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HELCOM candidate core indicator report for national consultation 30 April – 11 May 2015
With reference to doc. 4J-1 Rev 3. STATE-CONSERVATION 2-2015, Contracting Parties are requested to:
take note of the ongoing work and guide further development of the indicator report
Litter on the seafloor
Key message
No evaluation has been made, the indicator concept is still under development and availability of suitable
data for the indicator is still very scarce. It is not known how much litter exists on the seafloor in the different
regions of the Baltic Sea, and currently it is not possible to determine how the amounts have changed over
Relevance of the core indicator
Once litter is introduced in the marine environment it can be transported long distances by water currents,
and sink and accumulate on the seafloor far away from its original source. The negative impacts of litter that
is deposited on the seafloor are wide ranging including death of marine organisms (by entanglement and lack
of oxygen), smothering of other damage to habitats, and can also have socioeconomic impacts, and may pose
navigational hazards.
Policy relevance of the core indicator
Primary importance
Favourable conservations status of Baltic
Segment and
Sea biodiversity
10.1. Characteristics of litter in the marine
Descriptors and
and coastal environment
Other relevant legislation:
Secondary importance
Maritime activities: Towards a Baltic Sea with
environmentally friendly maritime activities
Influence on achieving GES of the criteria 10.2 - Impacts of
litter on marine life
Stefanie Werner1, Outi Setälä2, Jakob Strand3 & Marta Ruiz4
UBA - Federal Environment Agency, 2 SYKE - Finnish Environment Institute, 3 NERI - National Environmental Research
Institute, 4 HELCOM Secretariat
Cite this indicator
HELCOM [2015]. [Indicator name]. HELCOM core indicator report. Online. [Date Viewed], [Web link].
HELCOM candidate core indicator report for national consultation 30 April – 11 May 2015
With reference to doc. 4J-1 Rev 3. STATE-CONSERVATION 2-2015, Contracting Parties are requested to:
take note of the ongoing work and guide further development of the indicator report
Indicator concept
Environmental Target
No quantitative environmental target has been set for the indicator due to a low availability in long-term
monitoring data on beach litter. Currently the environmental target is defined as a downward trend.
Metrics are not yet available for evaluating most of the biological impacts that litter may have. In their
absence, the thresholds may be replaced by trends in pressure-related indicators (Galgani et al., 2013),
such as the amount, distribution and, where possible, composition of the litter on the seafloor to provide
proxies for evaluating progress towards GES.
The Baltic International Trawl Surveys (BITS) that could provide relevant and comparable data to the
indicators have only been carried out since 2012 and only cover the Baltic Sea area partially. To provide a
reliable baseline a minimum monitoring period of four to six years is necessary, which should be
independent from any following assessment periods. Given the variability of litter data, which is influenced
greatly by season, weather conditions and water currents, a 6-year running mean in line with the
requirements of the MSFD is considered appropriate to provide a baseline predict for trends in terms of an
average level of pollution.
Assessment protocol
Not yet developed
Relevance of the indicator
Policy Relevance
The environmental target to be achieved on litter on the seafloor in the HELCOM area is part of the 2013
HELCOM Ministerial Declaration (HELCOM, 2013) commitment to achieve a significant quantitative
reduction of marine litter by 2025, compared to 2015, and to prevent harm to the coastal and marine
environment. Such a target is to be reached through the implementation of the land-based, sea-based and
educational and outreach measures to be defined as part of the HELCOM Action Plan on Marine Litter
currently under development.
The 2013 HELCOM Ministerial Declaration (HELCOM 2013) agreed that a regional action plan on marine
litter should be developed by 2015 at the latest. Such an action plan should allow to develop common
indicators and associated targets related to quantities, composition, sources and pathway of marine litter,
and that where possible, the harmonized monitoring protocols based on the recommendations of the EU
Technical Group on Marine Litter will be used. In that sense, recommendations for sampling seafloor litter
(specifying shallow are deeper waters) are provided by the MSFD GES Technical Group on Marine Litter
(JRC, 2013) to contribute to the monitoring of litter in the marine environment according to the MSFD
requirements. Seabed litter is also a common and candidate indicator of the OSPAR area, as detailed in the
HELCOM candidate core indicator report for national consultation 30 April – 11 May 2015
With reference to doc. 4J-1 Rev 3. STATE-CONSERVATION 2-2015, Contracting Parties are requested to:
take note of the ongoing work and guide further development of the indicator report
recently adopted Regional Action Plan for Prevention and Management of Marine Litter in the North-East
Atlantic (OSPAR, 2014).
