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Global Studies I – Chapter 5 Notes (Ancient Greece)
Chapter 5 Section 1
Early Greeks and the Rise of City-States
The Sea and Land
Geography & Greek Life
o *Balkan Peninsula: poor soil.
o *Surrounded by seas: played very important role
o *Fishermen, sailors, traders
o Colonies in Med. Sea
Geography and Government
o *Lack of unity
o *Mountain ranges/villages
o *Open to invasion from North
o *Rivers: short
o *City-states instead of Empire
Early Greeks
o *2000 B.C.
 earliest Greek civilization.
o *Minoans/Island of Crete
 *Europeans enter Greece
o *King Minos: Ruler of Crete Sailors & Traders
 Nobles: running water
 Painted frescoes
o *Volcanic Eruption: tidal waves destroyed islands.
o *Conquered by Mycenaeans
o *Controlled mainland Greece
 1600 – 1200 B.C.
o *Clans & Tribes: Warriors
o *Linear B Writing: early form of Greek Writing.
o *War and earthquakes destroyed most cities by 1200
City-States of Greece
o *800 B.C. Polis (City-states) develop.
o *Developed around forts (Acropolis).
o *Included all land around the city.
 -Farmland
Three Ideas of the Polis
o Geographical territory of the city-state
o Political and economic independence it produced
o Community that it represented
Similarities: City-States
o *Small areas of land
o *Small population
 10,000 or less
o *Fort on an acropolis (hill)
o *Agora (marketplace)
o *Language, religion, culture, festivals
Differences: City-States
o *Politically independent
 Each Polis = own government.
*Calendars, money, weights and measures, Laws
*Extreme Pride in Polis: willing to die for it
 Die for nation.
Chapter 5 Section 2:
Greek Government and Society
Greek Culture
o *Early on: few could read write.
o *Need for Verbal communication
*Traveling poets:
o Songs, Ballads, Epics
Homeric Age
o *Homer: blind poet
o *700 B.C. – put Oral history into two epics
o Did he write these works?
o The Iliad
 *The Iliad: Legend of Trojan War
 Paris (Troy) and Helen (Mycenaean): Fall in love and sail back to Troy together.
 Greeks attack Troy
 The Trojan War
 *Lasted 10 years.
 *Greeks: build a wooden horse
o hid soldiers inside
 *Attack: Troy is destroyed.
 *Achilles: dies in battle
o The Odyssey
 *The Odyssey: Aftermath of Trojan War
 *Odysseus: Mycenaean King
 story of his journey home
 Travels for 10 years
 *Gods cause problems
Purpose of Greek Religion
o Explain Nature
o Explain emotions that interfered with self-control
o Bring benefits to Greeks
Greek Religious Beliefs
o *Polytheistic
o *Did not save Greeks from sin
o *Afterlife– not a big concern
o Everyone went to gray gloomy underworld
 Underworld: Neither Punishment/ Reward
Greek Religion
o *Myths – stories about gods & goddesses
o *Mount Olympus: home of the gods
 Had human qualities
 Zeus: King of the Gods
Greek Gods
o *Uranus and Gaea: ruled the Earth
o *Overthrown by Children
o Cronus/Titans
o Feared children: Ate them at birth
 *Titans: Overthrown by kids
Olympic Games
 *Held every 4 years: Honor Zeus
 Please the gods
 Show strength and bravery
 *776 B.C.- Men only
 *Boxing, Races, Javelin, Discus, Wrestling
 *Winners: Received Olive Wreaths
o *Kings/Chieftains – ruled
o Relied on Aristocrats/Nobles
 pay for military
 support kings
o *Aristocrats: gained power 700 B.C.
 kings overthrown by nobles
o Nobles/Aristocrats
 *Aristocracy - “Rule by the Best”
 Rule by noble class
 *Control all aspects of life: economy, military, religion, and laws
 *600 B.C. power weakens
o Hoplite
 *Non-aristocratic soldier
 Rose to power b/c they could afford weapons
 *Heavy infantry/long spears
 Hoplite Formation
 *Important for city-state defense
 *Farmers and Hoplite: demand change.
o Tyrants
 *Seized power- had support of the people
 *650-500 BC: ruled many city-states
 *Absolute ruler abuses power
 Evolved into unjust rulers
 *Overthrown
o Democracy
 *Popular governments set up
 People can actually rule themselves?!?!
 *Democracy: rule by the people
 *Political rights (citizenship) to few
 *Many cities maintain aristocracy
 Ex.Sparta
o limited by the people
Chapter 5 Section 3
Beginnings of Sparta
*Late 1100s BC: Invaders from North conquered Peloponnesus
o -Helots: conquered workers
 -Sparta: capital
Geography of Sparta
*Located in valley
o -Had walls (Defense)
o -Mountainous
*Sparta: develops into
o rigid, militarized society
 -Keep Helots in line
Spartan Society
o Three Social Groups:
 1. Equals – descendants of invaders
 Controlled city-state.
 Land divided among them.
