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Chapter 19
Formation of the Solar System
19-1 A Solar System is Born
 Solar Nebula
 Dust and gas clump
together in a huge
interstellar cloud
 Many light years across
 Forms beginnings of a new
planetary system
19-1 A Solar System is Born
 Solar Nebula
 Gravity pulls matter
 All mass has gravity
 Clumps get larger and larger
and gravity will increase
 Pressure pushes apart
 As cloud warms up particles
move faster
 Pressure will push away from
19-1 A Solar System is Born
 Solar Nebula
 Gravity will overcome
pressure and cloud will
 Beginning stage of a star
 Out region will become
19-1 A Solar System is Born
 Planetesimals to Planets
 Planetesimal
 When dust collides and sticks
 Building blocks of planets
 Grow from microscopic to
boulders to planets
19-1 A Solar System is Born
 Planetesimals to Planets
 Planets
 Giant gas planets attract
nebula gases in outer regions
 Rocky planets don’t grow
large and are usually inner
 Are created by collisions by
smaller planetesimals
19-1 A Solar System is Born
 Birth of a Star
 Pressure becomes so great
that hydrogen fusion begins
 Point where the sun is
19-1 A Solar System is Born
 Planetary Motion
 Rotation
 Planets spin on their axis
 Causes one part of the planet
to face the sun all of the time
 Causes day and night
19-1 A Solar System is Born
 Planetary Motion
 Orbit
 Path a planet takes around the
 Also called revolution
 Period of Revolution
 Time it takes a planet to
go around the sun once
19-1 A Solar System is Born
 Planetary Orbits
 First introduced by
Johannes Kepler in 1601
 Kepler’s 1st Law of Motion
 Planets do not orbit in circles
but orbit in a ellipse
 Astronomical unit
 AU
 150 million km
19-1 A Solar System is Born
 Planetary Orbit
 Kepler’s 2nd Law
 Planets move faster when
they are closer to the sun
 The planet must move farther
around its orbit in the same
amount of time
19-1 A Solar System is Born
 Kepler’s 3rd Law
 Compares the period of a
planet’s revolution with its
semimajor axis
 Proves that knowing the
planet’s period of
revolution you can
calculate the planet’s
distance from the sun
19-1 A Solar System is Born
 Newton’s Law of Universal
 States that the force of
gravity depends on the
product of the masses of
the objects divided by the
square of the distance
between them
 The farther you are from
something the less gravity
will pull on you
19-2 The Sun
 Structure
 Core
 At center of the sun
 Where energy is produced
 Radius of 200,000 km
 Temperature of
19-2 The Sun
 Structure
 Radiative Zone
 Very dense region
 About 300,000 km thick
 Atoms are so dense it takes
millions of years for light to
pass through
19-2 The Sun
 Structure
 Convective Zone
 Region about 200,000 km
 Gases circulate in convection
 Hot gas rises and cold gas
19-2 The Sun
 Structure
 Photosphere
 Gases get thick enough to see
 What we know as the visible
 Only about 600 km thick
19-2 The Sun
 Structure
 Chromosphere
 Thin region below the corona
 Only 3,000 km
 Deep, red color that is to
faint to see unless there is a
total solar eclipse
19-2 The Sun
 Structure
 Corona
 Forms the sun’s outer
 Can extend outward 10-12
times the diameter
 Gases in corona are so thin
that it is only visible during
total solar eclipse
19-2 The Sun
 Energy of the Sun
 Nuclear Fusion
 The process by which 2 or
more nuclei with small
masses join together to form
a larger nucleus
 Produces a lot of energy
 Normal nuclei repel each
 Gravity and temp in core
overcome the repelling
19-2 The Sun
 Energy of the Sun
 Nuclear Fusion
 3 Steps
 2 H nuclei collide to
produce deuterium
 Deuterium combines with
a H nuclei to produce
 2 He-3 atoms combine to
form He-4
 Energy is released at each
19-2 The Sun
 Sun’s Surface
 Sunspots
 Cooler, dark spots on the sun
 Caused by magnetic fields
that slow down the
convection zone
 Solar Flare
 Giant storms on the surface
of the sun
 Cause the auroras on Earth
Chapter 20
A Family of Planets
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Inner Planets
 Mercury, Venus, Earth, and
 Terrestrial Planets
 Small, dense, and rocky
 Closely spaced
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Mercury
 Closest to the sun
 Distance from sun
 3.2 light minutes
 Period of Rotation
 58 Days and 16 Hours
 Period of Revolution
 88 Days
 Diameter
 4,879 km
 Density
 5.43 g/cm3
 Surface Temp
 -173˚ – 427˚ C
 Surface Gravity
 38% of Earth’s
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Venus
 2nd from the sun
 Distance from Sun
 6.0 light minutes
 Period of Rotation
 243 days
 Period of Revolution
 224 days, 17 hours
 Diameter
 12,104 km
 Density
 5.24 g/cm3
 Surface Temp
 464˚C
 Surface Gravity
 91% of Earth’s
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Venus
 Retrograde Rotation
 Spins in a clockwise rotation
when viewed from the poles
 Atmosphere
 90 times the pressure of
 Mostly Carbon Dioxide
 Creates a massive
greenhouse effect
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Earth
 Distance from Sun
 8.3 light minutes
 Period of Rotation
 23 hours 56 minutes
 Period of Revolution
 365 Days 6 hours
 Diameter
 12,756 km
 Density
 5.52 g/cm3
 Surface Temp
