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The Digestive System-Example of Information Report
This Information Report is about the digestive system. This report will
be explaining to you about: The parts of the digestive system, How it
works, What commonly goes wrong and How you can take care of it.
Parts of the digestive system
The parts of the digestive system are:
Mouth, Teeth, Tongue, Esophagus, Liver,
Stomach, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Small Intestine,
Large Intestine, Appendix, Anus.
How it works
When you are chewing food your saliva also brakes down the food and
makes it smooth enough to go down the esophagus pipe. Then your
tongue pushes a little amount of the mashed-up food (bolus) in your
throat. Your esophagus pipe is a 25-centimeter long pipe. The food takes
about 2-3 seconds to travel down your esophagus pipe. After it passed
the esophagus pipe it goes into your stomach. The stomach stores food,
brakes food down into liquid and passes it slowly to the small in
intestine. The small intestine is not small it is about 22 feet long (5.7m).
The small intestine takes the nutrients out of the food. The small
intestine is conceded three other organs the pancreas, liver and
gallbladder which brake the nutrients down even further. Then the food
goes into your large intestine. The large intestine takes the water out of
the bolus and then it comes out of the anus.
Things that go wrong with your digestive system.
Many things can go wrong with your digestive system. Here are the
things that can go wrong.
In our body you have two pipes down your throat. One pipe is for
oxygen. In the beginning of the pipe you have an epiglottis. An epiglottis
is a flap that prevents food going to your lungs. So how does choking
happen? Choking happens when your talking or laugh while your eating
food and you swallow it the epiglottis doesn’t close fast enough
therefore it leads to choking.
Heart Burn
Heartburn happens when acid from your stomach goes into your
esophagus. 25 million adults get heartburn. 40% to 80% of pregnant
women get heartburn. Heartburn is caused when you over eat or you
drink alcohol. It can also be caused when you smoke.
Diarrhea is a watery poop. Diarrhea is caused when you eat too fast and
your large intestine and small intestine cant suck up all the liquid and
nutrients. That’s why it appears watery.
Throwing up
Throwing up happens when you are nervous or spinning very fast or
you are sick or you eat food with bacteria. Instead of the food going
down to your anus it goes up and comes out of your mouth.
Food poisoning
Food poisoning happens when you are eating something your not
supposed to eat such as raw eggs or raw meat or rotten food. You can
get food poison. When you get food poison you don’t feel good.
Sometimes you throw up or have diarrhea.
How can we take care of our digestive system?
We can take care of our digestive system by:
1.Eating healthy food and drinking a lot of water.
2.Eat less sugary and spicy foods.
4.When eating chew your food well and slowly so that it is easy to digest.
Now you know how to take care of your digestive system, what it is and
how it works. Without your digestive system you would die, so take
good care of it.