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Chapter 16:
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Section 16.1: Pages 380-383 (Foundations) or 450-453 (Classic)
True or False: Darwin was a really good student when he was young.
Darwin went on a voyage and traveled for 5 years aboard a boat called the
What did Darwin do while he was on the boat?
5. List and explain the 3 biological patterns Darwin noticed that led to his Theory of Evolution.
Darwin noticed
that supported the pattern
Darwin had about the pattern
Species vary
around the world
Species vary
What do YOU think Darwin’s question should be?
Species vary
over time
6. How did Darwin use fossils as evidence of evolution occurring?
7. Fill in the chart below.
Name and Picture or Drawing
Do you believe these two species were
related?_________. Give evidence to support your
Section 16.2: Pages 384-387 (Foundations) or 454-458 (Classic)
8. How old did most people that lived around the time of Darwin believe the earth was?
Circle if the statement is True or False: If the statement is false, change the underlined word or words to
make the statement true.
9. True or False: Hutton realized that Earth was much younger than previously believed.
10. True or False: Hutton and Lyell thought most geological processes operated extremely quickly.
11. True or False: The processes that changed Earth in the past are different from the processes that operate
in the present.
12. True or False: Lyell’s work explained how large geological features could be built up or torn down over
long periods of time.
13. According to Jean-Babtiste Lamarck the giraffe in the picture to the right got a long
neck because…
a. it was born that way.
b. over many generations the neck was longer because of natural section.
c. the neck stretched over the lifetime of the giraffe because it kept stretching
for food.
14. True or False: Lamarck’s ideas of how evolution worked were correct.
15. What did Thomas Malthus figure out about population growth?
16. How did Thomas Malthus’s views on population growth help Darwin to form his ideas on evolution?
18. How might a strawberry farmer use artificial selection to improve their crops?
Section 16.3: Pages 388-391 (Foundations) or 460-464 (Classic)
19. Darwin came up with the idea of Evolution by Natural Selection, but did not share it for
20. In
he published the book O
of S
21. Darwin’s ideas included the talking points in the chart below. Fill in the chart by writing a description of
each of these talking points.
Talking Point
The Struggle for Existence
Variation and Adaptations
Survival of the Fittest
Natural Selection
22. List the conditions that are required for Natural Selection to occur:
23. Look at the grasshopper example on page 390 (Foundations) or 462 (Classic): Study this sequence of
pictures and describe what is happening.
24. Choose an animal from Minnesota that goes through natural selection? (you cannot choose birds and
grasshoppers) Write the name of the animal you have chosen here.
a. How has that animal adapted to the Minnesota environment? E.g How does it survive the winters
and short summers? How does it survive against the local predators? Etc
b. What makes that animal the fittest of the species? For example: Deer born with brown hair survive
longer than albino deer.
c. If climate change occurs and our winters become shorter, which members of that species will
benefit and which ones will have a hard time? For example: Snowshoe hares change from brown to
white in the winter. If a hare is still white when the snow melts, predators will easily find it.
25. Describe COMMON DESCENT according to Darwin’s theory.
26. Look at the diagram to the right. It is representing Common Descent.
What is this diagraming telling the viewer?
Section 16.4: Pages 392-397 (Foundations) or 465-473 (Classic)
28. Darwin noted certain patterns started to appear. List these patterns and give examples of them.
 Pattern:
Example of this patter
 Pattern:
Example of this patter
Give an example of homologous structures:
Give an example of analogous structures:
Give an example of a vestigial structure:
32. What does an embryologist study?
33. Is Embryology evidence of common descent?
34. Recently, scientists have discovered more than 20 fossils that show how whales evolved from ancestors.
Describe how todays whales compare to their ancestors the Ancient artiodactyl? (if you are in the CLASSIC
book go back to page 466 and you will find the answer)
35. How is the DNA and RNA evidence that all living things come from a common ancestor?
36. Describe how the Grants studied finches on the Galapagos Islands and how they saw natural selection
occurring in real time.
Glue this into your notebook and study from it for the quiz 