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School of Sports, Health and Leisure
S203 Sociology of Sports and Leisure
Problem 2 – Foreign Talent
Worksheet for 2nd Meeting
1. Theories are often described as a set of rules that help us make sense of the world we
live in, to rationalize everyday situations, and to explain our behavior as well as the
people we interact with.
Theories help us understand a certain subject or explain a situation.
As human beings, we also make theories of our own about things, situations and the
people around us—which can be proven to be true on limited occasions
a. Looking at the below diagram below. Note that both men and women start
with the same mission of buying a pair of pants at GAP.
Do you agree with the below
theories? Explain your answers.
Theory 1 - Guys shops faster
because they are more focused than
Theory 2 – Women shop longer
because there are more shops
catering to women.
b. Develop and discuss your own theories as to the shopping habits of men and
c. How can you go about verifying your theory?
2. Over the past centuries, the world has gone through tremendous changes. Through it
all, humankind as evolved and progressed as a society. Looking at the below
statements, pick one statement that you identify with more strongly in describing
human society.
People usually co-exist in peace.
People are usually in a state of conflict.
a. What led you to pick that particular statement? Are you basing your answer
from your personal experiences or from external events? Explain further.
b. Based on the statement you picked, what are the factors that contribute toward
perpetuating either a peaceful society or a society in conflict?
3. Similar to our personal views, there are theories that have been developed by
practitioners in many professional fields. The significant difference between a
personal theory and a general theory is that the latter has been based on prior theories,
detailed observations, studies and also events through history.
In the field of sociology, there are many theories to explain social phenomena and
social behavior within social groups, societies, and the world-at-large. Investigate the
major sociological theories listed below.
Theories developed
a. What assumptions
are made in the
b. What are some
areas of inquiry for
sociologists studying
this theory?
c. Consider the issue
Talcott Parsons &
Robert Merton
Conflict Theory
Karl Marx, C.W.
Mills, & Ralf
Max Weber,
George Mead,
Charles Cooley &
William Thomas
of low wages paid by
fast food chains to
their employees. How
will sociologists from
the different
perspective view the
d. How would a sports
sociologist apply this
theory to the sporting
By studying the past and the present states of human society, sociology is able to
provide valuable clues to help prepare and plan for the future. Investigate and discuss the
two topics below in with your team.
A. Women in Society
a. How has the role of women in Singapore society evolved from the past to the
b. Explain this evolution from the three sociological perspectives (Functionalist,
Conflict, Interactionist)
c. How does this compare with the current role of women in other societies?
d. What are some of the current trends happening now in society that can impact
the future role of women in Singapore?
B. Sports in Society
a. How has the role of sports in Singapore society evolved from the past to the
b. Explain this evolution from the three sociological perspectives (Functionalist,
Conflict, Interactionist)
c. How does this compare with the current role of sports in other societies?
d. What are some of the current trends happening now in society that can impact
the future role of sports in Singapore?