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2nd Semester Chemistry Terms
1. Atom- the smallest particle of an element that has all of the element’s chemical
2. Element- any material that is made up of only one type of atom
3. Periodic table- a chart in which all known elements are listed in order of atomic
4. Atomic symbol- an abbreviation for an element or atom
5. Atomic nucleus- the core of an atom, consisting of two basic subatomic
particles—protons and neutrons
6. Electron- a negatively charged particle in an atom
7. Proton- a positively charged particle in an atomic nucleus
8. Atomic number- the number that designates the identity of an element, which is
the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom; in a neutral atom, the atomic
number is also the number of electrons in the atom
9. Mass number- the total number of nucleons in an atomic nucleus
10. Neutron- an electrically neutral subatomic particle in an atomic nucleus
11. Nucleon- a nuclear particle; a proton or a neutron in an atomic nucleus
12. Isotopes- different forms of an element whose atoms contain the same number of
protons but different number of neutrons
13. Atomic mass- the mass of an element’s atoms listed in the periodic table as an
average value based on the relative abundance of the element’s isotopes
14. Atomic mass unit (amu)- the standard unit of atomic mass, which is equal to
one-twelfth the mass of the common atom of carbon, arbitrarily given the value of
exactly 12
15. Period- a horizontal row in the periodic table
16. Group- a vertical column in the periodic table, also known as the family of
17. Physical model- a representation of an object on some convenient scale
18. Conceptual model- a representation of a system that helps in making predictions
about how the system behaves
19. Spectroscope- a device that uses a prism or a diffraction grating to separate light
into its component colors
20. Atomic spectrum- the pattern of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation emitted
by the atoms of an element, considered to be the element’s “fingerprint”
21. Quantum hypothesis- the idea that light energy is contained in discrete packets
called quanta
22. Quantum- a small, discrete packet of light energy
23. Principal quantum number, n- an integer that specifies the quantized energy
level of an atomic orbital
24. Probability cloud- the pattern of electron positions plotted over time to show the
likelihood of an electron’s being at a given position at a given time
25. Atomic orbital- a region of space in which an electron in an atom has a 90
percent chance of being located
26. Shell- a set of overlapping atomic orbitals of similar energy levels
27. Valence electrons- an electron that is located in the outermost occupied shell of
an atom and can participate in chemical bonding
28. Radioactivity- the process whereby unstable atomic nuclei break down and emit
29. Alpha particle- the nucleus of a helium atom
30. Beta particle- an electron emitted during the radioactive elements
31. Gamma ray- high-frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted by the nuclei or
radioactive atoms
32. Nucleon- a nuclear proton or neutron
33. Half-life- the time required for half the atoms in a sample of a radioactive isotope
to decay
34. Transmutation- the conversion of an atomic nucleus of one element into an
atomic nucleus of another element through a loss or gain in the number of protons
35. Nuclear fission- the splitting of the nucleus of a heavy atom accompanied by the
release of much energy
36. Chain reaction- a self-sustaining reaction in which the products of one reaction
event stimulate further reaction events
37. Critical mass- the minimum mass of fissionable material in a reactor or nuclear
bomb that will sustain a chain reaction
38. Nuclear fusion- the combining of nuclei of light atoms to form heavier nuclei,
with the release of much energy
39. Thermonuclear fusion- nuclear fusion produced by high temperature
40. Basic research- a branch of scientific research that focuses on a greater
understanding of how the natural world operates
41. Applied research- a branch of scientific research that focuses on developing
applications built upon the principles discovered through basic research
42. Molecule- a submicroscopic particle consisting of a group of atoms
43. Submicroscopic- refers to the realm of atoms and molecules
44. Physical property- any physical attribute of a substance
45. Physical change- a change in which a substance changes one or more of its
physical properties without transforming it into a different substance
46. Chemical property- a property that characterizes the ability of a substance to
undergo a change that transforms it into a different substance
47. Chemical bond- the force of attraction between two atoms that holds them
48. Chemical change- a change in which the atoms of one or more substances are
rearranged into one or more new substances
49. Chemical reaction- synonymous with chemical change
50. Elemental formula- a notation that uses the atomic symbol and a numerical
subscript to denote how atoms of the element are bonded together
51. Compound- a material in which atoms of different elements are bonded to one
52. Chemical formula- a notation used to indicate the compositions of a compound
53. Chemical equation- a representation of a chemical reaction in which reactants
are drawn before an arrow that points to the products
54. Reactants- the reacting substances in a chemical reaction
55. Products- the new materials formed in a chemical reaction
56. Law of mass conservation- matter is neither created nor destroyed during a
chemical reaction
57. Mixture- A combination of two or more substances in which each substance
retains its properties.
