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The term antebellum means “before
the civil war”
Gentry/Planter Class- Rich plantation owners with slaves, government
officials, professional businessmen such as lawyers and doctors. (Most of
these owned slaves).
Middle Class- Small farmers with slaves, merchants, lesser government
“Common Whites”- Yeoman Farmers (small farms with no slaves),
miners, naval stores workers, mechanics, etc.
“Poor Whites”- Did not own land- tenant farmers (worked others’ land),
or workers who floated from job to job.
Free Blacks (included ‘mulatto’ mixed race)
Somerset Place
Stagville Plantation,
Before the Civil War, North Carolina had
emerged from its “Rip Van Winkle” period. The
western areas of the state produced wheat and
the eastern areas produced cotton. For this
reason, slavery became very important to the
economy of eastern NC, and less important to
those who lived in the west.
Civil War
 A civil war is a war between people of the
same country.
 There have been many civil wars, but one
of the worst happened in America.
 The American Civil War was fought to
keep the South from leaving the Union.
 Slavery was THE major issue that
separated the North from the South.
 Westward Expansion- Would slavery
follow people west? North said NO, South
said YES.
 In 1860, Stephan Douglas and Abraham
Lincoln ran against each other for
 Lincoln had become well known from their
debates about slavery.
 This time, Lincoln won, becoming the 16th
The RED states are the ones that elected Lincoln.
Southern States Secede
 Secede- The act of leaving or pulling away from
 The South did not support Lincoln, but there
were more people in the North, so Lincoln won
the electoral vote and the election.
 When he won the election, they started action to
secede from the Union.
 Their states had originally joined the union, they
thought they had the right to pull away.
 More people from North Carolina spoke out against
slavery than in any other Southern State.
 The state was greatly divided when it came to deciding
whether to secede (people in the mountains especially
supported abolition).
 Abolition=the abolishment (ending of) slavery.
 It waited to see how things played out, but after the first
battle of the Civil War, NC could not support the Union if
it was going to fight against its southern neighbors.
 NC seceded from the U.S. in May,1861.
Political cartoon showing seceding states riding farm
animals over a cliff.
Confederate States of America
 On December 20, 1860, South
Carolina became the first state
to secede.
 The eleven states that seceded
became the Confederate States
of America.
 Elected Jefferson Davis as
President of the Confederacy
 They wrote a new Constitution
which made slavery legal and
adopted the Confederate flag.
Abraham Lincoln
 The president of the
Union was Abraham
Lincoln, who had
been elected in 1860.
Union and Confederate states
-There were 23 states in the Union (North) at
the beginning of the war.
There were 11 states in the Confederacy
(South) at the beginning of the war.
Mason Dixon Line
Represents the “cultural border” between the North
and the South
(named for the surveyors that created it)
The Civil War began at Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861.
-Fort Sumter was a federal garrison/fort in South Carolina, and the
Union had a hard time defending it. They surrendered 34 hours later.
Important Generals of the War
Robert E. Lee-Top Confederate General of the Civil War
-Opposed succession but refused a Union General
position because his home state of Virginia had
joined the Confederacy.
-never refered to the North as “the enemy,” rather
“those people over there.”
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson-Lee’s “right hand man”
-nicknamed for standing “firm” like a stone wall
during battle
-killed by friendly fire –Members of his NC
division mistook Jackson and some other riders
for Union soldiers reported in the area. He was
shot in the arm several times. It was amputated,
but he died from complications
Important Generals of the War
Ulysses S. Grant-Lead General of Civil War Union forces
-Known as decisive and methodical
-3 Confederate forces surrendered to him
-popularity from the war contributed to his election to the
U.S. presidency later in life.
George Mclellan-Best known for raising/developing the Union army
-Popular General at the beginning of War
-After several losses though, Lincoln ordered him off of the
battle field and used him to train troops instead.
William Tecumseh Sherman-Known for “scorched earth” warfare –destroying
anything/everything that could benefit the enemy
during war time. This destroyed much of the south. (Ex:
“Sherman’s Neckties”
-Accepted the surrender of all the Confederate armies in the
Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida in April 1865
 NC hesitated to join the Confederacy
because many of its citizens were
Unionists (did not want to secede).
 Tobacco plantations felt slavery was
essential though.
Outliers- Men who avoided serving/being
drafted into the Confederate Army.
Home Guard- Men unfit or too old to serve
that formed militias to protect the towns,
women and children at home.
North’s Advantages
The North had some major advantages:
 They had many more people
 They had many more factories, which
could be used to make weapons and
 The Union also had many more miles of
railroad tracks.
Union Blockade
 During the Civil War, Union forces established a blockade of Confederate
ports designed to prevent the export of cotton and the smuggling of war
material into the Confederacy.
 This blockade was created with Union ships.
