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Chapter V:
Electrons in Atoms
BIG IDEA: The Atoms of Each __________ Have
a ________ Arrangement of ____________
Light & Quantized Energy
• Main Idea: Light, a form of ______________________
________________, has characteristics of both a ___________
and _____________.
• The _______ nature of _________________
Electromagnetic radiation, like ___________, travels as a
___________ but is _____________ and ______________
by ___________ in _________________ amounts.
The Atom &
Unanswered Questions
• Review: What did Rutherford’s nuclear model
• What did the nuclear model fail to explain?
The Atom &
Unanswered Questions
• Scientists continued to understand atomic
structure and the _____________ of __________.
Early 1900s: Observed that an element’s
______________ behavior is related to the
______________ of the __________ in its atoms.
Understanding the nature of _________ helped
scientists to better understand atomic
structure and the relationship between and
_________ and its ________________.
The Wave Nature of Light
• ______________ light is a form of
______________________ ________________.
• Form of ____________ that exhibits
______________ behavior as it travels
through ____________.
• Examples include: ______________,
________, ________ and _____________
Characteristics of Waves
• Main characteristics include:
_______________ ( ) - Shortest _____________
between ________ points on a ______________ wave.
______________ ( )- _____________ of waves to
pass a given point per __________ (______________).
Expressed in __________ ,__________________, or
SI unit = ______ wave per _______ or __________ (_____).
_______________ ( )- Wave’s ___________ from
___________ to ___________ or _____________.
Characteristics of Waves
Characteristics of Waves
• ________________ and ___________ do not
affect the ____________ of a wave.
• ______ electromagnetic waves (including visible
light) travel at a ___________ __________.
• ________ of _________ (__) = product of its
___________ and its ___________.
• c=
= 3.00 x 108 m/s
Characteristics of Waves
• __________ of all waves is the _________, but
waves can have different ____________ and
• Wavelength and frequency are ___________
• As one ___________, the other _________.
Characteristics of Waves
Both waves traveling at the same ________ but
have different ____________ and _______________.
Does either characteristic affect amplitude?
Electromagnetic Spectrum
• Sunlight (aka~ ______ ______) has a __________
range of ____________ and ________________.
• What is the visible spectrum of light?
Electromagnetic Spectrum
• Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM Spectrum)
• Includes all forms of electromagnetic
• Visible light is only a small portion of this
• Only differences between them is their
wavelengths and frequencies
Electromagnetic Spectrum
__________ increases with increasing ___________.
Which color has the greatest energy? Least?
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Practice Problems
Use the formula c = λν, where c = the speed of light (3.00 x
108 m/s), λ = the wavelength and ν = the frequency to change
from the frequency to the wavelength and vice versa.
• Also, state what type of electromagnetic radiation each
1. λ = 4.30 × 1010 m
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Practice Problems
Use the formula c = λν, where c = the speed of light (3.00 x
108 m/s), λ = the wavelength and ν = the frequency to change
from the frequency to the wavelength and vice versa.
• Also, state what type of electromagnetic radiation each
2. v = 3.73 × 109 Hz (also known as 1/s)
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Practice Problems
Use the formula c = λν, where c = the speed of light (3.00 x
108 m/s), λ = the wavelength and ν = the frequency to change
from the frequency to the wavelength and vice versa.
• Also, state what type of electromagnetic radiation each
3. λ = 575 nm
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Practice Problems
Use the formula c = λν, where c = the speed of light (3.00 x
108 m/s), λ = the wavelength and ν = the frequency to change
from the frequency to the wavelength and vice versa.
• Also, state what type of electromagnetic radiation each
2. v = 1.00 × 1017 Hz
The Particle Nature of Light
• ________ model of light _________ explain all
_________ of light.
German physicist, ________ __________, determined
that matter can ________ or _______ energy in
______, _________ amounts called ______________.
______________ is the ______________ amount of
_____________ that can be gained or lost by an ________.
Reason why when objects are heated, they give off
glowing heat.
Different __________ correspond to different
______________ and ___________________.
The Particle Nature of Light
• Planck proposed that the ___________ given off
by hot objects was ________________.
Showed relationship exists between the
____________ of a _______________ and the
__________________ of the given off ______________.
Known as __________ _____________
____________ = ______
_________ ____________ or gives off __________ in
multiples of ________.
The Particle Nature of Light
• ______ ________ of light could not explain the
________________ effect.
• Electrons, called ____________, given off
from a ___________ surface when _________
of a certain _____________ shines on the
The Particle Nature of Light
Ephoton = h ν
h = 6.626×10-34J·s
1. -
What is the energy of light with a frequency (ν) of 1.00 × 1017 1/s?
2. 2.
3. - is the energy of light with a wavelength (λ) of 4.30 × 10-7 m?
Dual Nature of Light
• ____________ proposed that light had a _________
__________ to explain the photoelectric effect.
Beam of light has _________ and _____________ properties.
Beam of light = beam of bundles of _______ called
Photon is _________ particle that carries a ___________
of ___________.
