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Lesson Component
Number of Standard
Kid Friendly Language
Monday- Intro to Rome
History 2C: Describe the
foundation and development
of key historical topics…
including Rome (DOK 1-2).
History 2D: Analyze the
social, political, cultural,
economic, and technological
development within the topics
listed in above in evidence
outcome “c” (DOK 1-3)
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.2 Determine the central
ideas or information of a
primary or secondary source;
provide an accurate summary
of the source distinct from
prior knowledge or opinions
Lesson Plans
Week of April 1st –April 5th
Tuesday- Vocabulary
Wednesday- Vocabulary
History 2A: Determine and
explain the historical context
of key people, events, and
ideas over time and include
the examination of different
perspectives from people
involved (DOK 1-3)
History 2A: Determine and
explain the historical context
of key people, events, and
ideas over time and include
the examination of different
perspectives from people
involved (DOK 1-3)
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.7 Integrate visual
information (e.g., in charts,
graphs, photographs, videos,
or maps) with other
information in print and
digital texts.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.7 Integrate visual
information (e.g., in charts,
graphs, photographs, videos,
or maps) with other
information in print and
digital texts.
Thursday- Roman Republic
Friday- End of the Roman
Describe the history,
interactions and contributions
of various people and
cultures that have lived in or
migrated to the eastern
hemisphere. Topics to
include but not limited to
world religions- Greek and
Describe the history,
interactions and contributions
of various people and cultures
that have lived in or migrated
to the eastern hemisphere.
Topics to include but not
limited to world religionsGreek and Rome.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.2 Determine the central
ideas or information of a
primary or secondary source;
provide an accurate summary
of the source distinct from
prior knowledge or opinions
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.7 Integrate visual
information (e.g., in charts,
graphs, photographs, videos,
or maps) with other
information in print and
digital texts.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.7 Integrate visual
information (e.g., in charts,
graphs, photographs, videos,
or maps) with other
information in print and
digital texts.
Teacher Centered
Using action Verbs
Students can describe cultural
developments of Ancient
Students can use vocabulary
related to Ancient Rome to
understand and explain the
historical events and context
of Ancient Roman history.
Students can use vocabulary
related to Ancient Rome to
understand and explain the
historical events and context
of Ancient Roman history.
Students can describe the
structure of government under
the Roman Republic.
Learning Target:
Student “I Can…”
I can describe what the city of
Ancient Rome was like using 5
pieces of information.
I can correctly identify and use
all Roman vocabulary words
in context.
I can describe the government
structure of the Roman
Varied, high quality,
DOK 2,3 that will be
Written prior to lesson
What do we want to learn
about Ancient Rome? What do
we already know about
Ancient Rome?
What were the characteristics
of the city of Rome? What
I can use my background
knowledge to determine
examples for Ancient Roman
vocabulary words.
What words are important to
understand when studying
Ancient Rome? How can I
determine examples for
vocabulary words?
What were Rome’s social
What words are important to
understand when studying
Ancient Rome? How can I
determine examples for
vocabulary words?
What were Rome’s social
Why do you think the
government had two consuls?
What do you think made the
patricians and plebeians
How did a person become a
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.2 Determine the central
ideas or information of a
primary or secondary source;
provide an accurate summary
of the source distinct from
prior knowledge or opinions
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.7 Integrate visual
information (e.g., in charts,
graphs, photographs, videos,
or maps) with other
information in print and
digital texts.
would a person living in
Ancient Rome see? How do
we know?
Hook to prior learning or
Anticipatory Set:
I Do, We Do, You Do
Frequent check for
progress toward Mastery
Hook: Write down as many
things that you already know
about ancient Rome. Write
down what you want to learn
about ancient Rome.
Modeling: lecture notes, have
students help with one slide,
then students will take
individual notes through the
rest of the PowerPoint.
PowerPoint: pictures of travels
to Rome, pass around
Video: 3D model of ancient
Rome, clips from Gladiator
depicting ancient Rome
Assessments/Check for
Frequent Formative
How will you know they
What will you do if they
do or don’t demonstrate
Exit Ticket: Pretend that you
live in Ancient Rome.
Describe what you see around
you. You can write a letter, a
diary entry, or a song. Include
at least 5 pieces of information
from what you saw/learned
about today.
Advanced: Students can
describe what Ancient Rome
looked like using more than 5
Proficient: 5 details
Partially Proficient: 3-4
Unsatisfactory: 2 or less
classes? What were important
places in the Roman Empire?
Why? What were important
building projects in Rome?
Who were important historical
figures in Rome and why?
Hook: When I hear the word
“circus” I think of ______”
Go over the types of
entertainment found at a
Roman Circus (chariot/horse
races, commemorating people,
reenacting battles, trained
animal performances, jugglers
and acrobats) and origins of
classes? What were important
places in the Roman Empire?
Why? What were important
building projects in Rome?
Who were important historical
figures in Rome and why?
Hook: If you lived in Ancient
Rome, would you rather be a
patrician, a plebeian, a consul,
or a dictator? Explain why.
Senator? Is this how Senators
are appointed in the US?
What was the Assemblies
most important power?
Model/review vocabulary
book, expectation to finish all
words today.
Model: How to find website
and create the chart on their
(see teacher copy of chart)
Independent work: Students
will finish vocabulary book
Model/review: vocabulary
books (word, definition,
picture, example), review ways
to find examples,
Vocabulary assignment: go
over directions and getting to
it on assignment folder.
We Do: complete first word
with them
Exit Ticket: multiple choice
You do: Students will
complete the remaining words
in their vocabulary books.
Exit Ticket: I understand these
words the most:
I don’t understand these
Advanced: Students complete
the 4 columns in the
vocabulary book for at least ¾
of the words.
Proficient: Complete ½
Partially Proficient: Complete
Unsatisfactory: Complete less
than ¼
Completion of vocabulary
book work and vocabulary
Hook: Birth of the Republic
Discovery Educaiton video.
What makes this kind of
government unique?
Independent work: students
will read the webpage, answers
the questions, and follow the
directions on the worksheet to
complete the chart.
Exit Ticket: Write 5 sentences
about the Roman Republics
Completion of Roman
Republic Government Chart.
Varied Learning
What are you doing to
address the unique needs
of students
Students will have choice of
exit ticket product. Lecture
includes verbal and visual
Key Vocabulary Terms
Coliseum, Pantheon,
catacombs: explain using
picture examples
Additional Information
Lower level classes will
complete 2-4 vocabulary
words with me
Read all vocabulary words out
loud- have students practice
saying words.
Advanced classes: have
students explain how to
complete vocabulary book.
Republic, patrician, plebeian,
consul, dictator, Julius Caesar,
Octavian, Tiber River, Gaul,
province, aqueduct, Coliseum,
Hadrian, Circus, messiah,
mercenaries, inflation
Students who finish will create
posters of vocabulary words
to put on walls.
Lower levels will have
matching/multiple choice
Lower level students will be
shown how to draw chart and
we will go over answers to
questions together.
Advanced students will write 2
paragraphs about Roman
Republic’s Government.
Republic, patrician, plebeian,
consul, dictator, Julius Caesar,
Octavian, Tiber River, Gaul,
province, aqueduct, Coliseum,
Hadrian, Circus, messiah,
mercenaries, inflation
Consul, Senate, Assembly,
Plebeian, Patrician, Citizen,
Forum, Republic, Veto.
Save PowerPoint to
assignments folder, print list
of words for students without
Any work not finished in class
is homework.
Print vocabulary assignment
Students may complete chart
at home as homework.