Effects of litter on the seafloor on the ecosystem
Litter on the seafloor can cause anoxia to the underlying sediments, which alters biogeochemistry and
benthic community structure (Goldber, 1994). Furthermore, litter may provide substrata for the
attachment of sessile biota in sedimentary environments and increase local diversity (Mordecai et al. 2011;
Moret-Ferguson et al., 2010; Pace et al., 2007) although this replaces existing species and leads to nonnatural alterations of faunal community composition (Bergmann & Klages, 2012). Considering plastics, the
main component of the marine litter, as they are heavy enough (part of fishing gear), colonized by bacteria
or loaded with sediments they sink to the seafloor (Thompson, 2006; Ye & Andrady, 1991) where they can
persist for centuries (Derraik, 2002), be ingested by organisms or cause ghost fishing for long periods . The
monitoring of seafloor litter is required to close the loop of marine litter monitoring in the aquatic
Fishing gear that has been lost, so called ghost nets, are a very special type of anthropogenic litter on the
seafloor. Ghost nets are known to continue fishing and can be considered as posing an especially large risk
to the environment compared to other types of litter. Static and bottom trawling fishing gear are known to
be frequently lost and/or discarded. Studies have estimated the total catch of cod by ghost nets to 3-906
tonnes during a 28 month study period, amounting to 0.01-3.2% of the total weight of reported and landed
cod catch from the same area and time period (Brown et al., 2005).
The types of gear lost and the reasons for the gear being lost is believed to differ regionally in the Baltic
Sea, however comprehensive statistics are currently not available. In 2011, WWF Poland together with
fishermen, scientists and divers conducted a pilot project financed by Baltic Sea 2020, with a view to work
out the methodology for net removal and carry out activities to clean the Polish territorial waters from
ghost nets. As a result 6 tonnes of ghost nets were retrieved from the Baltic during 24 days of actions at sea
– from sea bottom and two ship wrecks. In 2014 a ghost net project was conducted by the Ozeaneum
Stralsund, archeomare e.V., Drosos foundation and the WWF Germany on Rügen. Thereby divers removed
around 4 tonnes of ghost nets from 2 wrecks.
HELCOM candidate core indicator report for national consultation 30 April – 11 May 2015
With reference to doc. 4J-1 Rev 3. STATE-CONSERVATION 2-2015, Contracting Parties are requested to:
take note of the ongoing work and guide further development of the indicator report
Results and confidence
No results for the indicator are yet available. Some initial findings are presented below to provide a basis for
further work on the indicator concept.
In September 1996, an area of 22,224ha was sampled in the West Baltic Sea (no concrete coordinates given
in the publication), as part of a wider study. Sampling was conducted with trawling (opening: 10m; mesh in
the code end: 20mm). A mean concentration of total debris of 1.26 (±0.82 SD) per hectare was collected, of
which 0.45 (±0.29 SD) per hectare were plastics (Galgani et al., 2000).
Further results on marine litter on the seafloor are available from the annual Baltic International Trawl
Surveys (BITS) covering the whole Baltic Sea (with the exception of some deep areas) under the
coordination of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). A pilot study on litter on
seafloor by scuba diving was conducted by the city of Helsinki Environment Center in autumn 2014
(Majaneva & Suonpää 2014). In that study 0.2-0.5 litter items m-2 was found.
Globally, anthropogenic litter has been found to be pervasive in all marine environments. Litter has been
found in the deepest areas and at locations as remote from land as the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone across
the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, located at about 2,000 km from land and at depths of 7,216m in the Ryuku trench
south of Japan. In shallow coastal areas (<40m depth), the abundance of marine debris is generally much
greater than on the continental shelf or on the deep seafloor, with the exception of some accumulation zones
in the open sea (Katsanevakis, 2008).
Confidence of the indicator status evaluation
As no evaluation has yet been made, no current confidence evaluation is given.
The spatial cover of the data needs to be enhanced, since there are some areas in the Baltic Sea where regular
monitoring is not performed. This concerns especially the deep areas of the Baltic Sea which could function
as potential accumulation zones.
