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Humanities - Connelly
Renaissance Exam Information Please consolidate the “French Neoclassic Ideals” and the “Music terms chap 18”
handouts into two pages (front and back if needed). They’re found here on my
faculty web page. You may use these two pages and your chapter outlines on the
Renaissance Review What does Verisimilitude mean?
How many acts must a Neoclassic play have?
What country is associated with Neoclassicism?
Did the Neoclassic playwright use ghosts in their plays? Why or why not?
What country is associated with the Elizabethan period?
How did Copernicus and Ptolemy differ in their views?
What did Gutenberg do that was so important?
How did the Church of England get started?
Name and describe the health crisis in Renaissance Europe.
Define “A Cappella”
What’s the difference between Monophonic and Polyphonic music? Which was invented in the Renaissance?
What is the name of palace that Louis XIV built?
What’s the difference between a virginal and a lute?
What does the word “Renaissance” mean?
What was the name of Shakespeare’s theatre?
What are the two theatrical stage types we discussed? How do they differ?
How did Humanism promote capitalism?
What three kinds of plays did Shakespeare write?
What were the Catholic Church’s tickets to heaven called? Paying a priest for salvation.
What was life like as a Catholic in Renaissance England?
What is an “aria”?
Make an argument for why we are still in the midst of the Renaissance.
Describe the character of Tartuffe.
How did the printing press help Martin Luther in his quest against the Catholic Church?
In what country was printing, gunpowder, and the magnetic compass invented?
What was the basic plot of Tartuffe?
Who wrote Tartuffe?
What is perspective? How is this associated with the Italian Renaissance theatre?
What was the “Intermezzi” and what part did it play in the beginning of opera?
What was the plague? What caused it? What were its effects on society and its economy?
What effect did capitalism have on renaissance society?
Why was Martin Luther important to us? What did he do?
What was the Reformation?
Why was Florence important in Renaissance Italy?
What are two of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous paintings.
What was the significance of Francesco Petrarch.
Who was Gutenberg and what effect did his invention have to the world?
Name a famous statue by Michelangelo.
What is Michelangelo’s most famous painting. Where is it located? A: Creation of Adam – Sistine Chapel
What was the Commedia Del Arte?
What is a lute, a virginal, and a canon?
Define Humanism
What culture invented printing, gunpowder, and the magnetic compass?
Define Perspective
What are “dynamics” in music?
Explain the difference in Polyphonic and Monophonic music.
Describe conditions in Elizabethan England.
Why was the church of England established?
What types of plays did Shakespeare write?
What was the name of Shakespeare’s theatre?
Why were plays put on in the daytime only?
Renaissance means “rebirth”. Rebirth of what?