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Health and Nutrition For Nursing
From high to low, the sweetness ranking
is as follows:
 A. Fructose, Lactose and glucose
 B. Lactose, galactose and sucrose
 C. Sucrose, Glucose and Galactose
 D. Lactose galactose, and maltose
Essential amino acids are called
“essential” because:
 a. they are more important than the other
amino acids
 b. they must be supplied by the food you eat
 c. they are more expensive than the other
amino acids
 d. they can only be found in animal foods
A patient who refuses to eat vegitables
is at risk for receiving a decreased
amount of which vitamins?
 A. Beta-carotene, vit C
 B. Vit A and D
 C. Vit K and E
 D. Vit A and E
All of the following statements about
omega-3 fatty acids are true EXCEPT
 A. Help to maintain healthy triglyceride and
high density lipoprotein
 B. They have significantly contributed to the
obesity epidemic.
 C. Are necessary for healthy infant growth
and development
 D. Play an important role in the production of
hormones that govern numerous metabolic
and biological processes
To ensure that your client gets the
maximum absorption from their daily
vitamin you would ensure that they take
their vitamins before bed only if they
haven’t eaten within the last hour.
 A. True
 B. False
Water and Minerals
A nurse is teaching a patient about fluid
intake. Which of statements show that the
patient understands the teaching?
 A I will drink 18 ounces of water daily.
 B I do not need to call my doctor if my urine
is pale yellow.
 C I will only drink fruit juices when I feel
 D I will call my doctor if I’m thirsty.
A 14 year old female patient weighing
120lbs who has been admitted for an
eating disorder is concerned that she is
eating too much and will gain weight. You
know she understands the teachings of
BMR when she correctly identifies the
minimal amount of calories to eat per day
A. 1800
B. 2000
C. 1500
D. 1200
A mother is worried that her teen
daughter is getting too much Vit A as a
means to fight acne. What are the
recommended levels for women ages
 A. 564 mcg
 B. 800 mg
 C. 35 G
 D. 700 mcg
Adequate intake of carbs for men and
women are:
 A. Men- 55g/day, Women- 45 g/day
 B. Men- 12g/day, Women-15g/day
 C. Men- 38 g/day, Women- 25g/day
 D. Men- 18g/day, Women- 14.3g/day
To increase the beta-carotene and Vit C
a client eats during meal times, the
client should do what?
 A. Eat at least two pieces of fruit a day
 B. Add one fruit and one vegetable to each
 C. Eat fruit in the morning when you are
better able to absorb the nutrients.
 D. Drink a large glass of milk.
A very active 13 year old male patient has
come in weighing less than his healthy
weight. His mother states he practices
football 6 days a week for 3 hours, he is
highly active. His mother feels that he has
been skimping on his meals. How many
calories should he be eating per day to
maintain weight?
A. 3000
B. 2600
C. 1800
D. 2000
When discussing replacement items for
food, ensure that the client knows that
fat free and sugar free choices are
always the better choices.
 A. True
 B. False
The Three subsections of carbohydrates
 A. Simple, Complex and Glycogen
 B. Simple, Disaccharides and
 C. Monosaccaharides, Disaccharides and
 D. Monosaccharides, Complex and
The main function of fat is:
 A. Facilitate carbohydrate metabolism
 B. Promote absorptions of fat soluble
 C. Provide energy
 D. Entice people to eat foods that are
cooked in it.
A client who is newly emigrated from
Indonesia has been diagnosed with
beriberi. Which food would the nurse
encourage the client to eat to correct
this deficiency?
 A. Nuts, pork and liver
 B. Eggs, spinach and okra
 C. Citrus fruit, strawberries and kiwi
 D. shellfish, dairy, and eggs
Fats are divided into the following
categories: triglycerides, saturated fats,
unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats,
phospholipids, sterols, and essential
fatty acids. Which category does
Cholesterol fit into?