 Prevented Confederate access to weapons that the industrialized North could
produce for itself.
 Called the “Anaconda Plan” or Scott’s Great Snake” after a Union officer.
 Blockade Runners tried to get supplies to the Confederate
Army without being caught by the Union- They were
shallow, narrow, fast, lightweight ships.
 These ships took advantage of what before had been a
weakness for NC…the shallow sandbars and coastline of
the Outer Banks and sounds.
 The ships would sail out of NC and to the British ports in
the Bahamas and Bermuda to get supplies. They would
then sneak supplies back to the Confederate forces
through the shallow inlets and rivers.
 Most famous blockade runner was a ship owned by NC
called the Ad-vance.
Lincoln’s Decisions
 Saw to it that the government took control of
private railroad companies during the war. (used
rail to deploy troops faster and get supplies to his
army)-Southern rail was all private ownership.
 Created a “command center” of defense in DC.
Government took control of ALL telegraph
machines in the Union and used them for war
communication. (South did not fully take
advantage of the telegraph)
 Telegraphs sent messages in seconds
Most of NC’s Civil War battles were fought along the coast. This is
because many were a result of the Union trying to put an end to blockade
running. Most Civil War battles however were fought in Virginia and
South’s Advantages:
 The South’s main advantage was that they
were fighting at home.
 They were closer to their supplies.
 They would fight harder because they were
protecting their homes.
 Southern soldiers were better equipped
with the skills necessary to survive a war.
Many Northerners had moved into
business positions rather than positions that
required a knowledge of the land.
New Weapons
Many new weapons were used during the
Civil War.
 One of these weapons was an ironclad
ship. An ironclad ship was a ship with iron
plates on it to protect it from cannon fire.
Other new weapons:
 Deadlier cannons and
bullets (mini-ball)
 Rifles that were more
New Technology, Old Battle
 New ground combat weapons were much
more accurate.
 Tactics remained old-hand to hand
combat, shooting at each other in lines.
 This made the Civil War the bloodiest the
U.S. had ever seen
Women in the Civil War
 Women on both sides
worked during the
war. Many became
nurses that served in
makeshift tent/home
hospitals or on the
 Clara Barton- Famous
Union nurse who
helped organize the
American Red Cross.
Battle Field Medicine
 ¾ of all medical services during the war
were amputations.
 1 amputation took an experienced surgeon
10 minutes.
 Used screws, saws, cauterization
 Many died from gangrene (infection that
eats tissue and causes death).
 By end of war, infections were down after
amputations because of treatment with the
disinfecting chemical, Bromine.
 Embalming- Soldiers shipped back home could
be embalmed to preserve their bodies for funerals
once they arrived home.
 Undertakers (who preserved and made up the
bodies) became rich. The higher the officer, the
more expensive the embalming fee!
 Portable Photography- Photographers flocked to
battle fields to take pictures of the battles, the
dead, etc. They sold these to the public and the
people were able to see this was across the nation
like never before.
Battle of Bull Run
 First major battle of the war
 Poorly trained troops on both sides
 The North realized after this battle that the war would not
be easy and would not be over soon, as they originally
 Confederate Victory
Battle of Antietam
 The first time the Confederacy invaded
Northern territory was the Battle of
Antietam. They were led by Gen. Robert
E. Lee
 It began on Sept. 17, 1862 and lasted 12
 It was the bloodiest battle day in United
States history. 23,000 men lost their lives
that day.
 The Union army stopped the Confederate
army. This “victory” by the Union gave
President Lincoln the chance to announce
the abolition of slavery in the South.
Battle at Antietam
Emancipation Proclamation
 On January 1, 1863, Pres.
Lincoln got sick of waiting for
the South and announced the
Emancipation Proclamation. It
declared that all slaves should
be set free in the Confederacy.
 It also allowed blacks to serve
in the Union army and navy.
Many flocked to serve a cause
they felt passionately about.
(Runaways, freedmen, all
 The South ignored the
Emancipation Proclamation,
but it did change the focus of
the war to the issue of slavery.
NC Civil War Facts
 NC soldiers were called “Tar Heels” because the state
was known for Naval Store products that produced tar.
 47 Generals of the Confederacy were from NC
 1/6 of Confederate soldiers were from NC
 ¼ of the deaths were North Carolinians
 A North Carolinian, Richard Gatling invented the Gatling
Gun, a weapon that could fire bullets in rapid succession
(an early version of the machine gun).
 The U.S.S. Monitor, the first ship of its kind was an
“Ironclad.” These were essentially armored ships. It sank
in a storm off of Cape Hatteras.
Battle of Gettysburg
 The Battle of Gettysburg
was one of the bloodiest
battles of the war.
 It took place from July13, 1863.
 97,000 Union soldiers
fought 75,000
Confederate soldiers.
