Download 7/2002 - Magihelena

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by HelenA
Certified Assistant Magi Astrologer
Traditional and Magi AstrologyF
Local Classes, Readings, Parties and Special Events - Worldwide taped Readings by phone
7/21/02-- Many thank yous to all of you who sent me the glowing recommendations and testimonials-- If you haven't
already done so, will you take a moment to send me a brief quote or testimonial that I may use on my new Astrology website if
I have read for you in person, by phone, or electronically in the past few years? All personal information and identities will be
kept strictly confidential.
Full Moon is 7/24 at 2:07 am PDT. Happy Birthday Ian!! Jupiter, Sun, Mercury and Mars all widely conjunct, with the
latter 3 quincunx Chiron should make it a busy and chatty Full Moon, but not the best day to consummate new love with Venus
square Pluto in geo and contraparallel Uranus in helio. Do be careful to avoid arguments- it's easy to fight this Full Moon. A
quadruple parallel of the conjunct planets in geo make this a 4-planet eclipse.
The Sun-Mars parallel that's been causing lots of disputes and rude gestures while driving ends 7/28, but a Sun-Mars
conjunction continues until 8/10. Take lots of deep breaths and choose your battles with care.
I continue to invite you to visit my website: It's filled with information about personal growth,
spirituality, women's issues (men's too!) and support groups. . I'd love to hear your feedback too- e-mail me at
[email protected].
Noteworthy Magi Days: (These are days whose planetary patterns suggest strong general tendencies for one and all.)
7/23- Argumentative day- work hard to keep the peace. 8/5- An afternoon for fabulous lovemaking. 8/9 all day thru 8/10
midday- a dangerous time for relationships, take care. 8/15- A romantic day all day. For more information about Magi
Astrology-- check out their website:
New Moon is 8/8 at 12:15 pm PDT. Sun, Moon and Mars all conjunct within one degree trine/sextile the Nodes, and
also in trine with Pluto could well create a passionate but emotionally turbulent lunar month. Jupiter in an applying quincunx to
Chiron eases things up by adding a nice, comfortable dimension.
As you have requested, once again: The best (and worst) times to get a haircut-- The simplest rules are:
1. Avoid times when the Moon is Void of Course.
2. To promote fast growth, cut when the Moon is increasing from New to Full.
3. To slow growth and prolong your haircut, cut when the Moon is decreasing from Full to New.
4. Your stylist will have the steadiest hands (and you will get the most predictable results) when the Moon is in the fixed signs
of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius- Aquarius being best.
5. Second best are times when the Moon is in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn- Libra being best.
6. You'll have the most "surprises" when the Moon is in the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces, with Virgo
being least problematic.
7. Color and other beautification procedures turn out best when the Moon is in Libra, Taurus, or Aquarius.
Do remember to think of me when planning parties or special events in the Los Angeles and Ventura County areas.
In these settings, my individual or couples readings last 8-10 minutes, and there's always a long line or waiting list- guests just
love it!!
Remember, Moon Void is not a good time to attempt anything important-- Moon Void times for the next 30 days
lasting an hour or more during the business day (more or less) are ..... 7/26 4:47 am- 9:04 am PDT, 8/2 3:58 pm- 8:46
pm PDT, 8/9 6:36 am- 11:03 am PDT, 8/13 8:11 am- 1:01 pm PDT, 8/15 11:13 am- 4:25 pm PDT, and 8/19 1:13 pm- 8/20
6:16 am PDT. Don't forget to adjust for your time zone, and that the Moon is also void other days and times and/or for shorter
Please e-mail me with any questions you would like to see addressed in future issues-- if you or anyone you know
might like to receive StarGazer, send me their e-address-- and as always, I appreciate your referrals ---I continue send out my vision for all of us, and invite you to hold it with me- a vision for all Beings of all
Universes--- of Peace and Compassion, Love and Light. May it be so- with every thought we think, every word we
speak, and every action we take- may we all choose to co-create Paradise.
Starlight Blessings and much Love,
2002- 2003 HelenA
870-S Hampshire Road Westlake Village, CA 91361
in the Water Court
(805) 496-3308
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