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Organic Chemistry
What is the central element in organic
How many valence electrons does C have?
• 4
How many bonds can it form?
• 4…….{single, double, triple}
What shapes can the bonds make?
• Straight chain, branched chain, rings
Organic Chemistry
What are macromolecules?
• Compounds made of tens, hundreds, even
thousands of carbon atoms
• i.e. proteins
What is a polymer?
• Large molecules made by many smaller
molecules bonding together
• Lots of times polymers make the
Organic Chemistry
What is the advantage of all
the shapes?
• It makes a huge number of
carbon structures
What is an isomer?
• 2 compounds with the same
formula, but different
chemical structure
i.e. glucose and fructose
Organic Chemistry
How do the smaller units bond together?
• Condensation (form water then remove it)
How do you separate the smaller units?
• Hydrolysis (water inserted then split apart)
The Organic Compounds
Nucleic Acids
Elements: C, H, O in a 1:2:1 ratio
Function: quick energy source
Types: 1- Monosaccharide (Simple Reducing Sugars)
- most basic carbohydrate
- i.e. glucose, fructose
2- Disaccharide
- made by bonding of 2 “mono’s”
- i.e. sucrose (table sugar)
Largest 3- Polysaccharide (Complex Carbohydrates)
i.e. STARCH food storage in plants (plant starch)
GLYCOGEN animal food storage (animal starch)
Cellulose makes cell wall in plants
a.k.a. “Building Blocks of Life”
Elements: C,H,O,N& sometimes S
Function: 1- provide structure for tissues (build
muscle, hair, nails)
2- Homeostasis: carry out metabolism
General Info:
- proteins are polymers connected via peptide bonds
- made by chain of smaller units called amino acids
- Chains can have any combination of the 20 different
amino acids.
- Main sources: meat, fish, eggs, milk, beans, peas
Elements: glycerol with 3 fatty acids
Function: 1- long term energy storage
2- insulation
3- used to make cell membranes
General Info:
- a.k.a. fats and oils
- very important for bodies to work properly
- Nonpolar therefore not soluble in water
- Examples (triglycerides, phospholipids, cholesterol)
Nucleic Acids
Elements: C, H, O, N, P
Function: 1- cellular code with instructions
General Info:
- Nucleic acids are polymers
- Made by chain of smaller units called nucleotides
- Nucelotide has 3 parts: 1- nitrogen base
2- phosphate group
3- sugar**
**the sugar determines what type of nucleic acid
If the sugar is “deoxyribose”’ then….
If the sugar is “ribose”’ then….
Deoxyribonucelic acid (DNA)
Ribonucelic acid (RNA)
- master copy of organisms cellular code
- Has the info on HOW to make proteins, but
does NOT make them
- i.e. Blueprints
- will copy DNA info and then build the
- i.e. contractor