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Completion questions for the topic the Renaissance. Make certain to answer on your
answer sheet, only. Thanks. Be certain to write the following information in the box
provided on your Scantron: Your Name (neatly and completely)- Your cubby number- the
1. This Renaissance painter, sculptor, and architect lived from 1475-1564. He was
responsible for the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, the Pieta, and the dome on St Peter’s
2. This cataclysmic (spread by cats?) event represents perhaps the greatest natural
disaster in world history, costing Europe upwards of 40% of its population.
3. This series of wars between England and France lasted from 1337-1453 and dealt a
fatal blow to Medieval idea of warfare.
4. This Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, and general genius lived from
1452-1519. He was responsible for such works of art as the Mona Lisa, the Last Supper,
designs for tanks and submarines.
5. This Italian Renaissance painter (1483-1520) was responsible for such works as The
Sistine Madonna and The School of Athens.
6. This Northern Renaissance painter and sculptor was German although he moved
around Europe learning as many new art techniques as he could. He lived from 14711528 and was responsible for the Praying Hands, wood cuts of Martin Luther, and the
development of multiple vanishing points.
7. This term describes the period lasting from 1374-1527. It featured a break from the
Medieval Period’s concern with the after life, the Church, and local affairs. This period
can be called the beginning of the Modern Western World. It began in Italy and spread to
Northern Europe.
8. This hallmark of the Renaissance featured a concern with the here and now. It
encourage materialism, a love of pleasure, consumption of goods, and an attitude far
different from the Medieval Past.
9. This hallmark of the Renaissance stressed personality, genius, uniqueness, and the
fullest development of one’s capabilities and talents.
10. Characteristics of this Renaissance hallmark include the attempt to recreate as
much of the Classical world as possible. The writings, statutes, architecture, science,
philosophy of the Ancient World were copied. An attempt was made to save and
reproduce everything from the period before the Middle Ages.
11. This artistic development from the Renaissance gave figures in paintings the
appearance of proper size.
12. He was the Italian Renaissance writer whom we described as a doorway figure
between the Renaissance and the Middle Ages. He lived from 1265-1321 and wrote The
Divine Comedy.
13. This Italian Renaissance writer was known as the “Father of Humanism” because of
his love of things Greek and Roman. He lived from 1304-1374 and was the author of 366
sonnets and many letters to such important Romans as Cicero, Vergil, Augustine, and
14. This term was described by my dad (James Burke) in the video Masters of Illusion.
There were several ways to achieve this art technique. Among these were point of view,
anamorphic, atmospheric, and vanishing point.
15. This Italian humanist writer lived from 1313 to 1375. He is famous for his
vernacular writing. His most famous work is Decameron (bubas).
16. This is the name given to the process, used extensively in the Renaissance, where
paint was applied to wet plaster. Prime examples of this process can be found in such
works as The Last Supper and The Last Judgment.
17. He led the Ottoman Empire from 1520 until his death in 1566. The Ottoman Empire
experienced a Golden Age during his rule. Among his policies were an encouragement of
art, literature, painting, and architecture. He was a very tolerant ruler. He also helped
the Ottoman Empire expand to its greatest size.
18. This term describes the dominant theme of the Renaissance. It emphasized human
beings, their achievements, interests, and capabilities.
19. This was the name given to the private chapel of the Pope. It contains some of the
greatest works of art to be found in the Western World, including works by Raphael,
Titian, and Michelangelo.
20. He was the conqueror of Constantinople.
21. When (the year) did #20 conquered Constantinople?
22. He (1340-1400) was an English writer. He wrote a story about 30 pilgrims who went
on a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Thomas a’ Becket in his book Canterbury Tales.
23. This Renaissance architect (1377-1446) designed the dome on the cathedral at
Florence. He also developed linear perspective.
24. This Renaissance artists used the technique of linear perspective in such paintings
as The Trinity.
25, 26,27,28,29 Name the Big Five of Renaissance Italy.
30. This is the name given to the period when the pope lived in exile in Avignon, France
31. This is the name given to the period of Western History when there were two and
sometimes three people calling themselves Pope (1378-1417).
32. This English religious reformer attacked the political power and materialism of the
Church (d. 1384).
33. This Bohemian religious reformer did the same as 32 but paid for his temerity by
being burned at the stake in 1415.