 2. Half Citizens – free, paid taxes, served in army.
 no political power
 farmed/traded
 3. Helots – slaves (Largest)
 Spartans decided where they would worked/lived
o -hated Spartans
Government in Sparta
o Two Kings
 -Home and Military
o Council of Elders
 -60 yrs. Old
 28 Men: wealthy aristocrats.
 Proposed laws and were court.
o Assembly:
 Accepted/Rejected laws passed by Council of Elders
o Elected 5 Ephors:
 1 year terms
 Ensured kings followed laws
 Controlled Education
Militaristic Society
o *Controlled all citizens
o Birth to Death
o *Everyone part of military machine
o Controlled Helots
o Expanded Spartan power
o A Spartan Soldier
 *Birth: examined
 Unhealthy: left die
 *Boys: Age 7 go to military
 Education (military & academics)
 *Age 18 – 20 trained for war
 *Age 20 began military service
o A Spartan Soldier
 No:
 marriage
 home life
 Business or trade…….until 30!
o ~Love of money corrupt
 *Eligible for Service until 60
 *After 60: work for public good, not private gain.
o Spartan Women
 *Women: strong/raise warriors
 *Received strict training
 taught to be devoted to city-state
Result of Militaristic Society
o ~Unbeatable Army
o ~Loss of Freedom
o ~Little Science, Literature or Philosophy Created
Location of Athens
o *Attic Peninsula: lacks fertile land
o Sea traders
o *Protected from enemies:
 Inland city
 Walls
o *Built around rocky hill:
 Acropolis
Athenian Society
o Three Classes:
 1. Athenian Citizens:
 only Athenian-born MEN had full political rights.
 2. Metics: Non-citizens born outside Athens.
 Artisans or merchants
 Free/paid taxes
 Couldn’t participate in politics/own land
 3. Slaves: often captured in war
 ~Necessary to society
 *Slaves and Metics = over ½ of Athen’s population
Early Government
o *Monarchy Aristocracy
 --Land owning citizens held office
o Elected 9 Archons:
 --rulers who served 1 year terms.
 *Draco: created 1st law code in 621 B.C. (Harsh!)
 Nobles & Metics vs. Farmers for $$$
 Poor sold into slavery.
 Solon
 *Archon: Erased debts of poor
 Outlawed slavery for debt
 -Freed those who were slaves for debt.
 *Citizens divided into 4 groups
o Richest 2 could hold office
o All citizens could vote
 Peisistratus
 *546-527 BC: Tyrant ruler of Athens
 *Supported Lower classes
 Clashed with nobles
 *After his son’s rule, nobles returned to power briefly.
Athenian Democracy
o *Cleisthenes: 507 BC: turned Athens into a Democracy
o *10 Tribes: each choose 50 Men
 Council of 500 – Proposed laws
 *Assembly had final say on laws
 *Court jurors chosen from citizens
Athenian vs. U.S. Democracy
o *Direct Democracy – all citizens participated directly in making decisions
*Representative Democracy – citizens elect representatives to govern for them.
Chapter 5 Section 4
Daily Life In Athens
Athenian Economy
o *Trade –important
 -Imports – good/service bought from another country (grain)
 -Exports – sold to another country. (olive oil)
o *Farmers:
 -Terracing: Cutting small level plots of land on hillsides.
Home and Family
o *Home = Simplicity
o *Arranged Marriages
 *Purpose of Marriage: Reproduce!
 --Couldn’t afford a child and it was a girl = left to die.
o *Inferior to Men
 *Citizens: But NO Property Rights
o *Husband’s Permission: to go in public.
o *Duties:
 -Manage household and slaves
 -Raise children
o *Male slave who cared for boys over 7
 -Taught manners
 -Escorted boy everywhere
*Girls stayed at home
o -Learned household skills
o *Literacy greatly valued
 *Various Subjects:
 -Reading, writing, music, gymnastics
 -Healthy body + mind
o *Sophists: opened schools for older boys. Learned:
 -Ethics: good and bad
 -Rhetoric: speaking and debating
Military Service
o *1 year training at age 18
o *Citizens with Armor and weapons formed:
 -Hoplites – center of infantry
 *Poor men – flanks
 -Citizens –rowed warships
Chapter 5 Section 5
The Expansion of Greece
The Persian Wars
o *500 B.C. – Greeks vs. Persians
o *Greeks in Asia Minor rebel
 -Athens: helps Greeks
o *Darius: Persian Ruler
 -Crushes Greeks
 -Wants to punish Athens: Control mainland
494 B.C. Battle of Marathon
 *Athenians stop Persian invasion
 *Conflict continues until 490 BC
 *10 years of uneasy peace.
Second Persian Invasion
o *Xerxes: Persian Leader
o *480 Invades Greece
o *Battle of Thermopylae:
 *300 Spartans stop Persians
 Spartans refuse to surrender
 All 300 die: allowed for other Greek city states to prepare
o Themistocles
 *Athenian leader: Creator of Greek navy
 *Evacuates Athens.
o *Battle of Salamis: turning point
 Greeks destroy Persian fleet
 *479 BC – Athens & Sparta defeat Persians at Plataea
 Ends war.
Result of Persian Wars
o *Persians remain a threat
o *Sparta: Wanted Greeks to unite under their rule.
 -Fear of Helot revolt prevents this.
*Athens: forms Delian League
 -Alliance of 140 city-states.
 -Athens build empire around the League.
Age of Pericles
o Athenian leader:
 461-429 BC
o *Golden age of Athens
o *Athenian democracy reached its height.
o *Built the Parthenon and Acropolis
o *Stability and prosperity
o *Use navy to keep Persians out
o Democracy under Pericles
 *Male citizens could hold office
 Except lowest class
 Officeholders:
o Paid
o Chosen by lot (No advantage)
o *No women involvement
o Pericles and the Delian League
 *D.L.- gains protection but loses independence.
 *Athenian gov’t made all decisions
 *Moved the Treasury to Athens.
 *Resentment towards Athens
Peloponnesian War
o *War between Sparta & Athens
 431 B.C.
o *Causes:
 Old Rivals
 Sparta upset over Athens control of the Delian League.
o *Sparta –> Army Athens –> Navy
*Siege of Athens
o Lasted 27 years
o Plague broke out in Athens
 Finally Blocked Athens food supply
*Sparta wins: Athens=2nd rate power
*Greek political society becomes unstable