________ = ______
Where else have you seen a similar equation?
Dual Nature of Light
Practice Problems
Ephoton = h ν
h = 6.626×10 J·s
What is the energy of light with a frequency (ν) of 1.00 × 1017 1/s?
hat is the energy of light with a frequency (ν) of 1.00 × 1017 1/s?
2. isWhat
is theofenergy
with a wavelength
(λ)-7 m?
of 4.30
the energy
light with
(λ) of 4.30 × 10
hat is the frequency (ν) of light with energy of 3.21 × 10-9 J?
× 10-7 m?
What is the frequency (ν) of light with energy of 3.21 × 10-9 J?
What is the energy of light with a wavelength (λ) of 4.30 × 10
Practice Problems
Ephoton = h ν
h = 6.626×10 J·s
What is the frequency (ν) of light with energy of 3.21 × 10-9 J?
hat is the energy of light with a frequency (ν) of 1.00 × 1017 1/s? What
is the
(λ) of light
the energy
of wavelength
light with a wavelength
(λ) with
of 4.30
× 10-7 of
hat is the frequency (ν) of light with energy of 3.21 × 10-9 J?
× 10-20 J?
Atomic (Line Emission) Spectra
• Ever wondered how light is produced in the glowing
tubes of neon signs?
Atomic (Line Emission) Spectra
• If light given off by neon is passed through a ______,
the _______ _________ ________ of neon is produced.
• Atomic emission spectrum of an element is the set
of ____________ of the _________________________
_________ given off by __________ of the element.
Each element’s atomic emission spectrum is __________ and
can be used to _____________ an unknown element.
What type of property is this?
Atomic or Line Emission Spectra
The purple light emitted by hydrogen can be separated into its different components using a pris
Hydrogen has an atomic emission spectrum that comprises four lines of different wavelengths
Atomic (Line Emission) Spectra
Purple light given off by hydrogen can be _______________ into its
different ____________ using a _________.
the that
an atomic Theory
emission and
comprises ______
lines of different _______________ (responsible for the _________).
Quantum Theory & the Atom
Main Idea: ___________ properties of electrons
help relate ___________ __________ ________,
________ ________ of atoms, and atomic ________.
Bohr’s Model of the Atom
• Dual _______________ behavior of light did not
explain relationship among atomic __________,
________, and _________ _________ _________.
• ________ _________proposed atoms could only
exist in certain ___________.
The ___________ energy state of an atom is the
__________ state.
When an atom _______ ____________, it moves to
an ___________ state.
Bohr’s Model of the Atom
• Bohr also suggested that ___________ only
________ around the nucleus in certain
___________ ____________.
• _______ orbit = _________ energy state or
• ___________ orbit = ____________ energy
state / level.
Bohr’s Model of the Atom
• In __________ state, the ____________ is
associated with the ____________ energy level..
• When the atom is in the __________ state, the
________ is associated with a _____ energy level.
Energy States of Hydrogen
• Bohr assigned a ________ (n) to each orbit.
Known as ___________ number.
For the orbit closest to nucleus, ____; For the second orbit, ____.
Bohr’s hydrogen atom can have many ___________ excited states.
Hydrogen Line Spectrum
Bohr suggested hydrogen atom is in ________
state when its single ________ is in the ____ orbit.
When _______ is added, ___________ moves to a
__________ energy level (ie ~ n = 2).
Does not radiate ___________,
Raises atom to an ___________ state.
In an _________ state, ____________ can drop
back down to a __________ energy orbit.
Atom gives off a _______ equal to ________ ____________
between the _______ levels.
Hydrogen Line Spectrum
When an _________ drops from a _______-energy
orbit to a ______-energy orbit, a _____ is given off.
Hydrogen Line Spectrum
Only certain ________
_______ are allowed for _____.
Similar to rungs on a
________ of hydrogen can
only move from one _______
to another.
Energy ________ are not
________ spaced.
Atomic Emission Spectra of
_______ visible lines correspond to
________ dropping from a higher
n to the orbit n = 2.
As n ________, the hydrogen
atom’s energy ________ are
_________ to reach each other.
Remember your visible color
Which color gives off the
greatest amount of energy?
Quantum Mechanical Model
of the Atom
• If waves can have ___________ behavior, could
particles of matter (________) behave as _____?
• Atomic model in which ___________ are
treated as __________ is called the ___________
________________ model of the atom.
______ an electron’s ______ to certain values.
• Does not attempt to describe an electron’s
______ around a ___________.
Quantum Mechanical Model
of the Atom
• ______ _______ predicts a ____ region around
the _______ called an _______ _________.
• Describes _________ ___________ location.
• Similar to a “_______ ________”.
• _________ at a given point is ____________
to the ____________ of finding the
electron at that point.
Density Map: Electron’s Probable Location
Atomic Orbitals
• Quantum mechanical model assigns ________
________ numbers to _________ ___________.
_________ ________ __________ (___) is the first.
Indicates the relative _____ and ______ of atomic orbitals.