34. This is the Italian Renaissance term for excellence.
35. True or False- Violence against women was common and generally tolerated during
the Renaissance.
36. True or False- Most marriages were arranged between families for the benefit of the
family itself. The personal wants of the husband and wife were secondary
37. Name the Swiss historian who coined the term Renaissance in 1860.
38. Living from 1369-1444, this Renaissance humanist studied under Chrysoloras, the
famous (you probably discussed him at lunch on Friday) Greek scholar. He is most
famous for his admiration of Cicero and the writing of a Latin History of Florence.
39. Living from 1364-1431, this French humanist wrote one of the first examples of
feminist literature (The City of Ladies).
40. Living from 1474-1539, she is known as “First Lady of the World” due to her
exceptional diplomatic aplomb (ability).
Using “Machiavelli- would you buy a used car from this man?”as a basis, answer 41- 50
either true or false.
41. Florentines fought the French invasion of 1494 with great determination.
42. Savonarola was also known as “the painter’s friend”.
43. The Medici and the Machiavelli families were very close friends.
44. Machiavelli was a humanist.
45. Machiavelli thought that goodness was vital to the success of the Prince.
46. Cesare Borgia cut Ramiro in half because he hated him.
47. Machiavelli wrote comedy as well as books on political science.
48. Machiavelli was, at heart, a nationalist.
49. Machiavelli’s method was as important as his message.
50. Cronin felt Machiavelli was an evil man.
Take-home multiple choice questions. Use all of the resources you have. Images will be
especially useful for questions 12-15. Good Luck!
Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by five
suggested answers or completions. Select the one that is best in each case and then
write the answer on your answer sheet.
1. During the Renaissance, humanism contributed Least to which of the following?
a. Popularization of medieval legends
b. Renewed interest in original Greek and Roman manuscripts
c. Development of modern national languages
d. Promotion of liberal arts education
e. Refinements in social manners and personal habits
During the Renaissance, Italy
was administered by an consortium in Rome
enjoyed relative peace and tranquility
was under attack by Turkish warlords
was organized similarly to the Holy Roman Empire
was dominated by several powerful city-states
3. “To the enterprises of banking and trading they added silk and wool workshops in their
home town of Florence. When deposits of alum, necessary to fix dyes, were found at a
site near Rome, they entered into an agreement with the papacy and others to exploit
them, The entrepreneurs described here were from the ruling family of :
a. Charles V b. the Medicis
c. the Benedettis
d. the Borgias e. Pope Pius II
4. The northern Renaissance differed from the Italian Renaissance in its
a. emphasis on using the tools developed by Italian humanists to research religious topics
b. use of secular topics in the visual arts
c. belief that the artist was guided by God and had little to do with the merit of the work
d. concern with the here and now rather than the here after
e. greater appreciation of the writings of Vergil and Seneca
5. “A Prince should have only one end and one idea in mind, take only one subject for
study, and it is war, its science and discipline; for it is the only science that deals with
the ruler’s problems...(Success in war) not only maintains those born to princedoms but
often causes men of private origin to rise to that rank... The first cause of losing power
is the neglect of this art; the cause of winning power lies in its mastery.”
In writing the above passage, Machiavelli drew on his observations of
a. feudal warfare in medieval Europe
b. warfare among the Italian city-states, France, and Spain
c. sixteenth-century religious wars
d. warfare among the European colonial powers
e. warfare during the Crusades
6. Which of the following best describes the political and economic environment of much
of fifteenth-century Italy?
a) A few large states dominated by wealthy landed nobility
b) A strong unified Italian monarchy that patronized the arts
c) Many independent city-states with prosperous merchant oligarchies
d) Control of most of Italy by the pope, who encouraged mercantile
e) Support of the arts in Italy by the kings of France and the Holy
Roman emperors who were competing for political influence
7. Renaissance humanism drew its main inspiration from
a. religious piety
b. classical languages and literature
c. the curricula of medieval universities
d. political reforms of the Holy Roman Empire
e. the ideas of Dante’s Inferno
8. Jacob Burckhardt, author of The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, included all of
the following in his description of the Renaissance EXCEPT
a. This period shook off religious illusions and the institutional
restrictions of Medieval Society.
b. This period rediscovered the visible world.
c. This period was the culmination of trends found in the late Medieval
d. The birth place of the modern western world can be traced to the
e. Renaissance humanists rejected Scholasticism as being far too
narrow in scope
9. The Renaissance began in Italy for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
a. Italy featured an urban foundation left over from the Roman Empire.
