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Quiz #4: Rome and What Replaced It
This is your quiz on our coverage of Rome, its Fall, and What Replaced It + Christianity.
It is closed-book.
It consists of 25 True/False, Multiple Choice, and Multiple Answer questions.
Read questions carefully. Some questions will have more than one correct answer. You can get
partial credit.
You have to complete all of the questions.
It is worth 50 total points.
Question 1: Multiple Answer
In the myth of the founding of Rome...
Romulus laid the foundations for the Roman Republic by calling on 100 trusted men to become his
early Romans settled on the banks of the Tiber River.
the brothers Romulus and Remus were raised by a she-wolf.
Romulus became the first emperor of Rome and appointed his brother Remus as official wine-taster.
2 points
Question 2: True/False
Early Romans formed a representational form of government, the Roman Republic, with separate branches of
2 points
Question 3: Multiple Answer
The Roman Republic...
fairly represented all Romans.
was dominated by the patrician upper-class.
was originally composed of different branches, including a Senate, Consuls, and the Curiate Assembly.
was the same as Athenian Greek Democracy. All citizens voted on laws.
2 points
Question 4: True/False
Roman society was run in similar ways as the Roman household. Women made most important decisions.
2 points
Question 5: Multiple Answer
Roman society...
built on the accomplishments of other societies, such as the Etruscans, Greeks, and Egyptians.
became a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, and multi-ethnic society as it expanded throughout the
Mediterranean and other areas of the world.
had deep inequalities between classes, slaves and free persons, citizens and non-citizens, men and women.
was composed of two major classes, the patricians (upper-class) and the plebeians (lower-class).
2 points
Question 6: True/False
The Struggle of the Orders was a conflict between Roman Republican Senators over what orders should be sent to the
Roman military during the Punic Wars.
2 points
Question 7: Multiple Choice
The Struggle of the Orders resulted in all of the following EXCEPT...
It ended inequalities in Roman society, for every resident gained the right to vote.
Plebeians won their own representative body, the Plebeian Trial Assembly.
Tribunes were created and given the sole duty of protecting the rights of the plebeian class.
Plebeians gained a veto (through the Tribunes) over all Senate and magisterial measures.
2 points
Question 8: Multiple Answer
The Twelve Tablets...
created equality under the law: the laws applied to all Romans.
raised the importance and status of being a Roman citizenship.
codified and wrote down Rome's laws for the first time.
protected the rights of children from the authority of their fathers.
2 points
Question 9: True/False
The Roman Republic became an empire by conquering foes in the Italian peninsula, Sicily, Macedonia, and Carthage.
2 points
Question 10: True/False
Rome was built in a day (by aliens).
2 points
Question 11: Multiple Answers
Romans made these architectural and building accomplishments:
Walls to stop invaders from Mexico.
Roads throughout the empire.
Aquaducts to carry water to Roman cities from distant water sources.
2 points
Question 12: Multiple Answers
The Roman Republic fell for these reasons...
assassinations of elected officials, like the Gracchus brothers, who advocated social reforms.
poor unemployed veterans who were more loyal to military generals than to the Republic.
pots of money available to military generals in Roman provinces, which they could use to pay for armies
loyal to them.
rising inequality within Roman society.
2 points
Question 13: True/False
Julius Caesar rose to power through a combination of means: military victories, a proclamation of himself as dictator,
and through legal means, appointed to a 10-year term by the Roman Senate.
2 points
Question 14: Multiple Answer
The Roman Empire...
was always stable.
had problems with peoples on its borders.
became the model for good government in the United States.
lasted for over 400 years in the west, longer in the east.
2 points
Question 15: Multiple Answer
had a variety of attitudes and strategies towards early Christians: persecution, ignoring them, accepting
and embracing them.
legalized Christianity under the rule of the Emperor Constantine.
became Christian after the Emperor Gluteus Maximus was impressed by Jesus's dance moves in a Beirut
were open to the gods and religions introduced into the empire, including Jesus and the Christian god.
2 points
Question 16: True/False
When Diocletian divided the Roman Empire into eastern and western halves, the division benefited the west more than
the east.
2 points
Question 17: Multiple Answer
After Emperor Theodosius declared Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire...
Christians put aside their differences and united on all religious matters.
all other religions were banned within the Empire.
western and eastern Christians disagreed on many religious matters.
Constantinople became the center of the Eastern Orthodox Church, with Rome as the center of the
Western Roman Church.
Question 18: Multiple Answer
Germanic tribes...
invaded and defeated the western Roman Empire.
threatened the Roman Empire's borders.
liked to wear lederhosen to beer and brat parties.
replaced Rome's international economy and trade networks with a more local, family, and tribal society
and economy.
2 points
Question 19: Multiple Choice
The Roman Catholic Church did all of the following in western Europe, EXCEPT...
The Catholic Church stayed completely out of the internal politics of different kingdoms.
Built monasteries throughout Europe, creating islands of Christianity, learning, and economic growth.
Was run by the Pope in Rome, who had absolute power over religious matters.
Sent missionaries out to convert pagans in non-Christian lands.
2 points
Question 20: True/False
Germanic kings despised the power and might of the Roman Empire and did their best to erase its history.
2 points
Question 21: Multiple Answer
allowed peasants a great deal of social mobility and freedoms.
was the economic and social system that developed in the Germanic kingdoms in the former western half
of the Roman Empire.
was based on the manor system in which peasants worked the surrounding lands, supplying the lord with
agricultural produce, in exchange for his protection.
emphasized stability, protection, and unchanging social and economic relationships.
2 points
Question 22: Multiple Answer
The Byzantine Empire...
grew out of the former eastern half of the Roman Empire.
had to deal with both internal and external threats, such as Christian schisms, plagues, and Muslim
decided that it did not like Imperial rule and wanted to go back to a Republican form of government.
continued to exist much longer than the western Roman Empire.
2 points
Question 23: True/False
Emperor Constantine had to settle an early religious debate within the Christian world, whether Jesus was merely a
man, a prophet, or god.
2 points
Question 24: True/False
After some struggles and conflicts, the Byzantine Church (Eastern Orthodox) agreed to accept the Pope's authority and
2 points
Question 25: Multiple Choice
Based on statistical probability, if you lived in the Middle Ages in western Europe, you would be...
a poor, lowly, humble, overworked peasant with no hope of escape, freedom, or a better life.
a valiant knight: One Man, with a big sword and an attitude to match.
a king with all of the riches and power that your kingdom could supply.
a frolicking court jester.