HELCOM candidate core indicator report for national consultation 30 April – 11 May 2015
With reference to doc. 4J-1 Rev 3. STATE-CONSERVATION 2-2015, Contracting Parties are requested to:
take note of the ongoing work and guide further development of the indicator report
Monitoring requirements
Monitoring methodology
Contracting Parties carry out monitoring activities that also allow for monitoring of litter on the seafloor
through the quantification and identification of the type of litter items found.
The methodology most commonly applied (by Denmark, Germany, Sweden and Lithuania) or planned for
application (e.g. in Poland) is an opportunistic monitoring, which uses existing fish stock assessment cruises
for seabed litter monitoring. The Baltic Sea cod stock has been monitored annually since 1982 through
bottom trawl surveys carried out by most countries surrounding the Baltic. The national research vessels
have each surveyed part of the area with some overlap in coverage and applied a depth stratified sampling
In Sweden an evaluation has been carried out to use a video-based method to monitor marine litter on
shallow seafloor (<20m). Finland has done a pilot study of the amounts of seafloor litter in the city of Helsinki.
Plans to continue these surveys in other cities are being made.
Harmonized monitoring methodology, as standard trawl gear and standard sampling procedures, were
implemented in 2000 through the Baltic International Trawl Surveys (BITS). The monitoring protocol is
derived from the IBTS /BITS protocols (see the protocol manual, ICES/IBTS, 2012). BITS is conducted as a
depth-stratified survey. All countries have a standard haul duration to 30 minutes (defined as the moment
when the vertical net opening and door spread are stable), using the same 36/47 GOV-trawl with 20mm
mesh nets and sampling at 3.5-4 knots between 0 and 200m depth (ICES/IBTS, 2012).
The BITS area does not cover the whole Baltic Sea, and in areas north of Bornholm no bottom trawling is
carried out, the reason for this simply being the difficulty of trawling in the area due to the topography of
the seafloor. BITS sampling grids are based on statistical rectangles of one degree longitude x 0.5 degree
latitude (30x30 nautical miles). Each rectangle is usually trawled by ships of two countries (two hauls per
rectangle) or a single country fishing more than once in the rectangle (Skagerrak and Kattegat, Sweden).
Description of optimal monitoring
Optimal monitoring should cover the seafloor of the Baltic Sea in a representative way. In the shallow coastal
monitoring areas could be selected close to sources, e.g. cities and waste water treatment plants, to provide
monitoring data that could show trends in amounts of litter on the seafloor with only limited time lag. In the
deep areas of the central Baltic Sea, monitoring areas could be selected to represent sites where litter is
accumulated over longer time-periods.
Current monitoring
None of the HELCOM Contracting Parties are currently carrying out monitoring with the expressed purpose
of following changes in amounts of litter on the seafloor, however litter is documented as part of other
monitoring activities.
HELCOM candidate core indicator report for national consultation 30 April – 11 May 2015
With reference to doc. 4J-1 Rev 3. STATE-CONSERVATION 2-2015, Contracting Parties are requested to:
take note of the ongoing work and guide further development of the indicator report
Denmark, Germany and Sweden carry out International Bottom Trawl Surveys (BITS) programme
coordinated by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), which since 2011, collects
data on marine litter captured in the GOV (Grande Ouverture Verticale) trawl in all North Sea IBTS surveys
(ICES, 2011).
Poland and Latvia have integrated seafloor litter monitoring in the national fish stock assessments.
“Fishing for litter” activities as applied in Poland and Germany give some additional insight about the
composition of seafloor litter, but cannot be regarded as a standardized monitoring method.
HELCOM candidate core indicator report for national consultation 30 April – 11 May 2015
With reference to doc. 4J-1 Rev 3. STATE-CONSERVATION 2-2015, Contracting Parties are requested to:
take note of the ongoing work and guide further development of the indicator report
Description of data and up-dating
Contracting Parties provided updated information on their seafloor litter monitoring activities to HELCOM
MONAS 20/2014. Such information is compiled in Annex 2 of the document 5-4 of the HELCOM MONAS
Quality assurance routine is developed by ICES and/or at national level.
Arrangements for up-dating the indicator
No proposal yet available.
HELCOM candidate core indicator report for national consultation 30 April – 11 May 2015
With reference to doc. 4J-1 Rev 3. STATE-CONSERVATION 2-2015, Contracting Parties are requested to:
take note of the ongoing work and guide further development of the indicator report
Publications and archive
Publications referred to in the indicator
Barnes D.K.A, Galgani F., Thompson R.C, Barlaz M. 2009. Accumulation and fragmentation of plastic debris in global
environments. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci 364: 1985–1998. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2008.0205.