b. The Italian monarchy sponsored many artists.
c. Italy was a center of the trade revival of the 14th Century.
d. Cultural diffusion with the Byzantine and Muslim Worlds encouraged
great cultural growth.
e. Great architectural wonders, left over from the Roman Empire,
provided inspiration for people of the Renaissance
10. The chief political entity of Italy during the Renaissance Period was the
a. nation state
c. country
b. Empire
d. city-state
e. feudal manor
11. All of the following could be found in Italy c.1450 EXCEPT
A. characteristics of modern diplomacy such as ambassadors and
diplomatic immunity.
b. a flourishing economic system based on trade and banking.
c. internal conflict between the various social classes.
d. a strong sense of nationalism among the majority of the people.
e. a network of sponsors and artists responsible for great works of art
12. According to Sherman, all of the following are important when using primary source
materials EXCEPT
a. you should try to think of every line of a written primary source as evidence
b. try to think of questions as you read a primary source
c. when you’ve finished reading the source, try to consider the source as a whole
d. be aware of several ways that you may be able to use the source to support a thesis
e. concentrate on a literal interpretation of the source, making certain not to read too
much into it
13. Each of the following is found in A Letter to Boccaccio: Literary Humanism EXCEPT
a. if the ideas of the ancients contradicted the teachings of the Church, the Church
must be correct since It spoke with the authority of God
b. learning should be the goal of everyone and continue throughout one’s life
c. a person can get to heaven even if he is educated
d. “letters” (literature) is as important to the mind as food is to the body
e. secular learning is every bit as important as religious learning
14. Which would not be considered a liberal art by Peter Paul Vergerio, the author of On
the Liberal Arts?
a. History b. Moral Philosophy
c. Eloquence
d. Law
e. Rhetoric
15. Which of the following best describes the thesis of The City of Ladies by Christine de
a. Thanks to her mother, Christine received an excellent education
b. Women are as capable of learning as men
c. Women should concentrate on fields like jurisprudence
d. Women should organized and violently oppose the oppression of the male dominated
Renaissance society
e. Women should help their husbands and fathers and forget about their own educations
16. The term “humanism ,” when applied to Renaissance Italy, refers primarily to the
a. renewed interest in the scientific method at many Italian universities
b. capitalist values advanced by leading Italian merchant bankers
c. anti religious movement among leading Italian intellectuals
d. scholarly interest in the study of the classical cultures of Greece and Rome
e. non-Christian themes that became prominent in Italian art and literature
17. Italian society differed from the rest of Europe during the Renaissance in which of
the following ways?
a. Strong traditions of kingship
b. Political unity centered on the papacy
c. Number of urban commercial centers
d. rapid pace of agricultural innovations
e. Matriarchal political leadership
18. A major impact of the Black Death (1348-1351) in European social life included which
of the following?
a. a period of increased creativity and spirituality in art
b. a revival of confidence in the Catholic Church
c. a successful overthrow of the social order
d. the decline of manorialism in Western Europe
e. the strengthening of family bonds
19. The new Monarchs of the 16th Century attempted to accomplish which of the
a. the reduction of war as an instrument of foreign policy
b. toleration of religious minorities in order to gain support
c. an alliance with the nobles to tame the independent towns
d. deference to the papacy in matters of public policy
e. the centralization of power and direction of armies
20 In which area did women experience the greatest increase in opportunities during the
Renaissance? a. education
b. religion c. politics d. art
e. philosophy
21. Which of the following developments stimulated the spread of humanism in Northern
a. The publication of Erasmus’ Praise of Folly
b. The creation of the Vulgate version of the Bible
c. Artistic patronage in Italy
d. The collapse of humanism in Italy
e. The French invasion of Italy
22. Political leaders in Renaissance Italy used such devices as permanent ambassadors
and the Treaty of Lodi in order to
a. unify their responses to the French Invasion of 1494
b. help the papacy combat the Ottoman Turks
c. create alliances and preserve a balance of power
d. unify Italy into a single nation-state under the control of the Medici
e. prevent the kingdom of Naples from being taken over by the king of Aragon
23. Which of the following would be least likely to be studied in an humanist school?
a. History b. Philosophy
c. Grammar
d. Rhetoric
e. Theology