As n increases:
The _____________ becomes ________________
The __________ spends more __________ farther from
the _____________
The atom’s ____________ ____________
Atomic Orbitals: Principal
Quantum Number
• Principal quantum number (n)
• n specifies the atom’s ______ ________ levels.
• Each major energy level is called a ___________
energy level.
• ____________ assigned a principal
___________ number of ______.
• n values range from _____ to _____
Atomic Orbitals: Energy
• Principal energy levels contain energy ________.
• Energy level _ = _ sublevel; _____; _____; etc.
• __________ of energy sublevels in a principal
energy level ________ as n _____________.
• Energy sublevels are labeled ___, ____, ____, ___
• Depends on ______ of atom’s orbitals.
Atomic Orbitals: Shapes of
• All ___ orbitals are _________
• Their ______ increases with increasing
_________ ________ ___________.
Atomic Orbitals: Shapes of
• ____ orbitals are _________________-shaped
• Orient along the ___, ___, and ___ axes.
Atomic Orbitals: Shapes of
• Four of five ___ orbitals have same ______
but lie in different ________
• _______ orbital has its own ________ shape.
Atomic Orbitals: Shapes of
• ________ energy ________ in ________
energy level ____ = ________ ________ ____.
• ________ energy sublevels in principal energy
level _____ are designated ______ and _____.
• Principal energy sublevel _____ consists of
_______ sublevels designated ___, ___, and
First Four Energy Levels
______ of orbitals related to each sublevel is an ______number.
_____________ number of _________ related to each principal
energy level equals ________
Electron Configuration
Main Idea: A set of _______ rules can be used to
determine electron _____________ in an ________.
Ground-State Electron
• _____________ of electrons in an atom is called
__________ _______________.
• ___________ in an atom assume the
________________ that gives the atom the
__________ ______________ possible.
• _______-_________ electron configuration is
the most ________, lowest ___________
arrangement of electrons.
Ground-State Electron
• _______ rules / principles define the how
_________ can be arranged in an atom’s ______.
• _________ principle
• ________ ___________ principle
• __________ rule
Au&au Principle
• Each electron occupies the _______ energy
orbital _______.
• Determine the ________ _________ by
knowing the ___________ of of atomic
orbitals from __________ to _____________
Au&au Principle
starts at this energy
can hold this many
Sample electron configuration
• Each ______ represents an ______ ___________.
F: 1s2, 2s2, 2p5
Au&au Principle
F (__ electrons):
Na ( __ electrons):
Cr ( __ electrons):
Mo ( __ electrons):
From the Periodic Table
the the
to get
of the
to get
of orbitals.
• Use
Au&au Principle
K (__ electrons):
Ta ( __ electrons):
Ag ( __ electrons):
Cm ( __ electrons):
Using the Periodic Table to get the order of the orbitals
Pauli Exclusion Principle
• Electron _________ can be represented by
___________ in ___________.
• Arrows in boxes = __________ in __________.
• Each ___________ has an associated ________.
• Can spin in ________ directions.
• Arrow _______ = ________ direction
• Arrow _________ = ___________ direction
Pauli Exclusion Principle
• Pauli exclusion principle states that a
maximum of _______ electrons can occupy a
single _________ __________.
• Electrons have to have __________ spins.
Hund’s Rule
• Hund’s rule states that _______ electrons with
the _______ spin must occupy each __________________ orbital before electrons with
______________ spins can be __________ to the
same orbital.
Electron Arrangement
• An atom’s electron configuration can be
represented multiple ways.
• - Electron configuration notation (already seen)
Electron Arrangement:
Noble Gas Configurations
• Represents electron configurations of noble gasses.
• Uses ______ symbols
Electron Arrangement:
Noble Gas Configurations
• Used to shorten electron configurations.
• Na =
• Na =
Electron Arrangement:
Noble Gas Configurations
• As (__ electrons):
• Zr ( __ electrons):
• Eu ( __ electrons):
• P ( __ electrons):
Electron Arrangement:
Orbital Diagrams
• Electrons in _________ represented by
__________ in ________.
• Each box labeled with _________ quantum
number and _________.
• C=
Electron Arrangement:
Orbital Diagrams
Electron Arrangement:
Orbital Diagrams
• Y (__ electrons):
• Pb ( __ electrons):
• Dy ( __ electrons):
• Fe ( __ electrons):
Electron Arrangement:
Valence Electrons
• Valence electrons defined as the electrons in an
atom’s __________ orbitals (highest energy
levels ___ &____).
• Mostly determine the _____________
properties of an atom.
Electron Arrangement:
Valence Electrons
• Number of ___________ electrons of an atom =
_________ number in which the atom is located
Electron Arrangement:
Valence Electrons
• Number of valence electrons of an atom =
column number in which the atom is located
Electron Arrangement:
Electron Dot Structures
• Used to represent __________ electrons in an
• Consists of element’s ________ and _______.
• Each _______ refers to a ________ electron.
• N=
Electron Arrangement:
Electron Dot Structures
• Li (column __):
• B (column __):
• O (column __):
• Cl (column __):
• Mg (column __):