High fructose corn syrup is a
combination of the following:
 A. Fructose and Glucose
 B. Fructose and Sucrose
 C. Galactose and Fructose
 D. Lactose and Fructose
All fats are bad
 A. True
 B. False
A mother who is concerned about teaching
her child good eating habits asks you what
types of “good carbs” she should give her
son. Some examples you can give are:
 A. Cracker crumbs don’t need to be replaced as
breading for meats
 B. Tortilla chips are healthy since they give you
a good amount of carbs.
 C. Brown rice is a good carb.
 D. Refined corn meal is a cleaner version of
whole corn meal and is better for digestion.
Glucose, when overloaded, leaves a byproduct that the kidneys have a difficult
time excreting.
 A. True
 B. False
Water and Minerals
How much water do we lose daily?
 A.1000 - 2000 ml
 B.1500 – 3000 ml
 C.1750 – 3000 ml
 D.1250 – 2000 ml
What fruit contains fat?
 A. Potatoes
 B. Beans
 C. Avocado
 D. None of the above
Water and Minerals
Which of the 3 major electrolytes is
responsible for transmission of nerve
impulses and skeletal muscle contractility?
 A. Potassium
 B. Chloride
 C. Sodium
 D. Phosphorus
Water and Minerals
Which of the following is not a function of
 A. Regulation of body temperature
 B. Nutrient and oxygen transport
 C. Waste product elimination
 D. Hormone activity
A patient who eats a well diet fortified in
which vitamin and takes a suppliment of
this same vitamin is in danger of toxicity.
Which vitamin would you warn your
client against taking if their diet is
already fortified with it?
A. Vit D
B. Vit C
C. Vit K
D. Vit A
The nurse understands that a patient who
has been receiving morphine for pain
management needs functional fiber in his
diet because functional fiber is a:
 A. Fiber that functions in both humans and
 B. Fiber that is extracted into nondigestible
carbs that have a beneficial physiological effect
 C. Combination of dietary and insoluable fiber
 D. “Roughage” that is found in plants
The teenage client who has been
receiving acne medication shows toxicity
of which vitamin?
 Vit D
 Vit E
 Vit A
 Vit K
These foods are significant sources of
 a. broccoli, spinach, carrots, green beans
 b. chicken, cheese, eggs, beans
 c. apples, bananas, oranges, grapes
 d. honey, molasses, maple syrup
 e. all of the above
Water and Minerals
As a nurse, you are developing a teaching
plan for a client who is lactose intolerant.
Which of the following food would you
recommend for your client as a source of
 A. Broccoli
 B. Cheese
 C. Milk
 D. Chocolate
The essential fatty acids that must be
derived from the diet are:
 A. Gamma-linoleic acid and arachidonic acid
 B. Eicosapentaenoic acid and
docosapentaenoic acid
 C. Linoleic and alpha linoleic acid
 D. Stearidonic acid and eicosatetraenoic
Your male client is afraid of getting
prostate cancer since his father had it.
He has heard that “phytochemicals”
have some ability to aid the body
against development of this cancer.
What should the client eat?
A. Red fruits and vegetables
B. Garlic and onions
C. Soybeans and tofu
D. Spinach and squash
The nurse knows the client understands
the teaching on obtaining adequate amts of
vitamins when he says the following:
 A. Because I am healthy, I should be able to get
all the vitamins I need from a well balanced diet.
 B. No matter what my health condition I should
always have vitamins twice a day.
 C. When I am sick I will increase my vitamin
supplements to four times a day.
 D. If I drink too much water with my vitamin
supplements I will wash the vitamins out of my
system, I will take them with milk.
Fat is an essential body nutrient that all
clients need to eat.
 A. True
 B. False
Starch takes approx _____ to complete
 A. 8 hours
 B. 3 hours
 C. 30 minutes
 D. 1 day
A deficiency in Vit C will cause which
series of symptoms in a client?
 Bleeding gums, Scurvy, and bone softening
 Anorexia, fatigue and depression
 General body failure
 Pallor, dyspnea and weakness
The “building blocks” of protein are
 a. essential fatty acids
 b. amino acids
 C. fibrous tissue
 D. complementary protiens
 E. all of the above
The nurse understands that the diabetic
client understands the teaching when he
says, “I can have foods anywhere on the
glycemic index as long as I maintain a
good carb balance.”