58. Distillation- A purifying process in which a vaporized substance is collected by
exposing it to cooler temperatures over a receiving flask, which collects the
condensed purified liquid.
59. Pure- Having a uniform composition, or being without impurities.
60. Impure- a material that is a mixture of more than one element or compound.
61. Heterogeneous Mixture – A mixture in which the various components can be
seen as individual substances.
62. Homogeneous mixture- A mixture in which the components are so finely mixed
that the composition is the same throughout.
63. Solution- A homogeneous mixture in which all components are in the same
64. Suspension- A homogeneous mixture in which the various components are in
different phases.
65. Solvent- The component in a solution that is present in the largest amount.
66. Solute- Any component in a solution that is not the solvent.
67. Dissolving- The process of mixing a solute in a solvent to produce a
homogeneous mixture.
68. Saturated Solution- A solution containing the maximum amount of solute that
will dissolve in its solvent.
69. Unsaturated Solution- A solution that is capable of dissolving additional solute.
70. Concentration- A quantitative measure of the amount of solute in a solution.
71. Mole- The amount of an pure substance that contains as many atoms, molecules,
ions, or other elementary units as the number of atoms in 12 grams of Carbon-12.
72. Molarity- A unit of concentration equal to the number of moles of a solute per
liter of solution.
73. Semipermeable membrane- A membrane that allows only the passage of
molecules small enough to fit through its submicroscopic pores.
74. Osmosis- The diffusion of water or some other fluid through a semipermeable
membrane from a solution with a low concentration or solutes to a solution with a
higher concentration of solutes.
75. Reverse Osmosis- A technique for purifying water by forcing it through a
semipermeable membrane.
76. Valence shell- the outermost occupied shell of an atom
77. Electron-dot structure- a shorthand notation of the shell model of the atom
78. Nonbonding pairs- two paired valence electrons that tend not to participate in a
chemical bond
79. Ion- an electrically charged particle created when an atom either loses or gains
one or more electrons
80. Polyatomic ion- an ionically charged molecule
81. Ionic bond- a chemical bond in which an attractive electric force holds ions of
opposite charge together
82. Ionic compound- any chemical compound containing ions
83. Covalent bond- a chemical bond in which atoms are held together by their
mutual attraction for two or more electrons they share
84. Covalent compound- an element or chemical compound in which atoms are held
together by covalent bonds
85. Molecule- a group of atoms held tightly together by covalent bonds
86. Dipole- a separation of charge that occurs in a chemical bond because of
differences in the electronegativities of the bonded atoms.
