Download Testing via Matters For Health When seeing Sarah for Nutritional

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Testing via Matters For Health
When seeing Sarah for Nutritional Therapy she may suggest functional tests. This enables a
more targeted approach for your programme. The majority of the tests we provide are looking
to identify issues that can be resolved. Your nutrition programme will be designed to correct
or address these issues. Costs for testing will be discussed and is payable separately,
however test interpretation is included in the consultation fee (with exception of the ONE test
and 23&ME test).
Food Intolerance test – IgG Antibody test
The ‘IgG blood test’ is a highly respected intolerance and sensitivity blood test. It measures a vast list
of common foods purely as intolerance. This measures the response from your immune system to the
foods, which maybe contributing to your symptoms. It requires a blood finger prick test.
Hormonal profiles:
Female Hormone Profile
Menopause Plus Profile
Oestrogen Metabolism Assessment
The ONE test:
The ONE profile will highlight any individual nutritional recommendations for protective Anti-Oxidants,
B-Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids.
This unique profile requires only one first morning urine sample with easy at-home collection
Adrenal stress Test
The body is equipped with two vital structures that reside just above the kidneys – the adrenal glands.
The adrenal glands are the “stress glands” of the body, allowing the body to respond adequately to
any stress that it encounters. When any stress is encountered, the adrenal glands release adrenalin
to put the body into a “fight or flight” response. In addition to manufacturing adrenalin for stress
response, the adrenals also manufacture aldosterone (a hormone for regulating salt levels in the
body), cortisol (a stress hormone for regulating sugar levels in the body), and androgens (secondary
sex hormones). The adrenals are busy factories that can easily become fatigued. When they fatigue,
many health conditions can occur.
This test also includes the following measurements:
1 Insulin – fasting and non-fasting. Evaluates glycemic control and helps rule out insulin resistance
2 17-OH Progesterone – Major pre-cursor of cortisol. Helps determine the cause of low cortisol
3 Total salivary Secretory IgA – Evaluates the impact of stress on the immune system.
4 Gliandin Antibodies – Indicator of subclinical gluten intolerance, a contributor to gut inflammation
and stress.
Gastrointestinal test
This test is looking at bacterias, yeasts (Candida), parasites, worms, digestive enzyme production
markers and inflammation in the small and large intestine. It also includes testing you for reaction to
gluten, soy, egg and dairy.
Why might you have this test?
This profile is recommended for clients with gastrointestinal-related symptoms, such as indigestion,
dysbiosis, bloating, abdominal pain, gas, IBS and diarrhea. It is also recommended for clients whom
have rheumatoid arthritis, fatigue, poor skin or skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, regular use
of anti-biotics, chrons disease, ulcerative colitis, suffering with allergies or intolerances. This test is
carried out by a stool and saliva sample.
The Organic Acids Test (OATS) Urine contains a great number of waste products from the body and
by analysing these one can learn an awful lot about what is going on in the internal workings of the
body. For example, the grouping together of twenty nine different measures of amino acids and waste
products gives one a good idea about antioxidant status. Looking at fourteen other organic acids
gives one a handle on mineral status. B6 status can be determined by looking at levels of sixteen
different substances. So, through one test one can get a handle on antioxidants, minerals, B vitamins,
protein malabsorption and maldigestion, bacterial dysbiosis, yeast fungal dysbiosis, nitrogen balance,
detoxification ability, methylation ability, oxidative stress, neurotransmitter balance, markers of
malabsorption and dysbiosis, markers of cellular energy and mitochondrial metabolites (from
glycolosis, citric acid cycle, ketones and fatty acids), and organic acids for co-factor needs. A profile of
73 organic acids (including 20 microbial organic acids). This is a simple urine test
MOATS (organic acid and microbial test)
The Microbial Organic Acids Test (MOAT) is included in the Organic Acids Test (OAT) and indicates
the metabolites produced by yeast and bacteria. This test reports 21 components (including
Creatinine) such as markers for beneficial bacteria, harmful bacteria, Clostridia species, Candida
species, yeast and fungal metabolites, and general markers of dysbiosis. The MOAT is ideal for
follow-up to the OAT and may be recommended by practitioners looking for a specific abnormality, to
monitor certain microbial balances, or to assess treatment efficacy. It is recommend that the OAT is
used as the initial screening test. Early morning urine sample
Mitochondria test
This blood test combines several tests, which together assess mitochondrial function and identify
where the problem lies with energy production. Mitochondrial function profile is made up of the
following individual tests: ATP profiles; NAD (functional Vitamin B3); SODase (anti-oxidant profile);Lcarnitine; Cell-free DNA.
Intestinal Permeability profile (leaky gut)
A urine test used to assess the permeability of the gut wall (leaky gut syndrome). This can be
associated with the development of food sensitivities and candida infections, malabsorption of
nutrients, in addition to a build up of potentially damaging toxins. Some symptoms as to why you may
consider this test:
allergies or intolerances, bacterias/parasites present in the gut, bloating, gas, digestive pains,
headaches/migraines, skin irritations like eczema, mood disorders. This is a urine test.
Vitamin and mineral profile
This is a Blood test to measure levels of vitamins and minerals. A good way to check overall mineral
‘store’ levels and vitamins. Sarah recommends red blood cell levels for checking magnesium. This is
a blood test
A comprehensive screen of blood hormone levels with tests of thyroid function. Includes the following:
Free T4
Free T3
Thyroid antibodies
The above is via a blood test
Vitamin D
This is a blood test. Many people are low in Vitamin D
Sarah can also take a look at any blood results you have had taken from your GP. The above
list does not include every test Sarah can offer. For more in depth information on tests then go
to or call Sarah to discuss in more detail
07702 402302
Sarah Wragg BSc (Hons) Nutritional Therapy