 A. No
 B. Yes
The nurse understands that the client
understands the teaching when she
says “If I want to lower my carb count, I
have to count sugars. I can’t have sugar
alcohol because that is only for
 True
 False
The nurse is looking up causes of
marasmus. She would expect to see
what as the cause?
 A. Lack of iron
 B. Lack of 3 of the 9 amino acids
 C. Lack of Thiamine
 D. Lack of protien
Abdominal fat is a reliable indicator of
disease risk. What is the clinical
measurement for waist circumfrence?
 A. 35in in women and 40in in men
 B. 40 in in women and 45 in in men
 C. 33in in women and 43 in in men
 D. 35in for both men and women
The pediatric nurse urges the clients
mother to feed the child which food that
is high in beta carotene to assist with
eye devolpement?
 A. Egg yolks
 B. nuts
 C. Spinach
 D. Whole Grain
Your client is correct when he says that
he should have whole grain breads as
the bulk of his carbohydrate allotment
for the days diet because fruits have no
fiber available for the human digestive
system to use.
 True
 False
While doing a nutritional assessment of a
low-income family, the community health
nurse determines that the family’s diet is
inadequate in protein content. The nurse
suggests which of the following foods to
increase protein content with little increase
in food expenditure?
A) Oranges and potatoes
B) Potatoes and rice
C) Rice and macaroni
D) Peas and beans
Moderate alcohol consumption is
defined as (choose all that apply)
 A. 1 drink/day for men
 B. 2 drinks/day for men
 C. 1 drink/day for women
 D. 2 drinks/day for women
A negative calorie balance means that a
patient is loosing important nutritional
value in his meals and he will
dangerously loose weight. An
intervention needs to be taken
immediately to reverse a soon to be
dangerous condition.
 A. True
 B False
No more than what percent of calories
should come from fat?
 A. 40-50%
 B. 20-35%
 C. 10% or less
 D. Both B and C are correct
Restaurant portions are consistantly
how much larger than normal expected
portions of food?
 A. 100% larger
 B. 75% larger
 C. 80% larger
 D. 250% larger
The nurse explains that Body Mass Index
measurements are ideal because
 A. It lets the nurse know how boyant a body will
be in water.
 B. It allows for proper calibration of the bed
 C. It provides and estimate of body fat and the
risk of disease.
 D. BMI is the same thing as height/weight ratio,
and both are detrimental when it comes to
fighting the national obesity epidemic.
The compositions blocks for
disaccharides are
 A. glucose, fructose and galactose
 B. glucose, sucrose and glycogen
 C. galactose, maltose and lactose
 D. sucrose, maltose and lactose
When discussing body type, which is the
best estimated “type” when weighing the
risk of diabetes?
 A. Apple shape
 B. Pear shape
 C. Oak Tree
 D. Volumptuous
A patient who has chronic diarrhea is at
risk for which deficiency?
 A. Folate
 B. Vit B6
 C. Niacin
 D. Thiamin
When making healthier choices in food
groups which is the improper
 A. Whole milk for low fat milk
 B. Beef chuck for trimmed beef loin
 C. Pasta with red sauce for pasta with white
 D. Sour cream for low fat yogurt
The client asks the nurse what the best
source of omega-3 fatty acids are. The
nurse would answer best with:
 A. Walnuts and flaxseed
 B. Canola and olive oil
 C. Haddock and cod fish
 D. Salmon and trout
What foods should the nurse teach a
client to limit in order to limit saturated
fat in their diet?
 A. Canola and olive oil
 B. Fried foods and dairy products
 C. Full fat dairy products and red meat
 D. Poultry and sea food
The nurse has been teaching the client
about trans fats. The client understands
the teaching when he says which of the
following contain trans fat?