Bergmann M., Klages M. 2012. Increase of litter at the Artic deep-sea observatory HAUSGARTEN. Marine Pollution
Bulletin, 64, 2734-2741.
Brown, J, G. Macfadyen, T. Huntington, J. Magnus and J. Tumilty (2005). Ghost Fishing by Lost Fishing Gear. Final Report
to DG Fisheries and Maritime Affairs of the European Commission. Fish/2004/20. Institute for European
Environmental Policy / Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd joint report.
Derraik J.G.B. 2002. The pollution of the marine environment by plastic debris: a review. Marine Pollution Bulletin 44,
Galgani F., Leaute J.P., Moguedet P., Souplet A., Verin Y., Carpentier A., Goraguer H., Latrouite D., Andral F., Cadiou Y.,
Mahe J.C., Poulard J.C., Nerisson P. 2010. Litter on the Sea Floor Along European Coasts. Marine Pollution
Bulletin, 40 (6) 516-527.
Goldberg E.D. 1994. Diamonds and plastics are forever? Marine Pollution Bulletin 28, 466.
HELCOM, 2013. HELCOM Copenhagen Declaration "Taking Further Action to Implement the Baltic Sea Action Plan Reaching Good Environmental Status for a healthy Baltic Sea". Online August 2014
HELCOM MONAS, 2014. Outcome of the 20th Meeting of Monitoring and Assessment Group (HELCOM MONAS 202014). Online September 2014
ICES, 2012. Manual for the International Bottom Trawl Surveys. Series of ICES Survey Protocols. SISP 1-IBTS VIII. 68 pp.
JRC, 2013. Guidance on Monitoring of Marine Litter in European Seas. Online August 2014
Katsanevakis, S. 2008. Marine debris, a growing problem: Sources, distribution, composition, and impacts. In: Hofer TN
(ed) Marine Pollution: New Research. Nova Science Publishers, New York. pp. 53–100.
Mordecai, G., Tyler, P.A., Masson, D.G., Huvenne, V.A.I., 2011. Litter in submarine canyons off the west coast of Portugal.
Deep Sea Res. Part II 58, 2489.
Moret-Ferguson, S., Law, K.L., Proskurowski, G., Murphy, E.K., Peacock, E.E., Reddy, C.M., 2010. The size, mass, and
composition of plastic debris in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60, 1873–1878.
Miyake H., Shibata H., Furushima Y. 2011. Deep-sea litter study using deep-sea observation tools. In: Omori K., Guo X.,
Yoshie N., Fujii N., Handoh I.C. et al.., editors. Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry-Marine
Environmental Modeling and Analysis: Terrapub. pp. 261–269.
OSPAR, 2014. Regional Action Plan for Prevention and Management of Marine Litter in the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR
Pace, R., Dimech, M., Camilleri, M., Schembri, P.J., Briand, F., 2007. Litter as a Source of Habitat Islands on Deepwater
Muddy Bottoms. CIESM, Monaco.
Pham C.K., Ramirez-Llodra E., Alt C.H.S., Amaro T., Bergmann M., Canals M., Company J.B., Davies J., Duineveld G.,
Galgani F., Howell K.L., Huvenne V.A.I., Isidro E., Jones D.O.B., Lastras G., Morato T., Gomes-Pereira J.N.,
Purser A., Stewart H., Tojeira I., Tubau X., Van Rooij D., Tyler P.A. 2014. PLoS ONE 9(4): e95839.
HELCOM candidate core indicator report for national consultation 30 April – 11 May 2015
With reference to doc. 4J-1 Rev 3. STATE-CONSERVATION 2-2015, Contracting Parties are requested to:
take note of the ongoing work and guide further development of the indicator report
Thompson R.C. 2006. Plastic debris in the marine environment: consequences and solutions. In: Krause, J.C., Nordheim,
H., Bräger, S. (Eds.), Marine Nature Conservation in Europe. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Stralsund, Germany,
Ye S. & Andrady A.L. 1991. Fouling of floating plastic debris under Biscayne Bay exposure conditions. Marine Pollution
Bulletin 22, 608–613.
Additional relevant publications