87. Electronegativity- the ability of an atom to attract a bonding pair of electrons to
itself when bonded to another atom
88. Nonpolar- said of a chemical bond that has no dipole
89. Polar- said of a chemical bond that has a dipole
90. Hydrogen bond- a strong dipole
91. Induced dipole- a dipole temporarily created in an otherwise nonpolar molecule,
induced by a neighboring charge
92. Solubility- the ability of a solute to dissolve in a given solvent
93. Soluble- capable of dissolving to an appreciable extent in a given solvent
94. Insoluble- not capable of dissolving to any appreciable extent in a given solvent
95. Precipitate- a solute that has come out of a solution
96. Hard water- water containing large amounts of calcium and magnesium ions
97. Reaction rate- a measure of how quickly the concentration of products in a
chemical reaction increases or the concentration of reactants decreases
98. Activation energy- the minimum energy required in order for a chemical reaction
to proceed
99. Catalyst- any substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without
itself being consumed by the reaction
Exothermic- a term that describes a chemical reaction in which there is a
net release of energy
Endothermic- a term that describes a chemical reaction in which there is
a net absorption of energy
Bond energy- the amount of energy that is either absorbed as a chemical
bond breaks or is released as a chemical bond forms
Formula mass- the sum of the atomic masses of the atoms in a chemical
compound or element
Avogadro’s number- the number of particles- 6.02 X 1023 -containing in
1 mole of anything
Molar mass- the mass of 1 mole of a substance
Acid- donates a hydrogen ion
Base- accepts a hydrogen ion
Hydronium ion- a water molecule after accepting a hydrogen ion
Hydroxide ion- a water molecule after loosing a hydrogen ion
Salt- an ionic compound formed from the reaction between an acid and a
Neutralization- a reaction in which an acid and base combine to form a
Amphoteric- a description of a substance that can behave either as an acid
or as a base
Acidic solution- a solution in which the hydronium-ion concentration is
higher than the hydroxide-ion concentration
Basic solution- a solution in which the hydroxide-ion concentration is
higher than the hydronium-ion concentration
Neutral solution- a solution in which the hydronium-ion concentration is
equal to the hydroxide-ion concentration
pH- a measure of the acidity of a solution, equal to the negative of the
base-10 logarithm of the hydronium-ion concentration
Buffer solution- A solution that resists large changes in pH.
Oxidation- The process whereby a reactant loses one or more electrons.
Reduction- The process whereby a reactant gains one or more electrons.
Half reaction – One proportion of an oxidation-reduction reaction,
represented by an equation showing electrons as either reactants or products.
Electrochemistry- The branch of chemistry concerned with the
relationship between electrical energy and chemical change.
Electrode- Any material that conducts electrons into or out of a medium
in which electrochemical reactions are occurring.
Cathode- the electrode where reduction occurs.
Anode- The electrode where oxidation occurs.
Electrolysis- The use of electrical energy to produce chemical change.
Corrosion – The deterioration of a metal, to produce chemical change.
Combustion- An exothermic oxidation-reduction reaction between a
nonmetallic material and molecular oxygen.
Organic chemistry- The study of carbon-containing compounds.
Hydrocarbon- A chemical compound containing only carbon and
hydrogen atoms.
Structural isomers- Molecules that have the same molecular formula but
different chemical structures.
Conformation- One of the possible spatial orientations of a molecule.
Saturated Hydrocarbon- A hydrocarbon containing no multiple covalent
bonds, with each carbon atom bonded to four other atoms.
Unsaturated Hydrocarbon- A hydrocarbon containing at least one
multiple covalent bond.
Aromatic Compound- Any organic molecule containing a benzene ring.
Heteroatom- Any atom other than carbon or hydrogen in an organic
Functional Group- A specific combination of atoms that behaves as a
unit in an organic molecule.
Alcohol- An organic molecule that contains a hydroxyl group bonded to a
saturated carbon.
Phenol- An organic molecule in which a hydroxyl group is bonded to a
benzene ring.
Ether- An organic molecule containing an oxygen atom bonded to two
carbon atoms.
Amine- An organic molecule containing a nitrogen atom bonded to one or
more saturated carbon atoms.
Carbonyl Group- A carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom;
found in ketones, aldehydes, amides, carboxylic acids, and esters.
Ketone- An organic molecule containing a carbonyl group, the carbon of
which is bonded to two carbon atoms.
Aldehyde- An organic molecule containing a carbonyl group, the carbon
of which is bonded either to one carbon atom and one hydrogen atom or two
hydrogen atoms.
Amide- An organic molecule containing a carbonyl group, the carbon of
which is bonded to a nitrogen atom.
Carboxylic Acid- An organic molecule containing a carbonyl group, the
carbon of which is bonded to a hydroxyl group.
Ester- An organic molecule containing a carbonyl group, the carbon of
which is bonded to one carbon atom and one oxygen atom bonded to another
carbon atom.
Polymer- A long organic molecule made of many repeating unites.
Monomers- The small molecular unites form which a polymer is formed.
Addition Polymer- A polymer formed by the joining together of
monomer units with no atoms being lost as the polymer forms.
Condensation Polymer- A polymer formed by the joining together of
monomer units accompanied by the loss of small molecules, such as water.