 More than 50,000 men
were killed or wounded in
the battle.
 The Union won the Battle of Gettysburg.
 Many felt it was a turning point in the war.
 Many Northerners started supporting the army
after this by lending them money to help pay for
the war.
 This was called a war bond.
NC Peace Movement
 Some citizens of NC regretted succession
 They felt NC contributed a lot to the Confederacy but did
not get much in return.
 They asked a prominent newspaper editor named William
W. Holden to help them publicize and organize a “peace
 The idea was that NC would make peace as an individual
state with the Union
 This movement failed as most of the supporters lived in
the mountains of NC and the rest of the state wanted to
remain in the Confederacy.
Gettysburg Address
 Several months after the Battle of
Gettysburg, President Lincoln went to the
battlefield to dedicate a cemetery in honor
of all those who had died.
 Lincoln spoke for two minutes, but his
speech became very famous.
 It is called “The Gettysburg Address”.
 It stressed the equality of ALL men.
Battle of Bentonville, NC
 Fought March 19-21, 1865
 The last full-scale battle of the Civil War in which a Confederate
army was able to mount a tactical offensive.
 Largest battle ever fought in North Carolina
 Was the only significant attempt to defeat the large Union army of
Gen. William T. Sherman during its march through/takeover of the
Carolinas in the spring of 1865.
Other Important Dates:
• After several more battles, Confederate General
Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses
S. Grant on April 9, 1865. The war was officially
• On April 14, 1865, while enjoying a night at the
theater with his wife, Abraham Lincoln was shot by
John Wilkes Booth. He died at 7:22 a.m. the next
• On Dec. 6, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the
Constitution was ratified. This amendment abolished
(ended) slavery.
POW Camps
 During the Civil War, both the Union and
the Confederacy held prisoners of war in
 Union camps were better equipped and
supplied whereas the Confederacy could
not as well afford to keep their prisoners of
war fed, clothed, housed, etc.
 All such camps were crowded.
 Many survivors from these camps were in
deplorable condition.
Andersonville, GA Union POW camp
Ration Distribution
Burying Dead Union POWs
POW “Survivors”
-Reconstruction is the historical time period in which the
U.S. tried to recover/rebuild from the civil war.
-President Andrew Jackson presided over this reconstruction
Carpetbaggers- Derogatory name for northerners who
moved south to help the slaves transition into a life with
more freedom. They often carried cloth bags as luggage.
Scalawags- Derogatory name for southerners who supported
Reconstruction and were willing to work with African
Americans to rebuild the South on more equal footing.
-Southern States passed the Black Codes (laws for what
blacks could/could not do)
- Land given to freed slaves by the Union during the war
was taken away and returned to the previous Southern
owners by President Andrew Johnson.
- Blacks were given the right to vote, have trials, and hold
public office.
- Many African American families in the south became
sharecroppers (rented land, farmed it, and split the
proceeds with the owner).
- The Ku Klux Klan developed and performed lynchings,
cross burnings, and massacres.
- Union troops stayed in the south for a while to hold back
hate crimes against blacks and sympathizers, but
eventually were pulled out leaving African Americans
and their supporters to fend for themselves.
 Kirk/Holden War- Governor Holden of NC
declared martial law- call on military
forces to keep order.
 The state militia was sent to Caswell and
Alamance counties to put down the Klan
and arrest suspected Klan members.
 The militia was commanded by Colonel
George Kirk.
A “photo-essay” is a set or series of captioned
photographs that are intended to tell a story or evoke a
series of emotions in the viewer.
With a partner, create a Civil War photo essay consisting
of 25 pictures with captions explaining what the picture is
You MAY use re-enactment pictures (secondary sources),
paintings, and touched up or black and white
You may choose to depict the Civil War in general, or
choose a theme.
(Ex: women of the Civil War- Southern/Northern, nurses,
propaganda, fashions, lifestyles, etc).
Example photo:
Caption: Sarah Emma Edmonds disguised herself as a man and served as a soldier
with the Union army. Several women like Sarah did this to stay with their
husbands, or simply to contribute to the cause.
Civil War Project- Start at beginning of Unit and due at end of Unit
Tic Tac Toe Choices- Choose 3 (One from each column)
7 slide PPT on any Civil War topic of choice
Poster (Must have 7 paragraphs covering various topics from the war
with pictures).
Research Paper on civil war subject of choice- must include introduction
and conclusion as well as 5 paragraphs of information.
Photo Essay with captions
Civil War Artwork (can be any artistic representation from Civil War.
Ex: Painting, Sculpture, Re-create a structure or object).
Poem from point of view of a person living in the War (one page long)
Historical Fiction story set in Civil War (2 page min.)
Diary/Journal (3 full page entries OR the equivalent of 3 full pages of as
many entries as you see fit to create).