 -13˚ C – 37˚ C
 Surface Gravity
 100%
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Mars
 4th Planet from Sun
 Distance from Sun
 12.7 light-minutes
 Period of Rotation
 24 hours 37 minutes
 Period of Revolution
 1 year 322 days
 Diameter
 6,794 km
 Density
 3.94 g/cm3
 Surface Temp
 -123 - 37˚C
 Surface Gravity
 38% of Earth’s
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Mars
 Atmosphere
 Very Thin
 Liquid water would boil
 Makes a cold planet
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Mars
 Water
 Only in the form of ice
 Evidance shows a past history
of liquid water
 Dry river beds
 Polar ice caps
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Mars
 Volcanoes
 2 large volcanic systems
 Olympus Mons
 Largest mountain in the
solar system
 Extinct shield volcano like
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Jupiter
 5th from the Sun
 Distance from Sun
 43.3 light minutes
 Period of Rotation
 9 hours 56 minutes
 Period of Revolution
 11 years 313 days
 Diameter
 142,984 km
 Density
 1.33 g/cm3
 Temperature
 -153˚C
 Gravity
 236% of Earth’s
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Jupiter
 Largest Planet
 Gas Giant
 Very large planets that don’t
have any known solid surfaces
 Made primarily of H and
 Also has water, methane, and
 Giant Red Spot
 Long-lasting storm system
 Has a faint ring system
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Saturn
 6th from the Sun
 Distance from Sun
 1.3 light hours
 Period of Rotation
 10 hours 39 minutes
 Period of Revolution
 29 years 155 days
 Diameter
 120,536 km
 Density
 0.69 g/cm3
 Temperature
 -185˚C
 Gravity
 92% of Earth’s
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Saturn
 2nd largest planet
 Is believed to be still
 Made of mostly H and He
with traces of methane,
ammonia, and ethane
 Large ring system
 Consist of icy particles
ranging from a few cm to
several meters
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Uranus
 7th Planet from the Sun
 Distance from the Sun
 2.7 light hours
 Period of Rotation
 17 hours 14 minutes
 Period of Revolution
 83 years 274 days
 Diameter
 51,118 km
 Density
 1.27 g/cm3
 Temp
 -214˚C
 Gravity
 89% of Earth’s
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Uranus
 Atmosphere is mainly H
and methane
 Is tipped on it’s side
 Has a 90 degree tilt
 Causes one side of the planet
to be exposed to sun light and
the other in darkness
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Neptune
 8th from the sun
 Distance from Sun
 4.2 light hours
 Period of Rotation
 16 hours 7 minutes
 Period of Revolution
 163 years 265 days
 Diameter
 49,528 km
 Density
 1.64 g/cm3
 Temp
 -225˚C
 Gravity
 112% of Earths
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Neptune
 Atmosphere is the same as
 Has a very narrow set of
 Has a Great Dark Spot
 Is a major storm just like on
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Pluto
 9th Planet
 Distance from Sun
 5.5 light hours
 Period of Rotation
 6 days 9 hours
 Period of Revolution
 248 years
 Diameter
 2,390 km
 Density
 2.05 g/cm3
 Surface Temp
 -236˚C
 Surface Gravity
 6% of Earth’s
20-1 The Nine Planets
 Pluto
 Made of rock and ice with
a thin atmosphere of
 It’s moon (Charon) is over
half the planet’s size
20-2 Moons
 Satellites
 Natural or artificial bodies
that revolve around larger
bodies like planets
 Luna
 The moon of the Earth
 Surface
Has been dated to 4.6
billion years old
20-2 Moons
 Luna
 Period of Rotation
 27 days 8 hours
 Period of Revolution
 27 days 8 hours
 Diameter
 3,476 km
 Density
 3.34 g/cm3
 Surface Temp
 -170˚C-134˚C
 Surface Gravity
 17% of Earths
20-2 Moons
 Luna Origins
 Formation
 Impact
 Large body collided with
Earth when it was still
 Ejection
 Debris began to revolve
around Earth
 Formation
 Material started to clump
to form moon
20-2 Moons
 Phases of the Moon
 The different appearances
of the moon due to
changing position
 Waxing
 The sunlit fraction we can see
is getting larger
 Waning
 The sunlit fraction is getting
20-2 Moons
 Luna
 Eclipses
 Occurs when the shadow of
one celestial body falls on
 Lunar
 Happens when the Earth
comes between the sun
and the moon
 Solar
 Happens when the moon
comes between the Earth
and the sun
20-3 Small Bodies in the Solar System
 Comets
 Small body of ice, rock,
and cosmic dust loosely
packed together
 Known as dirty snowballs
 Tails
 Forms when passing by the
 Ion Tail
 Consists of electrically
charged particles
 Dust Tail
 Melting ice and dirt
20-3 Small Bodies in the Solar System
 Comets
 Orbits
 Ellipse
 Ion tail will always point away
from the sun
20-3 Small Bodies in the Solar System
 Asteroids
 Small, rocky bodies in
orbit around the sun
 Range from a few meters
to more than 900 km in
 Have irregular shapes
 Orbit the sun
20-3 Small Bodies in the Solar System
 Asteroids
 Asteroid Belt
 Where most asteroids are in
our solar system
 Between Mars and Jupiter
20-3 Small Bodies in the Solar System
 Asteroids
 Types
 Outermost region they are a
dark reddish brown to black
 Organic Material
 Middle have dark gray surface
 Rich in carbon
 Innermost have light gray
 Stony or metallic