of his time & a
great thinker “Outside The Box!”
He even suggested that the reason more Agrarian
populations Lived Longer and had Less Dementia
might be due to the fact their diets included
fermented foods rich in Probiotics!
Two centuries after bacteria were discovered,
the first theories of the microbiome's role in maintaining
health were put forth by Élie Metchnikoff .
He won a Nobel
Prize in 1908 for helping to
pioneer Cellular and Humeral Immunology..
This was possibly the first instance in which
Probiotics (the practice of introducing micro
organisms for their health benefits) were
specifically offered as a medical solution.
There were significant Microbe Population
Differences between individuals
There were certain Microbe Patterns observed
with certain Diseases (Obesity, Diabetes,
Finally, examination of stool from random
individuals could help suggest what diseases they
might actually have from the types of Microbes in
their gut!
“Only one in 10 Americans eat
recommended amounts of Fruits and
Vegetables each day.”
“This is Especially Concerning since
decades of Nutritional Research shows
increased consumption of Fruits and
Vegetables can improve Health and
Prevent Diseases like Cancer, Heart
Disease, Diabetes and Obesity!”
Studies determined differences in Gut
Microbes between Lean and Obese Individuals
Then they observed the profiles changed upon
weight loss on a low calorie diet,
demonstrating a relationship between gut flora
changes with Diet Changes, and how it can
effect Health.
Microbiome - Is involved in complex
relationships with our bodies, opening
possibility of new treatment opportunities and
In the 1960’s it was observed that Beef
Consumption resulted in both colon bacteria
changes and also Liver Bile Acid changes
resulting in Carcinogens being formed in Colon
by the bacteria and the different Bile Acids
Rates of Colon Cancer were shown to be tied to
Beef Consumption rates in different countries.
Except for Argentina where the rate was half
of predicted, likely due to high fruit and
vegetable consumption rates there.
We know High Fiber Diets of those eating lots
of Fruits and Vegetables results in much larger
Stool Bulk, and more Rapid Transit Times
(Faster from mouth to toilet)
These two factors would logically both dilute
the concentration of the produced Carcinogens
as well as reduce Exposure of the Colon
These simple factors resulted in Cutting Colon
Cancer Risk in half.
If you enjoy eating Beef be sure to eat lots of
Fruits and Vegetables also!
Of Course you already know that lots of Fruits
and Vegetables are good for you, but it is not
only because of their great Nutrient Density
Fiber has many positive influences on Colon
Health as well as Overall Health, and they are
just the “Icing on the Cake” of eating lots of
Fruits and Vegetables, only without the Sugar!
Clostridium Difficile Infections, which have
become more common and difficult to treat,
now have successful treatment rates near 90%
from “Fecal Transplants!”
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s Disease
& Ulcerative Colitis) may also have both diet
influences as well as treatment possibilities
from introducing favorable microbes.
Studies have demonstrated common Gut
Micro-biomes among those with RA,
supporting the potential role in the cause of RA
It would appear that a Genetic Predisposition
might play a role also.
Studies are being conducted with Probiotics
Interventions to evaluate their use in
Human Mother’s Milk produces a number of
complex sugars, some of which are totally
unable to be digested by the baby.
They are likely food for Specialized Microbes
in the baby’s gut which in turn produce
Immuno-Potective and Anti-Inflammatory
properties, benefiting the baby.
Breast Fed babies’ gut microbiome are
significantly different from those fed formula!
A multi-country study in the US and Europe of
Diabetics who were not caused by AutoImmune disease, allowed a model to be created
of the Stool Microbiome Patterns
differentiating between
 Non-Diabetics
 Pre-Diabetics
 Diabetics
In China, the pattern was different, indicating
possible differences due to regional diets
The Mediterranean Diet, with lots of Fruits and
Vegetables and rich in Boron and Magnesium, is a prime
example of one that can greatly reduce one’s risk of
becoming Diabetic.
I decided to research how the Mediterranean
Diet might have been found to influence Gut
Actually I was not surprised to find a huge
number of reported studies from very recently
documenting just how this all relates…
The Mediterranean Diet, Disease Prevention,
and changes found in Gut Microbes from
following the MD vs. “Western Diets”
Int. J Molecular Sci. 2014 Jul; 15(7): 11678–11699.
High-level adherence to a Mediterranean diet
beneficially impacts the gut microbiota and
associated metabolome.[Gut. 2015]
[Evidences on the relationship between
Mediterranean diet and health status].[Recenti
Prog Med. 2009]
'The way to a man's heart is through his gut
microbiota'--dietary pro- and prebiotics for the
management of cardiovascular risk.[Proc Nutr Soc.
One of the most interesting findings has been
the role of Microbiome in Mental Health and
Neurologic Conditions!
The Microbes can communicate with the Brain
and Central Nervous System with
Neurotransmitters to the Vagus Nerve.
Certain Gut changes appear associated with
Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Perhaps Bipolar Disorder, Major Depressive
Disorder and even Schizophrenia may be
effected by gut Microbe changes
The more we uncover very interesting
connections and relationships!
The findings and associations help us
better understand how eating a Healthy
Diet can actually result in chemical
changes wrought by Gut Bacterial
changes that can either keep us Healthy
or make is ill by their influences on the
different systems of our bodies!
Helps us better understand how we need
to do things differently to achieve health.
There is much more to learn but this
clearly is the next step in our
understanding how our bodies work
I believe that things like Vitamin D,
Magnesium, and Boron intake will also
soon be found to impact favorably how
our gut microbes can help make us
healthier too!
Just as Soil Health, Soil Microbes, & Farming
Methods are all related to production of
Healthy Foods without the need to use Toxic
We are seeing that consuming those Healthy
Foods, in the Proper Types & mixtures, can
Hugely Impact what types of Bacteria that will
grow in our guts,
And that the correct types of Bacteria can play
Huge roles in Preventing Diseases and
Preserving our Health!
1. Consider a
Mediterranean Style Diet (Available on line)
A glass of red wine 1-2 X a day fits in nicely with this!
1. Consider Mg
Gluconate 550 mg supplement
2. Get your blood Vitamin
with each meal.
D level checked 2 X a year .
4. If your level is low, consider Monitored use of D3 (blind is not wise)
5. Consider Boron Complex 3
with each meal.
6. Remember, Exercise, Weight & Stress Management, and adequate
are also very important as well!
5 cents per pill
2.5 cents per pill
5 cents per pill
This comes to about $10/month!
Today‘s PowerPoint available on my Website!
My Business Cards w/ website are available!
Go to Home Page, Select “Menu” and then select
Today’s Hand Out is the first item.
The PowerPoint “Circle of Life” is next, you can
Share it with your Friends & Family
Followed by a long Bibliography with “HyperLinks of studies and articles documenting things
I have stated in my presentation.
Thank You for coming!
I hope you learned something to benefit
your lives and health!