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Focus Question
1. State the parts of
the cell theory.
Detailed Explanation
Real World Example: Draw a
Picture(caption) or Write in Words
1. All organisms are made of one or more cells
2.The cell is the basic unit of living things
3. All cells come from existing cells.
2. Explain how
materials are passed in
and out of cells.
3. Describe what a
strand of DNA would
look like.
4. What are the 4 base
pairs in DNA?
Diffusion: The movement of anything into and out of the
cell (higher concentration to lower concentration) This is
passive transport.
Diffusion: When someone sprays
perfume in the classroom and it
spreads throughout.
Osmosis: The movement of water into and out of the
cell through a semi permeable membrane. (higher
concentration to lower concentration) This is passive
Osmosis: Food coloring going into
the egg.
Active Transport: The movement of particles from
lower concentration to higher concentration requiring
energy to be used from the cell (ATP) Includes
Exocytosis and endocytosis.
A double helix (a twisted ladder)
Adenine pairs with Thymine
Guanine pairs with Cytosine
Active Transport: The uptake of
mineral ions into root hair cells of
5. Which bases are
paired together?
6. What is a dominate
trait? A recessive
7. Owen has superhuman
strength, which is a recessive
trait. What possibility of
offspring might he have if he
marries a normal strength
Adenine pairs with Thymine
Guanine pairs with Cytosine
Dominate – Only one gene is needed for the trait to be expressed
Recessive – Both genes need to be present for the trait to be
Either 50% or 0% Superhuman
50% or 100% normal
It depends on who Owen marries. If his
spouse is homozygous dominate, there
will be a 0% chance. If she is
heterozygous, than there is a 50%
8. Explain the basic functions of Cells making up an organ/organ system are all the same, they work together to
perform a similar function, and began as unspecialized cells that were all given
the same “programming” instructions. They Live, grow, reproduce, get rid of
9. Describe the process and
function of cellular respiration.
Draw and label (use your notes and book).p.42 in book
10. What is the difference
between Homozygous Dominant,
Homozygous Recessive and
Homozygous Dominant – Both genes of the pair are for the dominant trait
Homozygous Recessive - Both genes of the pair are for the recessive trait
Heterozygous – The genes of the pair are different
11. State where photosynthesis
takes place.
Inside the chloroplasts of green plants (even those in the water)
12. Emma’s dogs all have short
legs (which is recessive). If she
were to breed them, what
possible leg size might they
They would all have short legs. Since there would be no gene for long legs (all of Emma’s
dogs have a recessive trait), all they could produce would be short legged offspring.
13. Set up a Punnett square for
the following cross:
T=Talkative. t=Not-Talkative
The parents genes are Tt and tt
14. In the above cross, what is
the percentage of having a
talkative and non-talkative
50% for each
15. Explain what sexually
reproduced organisms begin as
They begin as a fertilized egg (stem cell). Sexual Reproduction provides
the opportunity to have complex organisms. Cells, tissues, organs and organ
systems develop within these types of organisms making systems specialized
with a specific job.
16. Describe the process and
products of photosynthesis.
Occurs in green plants. Uses carbon dioxide, light, and water and produces
glucose and oxygen. The main purpose is make food for the plant (glucose).
This takes place in the chloroplast of plant cells.
6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy  C6H12O6 + 6O2
17. Describe the offspring of
asexual reproduction.
Offspring of asexual reproduction are identical to the parents. They are
formed from only one cell and are usually single celled organisms or single
cells within your body.
18. Describe the offspring of
sexual reproduction.
Offspring of sexual reproduction contain half the heredity material from
each parent. These organisms are usually more complex and are diverse
(different) from the rest of the population. They don’t look exactly like
either parent but are a combination of both.
19. List examples of organisms
that reproduce asexually.
Most of your body’s cells (mitosis), protists like amoeba, paramecium, plants
forming without the exchange of pollen (runners) , or bacteria binary fission
20. Explain the advantages and
disadvantages of sexual
Sexual Reproduction
Advantages: variations in genetic material may help species survive, negative
traits are not always reproduced
Disadvantages: fewer offspring, necessary to find a mate, can combine to
form negative traits that are not present in either parent.
Asexual Reproduction
Advantages: Produces large numbers of offspring, no need to find a mate,
positive traits are always copied and reproduced
Disadvantages: Negative traits are always copied and reproduced, no
variations within the species
21. Describe the “code” of DNA
and how we get our traits. Think
the monster coding activity.
The code of DNA is how the base pairs are ordered in three “letter” words. The order of
the words give the instructions on how the cell functions.
22. What is an organelle?
An organelle is the small parts of a cell that perform specific tasks for the cell
23. Where is the DNA of a cell
24. What function does a
ribosome perform?
In the nucleus.
Create proteins that the cell uses
25. What two organelles does a
plant cell have that an animal cell
Cell wall and Chloroplasts