 A. Lard and butter
 B. Nuts and crackers
 C. Margarine and commercial baked goods
 D. Dairy products and fatty meat
A client wants to know which diets are
better for weight loss. You supply which
 A. A deficit count diet
 B. Low fat diet
 C. Low carb diet
 D. Low fat/carb diet
Water and Minerals
These are inorganic elements that originate
from the earth’s crust.
 A. Water
 B. Vitamins
 C. Minerals
 D. Energy
Most complete proteins come from:
 a. animal sources
 b. beans, peas and lentils
 c. Canada
 d. cleaning your plate
 e. all of the above
The nurse knows that her teachings
were effective when a client states
which of the following regarding “heart
healthy” types of fats in their diet?
 A. Canola and olive
 B. Cotton seed and soybean
 C. Soybean and olive
 D. Corn and vegetable
Protein is necessary for:
 a. making hormones, enzymes and
b. maintaining fluid balance
c. clotting of blood
d. transporting oxygen
e. all of the above
A woman is 26 weeks pregnant. She over
hears the doctor saying that her nitrogen
levels are high, as he expected. The
nurse’s best response would be:
 A. I understand you are upset by what you
 B. I will ask the doctor to come and explain this
to you.
 C. This is a normal course of pregnancy.
 D. There may be something off with the
pregnancy, let me check for you.
Water and Minerals
Which of the following is a general function
of minerals?
 A. Provides shape and structure to cells
 B. Eliminates waste products
 C. Nerve cell transmission and muscle
 D. Major compound of mucus and other
lubricating fluids
Water and Minerals
Phosphorus is an important component of
RNA and DNA and is responsible for
activating many enzymes and the B
 A. True
 B. False
A patient is made extremely sick when
she eats carbs. As a result, she has
found that increasing protein to make up
for lost calories and cutting back carbs
has a beneficial effect, her stomach
doesn’t hurt. However, she was told this
can cause cancer, especially in women
over 45. Is she right?
 A. True
 B. False
A mother is very upset when her 16 year old
daughter tells her she wants to follow a vegan diet.
The mother tells the nurse she is afraid her daughter
will become anemic. What is the best response by
the nurse?
 A. Some vegans have to have protein shots to
supplement what they are lacking in diet.
 B. Consult with a dietitian, but there are many vegan diets
that can meet or exceed expected protein needs.
 C. Vegan diets must be watched carefully, adolescents
tend to choose “vegan” diets when they are trying to loose
 D. Vegan diets will induce anemia, and your daughter
needs a prescription for an iron replacement to be safe.
A client with type II diabetes has
expressed a desire to loose weight. She
has understood your teachings when
she states that she has to decrease her
intake vs outtake by how many calories
per day to lose 1 lb per week?
A. 300 calories
B. 800 calories
C. 500 calories
D. 1000 calories
A vegan is worried about loosing protein
in her diet, however, she is also afraid of
choosing high fat replacements for
meat. Which of the following would NOT
be a good replacement of meat in her
A. Soy milk
B. Soy Cheese
C. Oatmeal cookies
D. Fresh fruit
Water and Minerals
Mineral toxicity is related to excessive use
of mineral supplements, environmental or
industrial exposure, human errors in
commercial food processing, or alterations
in metabolism.
 A. True
 B. False
Water and Minerals
Which of the following are the major
electrolytes in our body?
 A. Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium
 B. Sodium, Chloride, Potassium
 C. Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium
 D. Sodium, Chloride, Phosphorus
Water and Minerals
Which of the 3 major electrolytes is
responsible for regulation of cell
permeability as well as movement of fluid,
electrolytes, glucose, insulin, and amino
 A. Magnesium
 B. Chloride
 C. Potassium
 D. Sodium
Water and Minerals
 A nurse
is teaching a client with
hypertension tips for lowering their
sodium intake. Which of the following
statements indicate that the client did
not understand the teaching?
 A. I should eat canned food everyday.
 B. I should limit salty snacks.
 C. I should use fresh vegetables in place of
 D. I should cook pasta without salt.
A standard 3 oz. serving of meat is
about the size of:
 a. a golf ball
 b. an Apple iPad
 c. a softball
 d. a deck of playing cards